December 5, 2001


Anadromous Fish Committee (AFC)


Gary James, Chair


Draft Action Notes for November 15-16, 2001 AFC Meeting

If there are no objections within five days, these actions will be considered final.

Anadromous Fish Committee Meeting

November 15-16, 2001

Portland Oregon

Draft Action Notes


Gary James (CTUIR, chair); John Palensky (NMFS); John Whalen (WDFW); Dave Johnson, Dave Statler, Jay Hesse, Jack Yearout and Chad Fealko (NPT); Doug Taki (SBT); Pete Hassemer (IDFG); Ron Boyce (ODFW); and Tom Iverson (CBFWA)

By Phone:

Howard Schaller (USFWS); and Bob Foster (NMFS)

Time Allocation:

Objective 1. FY 2002 Renewal Process

Objective 2. Rolling Province Review and Subbasin Summaries

Objective 3. FY 2001 Adjustments





Review and Approve Agenda

The agenda was approved with no modifications.


Update on Regional Issues

Tom Iverson provided an update on several issues that members of the AFC have been involved with over the past couple of months:

  1. The NWPPC made their Columbia Plateau Province funding decisions in Idaho Falls, Idaho on November 7-8. A CBFWA panel presented a summary of our September 26 letter emphasizing that we do not agree with the planning target of $186 million and that any new projects should be reviewed by the CBFWA for fish and wildlife benefit prior to funding. The NWPPC decision funded all ongoing projects at 2001 levels plus a cost of living increase (3.4%) for three years. Approximately $8 million remained in the Columbia Plateau placeholder identified by the NWPPC, so they funded as many new starts as they possibly could with the remaining funds.
  2. A final summary of the Adipose Fin Clipping Presentation to the NWPPC on October 17, 2001 was sent out for review by the AFC. The final document will be sent to the NWPPC next week.
  3. The rolling provincial review is on schedule. We will review the Blue Mountain and Mountain Snake provinces project recommendations today. The final recommendations will be delivered to the NWPPC on November 30. The solicitation for the last five geographic provinces (Middle Snake, Upper Snake, Columbia Cascade, Lower Columbia and Columbia River Estuary) will close on December 12. Program summaries are currently being developed for the Mainstem and Systemwide Province. The solicitation for that province and the Innovative projects will occur in late January and February 2002. Please visit CBFWA’s website for more details for each specific province (www.cbfwa.org).
  4. The subbasin planning process is under way for the Columbia Gorge, Intermountain and Mountain Columbia provinces. The due date for subbasin plans in these provinces has been delayed.

Review Mountain Snake Province Budget Work Group Recommendations for Project Proposals

The results of the project reviews for the Mountain Snake Province were provided prior to the meeting. The AFC reviewed each project in order to determine which RPA the project addressed. Also, any concerns with specific project comments or category rankings were discussed. The final AFC recommendations were forwarded to the Members Management Group (MMG) on November 16, 2001.


Review Blue Mountain Province Budget Work Group Recommendations for Project Proposals

The results of the project reviews for the Blue Mountain Province were provided prior to the meeting. The AFC reviewed each project in order to determine which RPA the project addressed. Also, any concerns with specific project comments or category rankings were discussed. The final AFC recommendations were forwarded to the MMG on November 16, 2001.


Next Meeting

The next AFC meeting is scheduled for December 19, 2001 in Portland, Oregon. No agenda items have been provided to date. Please submit suggestions for agenda topics ASAP.