August 20, 2001


Resident Fish Committee (RFC)


Brian Marotz, Chair


Draft Action Notes for the August 7-8, 2001, RFC Meeting

If there are no objections within five days, these actions will be considered final.

Resident Fish Committee Meeting

August 7 & 8, 2001

Draft Action Notes


Dave Ward (ODFW), Brian Marotz (MDFWP), Jim Uehara (WDFW), Clint Muhlfeld (MDFWP), Ron Peters (CDAT), Joe Maroney (KT), Mike Faler (USFWS), Neil Ward (CBFWA)

By Phone:

Dave Mosier (SBT), Vinny Pero (SPT), Keith Underwood (STOI), Robert Walker (NWPPC)

Time Allocation:

Objective 1. FY 2001 Renewal Process

Objective 2. Rolling Province Review and Subbasin Summaries

Objective 3. FY 2001 Adjustments





Review Agenda

Item 3 (i.e., Review and Discuss the Subbasin Summary Process) was removed from the agenda.

The following items were added to the agenda:

Item 2 – Update on election of new RFC Vice Chair and new CBFWA representatives

Item 8 – Discuss standards for scientific review of proposals.


Vice Chair Election and New CBFWA Representatives

During the July RFC Meeting, Dave Ward was nominated as Vice Chair for 2002 and subsequently Chair in 2003. Since no objections were received, Dave Ward will serve as the Vice Chair for 2002. Joe Maroney will serve as the RFC Chair for 2002.

Clint Muhlfeld will be replacing Brian Marotz as the MDFWP RFC representative starting in October. Brian will continue to represent MDFWP at the MMG level.


Future RFC Responsibilities/Involvement

With the presence of the Rolling Review, the RFC discussed the evolution of their role in CBFWA. The managers identified the need to continue reviewing and evaluating the technical and management merits of project proposals that are submitted through the Rolling Review as well as other process (e.g., Innovative). As a result the managers suggested developing review groups, based on expertise, that would thoroughly review the technical merits of the proposals. Subsequently, the groups would report their findings to the RFC at which time the management merits would be reviewed by the full RFC.


Individuals (anybody interested) will be assigned, based on expertise and experience, to perform technical reviews of proposals submitted for BPA funding through the Rolling Review and other funding processes. Managers with proposals in review will be excluded from the technical review group. The group will review and report findings to the RFC for approval pending a management review by the full RFC.


To aid in developing review groups, RFC members should submit their resumes to Neil Ward.


RFC Participation in the Artificial Production Advisory Committee (APAC)

Joe Maroney and Ron Peters provided an overview of the first two meetings of the APAC (composed of managers and non-mangers). Responsibilities of APAC will include reviewing HGMPs and the effectiveness of hatchery programs. In addition, APAC will review all artificial production proposals and within-year adjustment requests. Subsequently, the reviews will be submitted to the NWPPC and ISRP.


Joe Maroney will represent the RFC at APAC Meetings and request that the RFC be identified as a formal committee member of APAC.


Habitat Committee Discussion

The managers discussed the proposed Habitat Committee and concluded that the similar activities of the proposed committee will be performed through the RFC pending the development of review groups that are expertise-oriented.


The RFC will not participate in the Habitat Committee.


Discuss BPA Fish and Wildlife Implementation Plan Draft EIS

Due to the size of the document and the time that remained, the RFC was unable to perform a review. The managers suggested that if any of the RFC participants identified issues of concern that they bring those issues to the RFC’s attention for discussion. While reviewing the document, Neil Ward will be searching for in-lieu issues.


Discuss RFC Participation at Upcoming Symposiums

Keith Underwood indicated that the Intermountain Province Resident Fish and Wildlife Symposium scheduled for November 13-15, 2001, has been postponed until early 2002. Keith will provide the RFC with the new date and location when they become available. The RFC managers agreed that each manager should give a presentation at the upcoming Towards Ecosystem-Based Management Symposium in Spokane, WA (Spring 2002).


Standards by which Scientific Reviews should be Conducted

The results from some of the recent ISRP reviews concern the RFC. The RFC questions the standards that are guiding the ISRP during their proposal reviews. The managers are concerned about the number of individuals reviewing the documents, their expertise/familiarity relative to the topic under review, and the soundness of the arguments they are presenting. Often, arguments provided by the ISRP are not supported by citations, the very same practice for which the ISRP chastises the managers. The RFC intends to develop a standards document that will eventually be distributed to the other committees for review/approval. Ultimately, the RFC envisions submitting the standards document to the NWPPC.


During the next RFC, the managers will discuss specific incidents and examples of concern and review the NSF and AFS protocols for reviewing proposals/manuscripts. Examples of concerns/incidents should be provided to Neil Ward prior to the October RFC Meeting.


Next RFC Meeting

The next RFC Meeting is scheduled for October 16-17, 2001, in Lewiston, ID.