BPA Fish and Wildlife FY 1997 Proposal

Section 1. Administrative
Section 2. Narrative
Section 3. Budget

see CBFWA and BPA funding recommendations

Section 1. Administrative

Title of project
Technical Assistance for Juvenile and Adult Migrant Monitoring Facilities

BPA project number   9207102

Business name of agency, institution or organization requesting funding
Battelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratories

Sponsor type   WA-Federal Agency

Proposal contact person or principal investigator

 NameDr. Thomas J. Carlson
 Mailing addressBox 999, MSIN:K6-85
Battelle Boulevard
Richland, WA 99352

BPA technical contact   ,

Biological opinion ID   BO RPA 22

NWPPC Program number   5.0F.9

Short description
PIT Program Technical Support

Project start year   1992    End year   

Start of operation and/or maintenance   1999

Project development phase   Implementation

Section 2. Narrative

Related projects
The project provides direct support to 8331900 and 9008000 (PTAGIS)PTAGIS. Project provides basic engineering and scientific technical assistance: designed and delivered sort-by-code software for PIT tag slider gates (sort-by-code capability); provided analysis and specification of hardware and software upgrades for PIT tag detection systems to permit improved data quality control and acquisition assurance; provided assistance in development of five-year management plans for projects 8331900 and 9008000 (PTAGIS). PTAGIS and project 8331900.

Project history
This task order was initiated in 1993 and began e project began by providing technical and planning assistance for upgrade of the existing PIT system to new ISO standards and to accomplish goals for longer read distances and enhanced experimental designs. Following a year of technical review and planning, the project provided hardware and software engineering assistance in the design, prototype construction, installation, and testing of enhancements to existing PIT capability, the most significant being sort-by-code. The project is currently involved in upgrades to the initial sort-by-code hardware and software, preparation of technical protocols for testing and evaluation of prototype low frequency PIT systems, and technical assistance with implementation of the program plan for upgrade of new low frequency PIT systems basin wide.

Biological results achieved
The PIT system is the backbone of many system wide monitoring and evaluation projects. Integration of new capability permitting more complex experimental designs will facilitate evaluation of the various measures being implemented to reduce the impact of the hydropower system and other factors on survivorship of salmonids. Upgrade of the PIT system to new standards is required to maintain the system as well as to enhance the performance of the system. Longer read distances and other favorable factors associated with movement to a lower frequency will permit implementation of PIT capability for a number of new M&E tasks. The biological benefits are those that will accrue to the stocks through better information for management.

Annual reports and technical papers
Technical documentation from the project is in the form of software code and associated manuals, and various planning documents, all of which have been delivered to associated project managers or to the BPA technical program manager.

Management implications
Adaptive management can only exist when feedback to managing entities is achieved. The PIT system provides that feedback. Those elements of the PIT program undertaken in this project have in the past and continue to aid the evolution of the PIT system within the Columbia River basin.

Specific measureable objectives
The overall specific measurable objective for this project and for various other elements of the PIT program in general is upgrade to a new low frequency system by field season 1998.

Testable hypothesis
Null: The technical assistance in engineering and planning provided through this is project will notnot contribute to the is concerned with engineering and planning timelyfor implementation of an improved system wide PIT tag monitoring and evaluation capability in the Columbia River system.that is designed to support those involved in testing hypotheses. As such it is not itself involved in tests of hypotheses.

Underlying assumptions or critical constraints
The primary critical constraints of this project and the PIT upgrade program as well are: (1) the ability of private vendors to respond to procurement requests for an affordable upgrade to the PIT system that meets ISO standards for 134.2 kHz, and (2) the ability of the CE and BPA to execute, according to plan, the necessary planning and implementation steps to accomplish the basin wide conversion.

The methods used are basic program planning, program tracking, engineering design, build and test methods. A variety of types of equipment from computer workstations and software to various test instruments are used. Statistical analysis of the performance of the equipment is performed by BPA project 8331900. Satisfactory performance is determined by the ability of the system component to perform at or above a threshold specified for adequate performance. Testing prior to installation and during initial debugging does not usually involve fish.

Brief schedule of activities
Selection of vendors for delivery of prototype low frequency PIT tag systems for evaluation and final selection of a vendor for production of the instrumentation for the system wide upgrade is to be completed in FY96.

1. Testing and evaluation of prototypes for system wide upgrade to a low frequency system ;
a series of technical evaluations of progressively more complete prototypes will take place with close on a final design in mid FY97.
2. Assistance with implementation and tracking of the program plan for upgrade of the PIT system.
3. Continued evaluation and development of three way separation by code .

1. Delivery of new system elements for upgrade to low frequency system will take place in early 1998.
2. Installation and testing will take place per the program master plan through FY98.

1. Assistance with completion of research and development work products and handoff to intallation and routine maintenance and operations.Tom: You have $70K indicated need for 1999; probably should put in some tasks for FY99 here etc.
Major project tasks for 1997 and 1988 will include continued evaluation and development of three way separation by code, , and other assistance with implementation and tracking of the program plan for upgrade of the PIT system. Selection of vendors for delivery of prototype low frequency systems for evaluation and final selection of a vendor for production of the instrumentation for the system wide upgrade is to be completed in FY96. In FY97 a series of technical evaluations of progressively more complete prototypes will take place with close on a final design in mid FY97. .

Biological need
The underlying need for the project is to help assure successful upgrade of the PIT system to a lower frequency that meets ISO standards and that has other features that will enhance feedback about the operation of the hydropower system on migrating salmonids.

Critical uncertainties
The primary critical uncertainty is the ability of selected vendors to meet program milestones given a limited number of technical uncertainties related to system design issues. These technical uncertainties have been identified and are being systematically pursued.

Summary of expected outcome
The expected outcome is an enhanced PIT system operating at a lower frequency by the 1998 field season.

Dependencies/opportunities for cooperation
The PIT system, or data obtained using the system, is widely used by most research and management entities within the Columbia River basin. Information about the state of the system is readily available to all concerned. Coordination between the CE, BPA, vendors, PTAGIS, and project 8331900 is required. The required coordination is in the form of a master schedule (program plan) and a MOU between the CE and BPA.

The major risk to the PIT program schedule and the schedule of this project is the ability of vendors to respond to specification for the PIT system upgrade and the ability of PTAGIS and project 8331900 to evaluate prototypes per the protocols developed as an element of this project.

Monitoring activity
The project will be monitored by assessing the timeliness and cost of achieving PIT program milestones specific to this project.

Section 3. Budget

Data shown are the total of expense and capital obligations by fiscal year. Obligations for any given year may not equal actual expenditures or accruals within the year, due to carryover, pre-funding, capitalization and difference between operating year and BPA fiscal year.

Historic costsFY 1996 budget data*Current and future funding needs
1993: 27,500
1994: 70,000
1995: 156,000
New project - no FY96 data available 1997: 100,000
1998: 70,000
1999: 70,000

* For most projects, Authorized is the amount recommended by CBFWA and the Council. Planned is amount currently allocated. Contracted is the amount obligated to date of printout.

Funding recommendations

CBFWA funding review group   Mainstem

Recommendation    Tier 1 - fund

Recommended funding level   $100,000

BPA 1997 authorized budget (approved start-of-year budget)   $100,000