BPA Fish and Wildlife FY 1998 Proposal

Section 1. Summary
Section 2. Goals
Section 3. Background
Section 4. Purpose and methods
Section 5. Planned activities
Section 6. Outcomes, monitoring and evaluation
Section 7. Relationships
Section 8. Costs and FTE

see CBFWA and BPA funding recommendations

Section 1. Summary

Title of project
Pittsburg Landing Creek Portable Acclimation/Release Facility

BPA project number   9801005

Short description
Enhance natural production of Snake River fall chinook above Lower Granite Dam through acclimation and final rearing of Lyons Ferry yearlings.

Business name of agency, institution or organization requesting funding
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Proposal contact person or principal investigator

 NameEd Larson, Coordinator
 Mailing address
Lapwai, ID 83450
 Phone208/843-7320 x3

Section 2. Goals

Supports a healthy Columbia basin; maintains biological diversity; maintains genetic integrity; increases run sizes or populations

Target stockLife stageMgmt code (see below)
Snake River Fall ChinookYearlingS, L, W


Section 3. Background

Stream area affected

Stream name   Snake and Clearwater Rivers
Stream miles affected   Snake:
rm215(Pittsburg), rm163.5 (Capt. John Rapids),Clearwater:
rm35 (Big Canyon
Subbasin   Snake River
Land ownership   Pittsburg:
Capt. John Rapids:
Big Canyon:
Nez Perce Tribe
Acres affected   Pittsburg:
1Capt. John Rapids:
3 Big Canyon:

Funding for the construction of the three acclimation facilities was secured during deliberations by U.S. Congress over the FY 95 budget, during which they instructed the USACOE to construct, under the Lower Snake River Compensation Plan, final rearing and/or acclimation facilities for fall chinook salmon in the Snake River basin above Lowere Granite Dam to complement their activities and efforts in compensating for fish lost due to construction of the lower Snake River dams. The conference report (Senate Report 103-672, p. 7) of the joint House-Senate Conference Committee resolving the FY95 energy and water appropriations bill (Public Law (PL) 103-316) indicated that $5 million (ACongressional Add) in additional funding was authorized to initiate such hatchery-related construction projects. The LSRCP is to fund the operations and maintenance of facilites constructed under the plan.

Biological results achieved
In April 1995, 114,000 yearling fall chinook were acclimated and released from Pittsburg Landing. Expect adult return between 0.2% (228) and 0.6% (684).

Project reports and papers
Pittsburg Landing Facility:
Environmental Assessment, LSCRP, Temporary Fall Chinook Acclimation
Facility-Pittsburg Landing, Idaho County, Idaho, August 1995
Capt. John Rapids & Big Canyon Facilities: LSRCP, Fall Chinook Initiatives, Environmental Assessment, Nov. 1996

Adaptive management implications
Monitoring and evaluation of yearling fall chinook releases will provide the basis to adaptively manage this program. Juvenile escapement and adult spawning will be closely monitored. Subyearling fall chinook research will also provide input to determine future release methods.

Section 4. Purpose and methods

Specific measureable objectives
Release 300,000 fall chinook yearlings (10/lb) to enhance natural production of fall chinook in the Snake River between Asotin and Pittsburg Landing. Adult return expected to be between 0.2% (600) to 0.6% (1,800).Release 150,000 fall chinook yearlings (10/lb) to enhance natural production of fall chinook in the Clearwater River between Peck and Lewiston. Adult return expected to be between 0.2% (300) to 0.6% (900).

Critical uncertainties
Supplementation success is dependent on smolt to adult survival higher than replacement values which cannot be affected by these projects beyond the release of yearlings.

Biological need
Naturally reproducing Snake River fall chinook have been listed as threatened under the ESA. This project intends to increase numbers of naturally spawning adults.

Hypothesis to be tested
Supplementation technology can recover weak populations through acclimation of actively migrating yearlings and their release within suitable habitat.

Alternative approaches
Direct stream release was considered however due to rapid outmigration of yearlings past Lyons Ferry Hatchery successful imprinting was considered unlikely.

Acclimate and release 450,000 fall chinook yearlings in 32 - 20 ft circular tanks (Pittsburg Landing and Big Canyon) and one inground pond (Capt. Johns Rapids).

Section 5. Planned activities

Phase ImplementationStart 1996 End 2002Subcontractor
Construct and operate temporary facilities from Feb. to April: Pittsburg Landing - 3 years - 1996 to 1998; Big Canyon - 5 years - 1997 to 2001; Capt. John Rapids - 5 years - 1998 to 2002
Phase o&mStart 1996 End 2002Subcontractor
Same as implementation

Constraints or factors that may cause schedule or budget changes
Lack of fall chinook adults returning to Lyons Ferry Hatchery to provide 450,000 yearlings.
The USACOE is negotiating the purchase of land at Capt. John Rapids. If unsuccessful an alternate site just downstream, designated the Grain Elevator, could substitute.
Adults returning from yearling releases will probably have offspring that migrate as subyearlings. Unless subyearling survival to adults improves these releases may have to go on indefinitely.

Section 6. Outcomes, monitoring and evaluation


Expected performance of target population or quality change in land area affected
600 to 1,800 additional naturally spawning fall chinook in the Snake River between Asotin and Pittsburg Landing each year beginning in 1999.
300 to 900 additional naturally spawning fall chinook in the Clearwater River between Lewiston and Peck.

Present utilization and convservation potential of target population or area
The target population is not utilized until they can be removed from ESA listing.

Long term expected utilization and conservation potential for target population or habitat
Harvest of fall chinook adults once natural production needs are met.

Contribution toward long-term goal
An increase in natural spawning.

Indirect biological or environmental changes
The life history of Snake River fall chinook typically includes a subyearling outmigrant. However smolt to adult survival of subyearling releases is less than replacement leaving only yearling releases as an alternative release strategy. Yearling releases may result in permanent life history change away from subyearling migrants.

Physical products
450,000 yearling fall chinook acclimated and released.

Environmental attributes affected by the project
Pittsburg Landing: Temporary loss of use of a gravelled area next to boat launch ramp.
Capt. John Rapids: Permanent pond proposed occupying 2 to 3 acres.
Big Canyon: Temporary blocking of Peck boat ramp for one month and partial blocking of ramp for 3 to 4 months.

Assessment of effects on project outcomes of critical uncertainty
Smolt to adult survival will be assessed by aerial spawning ground surveys (USFWS & NPT), observation of marked adults (visual implant tags) passing Lower Granite Dam.

Information products
Annual operating report.

Provisions to monitor population status or habitat quality
The target population will be monitored by aerial redd surveys and dam passage counts by the NPT, USFWS and COE.

Data analysis and evaluation
Monitoring and evaluation will provide annual reports.

Information feed back to management decisions
Snake River fall chinook coordination meetings between USFWS, WDFW, NMFS, and NPT meet 2 to 3 times per year. Reports generated by these groups will be considered by fisheries managers in planning production.

Section 7. Relationships

Related BPA projectRelationship
5521200 Monitoring of these projects
Lyons Ferry Hatchery, WDFW Provides donor stock
1. COE: Walla Walla, WA 2. USFWS: LSRCP, Boise, ID. 3. Dworshak National Fish Hatchery Complex, Ahsahka, ID, Fish Health Lab; FAO 4. IDFG: Boise, ID 1. Construction of facilities. 2. Sponsor 3. Fish health & feed storage 4. Transport permit & transport trucks

Opportunities for cooperation
1. WDFW, Lyons Ferry Hatchery will continue to provide donor stock for all three facilities.
2. USFWS & NMFS will cooperatively monitor the results of acclimated releases.
3. USACOE, Walla Walla will provide engineering and fund via LSRCP program construction of Capt. Johns Rapids facility.
4. IDFG may provide support to transport fish from Lyons Ferry Hatchery to each acclimation facility.
5. USFWS, Ahsahka, ID, will continue to provide fish health monitoring of fish.

Section 8. Costs and FTE

Future funding needs   Past obligations (incl. 1997 if done)
FY$ Need% Plan % Implement% O and M
1998600,000 100%0% 0%
1999720,000 100%0% 0%
2000750,000 100%0% 0%
2001790,000 100%0% 0%
2002830,000 100%0% 0%
FY97 overhead percent   29.5%

How does percentage apply to direct costs
Excludes subcontracts and equipment

Contractor FTE   12 FTE for 3 to 5 months in 1998, 18 FTE for 3 to 5 months thereafter