FY07-09 proposal 200302300

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Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleChief Joseph Hatchery Program
Proposal ID200302300
OrganizationColville Confederated Tribes
Short descriptionCJHP is designed to increase the abundance, productivity, distribution, & diversity of naturally spawning pop. of S/F Chinook salmon in the Okanogan & Columbia Rivers above Wells Dam & reintroduce extirpated spring Chinook salmon to historical habitats.
Information transferInformation developed during Step 1 and Step 2 planning is disseminated through: CJHP Steering Committee meeting and email updates, development of Step 1 and Step 2 documents, annual reports, interim progress reports, the Council’s web site, presentations at conferences (Northwest Fish Culture Conference and Native American Fish & Wildlife Society), and reviews with Council staff. Information generated in Step 3 planning will be disseminated through similar mechanisms. In addition, the Step 3 document will include a detailed CJHP monitoring and evaluation plan, which will include: methods and procedures for collection of monitoring data, long- and short-term storage of data and meta-data, and procedures to share information with other Columbia River Basin programs. The Colville Tribes is a charter member of the Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP), a data management forum coordinating multiple data initiatives in an attempt to standardize data management among projects and programs. Information gleaned through participation in PNAMP will help inform development of the final CJHP monitoring and evaluation program. The CJHP will also share information with the Okanogan Baseline Monitoring and Evaluation Program (#200302200).
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
Form submitter
Joe Peone Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation joe.peone@colvilletribes.com
All assigned contacts
Joe Peone Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation joe.peone@colvilletribes.com
Dan Warren D.J. Warren & Associates Inc. warrenasc@comcast.net

Section 2. Locations

Province / subbasin: Columbia Cascade / Okanogan

48° 00’ 24.59’’ 119° 37’ 07.98’’ Columbia River Staff Housing Site
48° 55’ 14.17’’ 119° 26’ 32.67’’ Okanogan River Similkameen Acclimation Pond
48° 45’ 43.02’’ 119° 24’ 26.15’’ Okanogan River Ellisforde Acclimation Pond (Contingency Pond)
48° 00’ 03.47’’ 119° 38’ 42.18’’ Columbia River Hatchery Site
48° 41’ 30.42’’ 119° 27’ 13.46’’ Okanogan River Bonaparte Acclimation Pond
48° 29’ 44.28’’ 119° 29’ 34.16’’ Okanogan River Riverside Acclimation Pond (New Site)
48° 24’ 20.72’’ 119° 29’ 51.63’’ Okanogan River Omak Acclimation Pond
48° 43’ 39.00’’ 119° 25’ 50.32’’ Okanogan River Tonasket Acclimation Pond
48° 21’ 59.87’’ 119° 26’ 37.86’’ Omak Creek St. Mary’s Mission Acclimation Pond

Section 3. Focal species

primary: Chinook Upper Columbia River Spring ESU
primary: Chinook Upper Columbia River Summer/Fall ESU

Section 4. Past accomplishments

2005 Successfully completed field work for Radio-Telemetry Study. Data analysis underway at time of this proposal. Completed and submitted FY’05 Progress Report summarizing progress against milestones and deliverables.
2004 Completed CJHP Master Plan Volume 1 & 2. Obtained NPCC approval of Step 1 Master Plan & approval to move forward to Step 2 Master Plan activities for both summer/fall & spring Chinook components & to conduct specific critical research activities.
2003 Council's staff & BPA agreed that in addition to the conceptual design for summer/fall Chinook hatchery facilities, Step 1 Master Plan could include conceptual design for spring Chinook hatchery facilities.
2002 Colville Tribes submitted a suite of seven proposals designed to address habitat restoration, fish propagation, fish harvest & research monitoring & evaluation needs in the Okanogan subbasin (Project #s: 29040, 29050, 29042, 29033, 29008, 29051, 29007).
2001 Colville Tribes initiated the preparation of draft Hatchery Genetic Management Plans (HGMP) to guide the management of summer/fall and spring Chinook in the Okanogan subbasin.

Section 5. Relationships to other projects

Funding sourceRelated IDRelated titleRelationship
BPA 200000100 Redesign channel in lower Omak Creek to address erosion and lateral migration of the channel Completion of project improved access to rearing and spawning habitat for summer steelhead and spring Chinook salmon. Access to rearing and spawning habitat is essential to success of CJHP.
PCSRF - WSRFB 00-1683 Point bar and log weir construction on mainstem Omak Creek to divert flow from exposed banks Completion of project improved rearing and spawning habitat for summer steelhead and spring Chinook salmon. Good rearing and spawning habitat in Okanogan Subbasin is vital to the success of CJHP.
PCSRF - Colville [no entry] Project ID: CCT02-4; Omak Creek summer steelhead habitat passage project to remove barrier to passage at Mission Falls and replace collapsing culverts on road crossing upstream from Mission Falls Project actions will restore access for summer steelhead and spring Chinook to important rearing habitat, and protect Omak Creek from massive sediment load dump if culverts collapse.
Other: Bureau of Indian Affairs [no entry] Project ID: WA-COA 01-140; Riparian restoration and stream bank stabilization along Omak Creek Project was mitigation for fire retardant spill in Omak Creek. Improve rearing and spawning habitat for summer steelhead and spring Chinook salmon. Good rearing and spawning habitat in Okanogan Subbasin is vital to success of CJHP.
PCSRF - Colville [no entry] Project ID:CCT02-1 Omak Creek groundwater supplementation feasibility study, determine if well water could be used to effectively increase flows & decrease water temp. on a portion of lower Omak Creek The goal of this project was to address elevated stream temperatures, a limiting factor in the Okanogan Subbasin, although feasibility study indicated well flows were not adequate to achieve desired results.
BPA 199604200 Conduct ongoing restoration work in Salmon Creek to restore habitat and open access to important habitat through restoration of water flows. Restore important habitat for spring Chinook salmon and summer steelhead. Good rearing and spawning habitat in Okanogan Subbasin is vital to success of CJHP.
PCSRF - Colville [no entry] Project ID: CCT01-4; Construct St. Mary’s Mission (Omak Creek) acclimation pond. Project contributes to reintroduce and improvement of distribution of natural-origin spring Chinook salmon. Project contributes to overall goal of CJHP.
PCSRF - Colville [no entry] Project ID: CCT02-3; Modify OTID irrigation settling pond to make it suitable for rearing Okanogan summer Chinook – Bonaparte Acclimation Pond Improve distribution of natural-origin summer/fall Chinook salmon. Project contributes to overall goal of CJHP.
BPA 199604200 Watershed coordination in Okanogan subbasin including collection of data necessary to recovery of anadromous fish. Project contributes to implementation of more effective salmon and steelhead recovery and enhancement projects and actions.
BPA 200302200 Okanogan/Similkameen Baseline monitoring and evaluation program. Project designed to increase knowledge about existing conditions and improve ability to adapt recovery and harvest programs to restore naturally-spawning populations of salmon and steelhead. Information will complement and contribute to CJHP M&E.
PCSRF - Colville [no entry] Project ID: CCT02-5 & CCT03-3; Conduct monitoring and evaluation of project measures associated with recovery and restoration of Chinook and steelhead in Omak Creek. Increase knowledge about existing conditions and improve ability to adapt recovery and harvest programs to restore naturally-spawning populations of salmon and steelhead. Information gathered complements and contributes to CJHP goals.
PCSRF - WSRFB [no entry] Project ID: 7249; Governor’s Salmon Recovery Office - Salmon Recovery Plan for Upper Columbia Development of Salmon Recovery Plan for Upper Columbia includes identification of limiting factors and objectives and strategies for salmon recovery in the Upper Columbia.
PCSRF - Colville CCT 05-5 Project ID: CCT02-2, CCT03-1; Habitat acquisition on lower Omak Creek to restore and protect important riparian habitat Completion of project improved rearing and spawning habitat for summer steelhead and spring Chinook salmon. Good rearing and spawning habitat in Okanogan Subbasin is vital to success of CJHP.
PCSRF - Colville CCT 04-4 Salmon recovery education and outreach to develop displays and educational materials for use in schools, at public meetings, festivals and fairs, etc. Project promoted more effective salmon and steelhead recovery and enhancement efforts. These actions contribute to overarching goals of CJHP.
PCSRF - Colville CCT 05-1 Project ID: CCT02-5; Salmon Restoration Planning Negotiate harvest regimes in Columbia River to ensure sufficient hatchery-origin and natural-origin Chinook escapement and opportunity for Colville ceremonial and subsistence fisheries. Activities are vital to long-term success of CJHP.
PCSRF - Colville CCT 04-3 Project ID: CCT01-3, CCT02-6, CCT03-4; Upper Columbia Basin salmon recovery planning and coordination. Project fosters participation of Colville Tribes in watershed planning activities, Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board, TRT, RTT, and numerous other salmon recovery and planning forums and technical groups. These actions contribute to overarching goals of CJHP.
PCSRF - Colville CCT 05-4 Project ID: CCT01-3, CCT02-6, CCT03-4; Upper Columbia Basin salmon recovery planning and coordination. Project fosters participation of Colville Tribes in watershed planning activities, Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board, TRT, RTT, and numerous other salmon recovery and planning forums and technical groups. These actions contribute to overarching goals of CJHP.
BPA 200205100 Okanogan Subbasin Planning. Funding routed through Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board. Project refined identification of limiting factors in the Okanogan Subbasin and resulted in development of prioritized objectives and strategies for salmon recovery in Okanogan Subbasin.
PCSRF - WSRFB 01-1420 Omak Creek Road Decommission Road decommissioning to reduce sediment loading into Omak Creek. Project actions will benefit Steelhead and Chinook habitat.
BPA 200101100 Habitat Diversity Alluvial River This study is similar to the thermal, LiDAR and Ortho study recently conducted for the Okanogan. This study results help identify where, when and how to implement habitat protection and restoration actions.
BPA 200600100 McIntyre Dam Feasibility Study Productive habitat for Steelhead and Chinook populations as well as resident fish and sockeye are blocked by this dam. This feasibility project is designed to assess the best strategy for passage at McIntyre Dam.
PCSRF - WSRFB 04-1717 Okanogan River Thermal & LiDAR Imagery This remote sensing project has contributed to limiting factors identification and assessments in the Okanogan subbasin. Project should contribute to more effective implementation of habitat restoration actions.

Section 6. Biological objectives

Biological objectivesFull descriptionAssociated subbasin planStrategy
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River Increase population abundance: stabilize Okanogan escapement at about 4,700 summer/fall Chinook. Increase population distribution: re-establish natural production in historical habitat in mid and lower Okanogan River and in Columbia River. Increase population diversity: propagate natural juvenile life history template; restore later portion of summer/fall Chinook run; integrate natural-origin fish in hatchery broodstock; limit natural escapement of hatchery-origin Chinook. Okanogan Lower Okanogan: 1-1A, 1-1B, 1-1C, 1-2A. Middle Okanogan: 1-1A, 1-1B, 1-1D 1-2A. Upper Okanogan: 1-1A, 1-1B. Note: there are also habitat related strategies that support this CJHP objective but are not directly linked to CJHP actions.
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries Increase Colville Tribes’ annual ceremonial and subsistence fisheries (from an average annual total of 910 salmon and steelhead) by 6,000 – 29,000 summer/fall Chinook and 2,500 spring Chinook. Increase and stabilize recreational Chinook fishery in Columbia Cascade Province. Okanogan Lower Okanogan: 1-1A, 1-1B, 1-1C. Middle Okanogan: 1-1A, 1-1B, 1-1D. Upper Okanogan: 1-1A, 1-1B. Note: there are also habitat related strategies that support this CJHP objective but are not directly linked to CJHP actions.
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River Restore natural spawning spring Chinook in available historical Okanogan subbasin habitats. Okanogan Lower Okanogan 1-1B, 1-1C. Middle Okanogan 1-1B, 1-1D. Upper Okanogan:1-1A. Note: there are also habitat related strategies that support this CJHP objective but are not directly linked to CJHP actions.

Section 7. Work elements (coming back to this)

Work element nameWork element titleDescriptionStart dateEnd dateEst budget
Council 3-step Process: Step 2 Element A - Manage coordination and reviews during STEP 2 Process Project management of the STEP 2 master planning process. Manage external and internal review process of deliverables. Manage cost sharing investigation, integrate all aspects of STEP 2 process. (CCT Staff, Sub A: Fisheries Science/Policy, Sub B: Project Management, Sub C: Document Coordination/Management, Sub D: M&E/Environmental, Sub J: Fisheries Science) 10/2/2006 3/5/2007 $73,811
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Council 3-step Process: Step 3 Element B - Manage and Coordination and Reviews during STEP 3 process Project management of the STEP 3 master planning process. Manage external and internal review process of deliverables. Integrate all aspects of STEP 3 process (CCT Staff, Sub A: Fisheries Science/Policy, Sub B: Project Management, Sub C: Document Coordination/Management, Sub D: M&E/Environmental, Sub J: Fisheries Science) 4/16/2007 9/28/2007 $60,054
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Manage and Administer Projects Element C - Provide Reporting, Budget Development and Plans for Step 2 and Step 3 Activities Complete final FY 07-09 budget documents. FY 07 SOW and budget for Step 3. On-going internal CCT staff support related to FY 06 Step 2 contract and development of FY 07 contracts. Reporting (Quarterly, Annual) on project progress. Final metrics report as required. Element 141 Produce Status Reports, Element 132 Produce Annual Report and Element 185 Produce Pisces Report included in this element per instructions from CBFWA, NPCC staff (CCT Staff, Sub B: Project Management, Sub C: Document Coordination/Management) 10/2/2006 11/23/2007 $23,981
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation Element D - Conduct final work for required applications and permit submittals Conduct second phase of work on required permits (Phase II of a two year budget and plan for FY 06 and FY 07) (CCT Staff, Sub E: Engineering/Permitting, Sub K: Environmental (BA)) 10/2/2006 9/28/2007 $78,641
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation Element E - Incorporate final changes into HGMPs per NOAA, ISRP Review and Program Changes Modification of HGMPs per final facility designs, comments from reviewers. Submit to NOAA Fisheries for review, work with NOAA staff and BPA Environmental Compliance staff on consultation. (CCT Staff, Sub A: Fisheries Science/Policy) 10/2/2006 4/27/2007 $3,531
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Conduct Pre-Acquisition Activities Element F - Conduct land acquisition planning activities for Omak property and WA State Parks land Provide requested services to secure purchase options for acclimation ponds and hatchery housing sites. (CCT Staff, Sub B: Project Management) 10/2/2006 2/28/2007 $9,305
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Land Purchase Element G - Conduct final purchase of properties Provide requested services to BPA COTR and Lands staff to secure purchase of properties (CCT Staff, Sub B: Project Management) 10/2/2006 11/27/2008 $192,148
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
* # of acres of new purchase/easement: Omak s/f Chinook Acclimation Pond, 4 Acres
* Start date of the purchase: Omak s/f Chinook Acclimation Pond 10/1/06 (FY 07)
* # of acres of new purchase/easement: WA State Parks, Hatchery Housing Site, 10 Acres
* Start date of the purchase: WA State Parks, Hatchery Housing 10/1/07 (FY 08)
Lease Land Element H - Finalize lease agreements for hatchery, acclimation pond and housing sites Coordinate and work with needed parties (COE and OTID) to secure long term lease agreements for hatchery site and acclimation pond sites (CCT Staff, Sub B: Project Management, Sub J: Fisheries Science) 10/2/2006 9/30/2009 $67,571
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
* # of acres of new lease: Hatchery Site, Chief Joseph Dam, 11 acres
* Start date of lease: Hatchery Site, Chief Joseph Dam, 10/1/07 (FY 08)
* End date of lease: Hatchery Site, Chief Joseph Dam (Not determined)
* # of acres of new lease: Housing Site Chief Joseph Dam, 10 acres
* Start date of lease: Housing Site, Chief Joseph Dam, 10/1/07 (FY 07)
* End date of lease: Housing Site, Chief J. Dam, (FY 08, Purchase Date)
* # of acres of new lease: Tonasket Acclimation Pond, 2 acres
* # of acres of new lease: Boneparte Acclimation Pond, 2 acres
* # of acres of new lease: Ellisforde Acclimation Pond, 2 acres
* Start date of lease: Acclimation Ponds, 10/1/07 (FY 08)
* End date of lease: Acclimation Ponds (Not determined)
Produce Design and/or Specifications Element I - Conduct activities to finish preliminary design and specifications Conduct start-up, program verification and basis of design activities for initial and final phases of preliminary design (Sub E: Engineering/Permitting) 10/2/2006 2/23/2007 $706,382
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Produce Design and/or Specifications Element J - Conduct activities to finish final design and specifications Conduct start-up and completion of a final design and specifications and bid documents for hatchery and acclimation ponds (Sub E: Engineering/Permitting) 4/16/2007 9/28/2007 $1,450,707
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Manage and Administer Projects Element K - Provide reporting, budget development and plans for construction and capital equipment purchases Final budget documents for construction and capital equipment procurement. FY 08 and 09 SOW and budget requirements. On-going internal CCT staff support related to FY 08,09. Reporting (quarterly, annual) on project progress. Element 141 Produce Status Reports, Element 132 Produce Annual Report and Element 185 Produce Pisces Report included in this element per instruction from NPCC and CBFWA Staff (CCT Staff, BPA Staff, Bid Contractor through BPA) 10/2/2006 9/30/2009 $17,880
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Build Artificial Production Facility Element L - Work with BPA and contractor on implementing facility construction Provide support for implementation of construction and capital equipment purchases in FY 08,09. (CCT Staff, BPA Staff, Bid Contractor through BPA) 11/1/2007 9/30/2009 $27,249,993
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Manage and Administer Projects Element M - Provide reporting, budget development and plans for brood collection testing Provide FY 07 SOW and budget for Step 3. On-going internal CCT staff support related development of FY 07 contracts. Reporting (quarterly, annual) on project progress. Final metrics report as required. Element 141 Produce Status Reports, Element 132 Produce Annual Report and Element 185 Produce Pisces Report included in this element per instruction from CBFWA, NPCC staff (CCT, Sub A: Fisheries Science/Policy, Sub B: Project Management, Sub I: Research Projects/WDFW) 10/2/2006 10/15/2007 $5,539
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation Element N - Reporting to agencies on permit requirements Provide services to meet reporting requirements on permits obtained in FY 06. (CCT Staff, Sub I: Research Projects/WDFW) 10/2/2006 9/28/2007 $226
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Produce/Submit Scientific Findings Report Element O - Produce a report on scientific and practical findings Develop a final report on scientific findings and resulting implementation application based on study results. (CCT Staff, Sub A: Fisheries Science/Policy, Sub I: Research Projects/WDFW) 10/15/2007 11/23/2007 $6,939
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Element P - Collect, generate and validate field and lab data for each gear type studied Collection, generation, verification of all data for each gear type tested. Entry of all data in selection formats that address needs of the users of the data for next steps in the study. (CCT Staff, Sub I: Research Projects/WDFW) 10/2/2006 9/28/2007 $115,131
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Primary R, M, and E Type: Action Effectiveness Research
Secondary R, M, and E Type: Status and Trend Monitoring
Focal Area: Hatchery
Submit/Acquire Data Element Q - Organize all data from brood collection for transfer to central data base Ensure that methods and "selectors" utilized for brood study are designed so data and information can easily be transferred to logical central data bases and easily be disseminated to users in the future. (CCT Staff, Sub I: Research Projects/WDFW) 10/2/2006 9/28/2007 $6,908
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Disseminate Raw/Summary Data and Results Element R - Design implement processes for dissemination, storage and disposition of project data and information Support and develop processes to ensure timely and appropriate dissemination, storage and disposition of project data and information (CCT Staff, Sub I: Research Projects/WDFW) 10/2/2006 9/28/2007 $3,262
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Analyze/Interpret Data Element S - Analyze data and information for understanding gear types and methods Analyze data and information and produce a final report that addresses the efficiency, effectiveness and potential for application of each gear type for collecting broodstock and future harvest of adults. (CCT Staff, Sub A: Fisheries Science/Policy, Sub I: Research Projects/WDFW) 10/2/2006 9/28/2007 $8,278
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Focal Area: Hatchery
Primary R, M, and E Type: Action Effectiveness Research
Secondary R, M, and E Type: Status and trend monitoring
Install Fish Monitoring Equipment Element T - Install test fishing equipment and structures for brood collection studies Develop plan for installation and install each gear type to be tested during the study (CCT Staff, Sub A: Fisheries Science/Policy, Sub I: Research Projects/WDFW, Sub L: Research, Gear Consultant) 10/2/2006 11/10/2006 $95,472
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Mark/Tag Animals Element U - Tag adult fish for evaluation Tag adult fish to evaluate and determine time, date and gear type and related stress and mortality issues (CCT Staff, Sub I: Research Projects/WDFW) 10/2/2006 12/29/2006 $12,764
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Focal Area: Hatchery
Primary R, M, and E Type: Action Effectiveness Research
Secondary R, M, and E Type: Status and Trend Monitoring
Manage and Administer Projects Element V - Provide reporting, budget development and plans for M&E FY 07 SOW and budget for Step 3. On-going internal CCT staff support related to development of FY 07-09 contracts. Reporting (Quarterly, Annual) on project progress. Final metrics report as required. Element 141 Produce Status Reports, Element 132 Produce Annual Report and Element 185 Produce Pisces Report included in this Element per instruction from CBFWA, NPCC staff (CCT Staff, Sub A: Fisheries Sciences/Policy, Sub B: Project Management, Sub D: M&E/Environmental) 10/2/2006 10/26/2009 $28,221
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Produce Plan Element W - Refine, revise the conceptual Step 1 M&E plan Refine an ME plan for implementation, based on the conceptual ME plan provided in the Step 1 Master Plan. This monitoring program will be the key component in establishing status, trend and effectiveness monitoring and the adaptive management processes required for recovery, mitigation and conservation of Okanogan fish populations. Standards will be continue to be refined and derived from continued work on six regional RME subcommittees (PNAMP, CSMEP, Fed, Caucus, Gov. Monitoring Forum etc.) (CCT Staff, Sub D: M&E/Environmental) 10/2/2006 9/28/2007 $30,809
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Element X - Collect, generate and validate field and lab data for M&E studies Utilize efficient and affective methods to capture source data. Ensure no duplication of activites and efforts in obtaining source data. The Colville Tribes are a Charter member of the Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP) which hosts an active data management forum that coordinates with multiple data initiatives and seeks to standardize all PNW projects and projects and programs in the Columbia Basin. (CCT Staff, Sub D: M&E/Environmental) 10/1/2007 9/30/2009 $204,817
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Focal Area: Hatchery
Primary R, M, and E Type: Action Effectiveness Research
Secondary R, M, and E Type: Status and Trend Monitoring
Develop RM&E Methods and Designs Element Y - Develop RME methods and designs Develop appropriate RME methods and design as it applies to developing and implementing the Chief Joseph Hatchery Program. The Colville Tribes have contractor staff (same contractor that is developing all RME) and participate in the Collaborative Systemwide Monitoring and Evaluation Project and (CSMEP) Hatchery Policy Interpretation Subgroup (HPIS). The HPIS identified three classes of hatcheries; harvest augmentation, supplementation, and conservation. Questions were developed for each hatchery class; 11 for harvest augmentation, 25 for supplementation, and five for conservation hatcheries, which in turn required information from 65 performance measures. RME methods and designs will utilize and incorporate this information into plans.(CCT Staff, Sub D: M&E/Environmental) 10/1/2007 9/30/2009 $71,839
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Mark/Tag Animals Element Z - Mark and tag fish per M&E plan Tagging and marking of releases for M&E studies and related QA/QC activities related to tagging. (CCT Staff, Sub D: M&E/Environmental) 10/1/2007 9/30/2009 $85,608
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Focal Area: Hatchery
Primary R, M, and E Type: Action Effectiveness Research
Secondary R, M, and E Type: Status and Trend Monitoring
Submit/Acquire Data Element ZAA - Organize all data from M&E for transfer to appropriate central data bases Ensure that methods and "selectors" utilized for M&E studies are designed so data and information can easily be transferred to logical central data bases and easily be disseminated to users in the future. The Colville Tribes are a Charter member of the Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP) which hosts an active data management forum that coordinates with multiple data initiatives and seeks to standardize all PNW projects and projects and programs in the Columbia Basin. This group is working with all three PNAMP work groups (fish habitat and effectiveness), their work group leaders and the Steering Committee. Additionally, this group coordinates with BPA, BOR, NOAA and the other PNAMP Charter agencies in order to refine and standardize indicators, variables, protocols, methods and analysis procedures. (CCT Staff, Sub D: M&E/Environmental) 10/1/2007 6/19/2009 $52,680
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Disseminate Raw/Summary Data and Results Element ZAB - Support appropriate dissemination, storage and disposition of project data and information Ensure that study plans support processes to ensure timely and appropriate dissemination, storage and disposition of project data and information--See Element X for details. (CCT Staff, Sub D: M&E/Environmental) 10/1/2007 12/31/2007 $21,010
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Analyze/Interpret Data Element ZAC - Analyze data and information and produce report for understanding how M&E results apply specifically to program Operations Analyze data and information and produce final report for each portion of M&E focused on program performance and needs. See Element ZAA (CCT Staff, Sub D: M&E/Environmental) 10/2/2006 10/1/2008 $44,075
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Focal Area: Hatchery
Primary R, M, and E Type: Action Effectiveness Research
Secondary R, M, and E Type: Status and Trend Monitoring
Produce/Submit Scientific Findings Report Element ZAD - Produce a report on scientific and practical findings of M&E Develop a final report on scientific findings focused on potential needs or changes to the program to manage impacts and/or improve performance. (CCT Staff, Sub D: M&E/Environmental, Sub A: Fisheries Science/Policy) 10/31/2008 10/14/2009 $43,121
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation Element ZAE - Complete all needs for the Final EIS for the Program Provide services for completion of a Final EIS as requested by the BPA COTR. (Sub B: Project Management, Sub M: NEPA) 10/2/2006 9/28/2007 $17,969
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Manage and Administer Projects Element ZAF - Provide reporting, budgets and closeout for the Final EIS Reporting (Quarterly, Annual) on project progress. Final metrics report as required. Element 141 Produce Status Reports, Element 132 Produce Annual Report and Element 185 Produce Pisces Report included in this Element per Instruction from NPCC Staff (Sub B: Project Management, Sub M: NEPA) 10/2/2006 9/28/2007 $1,453
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Manage and Administer Projects Element ZAG - Provide reporting, budget development and plans for start-up operational activities Final FY 08-09 documents. FY 08 SOW and budget for operations related activities. Reporting (Quarterly, Annual) on project progress. Final metrics report as required. Element 141 Produce Status Reports, Element 132 Produce Annual Report and Element 185 Produce Pisces Report included in this Element per instruction from CBFWA, NPCC staff (CCT Staff, Sub B: Project Management) 6/4/2007 10/14/2009 $5,398
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Produce Hatchery Fish Element ZAH - Conduct start-up work related to transport, spawning, incubation, rearing and acclimation Initial activities and development of procedures and protocols related to transport, spawning, incubation, rearing and acclimation (CCT Staff) 10/1/2007 9/30/2009 $111,700
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
* # of Female ad-clip (hatchery origin) fish: Future rpt requirement, biocriteria is available
* # of Female non-clip (natural origin) fish: Future rpt requirement, biocriteria is available
* # of Jack ad-clip (hatchery origin) fish: Future rpt requirement, biocriteria is available
* # of Jack non-clip (natural origin) fish: Future rpt requirement, biocriteria is available
* # of Male ad-clip (hatchery origin) fish: Future rpt requirement, biocriteria is available
* # of Male non-clip (natural origin) fish : Future rpt requirement, biocriteria is available
* Broodstock collection: # of non-clip (natural origin) fish: Future rpt requirement, biocriteria is available
* Broodstock collection: # of ad-clip (hatchery origin) fish : Future rpt requirement, biocriteria is available
* Incubation: # fertilized eggs into incubation program.: Future rpt requirement, biocriteria is available
* Incubation: # fry (button-up) produced.: Future rpt requirement, biocriteria is available
* Production: # adults released from program: NA
* Production: # eggs released from program: NA
* Production: # juveniles (presmolt) released from program: Future rpt requirement, biocriteria is available
* Production: # smolts released from program: Future rpt requirement, biocriteria is available
* Purpose of production program: Supplementation, Harvest Augmentation
* Rearing: # adults into program: Future rpt requirement, biocriteria is available
* Rearing: # eggs into program: Future rpt requirement, biocriteria is available
* Rearing: # juveniles (presmolt) into program: Future rpt requirement, biocriteria is available
* Rearing: # smolts into program: Future rpt requirement, biocriteria is available
Maintain Hatchery Element ZAI - Conduct start-up activities and organization of maintenance program for hatchery and acclimation facilities During final construction formalize specific procedures and manuals for facility maintenance, equipment and specific operating procedures focusing on risk reduction at facilities (CCT Staff) 10/1/2008 9/30/2009 $44,972
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Maintain Fish Health Element ZAJ - Conduct initial start-up and development for application of fish health protocols Utilize existing protocols and information to develop fish health procedures and protocols (manuals) for hatchery and acclimation facilities. (CCT Staff) 10/2/2006 9/28/2007 $22,247
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River
Other Element ZAK - Implement formal training for full time fish culture staff Provide formal technical training for Fish Culture staff, attendance of a two year technical program (CCT Staff) 10/1/2007 9/30/2009 $338,952
Biological objectives
Conserve UC S/F Chinook in the Okanogan River
Increase CCT cerem., subsistence & rec. fisheries
Reintroduce spring Chinook in the Okanogan River

Section 8. Budgets

Itemized estimated budget
Personnel Colville Tribes Staff w/out Fringe, OH / Element A-J $17,366 $1,359 $176
Personnel Sub A: Fisheries Science/Policy / Element A-J $22,012 $1,723 $225
Personnel Sub B: Project Management / Element A-J $51,538 $4,033 $522
Personnel Sub C: Document Coord/ Manag / Element A-J $15,134 $1,184 $155
Personnel Sub D: M&E / Environmental / Element A-J $5,552 $434 $56
Personnel Sub E: Engineering / Permitting / Element A-J $2,087,033 $126,615 $0
Personnel Sub J: Fisheries Science / Element A-J $7,862 $615 $80
Personnel Sub M: NEPA / Element ZAE, ZAF $14,460 $0 $0
Fringe Benefits Colville Tribes Fringe on Wages / Element A-J $9,551 $747 $97
Supplies Supplies / Element A-J, ZAE and ZAF $22,097 $1,729 $224
Travel Travel / Element A-J, ZAE and ZAF $25,624 $2,005 $260
Overhead Colville Tribes OH on Wages / Element A-J $16,497 $1,291 $167
Other Land Purchase Omak and WA Park Housing Sites / Element G $160,000 $30,000 $0
Other Land Lease Wa Parks and OTID Acclimation Ponds/ Element H $12,743 $23,252 $21,138
Personnel Colville Tribes Staff w/out Fringe, OH / Element K-L $0 $1,820 $1,820
Personnel Sub B: Project Management / Element K-L $0 $8,182 $8,182
Fringe Benefits Colville Tribes Fringe on Wages / Element K-L $0 $1,001 $1,001
Supplies Supplies / Element K-L $0 $500 $500
Travel Travel / Element K-L $0 $1,943 $1,943
Capital Equipment Capital Equipment Purchases / Element K-L $0 $0 $400,500
Overhead Colville Tribes OH on Wages / Element K-L $0 $1,729 $1,729
Other Capital Construction / Element K-L $0 $16,102,860 $10,734,140
Personnel Colville Tribes Staff w/out Fringe, OH / Element M-U $18,984 $0 $0
Personnel Sub A: Fisheries Science/Policy / Element M-U $5,990 $0 $0
Personnel Sub B: Project Management / Element M-U $364 $0 $0
Personnel Sub I: Research Projects/WDFW w/out Fringe / Element M-U $35,915 $0 $0
Fringe Benefits Colville Tribes Fringe on Wages / Element M-U $10,441 $0 $0
Fringe Benefits WDFW Fringe on Wages / Element M-U $20,517 $0 $0
Supplies Supplies / Element M-U $39,057 $0 $0
Travel Travel / Element M-U $29,311 $0 $0
Capital Equipment Capital Equipment Purchases / Element M-U $30,000 $0 $0
Overhead Colville Tribes OH on Wages / Element M-U $18,035 $0 $0
Overhead WDFW OH on Wages / Element M-U $31,059 $0 $0
Overhead OH on Equipment/Travel other (WDFW) / Element M-U $14,847 $0 $0
Personnel Colville Tribes Staff w/out Fringe, OH / Element V-Z, ZAA-ZAD $7,930 $52,652 $64,353
Personnel Sub A: Fisheries Science/Policy / Element V-Z, ZAA-ZAD $1,168 $7,560 $9,240
Personnel Sub B: Project Management / Element V-Z, ZAA-ZAD $118 $765 $935
Personnel Sub D: M&E/Environmental / Element V-Z, ZAA-ZAD $8,972 $58,074 $70,980
Fringe Benefits Colville Tribes Fringe on Wages / Element V-Z, ZAA-ZAD $4,466 $28,912 $35,356
Supplies Supplies / Element V-Z, ZAA-ZAD $100 $26,606 $32,519
Travel Travel / Element V-Z, ZAA-ZAD $340 $9,947 $12,157
Overhead Colville Tribes OH on Wages / Element V-Z, ZAA-ZAD $7,715 $49,938 $61,036
Other Equipment Rental / Element V-Z, ZAA-ZAD $0 $13,662 $16,698
Personnel Colville Tribes w/out Fringe, OH / Element ZAG-ZAK $0 $96,341 $104,896
Personnel Sub B: Project Management / Element ZAG-ZAK $0 $566 $616
Fringe Benefits Colville Tribes Fringe on Wages / Element ZAG-ZAK $0 $52,987 $57,693
Supplies Supplies / Element ZAG-ZAK $0 $144 $156
Travel Travel / Element ZAG-ZAK $0 $333 $362
Overhead Colville Tribes OH on Wages / Element ZAG-ZAK $0 $91,524 $99,651
Other Operations Staff Training / Element ZAG-ZAK $0 $8,617 $9,383
Totals $2,752,798 $16,811,650 $11,748,946
Total estimated FY 2007-2009 budgets
Total itemized budget: $31,313,394
Total work element budget: $31,313,394
Cost sharing
Funding source/orgItem or service providedFY 07 est value ($)FY 08 est value ($)FY 09 est value ($)Cash or in-kind?Status
Bureau of Reclamation Capital or Operational Funding $0 $0 $0 Cash Under Development
Columbia Inter-Tribal Fish Commission Funding for radio tags. $30,000 $0 $0 Cash Confirmed
Grant PUD, Chelan PUD & Douglas PUD Cost share in capital or operations. $0 $0 $0 Cash Under Development
Oroville-Tonasket Irrigation District Use of 3 irrigation ponds for acclimation. This saves construction costs for 3 new ponds. $0 $500,000 $500,000 In-Kind Confirmed
WA, BPA Coordinated proposals for Broodstock Collection Gear Studies. $0 $0 $0 Cash Under Development
Totals $30,000 $500,000 $500,000

Section 9. Project future

FY 2010 estimated budget: $1,887,353
FY 2011 estimated budget: $1,887,353
Comments: For detailed discussion and break down of project costs see Section 10 Narrative of this Proposal pages 26-31.

Future O&M costs: Cost details for FY 2010 - FY 2015 are shown in the Future Cost Summary (Table 1) in Section 10 Narrative of this proposal. Detailed explanation and analysis of 10 year cost estimates for operation and maintenance and monitoring and evaluation can be found in Chapter 12.4 and 12.5 of the Chief Joseph Hatchery Program Step 1 Master Plan for Summer/Fall Chinook and Chapter 13.12 for Spring Chinook. Detailed back-up for these costs are provided in Appendix B of the Chief Joseph Hatchery Step 1 Master Plan.

Termination date: See Text.
Comments: The majority of the capital development for CJHP is expected to be completed by the end of FY 2009 or mid FY 2010 (see Section 10 Narrative, page 30, Table 1). Step 2 activities will terminate when the identified deliverables are completed on or before mid FY 2007. Should Step 3 be funded, deliverables associated with this step would be completed by end of FY 2007. Construction of CJHP facilities would be completed by end of FY 2009. Some operations and maintenance of the facility would be ongoing into the foreseeable future since the Colville Tribes do not anticipate a scenario where all production would need to be terminated. Moreover, given the highly variable nature of natural and artificial Chinook production in the Columbia Cascade Province, located above nine dams, a time frame for achieving various biological and social (harvest) objectives could only be highly uncertain. However, the unique location of the CJHP and its design allows great flexibility to respond to information derived through monitoring and evaluation actions. The CJHP includes a suite of contingency actions that could occur if program performance does not achieve specified thresholds and objectives. In terms of spring Chinook if irresolvable conflicts arise that threaten the viability of Upper Columbia summer/fall Chinook ESU, Upper Columbia Steelhead ESU, or Upper Columbia Spring Chinook ESU, the program would be discontinued and returning, adult spring Chinook would be collected at Wells Dam or by other means to eliminate the conflict.

Final deliverables: Categorization of Deliverables: 1) Step 2 and Step 3 Planning: 1a. Deliverables will be completed to meet all requirements described for Step 2 in the NPCC Three Step Review Process (preliminary design and cost estimates, NEPA). 1b. Deliverables will be completed to meet all requirements described for Step 3 in the NPCC Three Step Review Process (final design and specifications, cost estimates, final environmental compliance). 1c. Completion of Step 2 and Step 3, overall coordination, review of deliverables by stakeholders, NPCC and BPA. 1d. Written progress and/or annual reports (FY 07-09), Pisces Status Reports (FY 07-09), other requested updates. 1e. Updated cost estimates and analysis. 2) Engineering Designs and Specifications: 2a. Step 2 preliminary engineering and design specifications and cost estimates related to the CJHP water supply, Chief Joseph hatchery and related facilities, and acclimation site facilities approved through NPCC Step Process. 2b. Step 3 final engineering and design specifications and cost estimates related to the CJHP water supply, Chief Joseph hatchery and related facilities, and acclimation site facilities are approved through NPCC Three Step Process. 3) Environmental Compliance: Completion of NEPA requirements, Endangered Species Act requirements (NOAA Fisheries HGMPs, and Fish and Wildlife Service Section 7), land audits, cultural resource requirements, Section 106, and miscellaneous permitting requirements. 3a. Biological Assessment. 3b. Hatchery and Genetic Management Plans. 3c. All permitting requirements (see FY 05 progress report pages 41-42). 3d. Completed Environmental Impact Statement (and cultural resources) 4) Research Projects: 4a. Completion of Radio Telemetry Study and application of information to project (see page 25, 26 of Section 10 Narrative and FY 05 Progress Report). 4b. Completion of Live-capture, Selective Gear Research and application of information to design and operational plans (see page 25, 26 of Section 10 Narrative). 5) Land Acquisition and Leases: 5a. Completion of agreement with COE Chief Joseph Dam (Long Term Lease). Irrigation District Ponds lease agreements. 5b. Lease. Requirements met, purchase of Riverside and Omak Acclimation Pond sites for summer/fall Chinook acclimation ponds 6) Construction and Capital Equipment: 6a. Construction of approved facilities (based on NPCC Step 3 approval of final design) Chief Joseph hatchery and related facilities, and acclimation site facilities. 6b. Procurement of approved capital equipment for program monitoring, evaluation and operations and maintenance (FY 2009) 7) Monitoring and Evaluation Plan: 7a. Refinement, review, approval and implementation of a detailed and effective plan that meets requirements and NPCC approval. 8) Operations and Maintenance: 8a. Development and refinement of an operations plan, including procedures, methods and policies. 8b. Development of a long term maintenance plan for all facilities and capital equipment For further details on deliverables see: Section 10 Narrative (this proposal). FY 2005 CJHP Progress Report. Chief Joseph Hatchery Program Step 1 Master Plan.

Section 10. Narrative and other documents

ISRPresponse200302300 Jul 2006

Reviews and recommendations

FY07 budget FY08 budget FY09 budget Total budget Type Category Recommendation
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs]
$2,800,000 $0 $0 $2,800,000 Capital ProvinceCapital Fund
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs]
$2,800,000 $0 $0 $0 ProvinceCapital


Recommendation: Response requested

NPCC comments: Funding for this project is not yet warranted until a better justification is provided and the scientific foundations it is based on are more completely explained. As written here, the project is a mixture of augmentation (for harvest) and supplementation (for rebuilding natural production). While the augmentation portion has a more obvious and probable outcome, the supplementation portion remains largely unsupported and less likely to succeed. Much of the critique and comments provided by ISRP during the Three-Step Master Review of the Master Plan remain in place and largely unaddressed -- see ISRP 2005-2, www.nwcouncil.org/library/isrp/isrp2005-2.htm. ISRP highly recommends linking the project proposal to the review comments in the Three-Step Review in order to further evaluate a funding recommendation. In fact, the budget requested in the out years assumes passing of the review and is substantial for facility construction. As such it is rather premature because supplementation remains an unproven strategy for rebuilding naturally producing populations. While Sponsors have begun to address longer term M&E needs by identifying that an M&E plan is needed and will be developed, we anticipated this component to be completed, but it is not yet there. Moreover, reviewers remain somewhat uncertain as to how the brood collection in the future will occur so as not to impinge on natural production as well as how future artificial production and presumed improved natural production will occur together. Technical and scientific background: The Chief Joseph Hatchery Program described in this ongoing proposal has received a considerable amount of scrutiny from ISRP through the first step of the Master Plan Three-Step Review process. The motivation for this project is to address undelivered mitigation promises from the construction and operation of the Chief Joseph and Grand Coulee Dams. The project addresses basinwide issues with the summer/fall Upper Columbia Chinook ESU. Also, the project addresses the degradation of the historical ceremonial and subsistence fisheries to the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation (CCT) by those (and downstream) dams. Lastly, the project may provide a means to assist with the Upper Columbia Spring Chinook ESU, which is severely depressed or perhaps extinct. The proposal specifically seeks funding and authority to move to the next steps in the Three-Step Review process, construction, and implementation. Ultimately, we find a proposal ($30M) to build a hatchery to "rebuild" a fish population practically eliminated by hydro facilities downstream. The ISRP Step 1 comments on scientific merit remain to be addressed before we can competently review this proposal. Ultimately, we recommend that pilot studies precede the massive construction project, which will consume a significant portion of the Fish and Wildlife Program budget without a significant level of population and natural production response. Lastly, do the predictive models indicate that successful supplementation would have a favorable response to the local natural populations or merely provide augmentation for harvest? Rationale and significance to subbasin plans and regional programs: The proposal is consistent with the Fish and Wildlife Program and is related to specific objectives of the Okanogan Subbasin Plan at a very general level. The Okanogan Subbasin Plan has a goal for a "Columbia River ecosystem that sustains an abundant, productive, and diverse community of fish and wildlife." Moreover, "Recovery of the fish and wildlife affected by the development and operation of the hydrosystem that are listed under the Endangered Species Act" depends on maintaining natural productivity. This will only be possible if the sponsors and local authorities first establish why spring Chinook are not there now - possibly because they can no longer sustain themselves at current smolt-to-adult survival conditions due to ocean conditions, the stress of navigating nine dams, and harvest rates. Relationships to other projects: The proposal is superficially linked through a more thorough and detailed discussion in the Master Plan and Okanogan Subbasin Plan. Ultimately, it is not sufficiently linked to ongoing habitat work, M&E, and outreach. Project history: The project's history is documented. While there remain some uncertainties (especially in regard to downstream influences), the project sponsors have been actively working to confront these uncertainties. One area that would benefit from a clear presentation of results is the potential conflicts from producing summer/fall Chinook as a supplementation exercise aimed at increasing natural production and the surplus artificial production for ceremonial and subsistence harvest. Do hatchery fish provide reasonable returns and wild progeny? EDT has shown that density-dependent limitations are not likely to cause an immediate conflict, but as the proportions and numbers of naturally produced salmon rises, carrying capacity limitations may become an important hazard (ecological and genetic) to natural salmon from continued artificial production. Objectives, work elements, and monitoring and evaluation: The non-biological objectives (Master Planning, construction, and operation) are relatively clear. Several biological objectives are developed such as the self-sustaining nature of the salmon population and fishery (including the goal for enhanced ceremonial, subsistence, and recreational fisheries). However, these objectives and methods remain experimental. The work elements are fairly detailed, especially in regard to the master planning and construction aspects. Some elements such as developing a suitable M&E plan are less well described. Monitoring and evaluation will be conducted under an M&E Plan to be developed. While this is not yet fully developed, there are activities (including some research on collection methods, etc.) ongoing that will be amenable to M&E. Regardless, this missing component will be a necessary and critical component for ISRP to review from a scientific perspective. Facilities, equipment, and personnel: A main hatchery facility and several satellite acclimation sites are proposed. These are appropriate only if demonstrated (with smaller scale pilot studies) that the approach will achieve success. Information transfer is not well addressed. Benefits to focal and non-focal species: The project will focus on UC Summer/Fall Chinook ESU for supplementation and Spring Chinook for reintroduction. The project will address straying impacts through marking consistent with elsewhere in the basin. No other non-focal species impacts were considered or addressed specifically. The ISRP believes addressing these concerns is necessary to ensure a successful project outcome.

ISRP FINAL REVIEW (Aug 31, 2006)

Recommendation: Fundable in part

NPCC comments: The ISRP recommends funding for progressing through the Three-Step Review process and revision of the project’s Master Plan. Subsequent funding for the construction and implementation phase of the project should be contingent on adequate Master Plan revision and favorable scientific review (for programmatic rigor and consistency with the Fish and Wildlife Program principles). The total cost for the CJDHP master plan and design work was $430,449 and includes master plan completion and submittal, conceptual engineering designs and costs, and staffing necessary to complete work for the submission of the master plan. (NPCC FY 2006 $1,825,000 Capital) The first step of the ISRP’s review identified a number of uncertainties, unanswered questions, and suggested improvements that have not yet been received. The next round of review in the process is anticipated in Fall 2006. Ultimately, the response provides little direct or additional scientific content to satisfy concerns with issues of science. The sponsors indicate that M&E is intended to be developed and presented in Step Three. M&E and early inclusion of these concerns need to be accommodated early in design. Moreover, confidence that such a plan will be rigorous and robust would be greatly elevated if a basic framework with specific kinds of informational gathering (with some justification) were specifically provided in a response. Another important consideration for the sponsors to address remains the proof in concept for supplementation at assisting with recovery of naturally reproducing salmon. For example, returns of Chinook to the Similkameen Pond is given as a sufficient pilot project and proof of concept. It is not a sufficiently complete or robust test of the broader hypothesis. No evidence is provided from an M&E basis that the population is self-sustaining and that recruits per spawner are >1. Moreover, there were questions regarding whether the proposed integrated recovery program can/will co-exist in harmony with the integrated harvest (mitigation) program. ISRP recommended some presentation of evidence or a model (e.g., AHA modeling results) of how this coexistence might work relative to other alternatives.