FY07-09 proposal 198805304

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Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleHood River Production Program - ODFW M&E
Proposal ID198805304
OrganizationOregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW)
Short descriptionMonitor and evaluate actions taken to re-establish spring chinook salmon, and improve wild production of summer and winter steelhead, in the Hood River subbasin. Data will be used to develop, and refine, management objectives for the HRPP.
Information transferSalmon, steelhead, and resident trout data collected on this M&E project, and at Powerdale Dam and other Hood River Production Program (HRPP) hatchery facilities, will be summarized in user requested formats and disseminated within the HRPP and among interest groups that include but are not limited to the following: USFWS, NOAA fisheries, USFS, Oregon State Univ., private landowners, consultants, irrigation districts, and sport fishers. Project databases will be submitted to the ODFW's administered StreamNet project.
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
Form submitter
Erik Olsen Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife erik.a.olsen@state.or.us
All assigned contacts
Erik Olsen Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife erik.a.olsen@state.or.us

Section 2. Locations

Province / subbasin: Columbia Gorge / Hood

45 34 09 N 121 36 39 W East Fork of the Hood River (migrant trap and staff gauge)
45 33 25 N 121 41 14 W West Fork of the Hood River (migrant trap)
45 32 53 N 121 42 05 W Lake Branch; tributary to West Fork of the Hood River (migrant trap and staff gauge)
45 33 29 N 121 38 14 W Middle Fork of the Hood River (migrant trap and staff gauge)
45 39 55 N 121 31 24 W mainstem Hood River (migrant trap)
45 39 55 N 121 31 24 W Powerdale Dam trap (adult collection and radio tagging)
45 29 43 N 121 33 51 W East Fork of the Hood River (staff gauge)
45 27 26 N 121 46 56 W West Fork of the Hood River (staff gauge)
45 27 20 N 121 46 52 W McGee Creek; tributary to West Fork of the Hood River (staff gauge)
45 27 20 N 121 46 56 W Elk Creek; tributary to West Fork of the Hood River (staff gauge)
45 32 41 N 121 38 28 W Tony Creek; tributary to Middle Fork of the Hood River (staff gauge)

Section 3. Focal species

primary: Chinook Lower Columbia River ESU
primary: Steelhead Lower Columbia River ESU
secondary: Coho Lower Columbia River ESU
secondary: Coastal Cutthroat Southwest Washington/Columbia River ESU
secondary: Cutthroat Trout
secondary: Bull Trout
secondary: Rainbow Trout

Section 4. Past accomplishments

2005 M&E (100%) - estimated 1) Hood River subbasin steelhead smolt production, 2) summer flows, and 3) subbasin harvest & escapements. Collaborated with OSU on a Hood R pedigree study. PIT tagged spring and fall migrant salmonids. Worked on annual report.
2004 M&E (100%) - estimated 1) Hood River subbasin steelhead smolt production, 2) summer flows, and 3) subbasin harvest and escapements. Collaborated with OSU on a Hood River pedigree study. PIT tagged fall migrant salmonids. Worked on annual report.
2003 Planning (10%) - Program Review. M&E (90%) - estimated 1) Hood River subbasin steelhead smolt production, 2) summer flows, and 3) subbasin harvest and escapements. Collaborated with OSU on a Hood River pedigree study. Completed annual report.
2002 Planning (10%) - Program Review. M&E (90%) - estimated 1) Hood River subbasin steelhead smolt production, 2) summer flows, and 3) subbasin harvest and escapements. Collaborated with OSU on a Hood River pedigree study. Completed annual report.
2001 M&E (100%) - estimated 1) Hood River subbasin steelhead smolt production, 2) summer flows, and 3) subbasin harvest and escapements. Updated models to predict future St escapements. Collaborated on a Hood R. pedigree study. Completed annual report.
2000 M&E (100%) - estimated 1) Hood River subbasin steelhead smolt production, 2) summer flows, and 3) subbasin harvest and escapements. Developed models to predict future St escapements. Collaborated on a Hood R. pedigree study. Completed annual report.
1999 M&E (100%) - estimated 1) Hood River subbasin steelhead smolt production, 2) summer flows, and 3) subbasin harvest and escapements. Completed annual report.
1998 M&E (100%) - estimated 1) Hood River subbasin steelhead smolt production, 2) summer flows, and 3) subbasin harvest and escapements. Completed annual report.
1997 M&E (100%) - estimated 1) Hood R subbasin St smolt prod., 2) spatial distribution of salmonid populations, 3) summer flows, 4) salmonid rearing densities, 5) physical stream parameters, and 6) subbasin harvest and escapements. Completed annual report.
1996 M&E (100%) - estimated 1) Hood R subbasin St smolt prod., 2) salmonid rearing densities, 3) spatial distribution of salmonid populations, 4) physical stream parameters, 5) summer flows, and 6) subbasin harvest and escapements. Completed annual report.
1995 M&E (100%) - estimated 1) Hood R subbasin St smolt production, 2) salmonid rearing densities, 3) spatial distribution of salmonid populations, 4) subbasin spawner escapements, and 5) physical stream parameters. Completed annual progress report.
1994 Planning (40%) - Prepared a master agreement for the HRPP. M&E (60%) - est. 1) Hood R. St smolt prod., 2) salmonid rearing densities, 3) spatial dist. of salmonid pop., 4) physical stream parameters, and 5) spawner escapements. Completed annual report.

Section 5. Relationships to other projects

Funding sourceRelated IDRelated titleRelationship
BPA 200305400 Repro of Steelhead In Hood Riv We catalog steelhead genetic samples collected at Powerdale Dam (#1988-053-08) and create a database with the corresponding steelhead count and bio-data. Genetic samples and database are submitted to #2003-054-00. We assist project #2003-054-00 in error checking and analyzing the files created from merging the genotype and bio- data.
BPA 198805308 Hood R Powerdale/Oak Springs Coordinate with project personnel to collect, collate, and summarize count and bio-data collected at each project facility. Data is used to estimate subbasin escapements and to provide support in responding to data requests.
BPA 198805307 Hood R Prod O&M - WS/ODFW Coordinate with project personnel to collect, collate, and summarize steelhead broodstock collection and spawning data. Respond to data requests.
BPA 198805303 Hood River Production M&E - Ws Coordinate with the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon (CTWSRO) to PIT tag hatchery summer and winter steelhead at Oak Springs Hatchery. Assist CTWSRO with salvage operations in irrigation diversions. Provide CTWSRO with juvenile and adult raw and summary data (i.e., in project databases) collected at Powerdale Dam and at downstream migrant traps. Respond to data requests.
Other: State - WDFW [no entry] Winter Steelhead Population Estimates at Bonneville Dam Coordinate with WDFW to provide tag recovery and bio-data information on steelhead marked at Bonneville Dam by WDFW and recovered in the Hood River creel (#1988-053-04) and at Powerdale Dam (#1988-053-08)
Other: Federal - USFWS Cont. #00013429 Genetic Distinction of Winter-run and Summer-run Steelhead in the Hood River Coordinate with the USFWS and ODFW (#1988-053-08) to implement a project to genetically ID summer and winter steelhead for hatchery broodstock. We collate and submit bio-data and genetic samples to the USFWS.
Other: Federal - NOAA fisheries [no entry] 4d take permits Submit take summary of listed species in the Hood River subbasin. Provide brief summary of project data.
Other: Private - Consultants [no entry] Columbia River Basin Modelling Current and historical program data (Project Numbers 1988-053-08, 1988-053-07, and 1988-053-04) is periodically requested to populate the Ecosystem Diagnosis and Treatment (EDT) model and the Unit Characteristic Method (UCM) model.
BPA 199008000 Columbia Basin Pit-Tag Informa Submit required PIT tag information for inclusion in regional Pit Tag Information System (PTAGIS) database.
Other: Public sources of funding [no entry] Federal, State, and Tribal agencies Respond to daily/weekly/monthly requests for project data in user requested formats.
BPA 198810804 Streamnet (CIS/NED) Project databases will be submitted to StreamNet.

Section 6. Biological objectives

Biological objectivesFull descriptionAssociated subbasin planStrategy
Monitor and Evaluate the HRPP Determine if the Hood River Production Program (HRPP) has achieved its biological fish objectives relative to populations of wild and hatchery salmonids in the Hood River subbasin. Hood Strategies 1-7

Section 7. Work elements (coming back to this)

Work element nameWork element titleDescriptionStart dateEnd dateEst budget
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation Complete the Permitting Process Required to Annually Operate Downstream Migrant Traps The Hood River Production Program operates under the Hood River Fisheries Project Final Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/EIS-0241) completed in 1996 by BPA. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $20,751
Biological objectives
Trap/Collect/Hold/Transport Fish - Hatchery Direct Release Experimental Group of Hood R Stock Hatchery StW Into Upper EFk of Hood River Transport and release an experimental group of approximately 2,000 Hood River stock hatchery winter steelhead (StW) smolts into the upper EFk Hood River. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $41,885
Biological objectives
Monitor and Evaluate the HRPP
* Purpose of production program: Research
* Purpose of production program: Evaluate modified release strategies.
Coordination Coordinate with Other Personnel to Integrate Project With Other Ongoing Fishery Related Activities Project #1988-053-04 is one component of a much larger program (i.e., the HRPP) designed to achieve pre-defined biological fish objectives for the Hood River subbasin. The HRPP and other fishery related projects are currently implemented by various state, federal, and tribal agencies, as well as other public and private entities. Implementing the various programs and projects in a cost effective and biologically sound manner requires close coordination with those agencies and projects conducting work in the Hood River subbasin. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $39,411
Biological objectives
Monitor and Evaluate the HRPP
Manage and Administer Projects Administration of BPA Contract Implement activities required for contract administration including: 1) preparation of Statement of Work (SOW) and inventory reports; 2) responding to data requests; 3) maintenance of financial records; 4) preparation of accrual estimates; 5) purchasing of equipment and supplies; 6) maintenance of field equipment; 7) budget tracking; and 8) state and federally mandated training requirements. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $53,921
Biological objectives
Manage and Administer Projects Produce PISCES Status Reports Quarterly reports in PISCES. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $4,157
Biological objectives
Produce Annual Report Complete an Annual Progress Report Prepare an annual report summarizing data collected on this project and on BPA project #1988-053-08. We will prepare and finalize the FY 2006 annual progress report in FY 2007 and finalize the FY 2007 annual progress report in FY 2008. The disjunct between the Fiscal Year report writing, and when the data is actually collected, occurs because both the field sampling season and the salmonid run years overlap federal fiscal years. It will be necessary at times to work concurrently on annual progress reports for two Fiscal Years in order to complete the appropriate run, brood, and calendar year summaries included in each annual report. Tables summarizing FY 2007 data will be finalized in FY 2008 for incorporation into the FY 2007 annual report. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $157,645
Biological objectives
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Catalog StS/StW Steelhd Genetic Samples Collected at Powerdale Prior to Submission to Prj 200305400 Summer and winter steelhead fin samples are collected at Powerdale Dam to conduct a pedigree study to determine the genetic fitness of Hood River stocks of hatchery summer and winter steelhead. Fin samples are collected as part of BPA project #1988-053-08. This project catalogs the samples and enters the associated bio- and life history data into a database. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $41,885
Biological objectives
Monitor and Evaluate the HRPP
Primary R, M, and E Type: Evaluate steelhead spawner success.
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Conduct A Creel To Est Non-Tribal Harvest of Jack & Adult Anadromous Salmonids in Hood River Sub A creel program will be implemented below Powerdale Dam to estimate non-tribal catch and release of marked and unmarked summer steelhead (StS), winter steelhead (StW), spring chinook salmon (SpCh), fall chinook salmon (FaCh), and coho salmon below Powerdale Dam. The fishery above Powerdale Dam is closed to the harvest of anadromous salmonids. Creel data will be used to estimate 1) harvest, 2) escapements to the mouth of the Hood River subbasin (in conjunction with Powerdale Dam trapping data), and 3) smolt-to-adult survival rates back to the mouth of the Hood River subbasin. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $125,655
Biological objectives
Monitor and Evaluate the HRPP
Primary R, M, and E Type: Estimate of subbasin non-tribal harvest.
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Manage Bio-Sampling Data Obtained From Work Conducted as Part of BPA Project #1988-053-08. BPA project #1988-053-08 counts, tags, bio-samples, collects for broodstock, and "recycles" through the fishery both jack and adult salmonids escaping to an adult trap operated and maintained at Powerdale Dam; which is located at River Mile 4.5 in the mainstem of the Hood River. This project manages and summarizes the data collected at the adult collection facility. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $136,155
Biological objectives
Monitor and Evaluate the HRPP
Primary R, M, and E Type: Database comprised of jack and adult salmonid data
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Mark & Recapture Prg on Pre-Smolt/Smolt Steelhd Migrating Past Selected Sites in Hood R Subbasin A mark and recapture program will be implemented at five downstream migrant screw traps located in the Hood River subbasin. The mark and recapture program will be used to estimate numbers of pre-smolt and smolt steelhead moving past pre-defined locations in the Hood River subbasin. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $251,307
Biological objectives
Monitor and Evaluate the HRPP
Primary R, M, and E Type: Estimate of subbasin steelhead smolt production.
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Monitor Abundance of Non-Supp Species of Juv Salmonids Passing Selected Sites in Hood R Subbasin Record numbers of non-supplemented species of anadromous and resident salmonids caught at five downstream migrant screw traps located in the Hood River subbasin. Numbers will be used to monitor the relative abundance of each species in the trap catch. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $41,885
Biological objectives
Monitor and Evaluate the HRPP
Secondary R, M, and E Type: Abundance of downstream migrant non-target species
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Monitor Streamflow at Selected Sites in the Hood River Subbasin. Streamflow will be monitored at selected sites in the Hood River subbasin. Sites (i.e., staff gauges) will be established in the West (RM 14.3), Middle (RM 1.3), and East (RM's 1 and 8) forks of the Hood River; Lake Branch (RM 0.1); Elk Creek (RM 0.1), and McGee Creek (RM 0.1), which are all tributaries to the West Fork Hood River; and in Tony Creek (RM 0.1), which is a tributary to the Middle Fork Hood River. Staff gauges will be calibrated over a wide range of stream flows and gauge height will be read and recorded every one to four days depending on the staff gauge location. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $41,885
Biological objectives
Monitor and Evaluate the HRPP
Primary R, M, and E Type: Subbasin estimates of streamflow.
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Read juvenile and adult scale samples Salmonid scale samples will be collected from 1) juvenile fish sampled at the downstream migrant screw traps, 2) from jack and adult salmonids sampled in the Hood River creel, and 3) from jack and adult salmonids sampled at the Powerdale Dam adult collection facility (i.e., BPA project # 1988-053-08). Scales will be read to determine freshwater and ocean age life history patterns on juvenile and adult migrants. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $125,655
Biological objectives
Monitor and Evaluate the HRPP
Primary R, M, and E Type: Population estimates of salmonid age structure.
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Sample StS/StW Steelhd Smolts at Oak Springs Hatchery Before Transfer to Acclimation Ponds in Hood R A random sample of Hood River stock hatchery summer and winter steelhead smolts will be sampled for length, weight, and condition factor. Sampling will be conducted at Oak Springs Hatchery approximately one to five days prior to the transfer of production groups to acclimation facilities in the Hood River subbasin. Sampling will be conducted in collaboration with personnel from the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon (BPA project #1988-053-03). 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $41,885
Biological objectives
Monitor and Evaluate the HRPP
Primary R, M, and E Type: Hatchery steelhead health and quality monitoring.
Create/Manage/Maintain Database Maintain Project Databases on Juv & Adult Salmonids & Resident Trout Sampled in Hood R Subbasin Project numbers 1988-053-04 and 1988-053-08 collect a comprehensive array of data on anadromous and resident fish in the Hood River subbasin. Data is collected and stored in project databases on 1) morphometric and meristic characteristics of wild and hatchery juvenile and adult salmonids, 2) life history characteristics of wild and hatchery juvenile and adult salmonids, 3) harvest of jack and adult salmonids, 4) removal estimates in selected reaches of stream located throughout the Hood River subbasin, 5) adult salmonid radio telemetry data, 6) juvenile mark/recapture data, 7) PIT tag data, 8) wild and hatchery jack and adult escapements to Powerdale Dam, 9) stream flow at selected sites located throughout the Hood River subbasin, 10) physical stream measurements in selected reaches of stream located throughout the Hood River subbasin, 11) phenotypic traits for genetic samples taken from adult summer and winter steelhead passed above Powerdale Dam, and 12) phenotypic traits for genetic samples taken from juvenile summer and winter steelhead sampled at downstream migrant traps. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $128,734
Biological objectives
Disseminate Raw/Summary Data and Results Disseminate Summaries Characterizing Data Collected on Jack & Adult Salmonids Escaping to Hood R Sub Selected morphometric, meristic, and life history data will be summarized in the annual progress report to characterize 1) timing of migration, 2) egg-to-smolt survival, 3) smolt-to-adult survival, 4) age structure, 5) mean fecundity, and 6) mean fork length for upstream migrant wild and hatchery jack and adult anadromous salmonids escaping to the adult trap at Powerdale Dam. Bio- sampling of jack and adult salmonids at the Powerdale Dam adult collection facility is fully funded under BPA project #1988-053-08. Selected parameters will be characterized in the annual progress report by species, race, and origin of anadromous salmonid. Summer and winter steelhead, spring chinook salmon, fall chinook salmon, and coho salmon parameters will be summarized by origin and freshwater/ocean age category. Data will principally be used in estimating 1) subbasin wild and hatchery brood returns, 2) smolt-to-adult survival rates for wild and hatchery summer and winter steelhead and hatchery spring chinook salmon, and 3) the impact of hatchery supplementation on indigenous populations of summer and winter steelhead. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $132,793
Biological objectives
Monitor and Evaluate the HRPP
Disseminate Raw/Summary Data and Results Disseminate Summaries Characterizing Data Collected on Juv Salmonids in Hood R Subbasin Selected morphometric, meristic, life history, and count data will be summarized in the annual progress report to characterize 1) subbasin smolt production, 2) timing of migration, 3) egg-to-smolt survival, 4) smolt-to-adult survival, 5) age structure, 6) mean fork length, 7) mean weight, and 8) mean condition factor for downstream migrant wild and hatchery anadromous salmonids sampled in the Hood River subbasin. Parameters will be characterized in the annual progress report by species and race of anadromous salmonid. Wild rainbow-steelhead (rb-st) parameters will be summarized by freshwater age category. Data will principally be used in refining estimates of subbasin wild summer and winter steelhead smolt production capacity. Selected morphometric, meristic, life history, and count data will also be summarized in the annual progress report for Hood River stock hatchery summer and winter steelhead smolts collected at the mainstem migrant trap. Data will be used to characterize the number of smolts leaving the subbasin, smolt-to-adult survival rate, mean fork length, mean weight, and mean condition factor for production releases of Hood River stock hatchery summer and winter steelhead. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $48,917
Biological objectives
Monitor and Evaluate the HRPP
Disseminate Raw/Summary Data and Results Disseminate Summaries Characterizing Harvest & Life History Data Collected on Jack & Adult Salmonids Life history and catch data will be summarized in the annual report to characterize temporal distribution of harvest for marked and unmarked jack and adult anadromous salmonids harvested in the Hood River subbasin below Powerdale Dam. Data will be characterized in the annual progress report by species, race, and origin of anadromous salmonid. Data will principally be used in estimating 1) subbasin wild and hatchery brood returns, 2) smolt-to-adult survival rates for wild and hatchery summer and winter steelhead and hatchery spring chinook salmon, and 3) the impact of hatchery supplementation on indigenous populations of summer and winter steelhead. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $48,917
Biological objectives
Monitor and Evaluate the HRPP
Disseminate Raw/Summary Data and Results Provide Prj 200305400 with DB Comprised of Count & Bio-Data Collected at Powerdale (198805308) BPA project #1988-053-08 collects fin samples and both life history and bio-data from adult steelhead sampled at the Powerdale Dam adult collection facility. The fin samples are used on BPA project #2003-054-00 to conduct a pedigree study. This project enters the count, life history, and bio-data collected at the Powerdale Dam into project databases which are then submitted to project #2003-054-00. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $24,459
Biological objectives
Monitor and Evaluate the HRPP
Disseminate Raw/Summary Data and Results Respond To Requests For Summaries of Data Collected at Powerdale Dam as Part of Project 1988-053-08 BPA project #1988-053-08 counts, tags, bio-samples, collects for broodstock, and "recycles" through the fishery both jack and adult salmonids escaping to an adult trap operated and maintained at Powerdale Dam; which is located at River Mile 4.5 in the mainstem of the Hood River. Morphometric, meristic, and life history data collected at Powerdale Dam will be summarized in the annual progress report to characterize 1) temporal distribution of migration, 2) sex ratio, 3) age structure, 4) mean fork length, and 5) mean weight for marked and unmarked jack and adult anadromous salmonids escaping to the adult trap located at Powerdale Dam. Fecundity will be estimated for air spawned summer and wint4er steelhead used for hatchery broodstock. Selected parameters will be characterized in the annual progress report by species, race, and origin of anadromous salmonid. Summer and winter steelhead, spring chinook salmon, fall chinook salmon, and coho salmon parameters will be summarized by origin and freshwater/ocean age category. Data will principally be used in estimating 1) subbasin wild summer ad winter steelhead smolt production capacity, 2) Hood River stock wild and hatchery smolt-to-adult survival rates for summer and winter steelhead, 3) Deschutes stock hatchery smolt-to-adult survival rates for spring chinook salmon, and 4) subbasin spawner escapements for summer and winter steelhead and spring chinook salmon. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $122,293
Biological objectives
Monitor and Evaluate the HRPP
Install Fish Monitoring Equipment Install Downstream Migrant Traps in The Hood River Subbasin. Five downstream migrant screw traps will be installed in the Hood River Subbasin during late March or early April. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $18,483
Biological objectives
Monitor and Evaluate the HRPP
Mark/Tag Animals PIT Tag Downstream Migrant Wild Pre-Smolt and Smolt Salmonids Wild downstream migrant pre-smolt and smolt salmonids, collected at each migrant trap in the Hood River subbasin, will be PIT tagged prior to release. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $31,937
Biological objectives
Monitor and Evaluate the HRPP
Primary R, M, and E Type: PIT tag up to 3,500 downstream migrant salmonids.
Mark/Tag Animals PIT Tag Experimental Groups of Hood R Stock Hatchery StS/StW Steelhd Smolts Before Transfer/Release Approximately 2,000 Hood River stock hatchery pre-smolt summer steelhead (StS) will be PIT tagged prior to being transferred to acclimation ponds in the Hood River subbasin. Movement of PIT tagged juvenile and adult Hood stock hatchery StS will be monitored in the mainstem Columbia River to determine migration timing. Approximately 2,000 Hood River stock hatchery winter steelhead (StW) pre-smolts will be PIT tagged and direct released into the upper Hood River drainage (i.e., ~RM 17-20); several miles above the location where winter steelhead are volitionally released into the EFk of the Hood River (i.e., ~RM 6.5). Movement of PIT tagged juvenile and adult Hood River stock hatchery StW will be monitored in the mainstem Columbia River to determine migration timing. Returning acclimated and direct released experimental groups of PIT tagged Hood River stock hatchery winter steelhead will be radio tagged to determine if returning adults that were direct released in the upper drainage will spawn higher in the drainage than adults that were acclimated and released in the lower drainage. Acclimated Hood River stock hatchery StW will be PIT tagged as part of work implemented under BPA project #1988-053-03. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $35,179
Biological objectives
Monitor and Evaluate the HRPP
Primary R, M, and E Type: PIT tag experimental group of 4,000 steelhead.
Submit/Acquire Data Submit PIT Tag Information To The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) Bio- and tagging data for PIT tagged wild and hatchery salmonids will be submitted to the PSMFC. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $14,181
Biological objectives

Section 8. Budgets

Itemized estimated budget
Personnel [blank] $196,132 $206,455 $217,321
Fringe Benefits @ 59% $115,718 $121,808 $128,219
Supplies [blank] $43,207 $60,160 $61,388
Travel [blank] $28,810 $29,398 $29,998
Overhead @ 35.87% $137,693 $149,872 $156,725
Other PIT tags $15,375 $15,688 $16,008
Totals $536,935 $583,381 $609,659
Total estimated FY 2007-2009 budgets
Total itemized budget: $1,729,975
Total work element budget: $1,729,975
Cost sharing
Funding source/orgItem or service providedFY 07 est value ($)FY 08 est value ($)FY 09 est value ($)Cash or in-kind?Status
Totals $0 $0 $0

Section 9. Project future

FY 2010 estimated budget: $615,394
FY 2011 estimated budget: $615,394
Comments: Outyear budgets will fund the O&M costs of migrant traps used to PIT tag wild salmonids and to estimate subbasin steelhead smolt production. Additionally, dollars will be used to summarize and disseminate bio-data collected in the Hood R subbasin.

Future O&M costs:

Termination date: None
Comments: This project is currently ongoing.

Final deliverables:

Section 10. Narrative and other documents

ISRP Responses Jul 2006

Reviews and recommendations

FY07 budget FY08 budget FY09 budget Total budget Type Category Recommendation
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs]
$530,000 $530,000 $530,000 $1,590,000 Expense ProvinceExpense Fund
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs]
$530,000 $530,000 $530,000 $0 ProvinceExpense


Recommendation: Response requested

NPCC comments: The ISRP requests that project sponsors respond to the following issues: The proposal was reasonably crafted and thorough, in spite of an extraordinarily dense visual presentation and technical writing that made for an arduous review effort. While the proposal did not have any marked deficiencies, it was difficult to review as it was not clearly and logically organized. The ISRP has concerns over the project design, how the project will be handled and data collected after removal of Powerdale, and over the lack of publications from such a data-rich project. The objectives and methods sections were presented more as lists than as integrated pieces of work, leaving the reviewer to infer linkages and relationships. This specific M&E project proposes to collect species, race, and stock specific life history, production, escapement, run size, morphometric, meristic, and genetic information at juvenile and adult migrant traps located at selected sites throughout the Hood River subbasin. Information collected at the trapping facilities will be used to 1) refine the numerical fish objectives for wild summer and winter steelhead and natural spring Chinook salmon, to more accurately reflect the subbasins current and potential species and race specific spawner escapement and smolt production carrying capacities; 2) refine the numerical fish objectives for subbasin spawner escapements and harvest of summer and winter steelhead and spring Chinook salmon, 3) more accurately estimate species, race, and stock specific subbasin smolt-to-adult survival rates; 4) evaluate acclimation facilities; 5) monitor the incidental catch/take of wild and hatchery summer and winter steelhead in mainstem Columbia River fisheries, 6) develop guidelines for implementing the HRPP in a biologically sound manner, 7) evaluate both the Pelton ladder rearing facility and the proposed expanded hatchery facility at Parkdale, 8) develop guidelines for implementing the hatchery supplementation program in a manner that will minimize the HRPP’s impact on indigenous populations of resident and anadromous salmonids; and 9) develop and refine strategies and guidelines for implementing the HRPP in a manner that will improve program efficiency and benefits. Based on this description, it appears that lots of data have been (or will be) gathered; however, item 8 – the development of guidelines for implementing the hatchery supplementation program in a manner that will minimize the HRPP’s impact on indigenous populations of resident and anadromous salmonids – does not seem to have been dealt with. Escapement goals listed in Tables 1 and 2 differ significantly between those proposed by the 1991 Master Plan and the more recent scaling done by EDT. The more recent estimates are considerably more conservative. Presumably, the latter estimates are more reflective of carrying capacity estimates via EDT, than the earlier Master Plan goals. Powerdale Dam provides the HRPP the opportunity to enumerate all returning adults and to control or eliminate escapement of out-of-basin strays. That ability will be lost in 2010 when Powerdale is removed. It will be interesting to see how the sponsors propose to manage the various stocks in the Hood system once that happens. The ability to control strays and enumerate returning adults is an important current attribute of the system that will need to be addressed in future proposals, without which, the larger goals of the HRPP may be compromised. Relationships to other projects is well described, particularly so for other projects within the Hood River system. The project history carefully describes the tasks performed and includes a number of tables and figures from annual reports that, if they had been combined with a few pages of summary narrative, would have nicely described past results. Unfortunately that was not done. The question of whether the supplementation programs for summer and winter steelhead and chinook are working is never addressed! Objectives are often simply superficial escapement goals set by the program, not objectives and strategies designed to accomplish them. The proposal does not lay out specific objectives and methods to evaluate supplementation. The methods section is simply a listing of field techniques, with little information on experimental design. The lack of journal publication is disappointing given the duration and data-rich nature of the program.

ISRP FINAL REVIEW (Aug 31, 2006)

Recommendation: Fundable

NPCC comments: The ISRP particularly welcomes the pledge by the sponsors to dedicate staff in FY 2007 to synthesizing data and submitting manuscripts for publication in peer reviewed journals, using information collected by the Hood River monitoring and evaluation projects, the Parkdale Fish Facility, and the Powerdale Fish Trap. A concern identified by the ISRP in the Hood River habitat project (199802100) is the need to assess the extent to which the residualism of hatchery steelhead is resulting in the displacement of wild fish from Hood River habitat. It is expected that much of this task will be done in close conjunction with projects 199802100 and 198805303. It is important to ensure that the benefits to wild salmon and steelhead are fully realized because some of the fish response to the habitat work might be confounded by residualized steelhead. An over-riding issue with respect to the suite of Hood River projects is to more fully define the future timeline and objectives for the project, particularly with the impending loss of Powerdale as a counting and monitoring station. The sponsor’s judgment on success of the program is premature. For example, statements such as "Underwood et al. (2003) used Hood River adult returns and smolt to adult rates to determine whether or not the hatchery component of the program was contributing to the wild fish runs. The winter steelhead hatchery supplementation has benefited the wild population and has met or exceeded program goals (Underwood et al., 2003, p.218)" need to be examined more closely and peer reviewed. The following are the three initial ISRP concerns and an assessment of the sponsor’s responses: 1) The lack of peer reviewed publications. The sponsors did not provide an adequate response to this question but noted that budget and time constraints most likely precluded publication efforts. 2) Project design post-Powerdale Dam. Although the authors stated, “We did not address how we propose implementing this project post- Powerdale Dam, primarily because the dam is not slated for removal until after the upcoming three year funding cycle,” they went on to give a reasonable explanation. 3) Lack of management recommendations stemming from data collected on this M&E project. The authors responded with a multi-page listing of recommendations covering a broad range of topics that was sound and convincing.