FY07-09 proposal 198335003

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Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleNez Perce Tribal Hatchery M&E
Proposal ID198335003
OrganizationNez Perce Tribe
Short descriptionThis monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plan describes the implementation of a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation program for Phase 1 of Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery (NPTH).
Information transferFindings from all monitoring and evaluation activities will be communicated regularily to resource managers through several formats. Hatchery releases, tagging information, and tag recoveries will be reported regularily to regional data bases. Work plans, progress reports, and annual reports will be distributed and a comanager review will be held annually. This information will be used to improve measurements, analyses, and in adaptive management of NPTH.
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
Form submitter
Sherman Sprague Nez Perce Tribe shermans@nezperce.org
All assigned contacts
Bill Arnsberg Nez Perce Tribe billa@nezperce.org
Sherman Sprague Nez Perce Tribe shermans@nezperce.org
Sherman Sprague Nez Perce Tribe shermans@nezperce.org

Section 2. Locations

Province / subbasin: Mountain Snake / Clearwater

46.5199 116.6612 Clearwater Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery
46.4335 116.9647 Clearwater Mouth Clearwater River to South/Middle Fork Stream Survey
46.2303 116.8532 Lapwai Cr. Sweetwater Springs Rearing
46.44380 116 .81505 Lapwai Creek North Lapwai Valley -Acclimation
46.3718 116.1696 Lolo Creek Lolo Creek Mouth
46.29399 115.97498 Lolo Creek Lolo Creek Juvenile Screw Trap Site and Adult spring Chinook weir site
46.1462 115.9799 M.F. Clearwater Middle Fork Clearwater River Survey area
46.04528 115.29673 Meadow Creek Meadow Creek Juvenile Screw Trap Site
46.04541 115.29650 Meadow Creek Meadow Creek Mouth
45.82880 115.61491 Newsome Creek Newsome Creek Juvenile Screw Trap Site and Adult spring Chinook weir site.
45.82852 115.61537 Newsome Creek Newsome CreekCreek Mouth
45.80697 115.63092 Newsome Creek Newsome Creek Acclimation Facility
46.1453 115.9815 S.F. Clearwater South Fork Clearwater River Survey area
46.0323 115.9753 S.F. Clearwater South Fork Clearwater River, Lukes Gulch acclimation
46.09383 115.53960 Selway Selway River, Cedar Flats Acclimation
46.1406 115.5973 Selway Mouth of Selway River to Selway Fall, survey area
46.39717 115.64775 Yoosa Creek Yoosa/Camp Creek Acclimation Facility
46.46461 116.23424 Orofino Field Office3404 Hwy 12, Orofino, ID. 83544

Section 3. Focal species

primary: Chinook Snake River Fall ESU
primary: Chinook Snake River Spring/Summer ESU
secondary: Coho Unspecified Population
secondary: Pacific Lamprey
secondary: Steelhead Snake River ESU
secondary: Bull Trout

Section 4. Past accomplishments

2005 Completion of the Draft Composite Annual Report January 1993 – December 2000. Completed a 2002 draft Fall Chinook NPTH M&E Annual Report and assist in the 2004 run-reconstruction. Collected M&E data on hatchery and natural spring and fall Chinook salmon.
2004 Completion of the draft 2001 Annual Report. Started M&E of first NPTH spring Chinook releases. Continued spring Chinook adult return monitoring and broodstock collection. Evaluation of first fall Chinook jack returns, assisted in 2003 run reconstruction.
2003 Started NPTH broodstock collection. Collected baseline data in study streams, monitored hatchery outplanted spring chinook (parr densities, juvenile emigration, spawning ground surveys, adult return-weir operations). Monitored first fall Chinook releases.
2002 Monitored natural fall chinook life history characteristics. Collected baseline data in study streams and monitored hatchery outplanted spring chinook (parr densities, juvenile emigration, spawning ground surveys, and adult return-weir operations).
2001 Collected baseline data in study streams and monitored hatchery outplanted spring chinook (parr densities, juvenile emigration, spawning ground surveys, and adult return-weir operations)
2000 Completion of the NPTH: Action Plan. Collected baseline data in study streams and monitored hatchery outplanted spring chinook (parr densities, juvenile emigration, spawning ground surveys, and adult return-weir operations)
1999 NPTH Benefit Risk Analysis. Collected baseline data in study streams and monitored hatchery outplanted spring chinook (parr densities, juvenile emigration, spawning ground surveys, and adult return-weir operations).
1998 Collected baseline data in study streams and monitored hatchery outplanted spring chinook (parr densities, juvenile emigration, spawning ground surveys, and adult return-weir operations)
1997 Final EIS for NPTH completed. Results of Meadow Creek Fish Trapping for the 1995 Migratory Year. Stream Conditions and Salmonid Abundance - Meadow Creek. Aerial Photographs of Meadow Creek. HGMP produced. Newsome Creek Adult Weir initiated.
1996 Completion of the Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for the Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery. Initiated adult escapement analysis (Lolo Creek). Collected baselind data in study streams (parr densities, juvenile emigration, spawning ground surveys).
1995 Supplement to the Master Plan developed. Habitat condition report. Collected baselind data in study streams (parr densities, juvenile emigration, spawning ground surveys) and monitored hatchery outplanted spring chinook.
1994 Results of Meadow Creek Fish Trapping, Fall 1993. Collected baseline data in study streams and monitored hatchery outplanted spring chinook.
1993 Initiated ongoing baseline data (parr densities, juvenile emigration, spawning ground surveys).

Section 5. Relationships to other projects

Funding sourceRelated IDRelated titleRelationship
BPA 198335000 Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery O&M This project provides the monitoring and evaluation for the NPTH supplementation program.
BPA 198201301 Coded Wire Tag - PSMFC CWT data are collected as part of the Adult Surveys and provided to the regional data base. The regional data base is accessed to obtain data on CWT recoveries outside by other programs.
BPA 199607700 Clearwater Watershed Impl - Np A watershed improvement project that complements the NPTH supplementation project with habitat improvements and surveys located in the same drainages. The NPTH M & E measures the performance of chinook in these drainages.
BPA 198909800 Salmon Studies Id Rvrs IDFC Collects necessary data in reference stream to compare with NPTH program treatment stream).
BPA 198909802 Salmon Studies Id Rvrs NPT Relies on this project (1983350003) for the collection of ISS data in Newsome, Lolo and Eldorado Creeks.
PCSRF - Idaho 031 04 CW Lolo Creek Passage Restoration This project is designed to imporve adult passage. The spawning ground surveys of NPTH M&E monitors the results
BPA 199607702 Lolo Creek Watershed A watershed improvement project that complements the NPTH supplementation project with habitat improvements and surveys located in the same drainages. The NPTH M & E measures the performance of chinook in these drainages.
BPA 200003500 Rehabilitate Newsome Creek - S A watershed improvement project that complements the NPTH supplementation project with habitat improvements and surveys located in the same drainages. The NPTH M & E measures the performance of chinook in these drainages.
BPA 200206000 Nez Perce Harvest Monitoring This harvest project complements NPTH supplementation project by providing harvest information on NPTH fish. Objective 4.
Other: Lower Snake River Comp. Plan [no entry] LSRCP Harvest This harvest project complements NPTH supplementation project by providing harvest information on NPTH fish. Objective 4.
BPA 198909801 Salmon Studies Id Rvrs USFWS Cooperatively collect comparable data in all major Chinook salmon producing streams in the Clearwater subbasin.
BPA 199102900 Post-Release Survival of Fall Chinook Project cooperation, monitoring and evaluation of fall Chinook, transport/spill studies using PIT tags and associated adult returns.
BPA 199403300 Fish Passage Center They run the Pit tag detection program at mainstem dams that provides fall chinook PIT tag detection data to regional data base and they evaluate emigration timing and survivals through the hydro system.
Other: US vs Oregon TAC [no entry] Technical Advisory Committee Cooperatively work with this US vs Oregon group to build Lower Granite Dam capture, spawning database and run reconstruction for fall chinook.
BPA 200303600 CBFWA Monitor/Eval Program The project is an integral part of the Collaborative System-wide Monitoring and Evaluation Program.
Other: US Army Corps W912EF-05-P-005 Fall Chinook Transport/Spill Studies Project staff and equipment are shared to evaluate natural and hatchery fall chinook survivals in cooperative transport/spill evaluations.
BPA 199801005 Pittsburg Landing Fall Chinook Work cooperatively to monitor juvenile emigration timing, growth rates, adult returns, and hatchery contribution to natural production.
BPA 199801004 M&E Snake R. Fall Ch Spawning Work cooperatively to monitor juvenile survivals, growth rates, emigration timing, and adult returns from Lyons Ferry Hatchery fall chinook releases on the Snake and Clearwater rivers.
Other: Various [no entry] Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission Cooperate/share PIT tag , CWT, fish and habitat data with PSMFC.

Section 6. Biological objectives

Biological objectivesFull descriptionAssociated subbasin planStrategy
Harvest Management Determine how harvest opportunities on spring, early-fall, and fall chinook salmon can be optimized for tribal and non-tribal anglears within Nez Perce Treaty lands Clearwater Objective C, Strategy C.3. Objective D, Strategy D.1
Hatchery Product Performance Determine if program targets for contribution rate of hatchery fish are being achieved and can be improved Clearwater Objective C, strategy C.2 Objective D, strategies D.1, D.4, and D.5
Information Transfer Effectivel communicate monitoring and evaluation approach and findings to resource managers. Clearwater Objective C, Strategy 1. Objective D, Strategy 5
Interactions Estimate ecological and genetic impacts to other fish populations Clearwater Objective C. StrategyC.2
Natural Production Response Determine the increases in natural production that results from supplementation of chinook salmon in the Clearwater River subbasin, and relate them to limiting factors Clearwater Objective A, strategies A.1 and A.2; Objective B, strategy 4

Section 7. Work elements (coming back to this)

Work element nameWork element titleDescriptionStart dateEnd dateEst budget
Manage and Administer Projects Develop Annual Statement of Work Prepare a Statement of Work and budget for the contract years 2007 through 2009 that identifies research objectives and tasks. The first draft will be available for technical review by 15 September prior to the funding year, and will be submitted to BPA by 1 October of the same year. Attend or present results at regional conferences, attend technical workshops, and attend training as required. 1/1/2007 12/31/2009 $304,707
Biological objectives
Produce Annual Report Produce 2006 - 2007 Annual Report Prepare annual reports that documents NPTH Spring Chinook and Fall Chinook research activities. This will include adult return information (spawning surveys) and juvenile production and emigration through spring of 2009. Final drafts will be submitted to the BPA by May 1 each year. 1/1/2007 12/31/2009 $426,588
Biological objectives
Produce Status Report Produce Quarterly Status Reports and Summary Reports Provide quarterly status reports to BPA (due dates 4/15, 7/15, 10/15, and 12/31 each year) and provide summary reports to BPA, cooperative State and Federal agencies that will describe brief results of population status or supplementation activities that has occurred on a regular basis without detailed interpretation. 1/1/2007 12/31/2009 $548,470
Biological objectives
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation ESA permits and reports, BioOp. Reports. Acquire necessary permits and other authorizations to implement the project. 1/1/2007 12/31/2009 $121,882
Biological objectives
Other Produce Pisces Status Report - Project Reports Produce quarterly status reports in PISCES (due dates 4/15, 7/15, 10/15, and 12/31 for 2007 thru 2009. 1/1/2007 12/31/2009 $60,941
Biological objectives
Coordination Coordinate Program, NPTH AOP, Inter/Intra Agencies Assist the Production Department with the development of the NPTH annual operation plan. Attend relevant inter- and intra-agency meetings as required to coordinate activities and share project information. 1/1/2007 12/31/2009 $487,529
Biological objectives
Mark/Tag Animals Mark hatchery and wild Chinook salmon and PIT tag Mark hatchery-reared chinook salmon with a unique mark so they can be detected as smolts and adults (currently 625K spring chinook coded wire tagged, and 1 million fall chinook 600K coded wire tagged and 400K coded wire tagged plus ad-clipped). PIT tags will be used in a subsample of hatchery fish (31K spring chinook and 12K fall chinook) before release and in wild fish (12K spring chinook and 8K fall chinook) captured in treatment streams. 1/1/2007 12/31/2009 $975,058
Biological objectives
Install Fish Monitoring Equipment Install & Remove Screw Traps and Adult Weirs Install screw traps in NPTH treatment streams to capture emigrating juvenile spring Chinook salmon. Remove traps at the end of emigration period or when ice problems prohibits their use. They will be removed when spawning is complete 1/1/2007 12/31/2009 $365,647
Biological objectives
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Adult Chinook Salmon Collect monitoring data pertaining to NPTH Supplementation activities. This mainly covers field activities to collect data from spring and fall hatchery and wild Chinook. 1/1/2007 12/31/2009 $1,828,235
Biological objectives
Submit/Acquire Data Transferring/uploading Data Uploading PIT tag data files and coded wire tagging data files 1/1/2007 12/31/2009 $182,823
Biological objectives
Analyze/Interpret Data Analyze/Interpret Data Generated by Field Activities Analyze data and organize results into tables, figures, and text format for use in technical reports, scientific, and management forums. 1/1/2007 12/31/2009 $792,235
Biological objectives

Section 8. Budgets

Itemized estimated budget
Personnel 12 full time, 14 part time, 4 admin support $829,345 $854,422 $880,096
Fringe Benefits 12 full time, 14 part time, 4 admin support $267,921 $269,773 $271,664
Supplies office and field materials $141,294 $141,294 $141,294
Travel field crew operations, project coordination and management $33,411 $33,411 $33,411
Capital Equipment Coded Wire Tags, PIT Tags, and CWT tagging costs $285,293 $285,293 $285,293
Overhead 29.65% Indirect Rate $377,139 $385,124 $393,297
Other Sub-contracts $61,780 $61,780 $61,780
Totals $1,996,183 $2,031,097 $2,066,835
Total estimated FY 2007-2009 budgets
Total itemized budget: $6,094,115
Total work element budget: $6,094,115
Cost sharing
Funding source/orgItem or service providedFY 07 est value ($)FY 08 est value ($)FY 09 est value ($)Cash or in-kind?Status
[organization left blank] [provision left blank] $0 $0 $0 Cash Confirmed
BLM Fall chinook redd surveys $9,800 $9,800 $9,800 Cash Under Review
US Army CORPS of Engineers Additional staff and equipment to capture additional natural fall chinook for PIT tagging. $72,691 $74,969 $77,182 Cash Under Review
Totals $82,491 $84,769 $86,982

Section 9. Project future

FY 2010 estimated budget: $2,093,238
FY 2011 estimated budget: $2,093,238
Comments: Assumes a 3% increase in salaries and no inflation.

Future O&M costs: The first fish releases from the Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery occurred in 2003 for fall chinook and 2004 for spring chinook. Monitoring and evaluation of the Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery is expected to cover 15 to 20 years and is designed to be adaptively managed to answer critical uncertainties and nine main management questions over this time period. Rough estimates for annual operation from 2011 through 2024 would be $2,120,433 with an annual inflationary rate of 2 percent. If program objectives can be achieved, Phase II (full implementation) of NPTH may be implemented.

Termination date: 2019 - 2024
Comments: The Monitoring and Evaluation project is designed to sample fish populations in the main-stem Clearwater River and its tributaries over the next 15 to 20 years. If/when the critical uncertainties and the main management questions are answered, a reduction in M&E activities should occur. An expansion may occur if full implementation of the Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery is approved.

Final deliverables: The final deliverables of the project include answers to the critical uncertainties described in Steward (1996) and the following nine main management questions. • Can Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery produce adequate return rates to achieve program objectives? • Do the NATURES rearing components make enough difference in post-release survival and return rates to warrant the added limitations compared to conventional hatcheries? • Can Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery strategies be improved to achieve program goals more rapidly? • Can self-sustaining natural populations be established from hatchery fish? • Can we determine how to adjust supplementation rates as natural populations rebuild? • Does the NPTH program foster genetic adaptation in target populations? • Are intra- and inter-species specific abundance and behaviors altered by the NPTH program? • Can harvest rate and gear type be predictively managed to optimize NPTH operation? • Can adult return be accurately predicted for NPTH streams?

Section 10. Narrative and other documents

Reviews and recommendations

FY07 budget FY08 budget FY09 budget Total budget Type Category Recommendation
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs]
$1,900,000 $1,900,000 $1,900,000 $5,700,000 Expense ProvinceExpense Fund
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs]
$1,900,000 $1,900,000 $1,900,000 $0 ProvinceExpense


Recommendation: Fundable

NPCC comments: Technical and scientific background: This is a thorough and well-written proposal that documents the long history of the NPTH project including (somewhat between the lines!) the long interaction and dialogue between the ISRP and the project. The current proposal accurately reflects many of the conclusions reached during previous reviews and is focused on implementing and monitoring Phase 1 of the three-phased, 20+ year project. Phase 1 is expected to take approximately 5 years; however, specific adult returns (i.e., benchmarks or biological triggers) have to be achieved to move the project into Phase II. Sponsors provide substantial detail throughout the proposal and in the attached M&E Action Plan describing specific tasks and performance measures. It would appear from this well-crafted proposal that the years of dialogue have paid off and that the systematic approach outlined in the proposal and M&E action plan are likely to yield much needed information on supplementation effects and results. Relationships to other projects are well described. This is a very expensive ($2 million/yr) effort to assess the performance of NATURES rearing and of this supplementation program. Prior ISRP comments specified that this M&E be done commensurate with a Phase 1 production level; however, it is difficult at this time to tease out if there should be any differences for M&E between the two phases. Objectives, tasks, and M&E are well described including a detailed description of uncertainties, assumptions, and hypotheses.

ISRP FINAL REVIEW (Aug 31, 2006)

Recommendation: Fundable

NPCC comments: Technical and scientific background: This is a thorough and well-written proposal that documents the long history of the NPTH project including (somewhat between the lines!) the long interaction and dialogue between the ISRP and the project. The current proposal accurately reflects many of the conclusions reached during previous reviews and is focused on implementing and monitoring Phase 1 of the three-phased, 20+ year project. Phase 1 is expected to take approximately 5 years; however, specific adult returns (i.e., benchmarks or biological triggers) have to be achieved to move the project into Phase II. Sponsors provide substantial detail throughout the proposal and in the attached M&E Action Plan describing specific tasks and performance measures. It would appear from this well-crafted proposal that the years of dialogue have paid off and that the systematic approach outlined in the proposal and M&E action plan are likely to yield much needed information on supplementation effects and results. Relationships to other projects are well described. This is a very expensive ($2 million/yr) effort to assess the performance of NATURES rearing and of this supplementation program. Prior ISRP comments specified that this M&E be done commensurate with a Phase 1 production level; however, it is difficult at this time to tease out if there should be any differences for M&E between the two phases. Objectives, tasks, and M&E are well described including a detailed description of uncertainties, assumptions, and hypotheses.