FY07-09 proposal 199500100

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Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleKalispel Tribe Resident Fish P
Proposal ID199500100
OrganizationKalispel Tribe
Short descriptionThis project works to assess and restore native salmonids in tributaries to and enhance largemouth bass populations in the lower Pend Oreille River. Activities include habitat and population assessments, habitat restoration, and non-native fish removals.
Information transferRaw data, through Project #199700400, and summarized data (accessed with interactive maps) available through http://www.knrd.org. Information also available in Annual Reports accessed from BPA's website.
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
Form submitter
Todd Andersen Kalispel Tribe tandersen@knrd.org
All assigned contacts
Todd Andersen Kalispel Tribe tandersen@knrd.org
Wayne Gould Kalispel Tribe wgould@knrd.org

Section 2. Locations

Province / subbasin: Intermountain / Pend Oreille

Pend Oreille River and its tributaries

Section 3. Focal species

primary: Largemouth Bass
primary: Cutthroat Trout
primary: Bull Trout

Section 4. Past accomplishments

2005 30.9 Km of fish population and habitat assessments. 12 engineered LWD structures constructed. 5403 brook trout removed in 7.7Km stream. Effectiveness monitoring of bass enhancement.
2004 29.9 Km of fish population and habitat assessments. 2153 brook trout removed in 7.7 Km of stream. Effectiveness monitoring of bass enhancement.
2003 Effectiveness monitoring of habitat enhancement. 42.6 Km of fish population and habitat assessments. 2523 brook trout removed from 6.2 Km stream.
2002 Effectiveness monitoring of habitat enhancement. 59.9 Km of fish population and habitat assessment. 2941 brook trout removed from 3.7 Km of stream. Restoration of channel/banks at culvert removal site.
2001 Effectiveness monitoring of habitat enhancement conducted in 5 streams and 4 sloughs.
2000 Effectiveness monitoring of habitat enhancement conducted in 5 streams and 4 sloughs.
1999 Effectiveness monitoring of habitat enhancement conducted in 5 streams and 4 sloughs.
1998 22 instream structures constructed in 4 streams. Effectiveness monitoring of habitat enhancement conducted in 5 streams and 4 sloughs.
1997 Fish population and habitat assessments completed in 13.0 Km of stream. 28 instream structures completed in 5 streams. Initiate effectiveness monitoring for enhancements. 200 largemouth bass habitat enhancement structures placed in 4 sloughs
1996 Fish population and habitat assessments completed in 5.1 Km of stream. A total of 3.0 Km of riparian fence constructed at two sites. 17 instream structures constructed in 3 streams. Largemouth bass hatchery construction initiated.
1995 Fish population and habitat assessments completed in 48.1 Km of stream. 1.5 Km of riparian fencing constructed. Genetic Hybridization testing on 300 brook trout. Kalispel Warm Water Fish Hatchery Project Final Design Development Report completed.

Section 5. Relationships to other projects

Funding sourceRelated IDRelated titleRelationship
BPA 199700400 Resident Fish Above Chief Joe Data collected from this proposal fills data gaps and is stored and downloadable through project #199700400

Section 6. Biological objectives

Biological objectivesFull descriptionAssociated subbasin planStrategy
Enhance and restore native fish habitat Protect, enhance, and restore native fish habitat function to maintain or enhance ecological diversity and long-term viability of native and desirable nonnative fish species, including westslope cutthroat and bull trout, using a watershed based approach. Intermountain Assess quality and quantity of available spawning and rearing habitat and prioritize stream reaches for protection and enhancement measures. Implement fish habitat protection, restoration, and enhancement measures using a variety of means.
Enhance largemouth bass fishery Increase the amount of harvestable largemouth bass in Box Canyon Reservoir from the current levels of 6 pounds per acre to 12 pounds per acre by 2010, as long as this activity does not adversely impact native fish. Intermountain Construct and place artificial cover structures to increase the amount of largemouth bass fry cover. Operate and maintain a largemouth bass hatchery.
Manage nonnative species Manage nonnative species, including brook trout, in a way that minimizes negative impacts to native species. Intermountain Utilize chemical, mechanical, or other means to control populations of undesirable fish for the purpose of enhancing native fish species populations.
Restore bull trout to a harvestable surplus Restore bull trout to a harvestable surplus (i.e. create and maintain a sport fishery) in the Pend Oreille Subbasin by 2030. Intermountain Protect and increase the amount of available spawning and rearing habitat used by bull trout.

Section 7. Work elements (coming back to this)

Work element nameWork element titleDescriptionStart dateEnd dateEst budget
Remove or Relocate Non-predaceous Animals Upper West Branch LeClerc Brook Trout Removal Electrofishing removals of brook trout in West Branch LeClerc Creek totaling a stream distance of approximately 15 Km. 7/1/2007 11/1/2009 $207,000
Biological objectives
Manage nonnative species
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation Obtain Required Permits Obtain required permits to implement habitat restoration activities and electrofish. 3/1/2007 7/1/2009 $3,000
Biological objectives
Enhance and restore native fish habitat
Enhance largemouth bass fishery
Manage nonnative species
Restore bull trout to a harvestable surplus
Increase Instream Habitat Complexity Implement Restoration in Priority Watersheds Install engineered LWD structures in stream reaches located in Priority Streams (Identified in Subbasin Plan) and identified through habitat or watershed assessments. 7/1/2007 11/1/2009 $106,000
Biological objectives
Enhance and restore native fish habitat
* # of structures installed: 36 Engineered LWD structures installed
Operate and Maintain Habitat/Passage enhance largemouth bass habitat Enhace largemouth bass habitat in Box Canyon Reservoir by installing 300 structures to increase overwinter habitat. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $4,311
Biological objectives
Enhance largemouth bass fishery
Operate and Maintain Habitat/Passage Maintain Instream Structures Maintain instream structures in Mineral Creek, Fourth of July Creek, East and West Branch LeClerc Creek, Browns Creek, Indian Creek, and Cee Cee Ah Creek in late spring when areas become accessible 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $25,700
Biological objectives
Enhance and restore native fish habitat
Operate and Maintain Habitat/Passage Maintain Previously Installed Fence Maintain riparian exclosure at Whiteman Creek, Fourth of July Creek, and Middle Branch LeClerc Creek in late spring when areas become accessible. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $20,600
Biological objectives
Enhance and restore native fish habitat
Maintain Fish Health feed and treat with formulin to maintain fish health Treat lmb with formulin compound to help prevent external diseases. 1/29/2007 1/28/2010 $45,027
Biological objectives
Enhance largemouth bass fishery
Maintain Hatchery Maintain day-to-day hatchery operations [Work Element Description Not Entered] 1/29/2007 1/28/2010 $124,136
Biological objectives
Enhance largemouth bass fishery
Produce Hatchery Fish Largemouth bass [Work Element Description Not Entered] 1/29/2007 1/28/2010 $80,069
Biological objectives
Enhance largemouth bass fishery
Put and Take Fisheries [Work Element Title Not Entered] [Work Element Description Not Entered] 1/29/2007 1/28/2010 $34,000
Biological objectives
Enhance largemouth bass fishery
Spawn Fish Provide lmb with artificial spawning habitat Place artificial spawning matts in raceway to allow spawning. 1/29/2007 1/28/2010 $60,300
Biological objectives
Enhance largemouth bass fishery
Trap/Collect/Hold/Transport Fish - Hatchery Handle lmb as neccessary collect lmb and transport where needed. 1/29/2007 1/28/2010 $54,000
Biological objectives
Enhance largemouth bass fishery
Coordination Activity Coordination Coordinate project activities with area resource managers. 3/1/2007 2/28/2010 $7,500
Biological objectives
Enhance and restore native fish habitat
Manage nonnative species
Restore bull trout to a harvestable surplus
Manage and Administer Projects Prepare Draft Scope of Work and Budget for FY06 Complete all projects at designated time 1/29/2007 1/28/2010 $27,689
Biological objectives
Enhance largemouth bass fishery
Manage and Administer Projects Project Management Management duties include SOW and budgets, accrual estimates, NEPA compliance, training, etc. 3/1/2007 2/28/2010 $40,330
Biological objectives
Enhance and restore native fish habitat
Enhance largemouth bass fishery
Manage nonnative species
Restore bull trout to a harvestable surplus
Produce Inventory or Assessment Baseline Fish Habitat Assessments Fish habitat assessments completed in the Priest River watershed. 5/15/2007 9/30/2009 $198,500
Biological objectives
Enhance and restore native fish habitat
Produce Plan Plan and Design for Engineered LWD Placement Following comparative analysis between an unimpacted reference reach and an impacted reach that has potential for restoration, a plan will be developed to aid in the determination of LWD structure placement that will best mimic the natural channel processes that are most beneficial to the life cycles of resident native salmonids. 3/1/2007 2/28/2010 $59,700
Biological objectives
Enhance and restore native fish habitat
Restore bull trout to a harvestable surplus
Produce Annual Report Annual Report [Work Element Description Not Entered] 1/29/2007 1/28/2010 $29,689
Biological objectives
Enhance largemouth bass fishery
Produce Annual Report Status Reports Produce Annual Reports for the assessment and enhancement portion of this project that are consistent with terms and conditions of contract 3/1/2007 2/28/2010 $153,000
Biological objectives
Enhance and restore native fish habitat
Enhance largemouth bass fishery
Manage nonnative species
Restore bull trout to a harvestable surplus
Produce Pisces Status Report Report on Work Element and Milestone Status Continually monitor the status and progress of the project ensuring proposed actions can proceed as planned. 3/1/2007 2/28/2010 $4,100
Biological objectives
Produce Status Report Quarterly Report [Work Element Description Not Entered] 1/29/2007 1/28/2010 $10,875
Biological objectives
Enhance largemouth bass fishery
Analyze/Interpret Data Data Analysis Fish habitat, snorkel, and electrofishing data will be analyzed using Access database functions and formulas generated in Excel spreadsheets. Results of analyses will be presented in the developments and conclusions of the Annual Reports. 3/1/2007 2/28/2010 $4,000
Biological objectives
Enhance and restore native fish habitat
Focal Area: Tributary baseline data
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Data Collection Data collected for monitoring fish populations and habitat enhancements. 3/1/2007 11/1/2009 $194,400
Biological objectives
Enhance and restore native fish habitat
Manage nonnative species
Primary R, M, and E Type: status and trend monitoring
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Monitor Effectiveness of Hatchery Supplementation [Work Element Description Not Entered] 1/29/2007 1/28/2010 $90,069
Biological objectives
Enhance largemouth bass fishery
Create/Manage/Maintain Database Maintain Databases Enter current information and maintain data in Excel spreadsheets, Access database, Pathfinder Office (GPS data), and Arcmap. 3/1/2007 2/28/2010 $8,300
Biological objectives
Mark/Tag Animals Mark all hatchery-raised largemouth bass prior to outplanting [Work Element Description Not Entered] 1/29/2007 1/28/2010 $40,630
Biological objectives
Enhance largemouth bass fishery

Section 8. Budgets

Itemized estimated budget
Personnel 4.5 FTE $193,860 $203,553 $213,731
Fringe Benefits 4.5 FTE $62,314 $65,430 $68,701
Capital Equipment Lease (1) 4X4 Club Cab, (1) 4X4 SUV $8,500 $8,500 $8,500
Travel per diem for field work $3,000 $3,000 $3,000
Travel Vehicle/Boat Fuel, Maintenance, and Repair $3,700 $4,200 $4,700
Supplies Office and Field Supplies $5,500 $5,500 $5,500
Overhead Indirect rate estimated at 20% $53,275 $55,940 $58,726
Personnel program manager $5,510 $5,789 $6,078
Supplies Hatchery Office and Field Supplies $28,151 $28,423 $28,423
Travel per diem for field work and training $9,308 $9,308 $9,308
Capital Equipment Lease (1) 4x4 ext. cab $6,552 $6,552 $6,552
Overhead indirect rate $31,691 $32,928 $34,169
Personnel Fish Hatchery Manager $41,328 $43,394 $45,564
Personnel Tech III $30,146 $31,653 $33,235
Personnel Tech I $3,678 $3,862 $4,055
Fringe Benefits Program manager $1,103 $1,158 $1,216
Fringe Benefits Hatchery manager $18,598 $19,527 $20,504
Fringe Benefits Tech III $13,867 $14,560 $15,288
Fringe Benefits Tech I $736 $772 $811
Totals $520,811 $544,046 $568,057
Total estimated FY 2007-2009 budgets
Total itemized budget: $1,632,914
Total work element budget: $1,632,925
Cost sharing
Funding source/orgItem or service providedFY 07 est value ($)FY 08 est value ($)FY 09 est value ($)Cash or in-kind?Status
Totals $0 $0 $0

Section 9. Project future

FY 2010 estimated budget: $378,900
FY 2011 estimated budget: $378,900
Comments: [Outyear comment field left blank]

Future O&M costs:

Termination date:

Final deliverables:

Section 10. Narrative and other documents

199500100 ISRP Response Jul 2006

Reviews and recommendations

FY07 budget FY08 budget FY09 budget Total budget Type Category Recommendation
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs]
$520,814 $544,049 $568,060 $1,632,923 Expense ProvinceExpense Fund
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs]
$520,814 $544,049 $568,060 $0 ProvinceExpense
Comments: ISRP fund in part: ISRP recommended not funding rearing and release of bass, council has reviewed this same issue in the past and decided to accept the risks of going forward. Council is not going to change that conclusion at this time.


Recommendation: Not fundable

NPCC comments: The project has three major components, those for bull trout, trout habitat in tributaries, and largemouth bass propagation and habitat. Based on the proposal, all three components either are producing no benefits or are showing evidence of failure, and should not receive future funding. In its most recent review, the ISRP indicated a concern that bass culture and stocking might be having negative impacts on native species. To quote that review: "an early assessment of the bass hatchery component is needed within three years by the time of the next review cycle. In this time there should be clear evidence of whether this project is a success or a failure. If a failure, the bass hatchery component should be terminated." No evidence is put forth in the proposal to suggest that hatchery-reared bass are contributing to a fishery. Their presence continues to put salmonids in the entire region at increased risk. The trout components of the project show no indication of providing any benefit to native species. The project's habitat monitoring was not yielding useful information, and it was discontinued in 2003. However, habitat structures continue to be constructed without evidence that they are increasing native fish numbers. Brook trout removal by electrofishing has been done repeatedly for more than five years at the same locations yet there is no indication that enough brook trout are being removed to provide a benefit for native fish. Chemical treatment to remove brook trout, an important task that previously appeared as part of this project, is now proposed by the Kalispel Tribe under proposal 2007149000. All in all, there is no reason to continue these efforts.

ISRP FINAL REVIEW (Aug 31, 2006)

Recommendation: Fundable in part

NPCC comments: The project has three major components: coordinate bull trout restoration, manage trout habitat and non-native trout in tributaries, and propagate largemouth bass. Based on the proposal, the ISRP felt in its preliminary review that all components either were producing no benefits or were showing evidence of failure, and should not receive future funding. However, material furnished in the response satisfactorily addressed many of those concerns, and the ISRP recommends Fundable for the trout components (Objectives 1, 3, and 4) and Fundable in Part for the largemouth bass component (Objective 2) to monitor and evaluate the bass already reared and released. The ISRP does not recommend further rearing and release of largemouth bass. The primary basis for the recommended reduction of the project is the serious potential for deleterious interactions between the stocked largemouth bass and native aquatic species. This potential is not restricted to this location, but exists throughout the Columbia River Basin, as a result of natural migration and angler-assisted translocations. Secondary considerations are the inconsistent goals of improving habitat for native trout and removal of non-native brook trout while simultaneously stocking large-mouth bass, and a lack of evidence supplied in the proposal or response, that the bass stocking is efficacious. The ISRP has reviewed the largemouth bass supplementation for FY 98, 99, 00, the Provincial Review (01), and a Three-Step Review. The initial reviews (FY 98, 99, and 00) found the proposal inadequate (98) or recommended no bass stocking (99), emphasizing the problem of conflicting program goals – stocking bass while removing non-native trout and attempting to restore native trout habitat. In the Provincial (01 – 03) and Three Step reviews the ISRP focused on the lack of evidence that a bass hatchery could be successful and the need for a strong experimental design. This FY 07-9 recommendation is consistent with the earliest ISRP reviews, and with the ISRP’s understanding of the guidance for fish substitution in the Council’s program. The current panel understands that this recommendation is more conservative than the Provincial and Three-Step Review. In reaching its conclusion, the ISRP gave consideration to the preexisting introduced species in the Pend Oreille River system, but concluded in the end that the action is inherently in conflict with not only other Fish and Wildlife Program goals and guidance, but also with good conservation principles in general. Reviews evaluating aquatic biodiversity issues have concluded that interactions with exotic species are perhaps even more of a cause of the loss of diversity than habitat alteration (degradation). Largemouth bass have been introduced in various places in the Columbia River Basin and have established reproducing populations. These introductions would likely not pass scrutiny at this time, and would not now form a basis for actively engaging in the rearing and release of exotic species into open waters. There is increasing awareness throughout the western U.S. and around the world of the negative impact of largemouth bass outside their native range. Projects such as this pose risks well beyond their immediate areas, as bass are particularly good at living in buckets while being moved for 50 miles. Largemouth bass are adapting to cooler temperatures; once thought to become inactive below 50 degrees F, they have recently been found to actively travel and feed in ice-covered water bodies. In response to the ISRP request for information on the success of the largemouth bass stocking, the response argues that more time is needed: "the hatchery went through a Three-Step review process in 2002 for the construction of 3 rearing ponds. Until these ponds were built, the hatchery program was unable to achieve the goals of the hatchery (produce 100,000 largemouth bass). In 2003, the ponds were first used, which has dramatically increased the numbers of bass produced and helped to address program goals. Unfortunately, these fish will not be recruited into the fishery for several more years." Reviewers believe this period of time is easily long enough for bass (now 3+years old) to have reached the creel. There should be information available. In any case, stocking additional largemouth bass is not needed to evaluate the effectiveness of the initial stocking program, and continued stocking may in fact help establish an unwanted non-native species. Regarding the trout and trout habitat activities, fencing to exclude livestock is continuing and engineered large woody structures are being placed. In the plan for revised and improved M&E on the habitat work, the intent is to make population estimates in three randomly selected 50-meter sections of stream and in one 100-m section. The amount of sampling should probably be more intense in order to get valid results. There should be more sections sampled, and each section should be at least 100 m long. The plan includes dividing the stream into 50-m reference sections, which is probably a very good idea for physical monitoring. For the electrofishing, adjacent 50-m sections can be combined. The sponsors should obtain the advice of a biostatistician in further designing the M&E data collection and analysis. The response material was clear and focused in regard to Objective 3 (manage nonnative fish species). Reviewers agree the brook trout suppression by electrofishing should proceed, but on a strict experimental basis while results are evaluated over the next three years, e.g., the cutthroat trout response to the completed partial brook trout removal by electrofishing in Mineral and Saucon creeks. Reviewers anticipate the surviving brook trout will increase in numbers much faster than will cutthroat trout, but hope they are incorrect. The sponsors should plan to publish results in a scientific journal.