FY07-09 proposal 200711700

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Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleComprehensive Assessment of Coho Salmon Restoration Efforts in the Mid-Columbia and Mid-Snake River Basins
Proposal ID200711700
OrganizationColumbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
Short descriptionThis project will coordinate exchange of data among managers tribal programs to reintroduce extirpated coho salmon, and comprehensive assessment of methodologies and results to address uncertainites relative to the feasibity of reintroduction/restoration.
Information transferThe project will: 1) Bring together the managers for twice annual meetings for the purpose of sharing information/data, and for debating eficay of various stratgies purseued in their respective projects, 2) Sponsor a major workshop, the: "Columbia River Coho Salmon Restoration Symposium"; 3) Produce a comprehensive evaluation of these programs in a full length report, and in a manuscript for peer-reviewed publication, in addition to the required annual and Pisces status reports.
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
Form submitter
Peter Galbreath Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission galp@critfc.org
All assigned contacts
Peter Galbreath Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission galp@critfc.org

Section 2. Locations

Province / subbasin: Mainstem/Systemwide / Systemwide


Section 3. Focal species

primary: Coho Unspecified Population

Section 4. Past accomplishments


Section 5. Relationships to other projects

Funding sourceRelated IDRelated titleRelationship
PCSRF - CRITFC 2000-1-03 Coho Salmon Monitoring and Eva The proposed Comprehensive Assessment project will utilize information obtained through this project conducted as part of the ongoing Nez Perce Tribe coho reintroduction/restoration program.
PCSRF - CRITFC 2000-4-05 Washougal Coho Production (Mit The proposed Comprehensive Assessment project will utilize information obtained through this Yakama Nation project to rear coho smolts for release into the Klickitat River.
PCSRF - CRITFC 2001-1-03 Coho Salmon Production in the The proposed Comprehensive Assessment project will utilize information obtained through this project conducted as part of the ongoing Nez Perce Tribe coho reintroduction/restoration program.
PCSRF - CRITFC 2002-1-02 Coho Salmon Monitoring and Eva The proposed Comprehensive Assessment project will utilize information obtained through this project conducted as part of the ongoing Nez Perce Tribe coho reintroduction/restoration program.
PCSRF - CRITFC 2003-1-01 Clearwater River Coho Salmon R The proposed Comprehensive Assessment project will utilize information obtained through this project conducted as part of the ongoing Nez Perce Tribe coho reintroduction/restoration program.
PCSRF - CRITFC 2003-4-03 LaSalle Coho Hatchery and Educ The proposed Comprehensive Assessment project will utilize information obtained through this Yakama Nation project conducted in collaboration with YKFP Coho Program.
PCSRF - CRITFC 2005-1-01 Coho Salmon Production Project The proposed Comprehensive Assessment project will utilize information obtained through this project conducted as part of the ongoing Nez Perce Tribe coho reintroduction/restoration program.
PCSRF - CRITFC 2002-5-03 Coordination of Production Iss The proposed Comprehensive Assessment project will utilize information obtained through this CRITFC project which included organization and funding of the Inter-Tribal Coho Salmon Restoration Workshop (Leavenworth WA , 2/14-16/05).
BPA 199603327 Coho Supp Yakima R Constructio The proposed Comprehensive Assessment project will utilize information obtained through this Yakama Nation project conducted as part of the ongoing YKFP Coho Program.
BPA 199604000 Coho Restoration Mid-Columbia The proposed Comprehensive Assessment project will utilize information obtained through this initial Yakama Nation feasibility study for the Mid-Columbia Coho Program.
BPA 199000501 Umatilla Basin Nat Prod M&E The proposed Comprehensive Assessment project will utilize information obtained through this CTUIR project to monitor juvenile and smolt production in the Umatilla River, including that of coho salmon.
Other: Mitchell Act N/A Umatilla River Coho Supplementation The proposed Comprehensive Assessment project will utilize information obtained for the coho salmon produced annually at Cascade and Bonneville State (OR) Fish Hatcheries and are subsequently stocked as smolts into the Umatilla River.

Section 6. Biological objectives

Biological objectivesFull descriptionAssociated subbasin planStrategy
Facilitate reintroduction and restoration of coho The Project Objective is to facilitate reintroduction and restoration of coho salmon to mid-Columbia and Snake River basins as naturally self-sustaining populations through production of a comprehensive review of the four on-going tribal programs. This review will facilitate restoration of coho salmon to the Basin in two ways. First it will provide a venue for managers of these four projects to share information and advice acquired from experience operating their respective projects. These programs are conducted independently one from another, yet they have many commonalities of purpose and procedure. Adaptive management is now recognized as being a necessary key feature in the design of all current fisheries projects in the Basin. Learning not just from one’s own experiences but also from the experiences of other projects involved in restoring coho salmon will aid managers to modify and prioritize their respective project activities and lead to greater efficiencies in use of limited resources. Secondly, the review will address the “uncertainty” of the feasibility of reintroducing and establishing a natural population in a location where the species had been extirpated, identified by the ISRP as a “major recurring programmatic concern” (ISRP 2005). A comprehensive review of the current coho projects will provide quantified information and increased clarity to aspects of this uncertainty. The review will also provide guidance to the NPCC, and to all concerned federal, state and tribal fisheries agencies, for formulation of policies regarding re-establishment of extirpated salmon populations within the basin and elsewhere. Wenatchee Continued development of a locally adapted broodstock is essential to ensure future populations of naturally spawning coho salmon in the Wenatchee subbasin.
Facilitate reintroduction and restoration of coho The Project Objective is to facilitate reintroduction and restoration of coho salmon to mid-Columbia and Snake River basins as naturally self-sustaining populations through production of a comprehensive review of the four on-going tribal programs. This review will facilitate restoration of coho salmon to the Basin in two ways. First it will provide a venue for managers of these four projects to share information and advice acquired from experience operating their respective projects. These programs are conducted independently one from another, yet they have many commonalities of purpose and procedure. Adaptive management is now recognized as being a necessary key feature in the design of all current fisheries projects in the Basin. Learning not just from one’s own experiences but also from the experiences of other projects involved in restoring coho salmon will aid managers to modify and prioritize their respective project activities and lead to greater efficiencies in use of limited resources. Secondly, the review will address the “uncertainty” of the feasibility of reintroducing and establishing a natural population in a location where the species had been extirpated, identified by the ISRP as a “major recurring programmatic concern” (ISRP 2005). A comprehensive review of the current coho projects will provide quantified information and increased clarity to aspects of this uncertainty. The review will also provide guidance to the NPCC, and to all concerned federal, state and tribal fisheries agencies, for formulation of policies regarding re-establishment of extirpated salmon populations within the basin and elsewhere. Klickitat Reduce distribution of coho within subbasin(underway); reduce total numbers of coho above Lyle(underway)
Facilitate reintroduction and restoration of coho The Project Objective is to facilitate reintroduction and restoration of coho salmon to mid-Columbia and Snake River basins as naturally self-sustaining populations through production of a comprehensive review of the four on-going tribal programs. This review will facilitate restoration of coho salmon to the Basin in two ways. First it will provide a venue for managers of these four projects to share information and advice acquired from experience operating their respective projects. These programs are conducted independently one from another, yet they have many commonalities of purpose and procedure. Adaptive management is now recognized as being a necessary key feature in the design of all current fisheries projects in the Basin. Learning not just from one’s own experiences but also from the experiences of other projects involved in restoring coho salmon will aid managers to modify and prioritize their respective project activities and lead to greater efficiencies in use of limited resources. Secondly, the review will address the “uncertainty” of the feasibility of reintroducing and establishing a natural population in a location where the species had been extirpated, identified by the ISRP as a “major recurring programmatic concern” (ISRP 2005). A comprehensive review of the current coho projects will provide quantified information and increased clarity to aspects of this uncertainty. The review will also provide guidance to the NPCC, and to all concerned federal, state and tribal fisheries agencies, for formulation of policies regarding re-establishment of extirpated salmon populations within the basin and elsewhere. Umatilla Strategy 3: Continue to supplement the recently reintroduced coho population with a hatchery program utilizing early run stock brood from Bonneville Hatchery to provide for natural production and harvest.
Facilitate reintroduction and restoration of coho The Project Objective is to facilitate reintroduction and restoration of coho salmon to mid-Columbia and Snake River basins as naturally self-sustaining populations through production of a comprehensive review of the four on-going tribal programs. This review will facilitate restoration of coho salmon to the Basin in two ways. First it will provide a venue for managers of these four projects to share information and advice acquired from experience operating their respective projects. These programs are conducted independently one from another, yet they have many commonalities of purpose and procedure. Adaptive management is now recognized as being a necessary key feature in the design of all current fisheries projects in the Basin. Learning not just from one’s own experiences but also from the experiences of other projects involved in restoring coho salmon will aid managers to modify and prioritize their respective project activities and lead to greater efficiencies in use of limited resources. Secondly, the review will address the “uncertainty” of the feasibility of reintroducing and establishing a natural population in a location where the species had been extirpated, identified by the ISRP as a “major recurring programmatic concern” (ISRP 2005). A comprehensive review of the current coho projects will provide quantified information and increased clarity to aspects of this uncertainty. The review will also provide guidance to the NPCC, and to all concerned federal, state and tribal fisheries agencies, for formulation of policies regarding re-establishment of extirpated salmon populations within the basin and elsewhere. Yakima The Coho reintroduction project should continue, coho should be reintroduced wherever it is determined that passage, habitat, and potential productivity of the environment are sufficient to support viable populations over the long term.
Facilitate reintroduction and restoration of coho The Project Objective is to facilitate reintroduction and restoration of coho salmon to mid-Columbia and Snake River basins as naturally self-sustaining populations through production of a comprehensive review of the four on-going tribal programs. This review will facilitate restoration of coho salmon to the Basin in two ways. First it will provide a venue for managers of these four projects to share information and advice acquired from experience operating their respective projects. These programs are conducted independently one from another, yet they have many commonalities of purpose and procedure. Adaptive management is now recognized as being a necessary key feature in the design of all current fisheries projects in the Basin. Learning not just from one’s own experiences but also from the experiences of other projects involved in restoring coho salmon will aid managers to modify and prioritize their respective project activities and lead to greater efficiencies in use of limited resources. Secondly, the review will address the “uncertainty” of the feasibility of reintroducing and establishing a natural population in a location where the species had been extirpated, identified by the ISRP as a “major recurring programmatic concern” (ISRP 2005). A comprehensive review of the current coho projects will provide quantified information and increased clarity to aspects of this uncertainty. The review will also provide guidance to the NPCC, and to all concerned federal, state and tribal fisheries agencies, for formulation of policies regarding re-establishment of extirpated salmon populations within the basin and elsewhere. Entiat Evaluate feasibility of coho reintroduction and begin implementation as appropriate.
Facilitate reintroduction and restoration of coho The Project Objective is to facilitate reintroduction and restoration of coho salmon to mid-Columbia and Snake River basins as naturally self-sustaining populations through production of a comprehensive review of the four on-going tribal programs. This review will facilitate restoration of coho salmon to the Basin in two ways. First it will provide a venue for managers of these four projects to share information and advice acquired from experience operating their respective projects. These programs are conducted independently one from another, yet they have many commonalities of purpose and procedure. Adaptive management is now recognized as being a necessary key feature in the design of all current fisheries projects in the Basin. Learning not just from one’s own experiences but also from the experiences of other projects involved in restoring coho salmon will aid managers to modify and prioritize their respective project activities and lead to greater efficiencies in use of limited resources. Secondly, the review will address the “uncertainty” of the feasibility of reintroducing and establishing a natural population in a location where the species had been extirpated, identified by the ISRP as a “major recurring programmatic concern” (ISRP 2005). A comprehensive review of the current coho projects will provide quantified information and increased clarity to aspects of this uncertainty. The review will also provide guidance to the NPCC, and to all concerned federal, state and tribal fisheries agencies, for formulation of policies regarding re-establishment of extirpated salmon populations within the basin and elsewhere. Methow Suggested addition to Strategies (Parker-YN): Formerly the most abundant anadromous species in the Methow River, recovery of coho salmon should be outlined with clear objectives and strategies, similar to spring chinook, summer chinook, and steelhead.
Facilitate reintroduction and restoration of coho The Project Objective is to facilitate reintroduction and restoration of coho salmon to mid-Columbia and Snake River basins as naturally self-sustaining populations through production of a comprehensive review of the four on-going tribal programs. This review will facilitate restoration of coho salmon to the Basin in two ways. First it will provide a venue for managers of these four projects to share information and advice acquired from experience operating their respective projects. These programs are conducted independently one from another, yet they have many commonalities of purpose and procedure. Adaptive management is now recognized as being a necessary key feature in the design of all current fisheries projects in the Basin. Learning not just from one’s own experiences but also from the experiences of other projects involved in restoring coho salmon will aid managers to modify and prioritize their respective project activities and lead to greater efficiencies in use of limited resources. Secondly, the review will address the “uncertainty” of the feasibility of reintroducing and establishing a natural population in a location where the species had been extirpated, identified by the ISRP as a “major recurring programmatic concern” (ISRP 2005). A comprehensive review of the current coho projects will provide quantified information and increased clarity to aspects of this uncertainty. The review will also provide guidance to the NPCC, and to all concerned federal, state and tribal fisheries agencies, for formulation of policies regarding re-establishment of extirpated salmon populations within the basin and elsewhere. Okanogan The Colville Tribes may soon propose a coho salmon reintroduction program for the Okanogan River. At that time, an HGMP will be prepared.
Facilitate reintroduction and restoration of coho The Project Objective is to facilitate reintroduction and restoration of coho salmon to mid-Columbia and Snake River basins as naturally self-sustaining populations through production of a comprehensive review of the four on-going tribal programs. This review will facilitate restoration of coho salmon to the Basin in two ways. First it will provide a venue for managers of these four projects to share information and advice acquired from experience operating their respective projects. These programs are conducted independently one from another, yet they have many commonalities of purpose and procedure. Adaptive management is now recognized as being a necessary key feature in the design of all current fisheries projects in the Basin. Learning not just from one’s own experiences but also from the experiences of other projects involved in restoring coho salmon will aid managers to modify and prioritize their respective project activities and lead to greater efficiencies in use of limited resources. Secondly, the review will address the “uncertainty” of the feasibility of reintroducing and establishing a natural population in a location where the species had been extirpated, identified by the ISRP as a “major recurring programmatic concern” (ISRP 2005). A comprehensive review of the current coho projects will provide quantified information and increased clarity to aspects of this uncertainty. The review will also provide guidance to the NPCC, and to all concerned federal, state and tribal fisheries agencies, for formulation of policies regarding re-establishment of extirpated salmon populations within the basin and elsewhere. Lower Snake Maximize hatchery effectiveness in the subbasin--continue existing and/or implement innovative hatchery production strategies in appropriate areas to support fisheries, natural production augmentation and rebuilding, reintroduction, and research.
Facilitate reintroduction and restoration of coho The Project Objective is to facilitate reintroduction and restoration of coho salmon to mid-Columbia and Snake River basins as naturally self-sustaining populations through production of a comprehensive review of the four on-going tribal programs. This review will facilitate restoration of coho salmon to the Basin in two ways. First it will provide a venue for managers of these four projects to share information and advice acquired from experience operating their respective projects. These programs are conducted independently one from another, yet they have many commonalities of purpose and procedure. Adaptive management is now recognized as being a necessary key feature in the design of all current fisheries projects in the Basin. Learning not just from one’s own experiences but also from the experiences of other projects involved in restoring coho salmon will aid managers to modify and prioritize their respective project activities and lead to greater efficiencies in use of limited resources. Secondly, the review will address the “uncertainty” of the feasibility of reintroducing and establishing a natural population in a location where the species had been extirpated, identified by the ISRP as a “major recurring programmatic concern” (ISRP 2005). A comprehensive review of the current coho projects will provide quantified information and increased clarity to aspects of this uncertainty. The review will also provide guidance to the NPCC, and to all concerned federal, state and tribal fisheries agencies, for formulation of policies regarding re-establishment of extirpated salmon populations within the basin and elsewhere. Grande Ronde 5.2.2 Fish Production/Population Strategies - "Achieve escapement objectives shown in Table X within 24 years" (X = Table 61; coho restoration goal not specified, as co-managers disagreed on number; 3,500 proposed by NPT, CRITFC)
Facilitate reintroduction and restoration of coho The Project Objective is to facilitate reintroduction and restoration of coho salmon to mid-Columbia and Snake River basins as naturally self-sustaining populations through production of a comprehensive review of the four on-going tribal programs. This review will facilitate restoration of coho salmon to the Basin in two ways. First it will provide a venue for managers of these four projects to share information and advice acquired from experience operating their respective projects. These programs are conducted independently one from another, yet they have many commonalities of purpose and procedure. Adaptive management is now recognized as being a necessary key feature in the design of all current fisheries projects in the Basin. Learning not just from one’s own experiences but also from the experiences of other projects involved in restoring coho salmon will aid managers to modify and prioritize their respective project activities and lead to greater efficiencies in use of limited resources. Secondly, the review will address the “uncertainty” of the feasibility of reintroducing and establishing a natural population in a location where the species had been extirpated, identified by the ISRP as a “major recurring programmatic concern” (ISRP 2005). A comprehensive review of the current coho projects will provide quantified information and increased clarity to aspects of this uncertainty. The review will also provide guidance to the NPCC, and to all concerned federal, state and tribal fisheries agencies, for formulation of policies regarding re-establishment of extirpated salmon populations within the basin and elsewhere. Salmon Table 6. Anadromous adult return objectives for the Salmon subbasin: Coho = 20,000 (as requested by NPT) “… will necessitate the use of artificial propagation programs … to reintroduce historically present species such as coho salmon” (pp. 21to23).
Facilitate reintroduction and restoration of coho The Project Objective is to facilitate reintroduction and restoration of coho salmon to mid-Columbia and Snake River basins as naturally self-sustaining populations through production of a comprehensive review of the four on-going tribal programs. This review will facilitate restoration of coho salmon to the Basin in two ways. First it will provide a venue for managers of these four projects to share information and advice acquired from experience operating their respective projects. These programs are conducted independently one from another, yet they have many commonalities of purpose and procedure. Adaptive management is now recognized as being a necessary key feature in the design of all current fisheries projects in the Basin. Learning not just from one’s own experiences but also from the experiences of other projects involved in restoring coho salmon will aid managers to modify and prioritize their respective project activities and lead to greater efficiencies in use of limited resources. Secondly, the review will address the “uncertainty” of the feasibility of reintroducing and establishing a natural population in a location where the species had been extirpated, identified by the ISRP as a “major recurring programmatic concern” (ISRP 2005). A comprehensive review of the current coho projects will provide quantified information and increased clarity to aspects of this uncertainty. The review will also provide guidance to the NPCC, and to all concerned federal, state and tribal fisheries agencies, for formulation of policies regarding re-establishment of extirpated salmon populations within the basin and elsewhere. Tucannon 3.7.2 Species of Interest: Coho Salmon … "proposed placeholder for the Coho Salmon … NPT has an ongoing Coho reintroduction program for the Clearwater River Subbasin that could easily be expanded to other ceded territories, i.e. the Tucannon subbasin."
Facilitate reintroduction and restoration of coho The Project Objective is to facilitate reintroduction and restoration of coho salmon to mid-Columbia and Snake River basins as naturally self-sustaining populations through production of a comprehensive review of the four on-going tribal programs. This review will facilitate restoration of coho salmon to the Basin in two ways. First it will provide a venue for managers of these four projects to share information and advice acquired from experience operating their respective projects. These programs are conducted independently one from another, yet they have many commonalities of purpose and procedure. Adaptive management is now recognized as being a necessary key feature in the design of all current fisheries projects in the Basin. Learning not just from one’s own experiences but also from the experiences of other projects involved in restoring coho salmon will aid managers to modify and prioritize their respective project activities and lead to greater efficiencies in use of limited resources. Secondly, the review will address the “uncertainty” of the feasibility of reintroducing and establishing a natural population in a location where the species had been extirpated, identified by the ISRP as a “major recurring programmatic concern” (ISRP 2005). A comprehensive review of the current coho projects will provide quantified information and increased clarity to aspects of this uncertainty. The review will also provide guidance to the NPCC, and to all concerned federal, state and tribal fisheries agencies, for formulation of policies regarding re-establishment of extirpated salmon populations within the basin and elsewhere. Asotin Coho salmon were designated as aquatic “species of interest. “The NPT … completed a master plan … which identifies Asotin Creek as a stream for potential supplementation … of juvenile coho salmon releases aimed ... to support natural production.”

Section 7. Work elements (coming back to this)

Work element nameWork element titleDescriptionStart dateEnd dateEst budget
Other 132: Reporting - Produce Annual Report As per BPA requirements, an annual report will be drafted, reviewed and submitted for the first two years (2007 and 2008) of the project. The reports will provide a review of project activities and a coordinated summary of data and analyses acquired over the year. 10/1/2007 12/31/2009 $5,184
Biological objectives
Facilitate reintroduction and restoration of coho
Other 185: Reporting - Produce Pisces Status Report As per BPA requirements, interim (within-year) status reports will be drafted, reviewed and submitted (e.g., 4 quarterly reports per year x 3 years), summarizing project activities. 3/1/2007 12/31/2009 $15,553
Biological objectives
Facilitate reintroduction and restoration of coho
Coordination Coordination meetings and visits, and Columbia Basin Coho Salmon Restoration Symposium The Project will establish regular communications between managers of the four tribal restoration programs, involving twice-yearly meetings and occasional visits of the project leader to project sites. These contacts will provide a means for the managers to share data and insights on all aspects of their respective project activities. Additionally, the “Columbia Basin Coho Salmon Restoration Symposium” will be organized and financed through the Project. This symposium is tentatively scheduled to be held near the end of 2008. Planning of the symposium will begin early in 2008, will provide a venue for the managers of the four tribal coho restoration programs to communicate results and evaluations of their respective projects to participants from within, and outside, the regional tribal, state and fisheries management agencies. The symposium will feature presentations by representatives of each of the four tribal programs, by an invited speaker to present on a salmonid reintroduction program from outside the basin (e.g., from Atlantic salmon reintroduction projects in the northeast USA), and by others applicants involved in anadromous salmonid reintroduction projects within the Pacific NW. An initial announcement for the symposium will be distributed and publicized before mid-year 2008, and will include a general description of background and meeting objectives, plus references to pertinent publications and reports. Subsequent announcements will provide a full agenda and lodging/travel details. 1/1/2007 12/31/2009 $107,272
Biological objectives
Facilitate reintroduction and restoration of coho
Outreach and Education Public participation at the Columbia Basin Coho Salmon Restoration Symposium While the primary participants at the “Columbia Basin Coho Salmon Restoration Symposium” will be persons working directly in tribal, federal and state fisheries management agencies, we anticipate attendance of 25 or more persons from public and private interest groups, e.g., universities, sport fishing groups, natural resource conservation organizations, utility companies, etc. Indirectly, many more will be reached through dissemination of the full project report and the peer-reviewed manuscript. Contact information will be obtained for all participants, and these project summaries will be sent in paper and/or electronic form to all participants and other interested organizations (and individuals), with permission that they may be distributed among their membership. 7/1/2008 12/31/2008 $3,272
Biological objectives
Facilitate reintroduction and restoration of coho
* # of general public reached: 25 from public interest groups
Produce/Submit Scientific Findings Report Produce Project Final Report, and manuscript for scientific journal publication. By the end of the project (December 2009) a comprehensive report for the 3-year project will be produced. The Final Report will provide a summary description of results of the four tribal coho reintroduction/restoration programs, and an comprehensive assessment of the factors which lend credence, or not, to the general feasibility of re-establishing a naturalized coho salmon population in an area within in the mid-Columbia/Snake rivers basins where the original population had been extirpated. The report will also include information and insights obtained through review of literature on other anadromous salmonid reintroduction programs from within and outside the Columbia basin. An abridged version of this report will be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. 1/1/2009 12/31/2009 $28,623
Biological objectives
Facilitate reintroduction and restoration of coho
Analyze/Interpret Data Collate data within categories/research questions, and assess effects of the various restoration actions. Data will be provided by participants from each of the four tribal projects and reorganized across projects within common categories/research questions (see Narrative, Section F.3.). Analyses of the data within these categories/research questions will be performed, to produce an overall assessment of the efficacy of reintroduction/restoration actions and to provide an improved basis on which to adaptively manage the programs. The RM&E metric for Focal Area is systemwide, reflecting the diverse locations of the four projects currently active in the basin, as well as the wide distribution of subbasins in which interest in coho reintroduction was identified in Subbasin Plans. The metrics for Primary RM&E Type are both Uncertainties Research (for data obtained on project activities designed for hypothesis testing - permitting statistical analysis of effectiveness) and Action Effectiveness (for data obtained on project activities for which design or logistical constraints preclude statistical testing, but for which qualitative inferences can be drawn). 1/1/2007 12/31/2009 $37,098
Biological objectives
Facilitate reintroduction and restoration of coho
Primary R, M, and E Type: Action Effectiveness Research
Primary R, M, and E Type: Uncertainties Research
Focal Area: Systemwide

Section 8. Budgets

Itemized estimated budget
Personnel 1/3 FTE project leader, plus 1/6 FTE data mgt./graphics technician 2009 $23,200 $23,200 $31,200
Fringe Benefits 31.5% of salaries $7,308 $7,308 $9,828
Supplies notebook computer, and miscellaneaous supplies $3,000 $500 $500
Travel transportation, lodging and perdiem for participation at coordination meetings and Symposium $9,600 $12,164 $9,600
Capital Equipment N/A $0 $0 $0
Overhead 35.95 % of total Direct Costs $15,713 $17,426 $18,955
Other Services: coordination meeting and Symposium expenses; publication costs $600 $5,300 $1,600
Totals $59,421 $65,898 $71,683
Total estimated FY 2007-2009 budgets
Total itemized budget: $197,002
Total work element budget: $197,002
Cost sharing
Funding source/orgItem or service providedFY 07 est value ($)FY 08 est value ($)FY 09 est value ($)Cash or in-kind?Status
Coho projects - BPA and PCSRF, some tribal Salaries for time of tribal participants in meetings, symposium and for report/manuscript writing. $28,000 $28,000 $28,000 In-Kind Under Review
Totals $28,000 $28,000 $28,000

Section 9. Project future

FY 2010 estimated budget: $0
FY 2011 estimated budget: $0

Future O&M costs:

Termination date: 12/31/2009
Comments: This project is foreseen to terminate at the end of 2009. The four current tribal coho reintroduction/restoration projects, however, are expected to still be ongoing at this time. Also, an additional tribal project or two will possibly have been initiated. A decision on the effetciveness of the coordination and comprehensive assessment efforts of the present project, and whether or not to propose a new project to continue these efforts will be made at this time

Final deliverables: Project activities will be reviewed in a Project Final Report. Also, a summary manuscript providing an assessment of tribal coho reintroduction/restoration efforts will be written and submitted for peer-reviewed journal publication.

Section 10. Narrative and other documents

Reviews and recommendations

FY07 budget FY08 budget FY09 budget Total budget Type Category Recommendation
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs]
$0 $0 $0 $0 Expense Basinwide Do Not Fund
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs]
$0 $0 $0 $0 Basinwide


Recommendation: Response requested

NPCC comments: The ISRP recognizes there could be benefits from coordination among the basin’s coho reintroduction projects, and welcomes such coordination. The proposal as outlined, however, does not include adequate breadth of outside review. It is too limited to self-review within the four existing projects. It needs participation by outside experts in various disciplines with experience in reintroduction of fishes, especially anadromous salmonids. A response is requested that demonstrates that biological expertise is included from other agencies and organizations both inside and outside the region so that the issues are characterized in a broader context, and relevant ecological and management issues are considered. An objective analysis of the benefits and challenges of reintroduction/ restoration, aided by the experience of others, should improve the proposed assessment.

ISRP FINAL REVIEW (Aug 31, 2006)

Recommendation: Response requested

NPCC comments: The ISRP recognizes there could be benefits from coordination among the basin’s coho reintroduction projects, and welcomes such coordination. The proposal as outlined, however, does not include adequate breadth of outside review. It is too limited to self-review within the four existing projects. It needs participation by outside experts in various disciplines with experience in reintroduction of fishes, especially anadromous salmonids. A response is requested that demonstrates that biological expertise is included from other agencies and organizations both inside and outside the region so that the issues are characterized in a broader context, and relevant ecological and management issues are considered. An objective analysis of the benefits and challenges of reintroduction/ restoration, aided by the experience of others, should improve the proposed assessment.