FY07-09 proposal 200712400

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Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleOkanogan County Irrigation Water Management Improvement Project
Proposal ID200712400
OrganizationOkanogan Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD)
Short descriptionTo provide money and technical assistance to local landowners for irrigation system improvements in the interest of improving water quality and quantity throughout Okanogan County for fish habitat.
Information transferProject information may be published in the Okanogan Conservation District's Quarterly Newsletter, newspapers, Okanogan Conservation District's website as well as other media sources.
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
Form submitter
Erin Kaczmarczyk Okanogan Conservation District erink@okanogancd.org
All assigned contacts
Erin Kaczmarczyk Okanogan Conservation District erink@okanogancd.org
Erin Kaczmarczyk Okanogan Conservation District erink@okanogancd.org
Erin Kaczmarczyk Okanogan Conservation District erink@okanogancd.org
Erin Kaczmarczyk Okanogan Conservation District erink@okanogancd.org

Section 2. Locations

Province / subbasin: Columbia Cascade / Methow

48:28:44 120:18:32 Various farms throughout the Methow watershed
45:51:01 119:24:53 Various farms throughout the Okanogan watershed

Section 3. Focal species

primary: Chinook Upper Columbia River Spring ESU
primary: Chinook Upper Columbia River Summer/Fall ESU
primary: Steelhead Upper Columbia River ESU
secondary: All Anadromous Salmonids
secondary: River Lamprey
secondary: Sockeye Okanogan River ESU
secondary: Cutthroat Trout
secondary: Westslope Cutthroat
secondary: Bull Trout

Section 4. Past accomplishments


Section 5. Relationships to other projects

Funding sourceRelated IDRelated titleRelationship
PCSRF - WSRFB 02-1524 Chewuch Basin Irrigators Conve Increasing efficient use of irrigation water via piping. The proposal may include piping similar to that funded under this grant.
PCSRF - WSRFB 04-1688 Lower Beaver Piping 04 Increasing efficient use of irrigation water via piping. The proposal may include piping similar to that funded under this grant
PCSRF - WSRFB 01-1395 Beaver Cr Coordinated Resource Increasing efficient use of irrigation water via information and education outreach as well as the coordinated development of irrigation related projects. The proposed may include activities similar to that funded under this grant.
BPA 200500500 Hottell Intake Gate Increasing efficient use of irrigation water via the installation of an irrigation overflow device to prevent overtopping of a fish screen. The proposed project may include remedies similar to that funded under this grant.
BPA 200500600 Marrachi Diversion and Piping Increasing efficient use of irrigation water via piping. The proposed project may include piping similar to that funded under this grant
Other: Washington State Dept of Ecology G0200275 Methow Watershed Irrigation Water Managment Increasing efficient use of irrigation water via irrigation scheduling, soil identification, soil moisture monitoring, and irrigation information and education outreach. The proposed project will include irrigation planning similar to that funded under this grant.
Other: Washington State Dept.of Ecology G0500142 Okanogan County Technical Assistance Grant Increasing efficient use of irrigation water via irrigation scheduling, soil identification, soil moisture monitoring, and irrigation information and education outreach. The proposed project will include irrigation planning similar to that funded under this grant.

Section 6. Biological objectives

Biological objectivesFull descriptionAssociated subbasin planStrategy
Decrease sedimentation Through increased irrigation efficiency decrease the amount of runoff and soil erosion. This will help augment management strategies identified in the Okanogan Subbasin Plan to "Conduct sediment reduction strategies throughout the Okanogan subbasin especially in the upper portions of the watershed" (273) addressing the sediment limiting factor. Okanogan Conduct sediment reduction strategies throughout the Okanogan subbasin especially in the upper portions of the watershed
Increase stream flows during critical periods Through increased irrigation efficiency less water will be taken out of streams and rivers facilitating an incremental increase in water quantity and quality. This objective will help to attain goals identified in the Methow Subbasin plan (354,357,361) Goal: Run size and spawning escapement levels that provide for the recovery of ESA-listed upper Columbia River steelhead in the Methow subbasin; management effectively mitigates for hydrosystem losses and supports a harvestable surplus. Methow Increase and require spring/summer flow augmentation AND Through increased riparian buffer width, decreased livestock grazing, and improved irrigation efficiencies (365).
Reduce thermal and low flow barriers to salmon The project will augment ground and surface water levels in Okanogan County during critical periods by increasing overall efficiency of irrigation delivery systems by allowing more water to remain in the water table. Incremental increases in flow and related possible reductions in water temperatures should be attained Okanogan Address thermal blocks and low flow barriers.

Section 7. Work elements (coming back to this)

Work element nameWork element titleDescriptionStart dateEnd dateEst budget
Identify and Select Projects Advertisement of Program Outreach and education regarding the proposed program in order to solicit applications for irrigation system improvements. 1/30/2007 12/30/2008 $51,630
Biological objectives
Decrease sedimentation
Increase stream flows during critical periods
Reduce thermal and low flow barriers to salmon
Manage and Administer Projects Program/Grant Administration/report writing General administrative costs/report writing/computer/Arc GIS/training/Engineering review 1/1/2007 12/31/2009 $175,553
Biological objectives
Decrease sedimentation
Increase stream flows during critical periods
Reduce thermal and low flow barriers to salmon
Outreach and Education Information and Education Outreach Conservation District staff will conduct I & E outreach to educate cooperators, potential cooperators, and the general public about Best Management Practices, how to conserve water, what each person can do to protect water quality, what water quality issues are present in the watershed. OCD staff will attend Okanogan County Horticultural Assoc. annual meeting and Okanogan County fair every year the project is active to provide the agricultural community with technical support options and educational materials to increase awareness of resource issues and program availability. District staff will conduct group workshops and/or individual counsel to share new information and to answer specific questions about the project. The district will conduct at least 2 presentations per year; at least one at the District annual meeting. Other presentations may include, but are not limited to, agricultural groups, tree fruit warehouse fieldmen, agricultural supply distributors, city councils, local conservation groups, irrigators ditch boards, local outdoor groups and public meetings. 1/15/2007 12/31/2009 $71,765
Biological objectives
Decrease sedimentation
Increase stream flows during critical periods
Reduce thermal and low flow barriers to salmon
* # of general public reached: 2000
* # of students reached: 400
* # of teachers reached: 20
Produce Plan Irrigation Water Management Write irrigation water management plan for every funded cooperator, participation in IWM a requirement 5/15/2008 11/30/2009 $98,829
Biological objectives
Decrease sedimentation
Increase stream flows during critical periods
Reduce thermal and low flow barriers to salmon
Install Sprinkler Upgrade irrigation application systems The work conducted under this work element will replace sprinkler heads/nozzle packages, do pump upgrades/replacements, mainline and lateral line, improvements, install backflow preventors/pressure regulators/air release/vacuum relief/valves, install automation technologies, soil moisture sensors/timers, provide for frost control and overhead cooling upgrades, backhoe rental/system installation 8/31/2007 12/30/2009 $630,000
Biological objectives
Decrease sedimentation
Increase stream flows during critical periods
Reduce thermal and low flow barriers to salmon
* Amount of unprotected water flow returned to the stream by conservation in cfs: 30
* Estimated # of miles of primary stream reach improvement: 50

Section 8. Budgets

Itemized estimated budget
Personnel 1.5 FTE $56,160 $56,160 $56,160
Fringe Benefits Benefits $17,971 $17,971 $17,971
Supplies office supplies,copies $2,440 $2,440 $1,190
Travel site visits and training $4,656 $4,656 $4,656
Capital Equipment computer and Arc GIS-existing outdated and ineffecient $4,500 $0 $0
Other Building Rent $1,700 $1,700 $1,700
Other training $1,250 $1,250 $1,250
Other irrigation upgrades $150,000 $240,000 $240,000
Overhead General Administration Costs $35,332 $35,332 $35,332
Other Engineering Review $7,200 $14,400 $14,400
Totals $281,209 $373,909 $372,659
Total estimated FY 2007-2009 budgets
Total itemized budget: $1,027,777
Total work element budget: $1,027,777
Cost sharing
Funding source/orgItem or service providedFY 07 est value ($)FY 08 est value ($)FY 09 est value ($)Cash or in-kind?Status
Okanogan Conservation District Irrigation Water Management $50,000 $0 $0 Cash Confirmed
Totals $50,000 $0 $0

Section 9. Project future

FY 2010 estimated budget: $0
FY 2011 estimated budget: $0

Future O&M costs:

Termination date:

Final deliverables:

Section 10. Narrative and other documents

Reviews and recommendations

FY07 budget FY08 budget FY09 budget Total budget Type Category Recommendation
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs]
$0 $0 $0 $0 Expense ProvinceExpense Do Not Fund
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs]
$0 $0 $0 $0 ProvinceExpense


Recommendation: Not fundable

NPCC comments: This was not a technical proposal, and without more details about how specific irrigation improvement projects will be selected there was little to evaluate from a scientific standpoint. Whether or not a new Okanogan Conversation District (OCD) board should be established, as this proposal suggests, or whether an existing entity could also perform this function effectively, is a policy question. Technical and scientific background: This proposal is for startup money for the Okanogan Soil and Water Conservation District to establish a procedure for local landowners to apply for irrigation improvement funds. There are no specific on-the-ground water conservation projects included in this proposal; it is strictly to fund a planning and priority process for Okanogan County irrigators. While the need for increased flows and water quality improvements have been highlighted in the subbasin plan, there is little of a technical or scientific nature to evaluate in this proposal, other than possibly the validity of the ranking scoresheet. Rationale and significance to subbasin plans and regional programs: Increasing flow is an important component of the subbasin plans for both the Okanogan and the Methow. Assuming that the projects funded by this proposal actually are effective in increasing flow, this program could contribute to achieving the ecological objectives in the subbasin plans. However, the proposal does not provide enough information to assess the likelihood of achieving this objective. There also is a question of how this project would fit into ESA-related salmon recovery actions. Even if a project were assigned high priority by the conservation district, wouldn't it still require ESA consultation? Relationships to other projects: Relationships of this project selection process to ongoing soil and water conservation projects are discussed in a very general way. It appears that the program proposed here is one of several efforts in these subbasins that do essentially the same thing; provide funding for farmers to make their use of irrigation water more efficient. What this proposal does not discuss, however, is specifically what this program will add to the existing efforts (beyond additional money). Will the proposed program address areas, landowners, or situations that are not covered by these other programs? Will the existence of the proposed program enhance the value or effectiveness of existing efforts? A better description of how various programs fit together would have provided a more complete context for the proposed effort. Objectives: The objectives are appropriate, in so far as they address a key concern identified in the subbasin plans. However, the objectives are very general. The proposal accepts the biological goals of regional recovery plans and purportedly will select irrigation improvement projects that have the greatest potential to contribute to recovery objectives. Beyond that, no details are given. Tasks (work elements) and methods: A process for evaluating project proposals submitted to this program is briefly described. Very little detail is given about the types of changes in irrigation infrastructure needed. According to the proposal, the Okanogan Conversation District would favor irrigation methods that reduce water loss, such as drip and micro-irrigation. Beyond that, no details are given. Monitoring and evaluation: There is no mention of monitoring and evaluation in the proposal. Presumably, some level of monitoring would (should) be associated with each funded project under this program. At a minimum, some measure of the water saved and, if possible, verification that this water is appearing the channel should be required. Also, it would seem that given the number of programs in the region that are addressing irrigation water use, a coordinated monitoring effort that examines in-channel flow and near-channel groundwater levels should be established. Ideally, this program would be coupled with project-specific monitoring and also include long-term monitoring of key water quality variables. Facilities, equipment, and personnel: It was difficult to assess the adequacy of this item because no specific water conservation projects are described in the proposal. There was a mention that the current computer system wasn't up to handling the GIS tasks required by this program. A new computer system is included in the proposal. Information transfer: The Okanogan Soil and Water Conservation District has an ambitious plan for public outreach and local education that is thoroughly discussed in the proposal. Outreach to individuals in the local agricultural community appears to be well thought out and should be quite effective. Benefits to focal and non-focal species: It is difficult to assess the benefit to fish of the proposed program because specific projects were not described. How much water will be returned to the channel? Where in the watershed will this water be added? How significant will the associated improvements in water quality be? Presumably, successful implementation of this program will have some impact on flow. But without an estimate of how much additional flow, the actual benefit for the fish is uncertain. Adding water to the channel should not have any negative effects on non-focal species. In fact, if the program makes a measurable contribution to in-channel flow, some riparian wildlife species may benefit.

ISRP FINAL REVIEW (Aug 31, 2006)

Recommendation: Not fundable

NPCC comments: This was not a technical proposal, and without more details about how specific irrigation improvement projects will be selected there was little to evaluate from a scientific standpoint. Whether or not a new Okanogan Conversation District (OCD) board should be established, as this proposal suggests, or whether an existing entity could also perform this function effectively, is a policy question. Technical and scientific background: This proposal is for startup money for the Okanogan Soil and Water Conservation District to establish a procedure for local landowners to apply for irrigation improvement funds. There are no specific on-the-ground water conservation projects included in this proposal; it is strictly to fund a planning and priority process for Okanogan County irrigators. While the need for increased flows and water quality improvements have been highlighted in the subbasin plan, there is little of a technical or scientific nature to evaluate in this proposal, other than possibly the validity of the ranking scoresheet. Rationale and significance to subbasin plans and regional programs: Increasing flow is an important component of the subbasin plans for both the Okanogan and the Methow. Assuming that the projects funded by this proposal actually are effective in increasing flow, this program could contribute to achieving the ecological objectives in the subbasin plans. However, the proposal does not provide enough information to assess the likelihood of achieving this objective. There also is a question of how this project would fit into ESA-related salmon recovery actions. Even if a project were assigned high priority by the conservation district, wouldn't it still require ESA consultation? Relationships to other projects: Relationships of this project selection process to ongoing soil and water conservation projects are discussed in a very general way. It appears that the program proposed here is one of several efforts in these subbasins that do essentially the same thing; provide funding for farmers to make their use of irrigation water more efficient. What this proposal does not discuss, however, is specifically what this program will add to the existing efforts (beyond additional money). Will the proposed program address areas, landowners, or situations that are not covered by these other programs? Will the existence of the proposed program enhance the value or effectiveness of existing efforts? A better description of how various programs fit together would have provided a more complete context for the proposed effort. Objectives: The objectives are appropriate, in so far as they address a key concern identified in the subbasin plans. However, the objectives are very general. The proposal accepts the biological goals of regional recovery plans and purportedly will select irrigation improvement projects that have the greatest potential to contribute to recovery objectives. Beyond that, no details are given. Tasks (work elements) and methods: A process for evaluating project proposals submitted to this program is briefly described. Very little detail is given about the types of changes in irrigation infrastructure needed. According to the proposal, the Okanogan Conversation District would favor irrigation methods that reduce water loss, such as drip and micro-irrigation. Beyond that, no details are given. Monitoring and evaluation: There is no mention of monitoring and evaluation in the proposal. Presumably, some level of monitoring would (should) be associated with each funded project under this program. At a minimum, some measure of the water saved and, if possible, verification that this water is appearing the channel should be required. Also, it would seem that given the number of programs in the region that are addressing irrigation water use, a coordinated monitoring effort that examines in-channel flow and near-channel groundwater levels should be established. Ideally, this program would be coupled with project-specific monitoring and also include long-term monitoring of key water quality variables. Facilities, equipment, and personnel: It was difficult to assess the adequacy of this item because no specific water conservation projects are described in the proposal. There was a mention that the current computer system wasn't up to handling the GIS tasks required by this program. A new computer system is included in the proposal. Information transfer: The Okanogan Soil and Water Conservation District has an ambitious plan for public outreach and local education that is thoroughly discussed in the proposal. Outreach to individuals in the local agricultural community appears to be well thought out and should be quite effective. Benefits to focal and non-focal species: It is difficult to assess the benefit to fish of the proposed program because specific projects were not described. How much water will be returned to the channel? Where in the watershed will this water be added? How significant will the associated improvements in water quality be? Presumably, successful implementation of this program will have some impact on flow. But without an estimate of how much additional flow, the actual benefit for the fish is uncertain. Adding water to the channel should not have any negative effects on non-focal species. In fact, if the program makes a measurable contribution to in-channel flow, some riparian wildlife species may benefit.