FY07-09 proposal 200201100

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Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleKootenai Floodplain Operational Loss Assessment
Proposal ID200201100
OrganizationKootenai Tribe of Idaho
Short descriptionProduce an Operational Loss Assessment Tool to estimate aquatic, riparian and associated terrestrial ecological losses due to Libby Dam operations in the Kootenai River floodplain and is applicable to other post-development large river-floodplain systems.
Information transferData will compiled, analyzed, and reported in progress and annual reports to BPA, peer-reviewed publications, and various syposiums, conferences, and workshops (TWS, AFS, KVRI and others). Information will be transfered via online database (terrestrial and aquatic data in assessing operational losses in the Kootenai River floodplain), BPA reports, publications and other documentation for use in other electronic systems (CBFWA and related websites) as well as shared with entities assisting in the Kootenai River subbasin plan.
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
Form submitter
Scott Soults Kootenai Tribe of Idaho soults@kootenai.org
All assigned contacts
Paul Anders S.P. Cramer and Associates, UI anders@spcramer.com
Beth Chase Kootenai Tribe of Idaho elizabeth@kootenai.org
Kym Cooper Kootenai Tribe of Idaho kym@kootenai.org
Scott Soults Kootenai Tribe of Idaho soults@kootenai.org

Section 2. Locations

Province / subbasin: Mountain Columbia / Kootenai

48.7079 116.3741 Kootenai River Entire US portion of the Kootenai River Watershed

Section 3. Focal species

primary: All Wildlife
Additional: Refer to Kootenai Subbasin Plan

Section 4. Past accomplishments

2005 Continued to monitor terrestrial bird & invertebrate survey points within the Kootenai River Watershed; Evaluated habitats & riparian life stages; Coordinated with 199404900 and 200200800 sampling, relational database & multi-trophic level biomonitoring
2004 Expansion of one-dimensional hydrodynamic model and implement two-dimensional model from Libby Dam and Kootenay Lake; Analyze hydrologic data before and after the construction of Libby Dam and set up reference scenarios
2003 Assessed historical (pre-1900’s) and current condition, status and literature of floodplain wetlands, slough, pocket water within the Kootenai River Watershed and compiled related functional operational impact assessment techniques and bibliography
2002 Assisted in the development of citizen driven natural resource technical committee (KVRI) for the collaborative approach in focusing on resource issues;Developed and assembled 17 member Research Design and Review Team and started avian point-count surveys

Section 5. Relationships to other projects

Funding sourceRelated IDRelated titleRelationship
BPA 198605000 Evaluate Sturgeon Physical Hab Complementary work to restore white sturgeon outside the geographical bounds of project 198806400
BPA 198806500 Kootenai R White Sturgeon Inve Determines the status and limiting factors for the Kootenai River white sturgeon, burbot, whitefish, bull trout and redband rainbow trout stocks in the Kootenai River and effects of water fluctuations and ecosystem changes on those stocks. Cooperative database management & cooperative sampling occur between the projects.
BPA 199404900 Kootenai River Resident Fish A Implements biomonitoring, data analysis, research and adaptive management projects (i.e. nutrient restoration and stream rehabilitation) in order to identify best management strategies to enhance aquatic biota in the Kootenai River ecosystem to recover native species assemblages across multiple trophic levels.
BPA 199500400 Libby Reservoir Mitigation Pla Implements watershed-based enhancement and fish recovery actions in the Montana portion of the Kootenai Subbasin to mitigate the losses caused by hydropower development.
BPA 199608701 Montana Focus Watershed Coordi KRN provides resources for education and outreach related to watershed management, conservation and restoration. The focus watershed coordinator facilitates cooperation and coordination among partnering agencies and groups.
BPA 200200200 Enhance White Sturgeon Habitat Design, implement and evaluate habitat improvement and creation actions and altered hydro operations, monitor responses and refine physical and hydraulic models to characterize sturgeon recruitment requirements, implement actions to restore recruitment.
BPA 200200800 Reconnect Floodplain Kootenair Assess the feasiblity and options for reconnecting slough habitat that has been isolated from the Kootenai River by flood control and dikes to benefit white sturgeon, burbot, rainbow trout, kokanee, many waterfowl species, many invertebrate species.
Other: KTOI/future cost share with BPA KVRI Kootenai Valley Resource Initiative (KVRI) Locally based effort to improve coordination, integration and implementation of existing local, state and federal programs that can effectively maintain, enhance and restore the social, cultural, economic and natural resource bases in the community. KVRI is the forum for local involvement for subbasin plan implementation, as well as sturgeon and burbot restoration.

Section 6. Biological objectives

Biological objectivesFull descriptionAssociated subbasin planStrategy
1. Dev, refine hydr. model, (BI) meas. & IEI rel. SBP Objectives: Restore normative river conditions, Restore productivity & nutrients to pre-dam levels, Restore habitat conditions req d for recruitment, Suppress and remove non-native species, Reduce and prevent non-native introductions, Protect and revegetate riparian areas, Improve habitat connectivity Kootenai M1 - (Pages 21-22) M5 - (Page 27) RP1 - (Pages 77-78) RP2 - (Pages 78-79) RP3 - (Page 79) RP5 - (Page 81) WB1 - (Pages 73-74) WB2 - (Page 75) WB3 - (Page 76)
2. Char., analyze and interpret the IEI framework SBP Objectives: Restore normative river conditions, Restore productivity & nutrients to pre-dam levels, Restore habitat conditions req d for recruitment, Improve habitat connectivity Kootenai M1 - (Pages 21-22) M5 - (Page 27) RP1 - (Pages 77-78) RP2 - (Pages 78-79) RP3 - (Page 79) RP5 - (Page 81) WB1 - (Pages 73-74) WB2 - (Page 75)
3. Ass abiotic and biotic funct. in analogue sites SBP Objectives: Restore normative river conditions, Restore productivity & nutrients to pre-dam levels, Restore habitat conditions req d for recruitment, Restore riparian habitat to reference condition, Increase habitat diversity to reference condition Kootenai M1 - (Pages 21-22) M2 - (Page 22-23) RP1 - (Pages 77-78) RP2 - (Pages 78-79) RP3 - (Page 79) RP5 - (Page 81) WB1 - (Pages 73-74) WB2 - (Page 75)
4. Det., anal. & mon. frame for stat. anal & mon. SBP Objectives: Restore normative river conditions, Restore productivity & nutrients to pre-dam levels, Restore habitat conditions req d for recruitment, Suppress and remove non-native species, Reduce and prevent non-native introductions, Protect and revegetate riparian areas, Improve habitat connectivity Kootenai M1 - (Pages 21-22) M5 - (Page 27) RP1 - (Pages 77-78) RP2 - (Pages 78-79) RP3 - (Page 79) RP4 - (pages 80-81) RP5 - (Page 81) WB1 - (Pages 73-74) WB2 - (Page 75) WB3 - (Page 76)
5. Init Regional Review Team for Operational Loss SBP Objectives: Restore normative river conditions, Restore productivity & nutrients to pre-dam levels, Restore habitat conditions req d for recruitment, Restore riparian habitat to reference condition, Increase habitat diversity to reference condition, Improve habitat connectivity, Adequate regional and international coordination, Distribution of information Kootenai M1 - (Pages 21-22) M5 - (Page 27) RP1 - (Pages 77-78) RP2 - (Pages 78-79) RP3 - (Page 79) RP4 - (pages 80-81) RP5 - (Page 81) WB1 - (Pages 73-74) WB2 - (Page 75) AB4 - (Page 91) AB5 - (Page 92)
6. Collaborat work with local community groups SBP Objectives: Restore normative river conditions, Restore productivity & nutrients to pre-dam levels, Restore habitat conditions req d for recruitment, Suppress and remove non-native species, Protect and revegetate riparian areas, Improve habitat connectivity, Locally recognized stakeholder groups, Distribution of information Kootenai M1 - (Pages 21-22) M5 - (Page 27) RP1 - (Pages 77-78) RP2 - (Pages 78-79) RP3 - (Page 79) RP4 - (pages 80-81) RP5 - (Page 81) WB1 - (Pages 73-74) WB2 - (Page 75) AB4 - (Page 91) AB5 - (Page 92)
7. Prom. long-term ben to fish & wild hab & pop SBP Objectives: Restore normative river conditions, Restore productivity & nutrients to pre-dam levels, Restore habitat conditions req d for recruitment, Suppress and remove non-native species, Protect and revegetate riparian areas, Improve habitat connectivity, Locally recognized stakeholder groups, Distribution of information Kootenai M1 - (Pages 21-22) M5 - (Page 27) RP1 - (Pages 77-78) RP2 - (Pages 78-79) RP3 - (Page 79) RP4 - (pages 80-81) RP5 - (Page 81) WB1 - (Pages 73-74) WB2 - (Page 75) AB4 - (Page 91) AB5 - (Page 92)

Section 7. Work elements (coming back to this)

Work element nameWork element titleDescriptionStart dateEnd dateEst budget
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation Produce environmental compliance documentation when necessary 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $23,620
Biological objectives
4. Det., anal. & mon. frame for stat. anal & mon.
Other Produce Annual Report Produce annual report 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $33,067
Biological objectives
Identify and Select Projects 7b1: Coordinate with other entities to develop long term benefits for fish & wildlife habitat enhancements Secure management rights and implement management agreements to conserve, maintain and restore riparian and floodplain areas. Coordinate sub-basin activities with appropriate agencies such as adjacent sub-basins, soil and water conservation districts, USDA and Canadian agencies; develop adaptive management restoration experiments (in association with project 200200800, and 199206100) and easement opportunities (i.e., seasonal agricultural flooding easements) work with USDA, IDFG and other to create riparian projects, set-aside areas, and river/floodplain reconnections. 10/1/2007 9/30/2009 $70,859
Biological objectives
7. Prom. long-term ben to fish & wild hab & pop
Manage and Administer Projects 5c1: Provide interaction with CBFWA, NWPCC, Tribes, states and agencies for project consistency with regional activities and operational loss assessment frameworks. Provide interaction with CBFWA, NWPCC, Tribes, states and agencies for project consistency with regional activities and operational loss assessment frameworks. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $47,239
Biological objectives
5. Init Regional Review Team for Operational Loss
Manage and Administer Projects 7a1: Coordinate, review and discuss with USFWS, USACE, USGS, and others regarding river-floodplain reconnection opportunities and related technical reviews to enhance reconnection ecosystem components. With the utilization of experimental, adaptive management on landforms with representative agencies (i.e., USACE, USFWS, USGS), we hope to assist restoration work along Kootenai River dikes (i.e., stabilization with riparian enhancements), assist in prioritizing restoration in modeled areas, and augment/enhance existing areas by understanding landform restoration potentials that guide local managers in the identification and selection of habitat improvement sites. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $47,239
Biological objectives
7. Prom. long-term ben to fish & wild hab & pop
Outreach and Education 6b1: Work with local landowners, ranchers, etc to ensure long term management opportunities, assess & monitor local issues & encourage local dialogue This effort will include close coordination and collaboration of implementation efforts with local landowners, ranchers, agricultural groups to ensure long-term management opportunities, assess and monitor local issues, and encourage local dialogue. Primary contacts with the above groups is coordinated by KVRI and subcommittees, where soil conservation groups, USDA programs and local input help provide needed comments and concerns that often derail on-the-ground restoration projects 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $47,239
Biological objectives
6. Collaborat work with local community groups
* # of general public reached: 100/year
Outreach and Education 6b2: Facilitate information and education efforts to promote the benefits of fish and wildlife and encourage public involvement. The Tribe will facilitate information and education efforts to promote the benefits of fish and wildlife and encourage public involvement. Moreover, the Tribe will assist in facilitation and coordination of outreach groups (e.g. Kootenai River Network, Kootenai Valley River Initiative), committee and sub-committee publications and related information and education efforts. We will pursue adaptive management techniques on restoration activities whenever possible and investigate opportunities that will ensure long-term management 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $47,239
Biological objectives
6. Collaborat work with local community groups
* # of general public reached: 100/year
Outreach and Education 7c1: Cultivate Tribal department professional development through in-house/field work sessions, interdepartmental work, and outside seminars and workshops to increase performance of current and future work elements Staff will attend seminars, meetings, and conferences for in-house replication and training purposes. We will provide in-house training for sampling methodologies, survey techniques, time management, and related trainings to develop skills useful in operational loss assessment protocols. We hope to enable more in-house work, enhance efficiency, reduce costs and rely less on subcontracting for future tasks. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $59,049
Biological objectives
7. Prom. long-term ben to fish & wild hab & pop
* # of students reached: 4-6/year
Produce Design and/or Specifications 4b1: Addition of all features and products currently implemented for the KTOI Ecosystem Relational Database (199404900 and 200201100 joint database) Incorporation of habitat level data (NDVI, Tassel Cap, Habitat Classifications); Multiple (enhanced) graphing options; Download options for all specified output; Graphical display (matrix) of data availability; Creation/enhancement of trophic level data entry forms; Implementation of user data censoring option for each trophic level data; Addition of auxiliary trophic level information such as site characteristics, and ancillary data sets 10/1/2006 9/30/2007 $54,325
Biological objectives
4. Det., anal. & mon. frame for stat. anal & mon.
Produce Design and/or Specifications 4b2: Addition of features and products unique to the Operational Loss Projects Automated computations of bird response proportions, such as specificity, fidelity, and indicator values; Implementation of area maps and geographical/topographical images; Incorporation of specialized graphics; General improvement/enhancement of the KTOI Web site 10/1/2006 9/30/2007 $26,572
Biological objectives
4. Det., anal. & mon. frame for stat. anal & mon.
Produce Inventory or Assessment 3c1: Produce ecological estimation from 1D and 2D modeling (and associated fuzzy models) for analogue comparisons These models will be used to “predict” what types of vegetation (ecological estimations) that would be expected on descriptive locations (i.e., landform types) under certain scenarios. We will utilize these 1D and 2D “predictive” models in comparison with habitat typing in analogue scenarios (predicted Vs observed) and model validate/ground truth the predictive models. 10/1/2006 9/30/2008 $127,546
Biological objectives
3. Ass abiotic and biotic funct. in analogue sites
Provide Technical Review 2a1: Research Design and Review Team (RDRT) to review, analyze and interpret individual Indices of Biotic Integrity (IBI) and Index of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA) assessment methodologies and ecological attributes to interpret ecological change and loss. RDRT will be responsible for the review, analysis and interpretation of individual Indices of Biotic Integrity (IBI) and Index of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA) assessment methodologies and ecological attributes to interpret ecological change and loss that will be appropriate for both the Kootenai River Watershed and regionally 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $63,773
Biological objectives
2. Char., analyze and interpret the IEI framework
Provide Technical Review 2a2: RDRT to refine Indices of Biotic Integrity (terrestrial and aquatic) and Index of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA) attributes in the development of statistically robust temporally and spatially replicated Index of Ecological Integrity (IEI). RDRT to refine Indices of Biotic Integrity (i.e., NDVI, IDRISI, habitat types, avian, and terrestrial invertebrate attributes) and Index of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA) attributes in the development of statistically robust temporally and spatially replicated Index of Ecological Integrity (IEI). 10/1/2006 9/30/2007 $61,411
Biological objectives
2. Char., analyze and interpret the IEI framework
Provide Technical Review 5b1: Request and coordinate Regional peer-reviews meetings to evaluate BPA Project 200201100 technical and assessment plans, and RDRT to assist in interpretation and incorporate of comments and recommendations. We will implement informational meetings, presentations of IBI’s, IHA, and the framework behind IEI assessment tool. We plan on utilizing our relational database, CBFWA website, and additional online opportunities similar to StreamNet in our dissemination of information and feedback loops wherever possible. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $77,945
Biological objectives
5. Init Regional Review Team for Operational Loss
Produce Status Report Produce Status Report on Project Activities Produce status reports on project activities as necessary 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $23,620
Biological objectives
4. Det., anal. & mon. frame for stat. anal & mon.
Analyze/Interpret Data 1b1: Analyze and refine invertebrate and avian guild community categories to characterize trophic level linkage dynamics to estimate possible responses to experiment restoration activities. Refine avian and invertebrate guild community categories by utilizing expert peer-review, survey data, and statistical analysis (Objective 4) to define and link trophic level dynamics and interactions. We will utilize the refined information to construct ranking and IEI framework 10/30/2006 9/30/2008 $106,288
Biological objectives
1. Dev, refine hydr. model, (BI) meas. & IEI rel.
Primary R, M, and E Type: Refinement of invertebrate & avian guilds
Analyze/Interpret Data 1b2: Combine 1D modeling efforts to develop spatial and temporal analysis of data and produce a predictive assessment of water flow, temporal, area and volume conditions for assessing Biotic Integrity and associated IEI. A suite of hydraulic models has been suggested by the RDRT as the backbone of the operational loss assessment project of the Kootenai River. The first version of the suite is a one-dimensional hydrodynamic model that moves water through a river bed and provides information on the cross-section averaged flow velocities, water level elevations and shear stress (Cunge et al. 1980; DHI Water & Environment 2003). In an expanded version, this type of one-dimensional model can be linked with floodplain topography thus allowing that water flows into the floodplain once water levels exceed levy elevations, stays there for a while, and eventually returns into the river bed once water level elevations drop there. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $73,221
Biological objectives
1. Dev, refine hydr. model, (BI) meas. & IEI rel.
Primary R, M, and E Type: 1D model completed, assess BI & IEI
Analyze/Interpret Data 1b3: Provide empirical estimates of woody establishment and cottonwood recruitment 1D models under various restoration and river flow scenarios. Models will mimic pre-dam and post-dam overland flows and give us some idea of what terrestrial conditions would have been (showing where riparian cottonwood regeneration may have occurred, as well as wetland coverage and conditions – by mimicking the duration and force of the flooding) and where the majority of the losses were, enabling us to determine the extent of the losses and areas of potential restoration. 10/1/2006 9/30/2007 $101,564
Biological objectives
1. Dev, refine hydr. model, (BI) meas. & IEI rel.
Primary R, M, and E Type: estimates of woody establishment and recruitment
Analyze/Interpret Data 1b4: Using 1D and 2D models, develop and refine fuzzy logic models and address feasible linkages with IEI attributes Link the physical modeling results with habitat simulation models for fish, benthic organisms, and floodplain vegetation. These models will be used to predict what types of vegetation would be expected on which locations under certain scenarios. We will utilize GIS and LANDAT technologies to assess the linkages (spatial and temporal) of 1D and 2D models (along with fuzzy logic model) to habitat types, NDVI and IDRISI related data. 10/1/2007 9/30/2008 $70,859
Biological objectives
1. Dev, refine hydr. model, (BI) meas. & IEI rel.
Primary R, M, and E Type: fuzzy logic models and linkages with IEI attr.
Analyze/Interpret Data 1b5: Develop and evaluate 2D models to assess ecologically significant floodplain processes, determine floodplain losses attributable to operations of dams and areas available for potential future restoration and river-floodplain reconnection potentials Link 1-D model numerically and fully dynamic with a two dimensional model based on the surrounding floodplain topography. Mass and momentum exchange processes between the river channel and the adjacent floodplain are numerically simulated. From this type of model we additionally get information on the local flow velocities, shear stress, stream power and other parameters. The combination of local water depth and stream power is the most important combination of physical characters driving erosion and deposition on the floodplain and therefore responsible for floodplain geomorphic re-organization. We will also link the physical modeling results with habitat simulation models for fish, benthic organisms, and floodplain vegetation. These models use the results of the physical process based models as input 10/1/2007 9/30/2009 $59,049
Biological objectives
1. Dev, refine hydr. model, (BI) meas. & IEI rel.
Primary R, M, and E Type: 2D model
Analyze/Interpret Data 3b1: Perform and evaluate reference habitats and riparian/vegetation life stage analysis in analogue sites. Incorporate hydrologic processes, Gebhardt et al. (1989) “hydrologic behaviors”, into the riparian classifications; riparian expertise will be utilized throughout the design, implementation and results. Riparian vegetation life stage analysis will be compared with Kootenai River data from Jamieson and Braatne (2001), additional work in the canyon reaches and linked with habitat typing (riparian classifications) to evaluate results. 10/1/2006 9/30/2008 $59,049
Biological objectives
3. Ass abiotic and biotic funct. in analogue sites
Primary R, M, and E Type: reference habitat/life stage analysis
Analyze/Interpret Data 4a1: Evaluation of the Sampling Protocol This analysis encompasses a critical evaluation of the current sampling scheme employed by the Operational Loss Assessment (OLA) project. The statistical analyses include determination of required sample sizes for various OLA trophic level data at different precision levels, along with statistical power analyses accounting for potential spatial and/or temporal variability and monitoring. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $53,144
Biological objectives
4. Det., anal. & mon. frame for stat. anal & mon.
Primary R, M, and E Type: written evaluation of sampling protocols
Analyze/Interpret Data 4a2: Average Response Analyses This will include conducting analysis of variance (ANOVA) and mean separation procedures to detect and examine potential average response differences for bird, invertebrate and vegetation metrics for the OLA project. The analyses will evaluate the effect of habitat groups on biotic (e.g. bird abundance) and abiotic (vegetation greenness measures) responses. This will help establish a possible framework for more sophisticated multivariate analyses and modeling efforts concerning various trophic level data. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $54,325
Biological objectives
4. Det., anal. & mon. frame for stat. anal & mon.
Primary R, M, and E Type: written summarization of analyses
Analyze/Interpret Data 4a3: Correlation/Regression Analyses We will conduct correlation (parametric and nonparametric) analyses of bird and invertebrate metrics such as specificity, diversity, and indicator value (McGoech, et al. 2002, Van Rensburg, et al. 1999) with those of habitat metrics, such as NDVI and Tassel cap in order to investigate any potential association structure. Regression models will be considered to relate bird ecological integrity to environmental variables. This technique will be useful to model the spatial dependence of the spatially structured relationship between the aforementioned variables (Van Rensburg, 2002). 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $54,325
Biological objectives
4. Det., anal. & mon. frame for stat. anal & mon.
Primary R, M, and E Type: written summarization of analyses
Analyze/Interpret Data 4a4: Multivariate Analyses Computation of bird and invertebrate indicator values at various levels may be carried out based on cluster analyses as suggested by Dufrene and Legendere, 1997. This will enable selecting the optimal habitat classification and associated indicator characteristic and indicator detector species of birds and invertebrates for the OLA project. Cluster techniques may also be used to help construct a bird community-based measure of ecological integrity (Johnson, et al., 1998); canonical correlation (correspondence) analyses (Hill and Gauch, 1980) may also be employed to identify the structure of bird /habitat data. Computation of correlation coefficients between avian species proportions and environmental correlates (Van Rensburg, et al. 2002) constitutes an important step towards understanding the underlying structure 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $54,325
Biological objectives
4. Det., anal. & mon. frame for stat. anal & mon.
Primary R, M, and E Type: written summarization of analyses
Analyze/Interpret Data 4a5: Additional Data-Based Analyses and monitoring Use empirical distribution of bird and invertebrate indicator values generated from the OLA project and data truncation techniques to identify percentile cutoffs and select indicator species. The results may be compared to the subjective bench-mark approach, as well as the selection based on various clustering algorithms; Refinement of existing OLA data through use of directional/distance information. This may enhance the habitat classification for each bird/invertebrate species/guild observation; Develop monitoring and survey methodology QC and QA 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $70,859
Biological objectives
4. Det., anal. & mon. frame for stat. anal & mon.
Primary R, M, and E Type: completed database, written summarization of anal.
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data 1a1: Distinguish geomorphological reaches of the Kootenai River (canyon, braided, meandering) in terms of potential productivity limitation (changes in habitat type and recruitment) and biological productivity status (habitat types/NPP). We propose utilization of finer grain satellite imagery such as Spot 5, QuickBird and investigate the hyperspectral imagery that is available through previous LiDAR data acquisition. The finer grain imagery would enable more accurate classification of habitats and smaller patch sizes. We will use the to analyze NPP on habitat types in the braided, and produce more concise NPP descriptions in the canyon and analogue site (Columbia wetlands and sections of the Flathead River) as done in other reaches. 10/1/2006 9/30/2008 $200,767
Biological objectives
1. Dev, refine hydr. model, (BI) meas. & IEI rel.
Primary R, M, and E Type: accurate classification of habitat typing
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data 1a2: Characterize and evaluate habitat type-based Net Primary Productivity (NPP) in the Kootenai River floodplain with an emphasis on invertebrate and avian guild distribution, habitat alteration, availability, and temporal and spatial dynamics (canyon, b Using NDVI and habitat types as covariates, we will run correlation analysis on invertebrate and bird guild; use NPP directly, compare with NDVI surrogate, and assist with predicting avian and invertebrate distributions and proportions; comparing seasonal images and building a seasonal NDVI histogram (Mean NDVI by reach and seasonality). 10/30/2006 9/30/2008 $106,288
Biological objectives
1. Dev, refine hydr. model, (BI) meas. & IEI rel.
Primary R, M, and E Type: validate NPP in KR floodplain
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data 3a1: Gather and analyze information on analogue reaches (Columbia Wetlands and Sections of the Flathead River) associated with IEI parameters. Retrieve habitat typing, NDVI, IDRISI and related data for the Columbia wetlands, and Canadian classification methods need to be analyzed, and interpreted in coordination with our habitat typing methods. 10/1/2006 9/30/2007 $94,478
Biological objectives
3. Ass abiotic and biotic funct. in analogue sites
Primary R, M, and E Type: information on analogues and associated IEI par.
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data 3a2: Utilize NDVI and habitat typing, avian & invertebrate surveys and hydrographic data to summarize values per unit area between Columbia Wetlands and Sections of the Flathead River as utilized in the assessment in the Kootenai River Floodplain. Survey methods used throughout this project (Section E) will be duplicated in analogue sites (in association with Objective 1, and coordination of Objective 2). Data collected by other personnel (e.g. Canadian FW authorities, Flathead Lake researchers) will be utilized if acceptable methods were used to collect data (e.g. standard BBS procedures). 10/1/2006 9/30/2007 $26,573
Biological objectives
3. Ass abiotic and biotic funct. in analogue sites
Primary R, M, and E Type: Values per unit area
Develop RM&E Methods and Designs 2b1: RDRT to develop an IEI ranking procedure and criteria for operational loss assessments and regional application (RDRT) to develop and review an IEI ranking procedure, criteria and regional framework based on individual Indices of Biotic Integrity (IBI) and Index of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA) assessment methodologies and ecological attributes to interpret ecological change and loss. Framework will be developed in conjunction with regional elements. 10/1/2006 9/30/2008 $70,859
Biological objectives
2. Char., analyze and interpret the IEI framework
Develop RM&E Methods and Designs 2b2: RDRT to develop adaptive management landform restoration experiments that are based on multi-trophic level attributes and IEI parameters. RDRT to develop adaptive management landform restoration experiments that are based on multi-trophic level attributes and IEI parameters; revisit the Action Plan, incorporate related project activities and re-address adaptively managed long-term landform experiments in coordination with Project 200200800. 10/1/2006 9/30/2008 $118,098
Biological objectives
2. Char., analyze and interpret the IEI framework
Disseminate Raw/Summary Data and Results 5a1: Disseminate data/information generated by BPA Project 200201100 to regional fish and wildlife managers, BPA, and other entities; provide writing assistance, review and editorial functions on project products. We will implement informational meetings, presentations of IBI’s, IHA, and the framework behind IEI assessment tool. Present and submit publication of annual reports, methodologies, relational database data exchange, and document peer review comments and recommendations. The exchange of project information as well as consultation with other fish, wildlife, and land managers will help to ensure that project implementation activities are efficient and maximizing resource benefits in the most beneficial and cost effective manner. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $94,478
Biological objectives
5. Init Regional Review Team for Operational Loss
Disseminate Raw/Summary Data and Results 6a1: Coordinate and collaborate with local community, State and Federal entities by disseminating project information, participating in work groups/meetings, assisting in educational opportunities, and support local and regional endeavors associated with Public and local community participation will ensure the success or failure of any long-term land management activity. This strategy sets forth a method to involve the public early in the process and provides a means of continued public involvement throughout the duration of this protection, restoration and enhancement effort. This effort will include close coordination of implementation efforts with the County Conservation District as well as other management agencies, international agencies and watershed councils, and industry groups implementing restoration. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $82,669
Biological objectives
6. Collaborat work with local community groups

Section 8. Budgets

Itemized estimated budget
Personnel 3 FTE's $97,003 $100,067 $102,773
Fringe Benefits Average 33% $36,861 $38,025 $39,054
Supplies includes office & field supplies, utilities, phone, office rent, insurance & lease of truck $29,080 $31,480 $33,780
Travel includes staff conference attendance, air fare, lodging & per diem $30,300 $30,300 $30,300
Capital Equipment boat purchase $25,000 $0 $0
Overhead indirect costs (60% on personnel costs only - NOT on total costs) $80,319 $82,856 $85,096
Other Consultants $58,200 $64,020 $70,422
Other Professional fees (RDRT) $52,550 $53,430 $54,398
Other Subcontractors (Univ. of ID, MDFWP, PRST, SCS, S.P.Cramer) $365,386 $385,183 $386,077
Totals $774,697 $785,360 $801,899
Total estimated FY 2007-2009 budgets
Total itemized budget: $2,361,956
Total work element budget: $2,361,961
Cost sharing
Funding source/orgItem or service providedFY 07 est value ($)FY 08 est value ($)FY 09 est value ($)Cash or in-kind?Status
Bonneville Environmental Foundation Research, enhancement and monitoring for 10yr model watershed $5,000 $10,000 $10,000 In-Kind Confirmed
Congressional Appropriation Provided through Upper Columbia United Tribes for mitigation of fish and wildlife losses $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 Cash Confirmed
Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks Research, support and oversight of avian surveys $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 In-Kind Under Review
University of Idaho Ecohydraulics Research Group research and oversight for modeling. $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 In-Kind Confirmed
University of Montana Research, analysis and peer-review of avain guilds and habitat classification $2,000 $5,000 $5,000 In-Kind Under Development
Wildife Coop Units - Univ of ID and Univ. of MT Research and review of Indices of biotic inegrity $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 In-Kind Under Development
Totals $84,000 $92,000 $92,000

Section 9. Project future

FY 2010 estimated budget: $1,200,000
FY 2011 estimated budget: $1,200,000
Comments: Implement experimental landform restoration projects (in coordination with project 200200800)

Future O&M costs: Dependent on securing and acquiring management rights and easements.

Termination date:
Comments: This project provides direct mitigation for lost nutrients and biological productivity resulting from the construction and operation of Libby Dam and therefore should be implemented as long as Libby Dam is in place. Since the dam was completed native kokanee have gone extinct, native cottonwood galleries are decadent with little recruitment, and native white sturgeon are endangered and have not successfully recruited in decades. This project is just beginning to understand the ecological effects on the downstream Kootenai River caused by Libby Dam. Thus, many years of well designed remediation must be implemented to help restore the ecosystem to its pre-dam condition, which is considerably different than the current condition of the Kootenai River ecosystem. The project sponsors sincerely thank the enabling agencies for ongoing opportunities to mitigate for lost Tribal resources, restore their namesake river, and restore natural resources for the use of the province.

Final deliverables:

Section 10. Narrative and other documents

Reviews and recommendations

FY07 budget FY08 budget FY09 budget Total budget Type Category Recommendation
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs]
$700,023 $709,707 $724,671 $2,134,401 Expense ProvinceExpense Fund
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs]
$700,023 $709,707 $724,671 $0 ProvinceExpense


Recommendation: Fundable

NPCC comments: This 116-page proposal reads more like a dissertation and would probably be more effective if edited to eliminate non-essential (from review standpoint) background and explanation of terms and processes. Eliminating redundancies would streamline the proposal, making its strong structure more apparent. The proposal clearly relates to Program, subbasin plan and other initiatives in the region. Focal species and habitats are considered in model development. This is a highly technical proposal involving many cooperators and consultants. Including staff training is an excellent move to keep staff growing with the project, fostering ownership of the process and products. The budget for travel does seem excessive, however, even given the training component. This proposal should be closely coordinated with Albeni Falls Operational Assessment, 200731200, from the Kalispel Tribe. Major accomplishments are lost in reams of detail in narrative. Summary in form is more useful as an overview. The plan to report results in peer reviewed outlets is laudatory. M&E is actually part of the design process rather than an after-thought, consistent with the exploratory nature of the project.

ISRP FINAL REVIEW (Aug 31, 2006)

Recommendation: Fundable

NPCC comments: This 116-page proposal reads more like a dissertation and would probably be more effective if edited to eliminate non-essential (from review standpoint) background and explanation of terms and processes. Eliminating redundancies would streamline the proposal, making its strong structure more apparent. The proposal clearly relates to Program, subbasin plan and other initiatives in the region. Focal species and habitats are considered in model development. This is a highly technical proposal involving many cooperators and consultants. Including staff training is an excellent move to keep staff growing with the project, fostering ownership of the process and products. The budget for travel does seem excessive, however, even given the training component. This proposal should be closely coordinated with Albeni Falls Operational Assessment, 200731200, from the Kalispel Tribe. Major accomplishments are lost in reams of detail in narrative. Summary in form is more useful as an overview. The plan to report results in peer-reviewed outlets is laudatory. M&E is actually part of the design process rather than an after-thought, consistent with the exploratory nature of the project.