FY07-09 proposal 200713500

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Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleLower Columbia Salmon Recovery Planning: Habitat Restoration Project List Development and Modeling
Proposal ID200713500
OrganizationWashington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
Short descriptionDevelop a prioritized habitat recovery project list for chinook, coho, chum, and steelhead in all Lower Columbia sub-basins. Estimate whether these actions will result in populations reaching recovery targets.
Information transferThe Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board will rely upon the priortized project lists for development of salmon habitat restoration and protection project proposals in the Lower Columbia sub-basins.
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
Form submitter
Brad Thompson Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife thompbet@dfw.wa.gov
All assigned contacts
Dan Rawding Washigton Department of Fish and Wildlife rawdidr@dfw.wa.gov
Brad Thompson Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife thompbet@dfw.wa.gov

Section 2. Locations

Province / subbasin: Lower Columbia / None Selected

Columbia River Tributaries Grays to Wind River

Section 3. Focal species

primary: Chinook Lower Columbia River ESU
primary: Coho Lower Columbia River ESU
primary: Steelhead Lower Columbia River ESU
secondary: Chum Columbia River ESU

Section 4. Past accomplishments


Section 5. Relationships to other projects

Funding sourceRelated IDRelated titleRelationship

Section 6. Biological objectives

Biological objectivesFull descriptionAssociated subbasin planStrategy
Assess proposed LCFRB salmon recovery actions Provide assessment of restoration/ preservation objectives in the LCFRB plan in their effectiveness at achieving recovey goals. Lower Columbia Assess uncertainty in current EDT estimates of salmon perfomance and preservation restoration rank; develop prioritzed list of salmon recovery actions; develop logic path/model linking actions to EDT attributes; used EDT Scenario Builder to assess actions

Section 7. Work elements (coming back to this)

Work element nameWork element titleDescriptionStart dateEnd dateEst budget
Identify and Select Projects Work with LCFRB and watershed planning groups to select salmon recovery actions for modeling and develop effectiveness assumptions Develop prioritized list for modeling 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $157,724
Biological objectives
Assess proposed LCFRB salmon recovery actions
Manage and Administer Projects Contract Management Devlop SOW, budget, supervision 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $5,546
Biological objectives
Assess proposed LCFRB salmon recovery actions
Outreach and Education Coordination with LCFRB, WDFW, watershed groups, and experts in salmon restoration Work with parties to develop a prioritized restoration list, and share results of modeling 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $127,739
Biological objectives
Assess proposed LCFRB salmon recovery actions
* # of general public reached: 50-100
Produce Inventory or Assessment Assessment of prioritzed actions with expected benefits for salmon/Development updates for Recovery Plan and Implementation Work Schedules Assessment of uncertainty of salmon performance and preservation restoration rank; ranked assessment of perfomance by recovery action; assessment if combined actions reach salmon recovery goals 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $185,885
Biological objectives
Assess proposed LCFRB salmon recovery actions
Analyze/Interpret Data Estimate EDT uncertainty and effectiveness of restoration actions Esitmate uncertainty in current EDT estimates of salmon performance and preservation/restoration rank; estimate effectivenes of restoration actions 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $224,069
Biological objectives
Assess proposed LCFRB salmon recovery actions
Focal Area: Tributaries in the LCFRB domain
Primary R, M, and E Type: Uncertainties Research
Create/Manage/Maintain Database Maintain EDT databases Maintain EDT databases including, current and different ones created through the scenario builder 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $110,896
Biological objectives
Assess proposed LCFRB salmon recovery actions
Develop RM&E Methods and Designs Develop logic path/model for EDT environmental attributes Develop a logic/path model that links proposed restoration actions to predicted changes in Environmental attributes 10/1/2006 12/31/2009 $110,896
Biological objectives
Assess proposed LCFRB salmon recovery actions

Section 8. Budgets

Itemized estimated budget
Personnel 1 WDFW Research Scientist (3 mo) $15,309 $15,609 $15,909
Personnel 1 WDFW Research Scientist (1 mo) $5,103 $5,203 $5,303
Personnel 1 WDFW Bio3 (12 mo) $53,552 $54,513 $55,690
Personnel 1 WDFW ITS4 (1 mo) $5,000 $5,000 $5,000
Fringe Benefits 1 WDFW ITS4 (1 mo) $1,100 $1,100 $1,100
Supplies Lease of 17 computer network, 2 portable 500 gb drives, 24 port switch, and 3 six outlet uniterruptible power supplies $13,279 $10,016 $10,016
Overhead WDFW Bio3 cubicle reconfiguration $2,500 $0 $0
Other Subcontract with MBI, Jones & Stokes for preparing and providing all Lower Columbia sub-basin EDT databases to WDFW for Monte Carlo analysis $6,240 $0 $0
Other Subcontract with MBI, Jones & Stokes for annual fee to use Scenario Builder for Lower Columbia sub-basins $17,040 $17,040 $17,040
Other Subcontract with MBI, Jones & Stokes for Level of Proof data entry in EDT databases for all Lower Columbia sub-basins $12,720 $0 $0
Fringe Benefits 1 WDFW Research Scientist (3 mo) $3,437 $3,464 $3,492
Fringe Benefits 1 WDFW Research Scientist (1 mo) $1,146 $1,155 $1,164
Fringe Benefits 1 WDFW Bio3 (12 mo) $13,116 $13,212 $13,309
Supplies Leased desktop computer for WDFW Bio3 (12 mo) $552 $552 $552
Travel Travel for WDFW project personnel to conduct computer modeling workshops with LCFRB, meet with NOAA Fisheries NWFSC collaborators to develop EDT logic rules, and disseminate project results $7,500 $7,500 $10,000
Overhead WDFW overhead @ 28.79% $45,370 $38,683 $39,895
Personnel LCFRB Executive Director (2 mos) $17,330 $17,764 $18,208
Personnel LCFRB Recovery/Subbasin Program Manager (4 mos.) $26,660 $28,693 $30,881
Personnel LCFRB Habitat Program Manager (2 mos) $10,467 $11,266 $12,125
Personnel LCFRB Program Assistant (2 mos) $6,357 $6,516 $6,679
Fringe Benefits LCFRB Executive Director (2 mos) $2,915 $2,954 $2,994
Fringe Benefits LCFRB Recovery/Subbasin Program Manager (4 mos.) $5,181 $5,365 $5,562
Fringe Benefits LCFRB Habitat Program Manager (2 mos) $2,311 $2,388 $2,460
Fringe Benefits LCFRB Program Assistant (2 mos) $1,975 $1,989 $2,004
Supplies LCFRB - Priniting of outreach materials and reports, publishing public notices, meeting room rentals $1,800 $2,000 $2,700
Overhead LCFRB - General Administrative Costs $15,534 $16,549 $17,147
Travel LCFRB staff vehicle travel to public and technical workshops and consultation with WDFW and NOAA Fisheries. $500 $500 $500
Other LCFRB subcontract with SP Cramer to assist in developing modeling assumptions and revisions to the Recovery/Subbasin Plan. $30,000 $20,000 $30,000
Totals $323,994 $289,031 $309,730
Total estimated FY 2007-2009 budgets
Total itemized budget: $922,755
Total work element budget: $922,755
Cost sharing
Funding source/orgItem or service providedFY 07 est value ($)FY 08 est value ($)FY 09 est value ($)Cash or in-kind?Status
NOAA NWFSC 5% FTE $8,753 $8,753 $8,753 In-Kind Confirmed
NOAA NWFSC 5% FTE $6,514 $6,514 $6,514 In-Kind Confirmed
Totals $15,267 $15,267 $15,267

Section 9. Project future

FY 2010 estimated budget: $325,220
FY 2011 estimated budget: $325,220
Comments: [Outyear comment field left blank]

Future O&M costs:

Termination date: 9/30/11
Comments: Project will be completed when full assessment of recovery actions and goals is completed.

Final deliverables: Current devilerables include assessment report on current EDT unceratinity and prioritization of actions for recovery along with an assessment if these actions are likely to meet recovery goals. The assessment to reach recovery goals is a point estimate. Final deliverable will include an uncertainty for this point estimate.

Section 10. Narrative and other documents

Reviews and recommendations

FY07 budget FY08 budget FY09 budget Total budget Type Category Recommendation
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs]
$0 $0 $0 $0 Expense ProvinceExpense Do Not Fund
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs]
$0 $0 $0 $0 ProvinceExpense


Recommendation: Fundable (Qualified)

NPCC comments: This proposal seeks to calibrate the EDT model in relation to the uncertainty that it brings with its assessments, rather than continue to have it treated as providing an absolute answer to habitat/limiting factor questions. One of the major shortcomings of the subbasin plans was the failure of most of them to prioritize habitat restoration actions within and between subbasins. This proposal makes a good case that it will be able to do that in a systematic way. The proposal is for WDFW to work with the Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board (LCFRB) to develop prioritized lists of habitat restoration projects based on EDT assessments done for the subbasin plans. It describes the EDT work that was conducted and methodology developed by WDFW to estimate confidence intervals around EDT performance estimates and the geographic prioritization of restoration. The rationale is sound in linking this project to LCFRB recovery plan and Lower Columbia Subbasin Plan. The idea is to provide a more complete assessment of strategies used to recover lower Columbia River salmon and steelhead, for which threats persist, so that priorities can be developed. The value of this project will be extremely high if it produces a ranked list of restoration priorities, so limited funds for recovery actions can be applied to those projects that will have the greatest impact for recovering ESA-listed populations. It should be noted, however, that EDT does not have a dynamic geomorphic analysis capability. It would be a grave mistake to assume that appropriate choice of stream habitat restoration involving modification of the longitudinal profile or cross-section of a stream could rely solely on EDT results. The proposal mentions some possible overlap with proposal 200703100 which will develop a decision support system to list optimal watershed management strategies. The overlap does not seem to be too much, and if they coordinate well each project could help the other. The project has a single objective: to assess the effectiveness of salmon recovery actions developed in the LCFRB plan. Methods are described in great detail, and are scientifically sound and innovative. The project will have a strong evaluation component.

ISRP FINAL REVIEW (Aug 31, 2006)

Recommendation: Fundable (Qualified)

NPCC comments: This proposal seeks to calibrate the EDT model in relation to the uncertainty that it brings with its assessments, rather than continue to have it treated as providing an absolute answer to habitat/limiting factor questions. One of the major shortcomings of the subbasin plans was the failure of most of them to prioritize habitat restoration actions within and between subbasins. This proposal makes a good case that it will be able to do that in a systematic way. The proposal is for WDFW to work with the Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board (LCFRB) to develop prioritized lists of habitat restoration projects based on EDT assessments done for the subbasin plans. It describes the EDT work that was conducted and methodology developed by WDFW to estimate confidence intervals around EDT performance estimates and the geographic prioritization of restoration. The rationale is sound in linking this project to LCFRB recovery plan and Lower Columbia Subbasin Plan. The idea is to provide a more complete assessment of strategies used to recover lower Columbia River salmon and steelhead, for which threats persist, so that priorities can be developed. The value of this project will be extremely high if it produces a ranked list of restoration priorities, so limited funds for recovery actions can be applied to those projects that will have the greatest impact for recovering ESA-listed populations. It should be noted, however, that EDT does not have a dynamic geomorphic analysis capability. It would be a grave mistake to assume that appropriate choice of stream habitat restoration involving modification of the longitudinal profile or cross-section of a stream could rely solely on EDT results. The proposal mentions some possible overlap with proposal 200703100 which will develop a decision support system to list optimal watershed management strategies. The overlap does not seem to be too much, and if they coordinate well each project could help the other. The project has a single objective: to assess the effectiveness of salmon recovery actions developed in the LCFRB plan. Methods are described in great detail, and are scientifically sound and innovative. The project will have a strong evaluation component.