FY07-09 proposal 199607703

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Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleProtect and Restore Waw'aalamnime to 'Imnamatnoon Creek Analysis Area
Proposal ID199607703
OrganizationNez Perce Tribe DFRM Watershed Division
Short descriptionThis project will protect, restore, and return critical spawning and rearing habitat to the Analysis Area using a holistic approach to restoration. Projects will be coordinated with the USFS.
Information transferThe data and accomplishments for this project will be accessible through the Nez Perce Tribe website and through annual reports published through Bonneville Power Administration. The Clearwater National Forest also makes data from the project available to the public upon request.
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
Form submitter
Rebecca Lloyd Nez Perce Tribe rebeccal@nezperce.org
All assigned contacts
Ira Jones Nez Perce Tribe iraj@nezperce.org
Rebecca Lloyd Nez Perce Tribe rebeccal@nezperce.org

Section 2. Locations

Province / subbasin: Mountain Snake / Clearwater

[none] This project includes several contiguous watersheds tributary to the Lochsa River. The watershed serving as the western boundary of the project area is labeled as Squaw Creek on BPA's On-Line map. Squaw Creek was officially renamed Waw'aalamine Creek (translated to Fishing Creek) in 2002. The watershed serving as the eastern boundary of the project area is labeled Papoose Creek on BPA's On-Line map. Papoose Creek was renamed 'Imnamatnoon Creek (translation is Legendary Bear) in 2002.

Section 3. Focal species

primary: Steelhead Snake River ESU
secondary: Chinook Snake River Spring/Summer ESU
secondary: Westslope Cutthroat
secondary: Bull Trout
secondary: All Wildlife

Section 4. Past accomplishments

2005 Decommissioned 18 miles of road. Stabilized/improved 0.2 miles of road. Replaced one culvert to prevent road failure on Parachute Creek. Inventoried decommissioned roads for invasion of non-native plants. Began weed control treatment using grazing.
2004 Decommissioned 20 miles of road. Replaced one culvert for fish passage on 'Imnaamatnoon Creek, which returned 4 miles of habitat. Completed low elevation aerial photos of decommissioned roads. Began inventory of restoration areas for non-native veg.
2003 Decommissioned 23 miles of road. Replaced one culvert with a bridge for fish passage on 'Imnaamatnoon Creek, which returned one mile of habitat. Developed protocol for and began comprehensive road and culvert risk assessment of Forest System roads.
2002 Decommissioned 28.6 miles of road. Replaced 5 culverts for fish passage (additional BPA funding provided by 2001 high priority project funding) returning 7.5 miles of aquatic habitat. Culverts were on Doe Creek, Wendover (3 pipes), and Parachute Creek.
2001 Completed comprehensive culvert inventory of project area. Decommissioned 37.7 miles of road. Replaced one culvert for fish passage on Badger Creek, which returned 3 miles of aquatic habitat.
2000 Decommissioned 24 miles of road. Replaced two culverts for fish passage under Highway 12: Badger and Wendover, which returned 6 miles aquatic habitat. Replaced culvert at West Fork of Waawatamnime for fish passage, which returned 5 miles of habitat.
1999 Decommissioned 35.9 miles of road. Developed partnering agreement with CNF and Idaho Dept. of Transportation for culvert replacement. Designed two culvert replacements to allow fish passage.
1998 Competed a watershed assessment of project area to direct and prioritize work. Decommissioned 57.5miles of road. Developed Monitoring and Evaluation plan for road decommissioning.
1997 Developed master partnering agreement with Clearwater National Forest (called Challenge Cost-Share Agreement). All work from 1997 to present completed as cost-share partnerships. Decommissioned 12.2 miles road.
1996 Opened numerous culverts plugged by landslide events in 1995 and 1996. Relocated the FS road adjacent to Waw'aatamine Creek and installed driveable fords. Seeded and fertilized landslide areas.

Section 5. Relationships to other projects

Funding sourceRelated IDRelated titleRelationship
BPA 200207400 Restore Crooked Fork Creek Wawaatamnime to Imnaamatnoon Analysis area is adjacent to (downstream of) the Crooked Fork to Colt Killed Analysis Area. Combining these projects allows us to implement restoration at a landscape scale which will have more significant benefits to the targeted species.
BPA 198909800 Salmon Studies Id Rvrs IDFC Waw'aalamnime and 'Imnaamatnoon Creeks are treatment streams for this Supplementation Study.
BPA 199706000 Clearwater Focus Watershed Np The proposed work implements the goals and objectives of the Focus program.
BPA 199107300 Idaho Natural Production Monit Parr monitoring occurs in two streams in the Analysis Area: 'Imnamatnoon and Waw'aalamnime
BPA 200204000 Bear to Fishing Crk Spawn/Rear This project funded culvert replacements to allow fish passage in the Analysis Area in 2001 and 2002.

Section 6. Biological objectives

Biological objectivesFull descriptionAssociated subbasin planStrategy
Anadromous Fish Problem 2. Objective B Increase anadromous fish production and productivity, and life stage specific survival through habitat improvment. Clearwater Strategy 2: Evaluate alternative habitat treatments and expected outcomes to address limiting factors in each PMU. Strategy 7: Monitor and evaluate habitat improvement projects.
Environmental Problem 10. Objective BB. Protect and Restore an additional 300 miles of riparian habitat. Clearwater Strategy 1: Identify and prioritize riparian habitats for protection. Strategy 2: Protect and Restore riparian habitats through land acquisition, stewardship, BMPs, and grazing reform.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective CC. Protect existing quality, quantitiy, and diversity of native plant communities. Clearwater Strategy 1: Identify and prioritize native plant communities for restoration. Strategy 2: Prevent reproduction. Strategy 6: Prevent establishment. Strategy 7: Monitor and evaluate the effort to protect native plant communities.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective DD. Reduce the extent and density of established noxious weeds. Clearwater Strategy 1: Prioritize areas for treatment. Strategy 2: Treat weed infestations. Strategy 3: Encourage best management practices. Strategy 4: Monitor and Evaluate.
Environmental Problem 16. Objective JJ. Reduce impact of transportation system on wildlife and fish populations and habitat. Clearwater Strategy 1: Plan restoration through transportation system anaylsis. Strategy 2: Reduce road impacts-implement road closures and decommissioning programs. Strategy 3: Protect habitats. Strategy 4: Monitor and evaluate projects.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective P. Reduce number of artificially blocked streams by 2017. Clearwater Strategy 1: Compile database of fish barriers. Strategy 2: Prioritize fish passage barriers for replacement. Strategy 3: Replace barriers.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective Q. Reduce water temperatures. Clearwater Strategy 1. Identify and prioritize areas for restoration work. Strategy 2: Restrore hydrologic functions for temperature. Strategy 3: Restore riparian function. Strategy 5: Identify additional problems. Strategy 6: Monitor.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective S. Reduce instream sedimentation. Clearwater Strategy 1: Use watershed scale assessments to identify problems. Strategy 2: Research ecosystem function and sediment budgets. Strategy 3: Prioritize areas for sediment reduction. Strategy 4: Reduce sediment. Strategy 5: Monitor.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective U. Improve aquatic habitat diversity. Clearwater Strategy 1: Identify need. Strategy 2: Follow existing plans and continue habitat improvement efforts. Strategy 3: Prioritize action. Strategy 4: Restore ecosystem function. Strategy 6: Monitor effectiveness.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective E. Evaluate opportunities and needs to increase native resident fish populations of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout by 2005. Clearwater Strategy 2: Prioritize opportunities for protection and restoration.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective F. Increase populations of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout where they are extirpated by 2017. Clearwater Strategy 2: Improve habitat conditions for native resident populations. Strategy 3. Evaluate physical and biological response to habitat projects. Strategy 4: Provide research, monitoring, and evaluation data.
Socioeconomic Problem 18. Objective LL. Develop programs and project proposals compatible with existing community needs and integrate objective with local objectives. Clearwater Strategy 2: Coordinate plan implementation with federal, tribal, and state, local, and other interests.

Section 7. Work elements (coming back to this)

Work element nameWork element titleDescriptionStart dateEnd dateEst budget
Manage and Administer Projects Administrative Requirements for Contract Work to meet BPA's adminsitration requirements for contract by submitting reports and supplying information as needed about project work. 1/1/2007 12/31/2007 $51,377
Biological objectives
Coordination General Project Coordination Project coordination requires intra- and inter- agency coordination of project planning and implementation. Coordination requires meeings both phone and in-person, travel to regional meetings, and developing MOUs and Participating Agreements. Also may require work with contract specialist for subcontract administration. 1/1/2007 12/31/2009 $51,376
Biological objectives
Anadromous Fish Problem 2. Objective B
Environmental Problem 10. Objective BB.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective CC.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective DD.
Environmental Problem 16. Objective JJ.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective P.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective Q.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective S.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective U.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective E.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective F.
Socioeconomic Problem 18. Objective LL.
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation Provide NEPA Documentation to BPA Work with the Clearwater National Forest to complete NEPA on all implementation projects in order to meets requirements of both USFS and BPA. 1/1/2007 12/31/2009 $51,377
Biological objectives
Produce Design and/or Specifications Plan and Design Road Restoration/Improvement Projects Use the completed Road and Culvert Risk Inventory to develop a Transporation Plan for the entire Analysis Area. The transportation plan will identify, detail, and prioritize locations requiring road improvement. 1/1/2007 12/1/2007 $81,377
Biological objectives
Anadromous Fish Problem 2. Objective B
Environmental Problem 10. Objective BB.
Environmental Problem 16. Objective JJ.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective P.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective S.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective U.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective E.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective F.
Socioeconomic Problem 18. Objective LL.
Produce Design and/or Specifications Collect Data on Roads Planned for Removal Baseline data includes mapping the location of the road (for non-system unclassified road), recording prism dimensions, stream crossing data, length of road-stream connectivity, and locations of potential failure. 6/1/2007 10/31/2009 $51,376
Biological objectives
Anadromous Fish Problem 2. Objective B
Environmental Problem 10. Objective BB.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective CC.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective DD.
Environmental Problem 16. Objective JJ.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective P.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective S.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective E.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective F.
Socioeconomic Problem 18. Objective LL.
Improve/Relocate Road Improve Roads as Identified by the Transportation Plan Improve at least one mile of road per year within the Analysis Area. Improvements may include surfacing, replacing culverts, installing drainage structures other than culverts (e.g. fords), and relocation. 6/1/2007 10/31/2009 $111,377
Biological objectives
Anadromous Fish Problem 2. Objective B
Environmental Problem 10. Objective BB.
Environmental Problem 16. Objective JJ.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective P.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective Q.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective S.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective U.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective E.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective F.
Socioeconomic Problem 18. Objective LL.
* # of road miles improved, upgraded, or restored: 3
Decommission Road Plan and Implement Road Decommissioning Remove 5 miles of road per year. Roads to be decommissioned will be identified in the Transportation Plan. 7/1/2007 10/31/2009 $201,376
Biological objectives
Anadromous Fish Problem 2. Objective B
Environmental Problem 10. Objective BB.
Environmental Problem 16. Objective JJ.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective P.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective Q.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective S.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective U.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective E.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective F.
Socioeconomic Problem 18. Objective LL.
* # of road miles decommissioned : 15
Remove/Modify Dam Replace Culverts to Provide Fish Passage and/or Reduce Risk of Road Failure Installed culverts provide passage for all aquatic organisms following stream simulation critieria. 7/1/2007 10/31/2009 $201,376
Biological objectives
Anadromous Fish Problem 2. Objective B
Environmental Problem 7. Objective P.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective Q.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective S.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective U.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective E.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective F.
Socioeconomic Problem 18. Objective LL.
Upland Erosion and Sedimentation Control Complete Erosion Control on Decommissioned Roads and Replaced Culverts On all disturbed areas we place natural mulch/slash to provide nutrients to new vegetation and mitigate surface erosion. Where natural mulch is scarce we spread weed free straw and may use geotextile material or coconut fiber mat to mitigate surface erosion from reccently disturbed areas. 7/1/2007 10/31/2009 $51,376
Biological objectives
Anadromous Fish Problem 2. Objective B
Environmental Problem 10. Objective BB.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective CC.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective DD.
Environmental Problem 16. Objective JJ.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective Q.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective S.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective E.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective F.
Socioeconomic Problem 18. Objective LL.
Plant Vegetation Revegetate Decommissioned Roads and Replaced Culverts After completing ground disturbing work for road removal and culvert replacement we will seed the area with native grass seed mix and plant native brush and/or tree species. 6/1/2007 10/31/2009 $54,377
Biological objectives
Anadromous Fish Problem 2. Objective B
Environmental Problem 10. Objective BB.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective CC.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective DD.
Environmental Problem 16. Objective JJ.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective Q.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective S.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective U.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective E.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective F.
Socioeconomic Problem 18. Objective LL.
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Implementation Monitoring Monitor restoration work following implementation. Projects include road decommissioning, culvert replacement, and weed treatment. Data collected includes evaluating whether contracts were implemented to design, evaluating revegetation, measuring stream channel adjustments, recording any locations of road failure, and recording fish passage. 6/1/2007 10/31/2009 $14,040
Biological objectives
Anadromous Fish Problem 2. Objective B
Environmental Problem 10. Objective BB.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective CC.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective DD.
Environmental Problem 16. Objective JJ.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective P.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective S.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective E.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective F.
Socioeconomic Problem 18. Objective LL.
Analyze/Interpret Data Analyze Collected Invasive Plant Data Use complete inventory and monitoring data to evaluate initial treatment strategies. Use this data as feed back into the weed management plan. 1/1/2007 12/31/2007 $42,918
Biological objectives
Anadromous Fish Problem 2. Objective B
Environmental Problem 10. Objective BB.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective CC.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective DD.
Environmental Problem 16. Objective JJ.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective E.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective F.
Socioeconomic Problem 18. Objective LL.
Produce Plan Develop Weed Management Plan for the Upper Lochsa Use data from inventories and the Lochsa Weed Treatment EA to develop an integrated treatment plan for non-native invasive species. 1/1/2007 12/31/2009 $51,377
Biological objectives
Anadromous Fish Problem 2. Objective B
Environmental Problem 10. Objective BB.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective CC.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective DD.
Environmental Problem 16. Objective JJ.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective S.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective E.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective F.
Socioeconomic Problem 18. Objective LL.
Remove vegetation Treat Non-Native Invasive Plant Species Apply an integrated treatment program to control non-native invasive plant encroachment into project area. 6/1/2007 10/31/2009 $51,380
Biological objectives
Anadromous Fish Problem 2. Objective B
Environmental Problem 10. Objective BB.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective CC.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective DD.
Environmental Problem 16. Objective JJ.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective S.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective E.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective F.
Socioeconomic Problem 18. Objective LL.
* # of acres treated: 500
Create/Manage/Maintain Database Input Project Data into GIS Database All data collected will be spatially referenced through field GPS and structured to fit tables designed for each project/work element. The tables will be built in the Microsoft Sequel Server 2000 environment and linked to the spatial information stored in an ESRI ArcSDE (Spatial Database Engine) database stored on servers maintained by the Nez Perce Tribe Land Services. Data will be distributed and viewed internally using the ArcSDE server, and externally using an ESRI ArcIMS (Internet Mapping Service) server at the following web address: http://imsland.nezperce.org/imf/imf.jsp?site=NPT_Watershed 1/1/2007 12/31/2009 $29,640
Biological objectives
Outreach and Education Continue Outreach and Education for Watershed Restoration in the Upper Lochsa Continue to protect investments in restoration by conducting outreach through seminar/workshop presentations and public field trips of projects. Continue work with Missoula Public Schools and University of Montana as guest speaker on watershed restoration topics. Continue work with Wildlands CPR and Missoula Public Schools on Citizen Monitoring Efforts. 10/1/2006 12/31/2009 $7,410
Biological objectives
Anadromous Fish Problem 2. Objective B
Environmental Problem 11. Objective CC.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective DD.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective E.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective F.
Socioeconomic Problem 18. Objective LL.
Produce Annual Report Annual Report Annual Report describes all pertinent yearly activities, successes, problems, and opportunities encountered to include photos as needed. Summarize data generated by the project, as well as discussions with StreamNet; identify appropriate data format(s) (or linkages), timing of data sharing, and describe any work needed to provide data in these formats. 11/1/2007 12/31/2009 $0
Biological objectives
Produce Status Report Produce Status Report Enter status of project work by noting whether each work element is on schedule toward completion using the green, red, or yellow indicators to denote anticipated progress. Submittal dates are based on quarrters of the fiscal year. 1/1/2007 12/31/2009 $0
Biological objectives

Section 8. Budgets

Itemized estimated budget
Personnel 2.4 $112,050 $112,050 $112,050
Fringe Benefits approximately 30% $35,680 $35,680 $35,680
Supplies Includes field supplies, office supplies, 4 GSA Vehicles, Field Per Diem, and Housing for Crew $30,680 $30,680 $30,680
Travel Meetings and Training $3,252 $3,252 $3,253
Capital Equipment Rent on Office for Lapwai Personnel $682 $682 $682
Other Subcontracts $131,000 $131,000 $131,000
Overhead Indirect at 30% $54,499 $54,499 $54,499
Totals $367,843 $367,843 $367,844
Total estimated FY 2007-2009 budgets
Total itemized budget: $1,103,530
Total work element budget: $1,103,530
Cost sharing
Funding source/orgItem or service providedFY 07 est value ($)FY 08 est value ($)FY 09 est value ($)Cash or in-kind?Status
Clearwater National Forest Cost Share on Project detailed in Appendix A $70,000 $70,000 $70,000 Cash Under Review
Totals $70,000 $70,000 $70,000

Section 9. Project future

FY 2010 estimated budget: $200,000
FY 2011 estimated budget: $200,000
Comments: Finish implmeneting some road improvement and all remaining road decommissioning.

Future O&M costs: $15,000 to $20,000 per year for road maintenance and weed treatment.

Termination date: 2014
Comments: Once all surplus roads have been removed, culverts upgraded, and potential failure points along the remaing road system have been mitigated there is very little active restoration left in this drainage. In order for all road improvement projects to be effective they must be maintained over time. Also, noxious weed treatment must remain an emphasis to protect terrestrial and aquatic habitat.

Final deliverables: Restored stream habitat to increase production potential and productivity of anadromous and resident fish.

Section 10. Narrative and other documents

199607703_ISRPresponse_2006 Jul 2006
umbrella comments to council_07-13_v4.doc Jul 2006
NPT DFRM Watershed Umbrella Comments Jul 2006
Mtn Snake NPT DFRM Project Recommendations with comments Jul 2006

Reviews and recommendations

FY07 budget FY08 budget FY09 budget Total budget Type Category Recommendation
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs]
$367,843 $367,843 $367,843 $1,103,529 Expense ProvinceExpense Fund
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs]
$367,843 $367,843 $367,843 $0 ProvinceExpense


Recommendation: Response requested

NPCC comments: The proposal contains good problem analysis supported by clear links to the subbasin plan. However, the history and results sections are deficient and are primarily lists of actions performed. A response should provide a summary of biological results to date such as changed sediment abundance in streams, changed water temperatures, changed physical habitat (the diversity and complexity that are stated as objectives), increased migration of fish (where culvert problems were remedied), and changed abundances of fish. The results should be showing up after almost 10 years of project work. The objectives are well stated; however, the methods listed (Table 4) for achieving the objective of increasing habitat diversity and complexity do not appear to be adequate. The proposal contains comprehensive discussion and in-depth analysis of factors thought to be impacting fish; work is limited to sediment management through addressing roads, culverts, and exotic weeds. The narrative and response, however, need to better describe what constitutes habitat diversity and complexity (and reference scientific literature that supports statements about this), and then explain exactly how the increased diversity and complexity will be achieved. The work elements describe standard details for road and culvert rehab. However, it is preferable to see replacement culverts identified as clearspan bridges (where floodplain is significant) or, at the least, bottomless culverts. The proposal lists appropriate general monitoring and evaluation objectives, but the response needs to include revision that provides adequate design and method details. Undefined acronyms, for example, CRPS, FCRPS, and CRLOLs, often make it difficult for reviewers. Finally, in the response loop, the ISRP recommends that the Nez Perce Tribe suggest a priority and rank of the numerous proposals submitted under the titles “protect” and “restore.” Where do habitat actions and protection in the Clearwater offer the most potential benefit?

ISRP FINAL REVIEW (Aug 31, 2006)

Recommendation: Fundable

NPCC comments: This proposal is for road decommissioning and culvert removal in a context of declining fish numbers. The data on results, taken from sources outside the project, are the sort of material that ISRP expected to see in the original proposal narrative. The response addressed the issues raised by the ISRP in their preliminary review of this project. At issue remains the need to develop an acceptable biological monitoring effort in this project. The nature of the habitat rehabilitation is arguably difficult to adapt to a treatment and control approach and a fish response, given that this work deals primarily with road deactivation, culvert improvement, and some riparian work. Nonetheless, consideration should be given to selection of stream and tributary sections that might act as treatment and control areas. The ISRP recognizes that some assistance may be required to establish this type of investigation, and this may not be an ideal area for such research. However, given that this area is also part of intensive supplementation studies, and that parr monitoring occurs within the related project 199107300, some attempt at development of a monitoring and assessment framework seems possible. Funding should be contingent on making this attempt. The response included some data on steelhead and Chinook redds, and juvenile densities, which served to indicate that with further analysis and comparison (e.g., estimates of parr density/spawner), a monitoring program is possible, and one that is much needed for the basin. For full comments on "restore and protect" type projects, please see heading “General comments concerning Nez Perce Tribe proposals to protect and restore various watersheds” at the beginning of the ISRP comments on project # 199607702, Protect & Restore Lolo Creek Watershed.