FY07-09 proposal 200207400

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Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleProtect and Restore Crooked Fork to Colt Killed Analysis Area
Proposal ID200207400
OrganizationNez Perce Tribe DFRM Watershed Division
Short descriptionThis project will protect, restore, and return critical spawning and rearing habitat to the Analysis Area using a holistic approach to restoration. Projects will be coordinated with the Clearwater National Forest.
Information transferThe data and accomplishments for this project will be accessible through the Nez Perce Tribe website and through annual reports published through Bonneville Power Administration. The Clearwater National Forest also makes data from the project available to the public upon request.
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
Form submitter
Rebecca Lloyd Nez Perce Tribe rebeccal@nezperce.org
All assigned contacts
Anne Connor Clearwater National Forest aconnor@fs.fed.us
Ira Jones Nez Perce Tribe iraj@nezperce.org
Rebecca Lloyd Nez Perce Tribe rebeccal@nezperce.org

Section 2. Locations

Province / subbasin: Mountain Snake / Clearwater

Crooked Fork Lochsa River This project area includes the entire headwaters of the Lochsa River. The major watersheds included are Crooked Fork, Brushy Fork, and Colt Killed (Colt Killed is labeled as White Sands on map. White Sands was officially renamed Colt Killed in 1998).

Section 3. Focal species

primary: Steelhead Snake River ESU
secondary: Westslope Cutthroat
secondary: Bull Trout
secondary: All Wildlife

Section 4. Past accomplishments

2005 Completed NEPA for two years of road decommissioning and two years of culvert replacements. Completed two culvert designs and one bridge design to restore fish passage. Surveyed approximately 40 miles of road for decommissioning.
2004 Decommissioned 8 miles of road. Completed 348 miles of risk assessment on rds. Inventoried 300 miles of road for invasive plants. Replaced one culvert for fish passage. Secured nearly $600,000 in matching funds for 2004-2006 from Idaho-PCSRF.
2003 Developed protocol for and began road and culvert risk assessment. Completed NEPA for 2004 road decommissioning and culvert replacements. Pulled culvert and restored natural channel along Rock Creek returning nearly 1 mile of fish passage.
2002 Received funding in September just at end of fiscal year. Accomplishments in compiled 2003.

Section 5. Relationships to other projects

Funding sourceRelated IDRelated titleRelationship
PCSRF - Idaho 033 04 CW Lochsa River Fish Passage Impr The Idaho-PCSRF provides matching funds for culvert replacements in the Crooked Fork to Colt Killed Creeks Analysis Area.
PCSRF - Idaho 032 04 CW Crooked Brushy Road Decommisio The Idaho-PCSRF project provides matching funds for road removal in the Crooked Fork to Colt Killed Creeks Analysis Area.
PCSRF - Idaho [no entry] Monitoring and Effectiveness of PCSRF Habitat Restoration Projects (02105CW) This project will provide funding for effectiveness monitoring of projects funded by BPA and Idaho-PCSRF.
BPA 199607703 Restore Fishing to Bear Creek Crooked Fork to Colt Killed Creek Analysis Area is adjacent to this project area. Implementing similar habitat restoration work in contiguous watersheds will have a more beneficial effect at the population level of the targeted aquatic species.
BPA 198909800 Salmon Studies Id Rvrs IDFC Crooked Fork, Colt Killed Creek, and Brushy Fork are included in this study area and receive outplants from the Powell Hatchery.
BPA 199706000 Clearwater Focus Watershed Np Proposed work in the Crooked Fork to Colt Killed Creek Analysis Area supports and implements the goals of this program.

Section 6. Biological objectives

Biological objectivesFull descriptionAssociated subbasin planStrategy
Anadromous Fish Problem 2. Objective B Increase anadromous fish production and productivity, and life stage specific survival through habitat improvment. Clearwater Strategy 1: Identify and prioritize primary limiting factors in each PMU. Refer to Sec 4.4 of Plan. Strategy 2: Evaluate alternative habitat treatments and expected outcomes to address limiting factors in each PMU. Strategy 7: Monitor and evaluate
Environmental Problem 10. Objective BB. Protect and Restore an additional 300 miles of riparian habitat. Clearwater Strategy 1: Identify and prioritize riparian habitats for protection. Strategy 2: Protect and Restore riparian habitats. Strategy 4: Increase stewardship and public knowlege through education. Strategy 5: Work to acquire riparian habitats.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective CC. Protect existing quality, quantitiy, and diversity of native plant communities. Clearwater Strategy 1: Identify and prioritize native plant communities for restoration. Strategy 2: Prevent reproduction. Strategy 6: Prevent establishment. Strategy 7: Monitor and evaluate the effort to protect native plant communities.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective DD. Reduce the extent and density of established noxious weeds. Clearwater Strategy 1: Prioritize areas for treatment. Strategy 2: Treat weed infestations.
Environmental Problem 16. Objective JJ. Reduce impact of transportation system on wildlife and fish populations and habitat. Clearwater Strategy 1: Plan restoration through transportation system anaylsis. Strategy 2: Reduce road impacts-implement road closures and decommissioning programs. Strategy 3: Protect habitats. Strategy 4: Monitor and evaluate projects.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective P. Reduce number of artificially blocked streams by 2017. Clearwater Strategy 1: Compile database of fish barriers. Strategy 2: Prioritize fish passage barriers for replacement. Strategy 3: Replace barriers. Strategy 4: Restore adequate flows where hydrographs have been altered.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective Q. Reduce water temperatures. Clearwater Strategy 1. Identify and prioritize areas for restoration work. Strategy 2: Restrore hydrologic functions for temperature. Strategy 3: Restore riparian function. Strategy 5: Identify additional problems. Strategy 6: Monitor.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective S. Reduce instream sedimentation. Clearwater Strategy 1: Use watershed scale assessments to identify problems. Strategy 2: Research ecosystem function and sediment budgets. Strategy 3: Prioritize areas for sediment reduction. Strategy 4: Reduce sediment. Strategy 5: Monitor.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective U. Improve aquatic habitat diversity. Clearwater Strategy 1: Identify need. Strategy 2: Follow existing plans and continue habitat improvement efforts. Strategy 3: Prioritize action. Strategy 4: Restore ecosystem function. Strategy 6: Monitor effectiveness.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective E Evaluate opportunities and needs to increase native resident fish populations of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout by 2005. Clearwater Strategy 2: Prioritize opportunities for protection and restoration. Refer to Sec 4.4 of the Plan. Strategy 3: Repeat strategies 1 and 2, using new monitoring and evalauation data.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective F. Increase populations of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout where they are extirpated by 2017. Clearwater Strategy 2: Improve habitat conditions for native resident populations. Strategy 3. Evaluate physical and biological response to habitat projects. Strategy 4: Provide research, monitoring, and evaluation data.
Socioeconomic Problem 18. Objective LL. Develop programs and project proposals compatible with existing community needs and integrate objective with local objectives. Clearwater Strategy 2: Coordinate plan implementation with federal, tribal, and state, local, and other interests.

Section 7. Work elements (coming back to this)

Work element nameWork element titleDescriptionStart dateEnd dateEst budget
Manage and Administer Projects Coordination and Communication Coordinate all project work within the Nez Perce Tribe, with regulatory agencies, and partnering and cooperating agencies. Coordination requires meeings both phone and in-person, travel to regional meetings, and developing MOUs and Participating Agreements. 1/1/2007 12/31/2009 $46,857
Biological objectives
Anadromous Fish Problem 2. Objective B
Environmental Problem 10. Objective BB.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective CC.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective DD.
Environmental Problem 16. Objective JJ.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective P.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective Q.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective S.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective U.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective E
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective F.
Socioeconomic Problem 18. Objective LL.
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation NEPA documentation to BPA Work with the Clearwater National Forest to complete NEPA on all implementation projects in order to meets requirements of both USFS and BPA. 1/1/2007 12/31/2009 $17,979
Biological objectives
Produce Plan Complete Transportation Plan to Identify Road Improvement Projects Use the completed Road and Culvert Risk Inventory to develop a Transporation Plan for the entire Analysis Area. The transportation plan will identify, detail, and prioritize opportunities for road improvement. 12/1/2007 3/15/2008 $46,851
Biological objectives
Anadromous Fish Problem 2. Objective B
Environmental Problem 10. Objective BB.
Environmental Problem 16. Objective JJ.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective P.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective S.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective E
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective F.
Socioeconomic Problem 18. Objective LL.
Improve/Relocate Road Improve Roads Identified in Transportation Plan Improve at least one mile of road per year within the Analysis Area. Improvements may include surfacing, replacing culverts, installing drainage structures other than culverts (e.g. fords), and relocation. 6/1/2008 10/31/2009 $106,851
Biological objectives
Anadromous Fish Problem 2. Objective B
Environmental Problem 10. Objective BB.
Environmental Problem 16. Objective JJ.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective P.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective S.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective E
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective F.
Socioeconomic Problem 18. Objective LL.
* # of road miles improved, upgraded, or restored: 1 mile
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Collect Baseline Data on roads to be removed Baseline data includes mapping the location of the road (for unclassified road), recording prism dimensions, stream crossing data, length of road-stream connectivity, and locations of potential failure. of any new failures. 6/1/2007 10/31/2009 $46,851
Biological objectives
Anadromous Fish Problem 2. Objective B
Environmental Problem 10. Objective BB.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective DD.
Environmental Problem 16. Objective JJ.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective P.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective S.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective E
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective F.
Decommission Road Plan and Implement Road Decommissioning Remove 10 - 12 miles of road per year. Work will focus on the following drainages in order of priority: Rock, Spruce, Shotgun, Lower Crooked, Pack, and Brushy. 7/1/2007 10/15/2009 $346,851
Biological objectives
Anadromous Fish Problem 2. Objective B
Environmental Problem 10. Objective BB.
Environmental Problem 16. Objective JJ.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective P.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective Q.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective S.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective U.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective E
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective F.
* Type of decommissioning: Recontour
* # of road miles decommissioned : 30
Produce Design and/or Specifications Design Culverts for Fish Passage and/or to Reduce Risk of Road Failure Produce designs for culvert replacements. Producing the designs will require collecting data in the field and drafting designs. In some cases, design work may be contracted to a partnering agency or an independent engineering firm. 1/1/2007 12/31/2009 $106,851
Biological objectives
Anadromous Fish Problem 2. Objective B
Environmental Problem 16. Objective JJ.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective P.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective S.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective E
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective F.
Socioeconomic Problem 18. Objective LL.
Remove/Modify Dam Replace Culverts in Order to Provide Fish Passage and/or Reduce Road Failure Culvert replacements follow stream simulation criteria. Culverts identified for priority in the first two years of the project occur in Shotgun Creek, Colt Killed Creek, and Lower Crooked. 7/1/2007 10/31/2009 $346,851
Biological objectives
Anadromous Fish Problem 2. Objective B
Environmental Problem 16. Objective JJ.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective P.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective Q.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective S.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective U.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective E
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective F.
Socioeconomic Problem 18. Objective LL.
* # of miles of habitat accessed: 2
* # of miles of habitat accessed: 6
Upland Erosion and Sedimentation Control Erosion Control on Decommissioned Roads and Replaced Culverts On all disturbed areas we place natural mulch/slash to provide nutrients to new vegetation and mitigate surface erosion. Where natural mulch is scarce we spread weed free straw and may use geotextile material or coconut fiber mat to mitigate surface erosion from reccently disturbed areas. 7/1/2007 10/31/2009 $46,854
Biological objectives
Anadromous Fish Problem 2. Objective B
Environmental Problem 11. Objective CC.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective DD.
Environmental Problem 16. Objective JJ.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective P.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective S.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective E
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective F.
Socioeconomic Problem 18. Objective LL.
Plant Vegetation Revegetate Decommissioned Roads and Replaced Culverts After completing ground disturbing work for road removal and culvert replacement we will seed the area with native grass seed mix and plant native brush and/or tree species. 7/1/2007 10/31/2009 $61,854
Biological objectives
Anadromous Fish Problem 2. Objective B
Environmental Problem 10. Objective BB.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective CC.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective DD.
Environmental Problem 16. Objective JJ.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective P.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective Q.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective S.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective U.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective E
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective F.
* # of riparian miles treated: 4
* # of acres of planted: 80
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Monitor Roads Following Decommissioning Monitor road decommissioning following work. Data collected includes evaluating revegetation, measuring stream channel adjustments, and recording any locations of road failure. 6/1/2007 10/31/2009 $29,022
Biological objectives
Anadromous Fish Problem 2. Objective B
Environmental Problem 16. Objective JJ.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective S.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective U.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective E
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective F.
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Monitor Culvert Replacements Data collected includes evaluating fish passage through redd counts and/or snorkeling, evaluating substrate retentions, and completing an "as-built" survey following the criteria according to NPT-DFRM-Watershed Division and Clearwater National Forest protocols. 7/1/2007 10/31/2009 $31,922
Biological objectives
Anadromous Fish Problem 2. Objective B
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective E
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective F.
Produce Inventory or Assessment Complete Inventory of Non-native Invasive Plants Complete inventory of non-native invasive plants and riparian areas focusing on private lands in the Analysis Area. 2/1/2007 11/1/2009 $50,473
Biological objectives
Anadromous Fish Problem 2. Objective B
Environmental Problem 10. Objective BB.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective CC.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective DD.
Environmental Problem 16. Objective JJ.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective S.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective E
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective F.
Socioeconomic Problem 18. Objective LL.
Produce Plan Develop Weed Treatment Plan for the Upper Lochsa Use data from inventories and the Lochsa Weed Treatment EA to develop an integrated treatment plan for non-native invasive species. 1/1/2007 12/31/2007 $46,854
Biological objectives
Anadromous Fish Problem 2. Objective B
Environmental Problem 11. Objective CC.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective DD.
Environmental Problem 16. Objective JJ.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective E
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective F.
Socioeconomic Problem 18. Objective LL.
Remove vegetation Treat Non-native Invasive Plant Species Use an integrated treatment method combining mechanical, chemical, and biological controls to infested areas. Treatment will follow the guidelines in the Lochsa Weeds Environemental Assessment. 6/1/2007 10/30/2009 $46,860
Biological objectives
Anadromous Fish Problem 2. Objective B
Environmental Problem 10. Objective BB.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective CC.
Environmental Problem 11. Objective DD.
Environmental Problem 16. Objective JJ.
Environmental Problem 7. Objective S.
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective E
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective F.
Socioeconomic Problem 18. Objective LL.
* # of acres treated: 500
* # of acres treated: 1500
Create/Manage/Maintain Database Input all Project Data into GIS Database All data collected will be spatially referenced through field GPS and structured to fit tables designed for each project/work element. The tables will be built in the Microsoft Sequel Server 2000 environment and linked to the spatial information stored in an ESRI ArcSDE (Spatial Database Engine) database stored on servers maintained by the Nez Perce Tribe Land Services. Data will be distributed and viewed internally using the ArcSDE server, and externally using an ESRI ArcIMS (Internet Mapping Service) server at the following web address: http://imsland.nezperce.org/imf/imf.jsp?site=NPT_Watershed 1/1/2007 12/31/2009 $48,000
Biological objectives
Outreach and Education Continue to Develop Opportunities for Project Outreach and Public Education Continue to protect investments in restoration by conducting outreach through seminar/workshop presentations and public field trips of projects. Continue work with Missoula Public Schools and University of Montana as guest speaker on watershed restoration topics. Continue work with Wildlands CPR and Missoula Public Schools on Citizen Monitoring Efforts. 10/1/2006 12/31/2009 $25,404
Biological objectives
Anadromous Fish Problem 2. Objective B
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective E
Resident Fish Problem 4. Objective F.
Socioeconomic Problem 18. Objective LL.
Produce Status Report Quarterly Updates to PISCES Enter status of project work by noting whether each work element is on schedule to completion using the green, red, or yellow indicators to mark anticipated progress. Submittal dates are based on quarrters of the fiscal year. 1/1/2007 12/31/2009 $0
Biological objectives
Produce Annual Report Annual Report Annual Report describes all pertinent yearly activities, successes, problems, and opportunities encountered to include photos as needed. Summarize data generated by the project, as well as discussions with StreamNet; identify appropriate data format(s) (or linkages), timing of data sharing, and describe any work needed to provide data in these formats. 11/1/2007 12/31/2009 $0
Biological objectives

Section 8. Budgets

Itemized estimated budget
Personnel 2.2 FTE $103,950 $103,950 $103,950
Fringe Benefits Fringe Rate at 30% $33,250 $33,250 $33,250
Supplies Includes 2 GSA Vehicles, Field Equipment, Housing cost for Crew, and Training $35,480 $35,480 $35,480
Travel Travel to Regional Meetings, Field Per Diem for Crew, and Training $3,253 $3,253 $3,253
Capital Equipment Includes Herbicides, ATV Trailer, and Office Rent for Employees in Lapwai $10,682 $10,682 $10,682
Other Subcontract Cost for Road Work, Culverts, and Plants for Revegetation $245,000 $245,000 $245,000
Overhead Indirect Rate 30% $52,780 $52,780 $52,780
Totals $484,395 $484,395 $484,395
Total estimated FY 2007-2009 budgets
Total itemized budget: $1,453,185
Total work element budget: $1,453,185
Cost sharing
Funding source/orgItem or service providedFY 07 est value ($)FY 08 est value ($)FY 09 est value ($)Cash or in-kind?Status
Clearwater National Forest Match to all Items $73,000 $73,000 $73,000 Cash Under Review
Totals $73,000 $73,000 $73,000

Section 9. Project future

FY 2010 estimated budget: $400,000
FY 2011 estimated budget: $400,000
Comments: Active restoration in the Analysis Area could continue at the proposed pace for 10 years.

Future O&M costs: Protection of investment in restoration is an on-going process. Road Improvements and Culverts have life spans and an agressive noxious weed control must be maintained.

Termination date: 2015
Comments: If land is acquired in the Analysis Area, opportunities for active restoration would be extended for another 10 to 20 years.

Final deliverables: Anadromous and Resident Fish habitat with greater production potential.

Section 10. Narrative and other documents

Reviews and recommendations

FY07 budget FY08 budget FY09 budget Total budget Type Category Recommendation
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs]
$228,122 $228,122 $228,122 $684,366 Expense ProvinceExpense Fund
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs]
$228,122 $228,122 $228,122 $0 ProvinceExpense


Recommendation: Fundable

NPCC comments: This comprehensive proposal clearly takes into account past ISRP advice. The proposal is clearly written and is very thorough, except for needing to complete the biological components. The proposal was a pleasure to review. The proposal contains clear multiple objectives to restore watershed functions and processes, matched to subbasin plan objectives with high priorities (tabulated), etc. Relationship to other projects is not given in as much detail as might be expected. There could be overlap among these several Clearwater projects. (This is not necessarily a bad thing, but how they all fit together should be better explained.) Monitoring is factored into the objectives, except that the biological M&E is missing. A biologist is needed on the team. The project history is adequate for the short time project has existed (as a 2002 designation). However, it is stated in the facilities and equipment section that "This project has been on-going since 1996 with the cooperation of the Clearwater National Forest." If so, greater explanation of physical and biological results should appear in the history section.

ISRP FINAL REVIEW (Aug 31, 2006)

Recommendation: Fundable

NPCC comments: This comprehensive proposal clearly takes into account past ISRP advice. The proposal is clearly written and is very thorough, except for needing to complete the biological components. The proposal was a pleasure to review. The proposal contains clear multiple objectives to restore watershed functions and processes, matched to subbasin plan objectives with high priorities (tabulated), etc. Relationship to other projects is not given in as much detail as might be expected. There could be overlap among these several Clearwater projects. (This is not necessarily a bad thing, but how they all fit together should be better explained.) Monitoring is factored into the objectives, except that the biological M&E is missing. A biologist is needed on the team. The project history is adequate for the short time project has existed (as a 2002 designation). However, it is stated in the facilities and equipment section that "This project has been on-going since 1996 with the cooperation of the Clearwater National Forest." If so, greater explanation of physical and biological results should appear in the history section. For full ISRP comments on “protect and restore” type projects, please see heading “General comments concerning Nez Perce Tribe proposals to protect and restore various watersheds” at the beginning of the ISRP comments on project # 199607702, Protect & Restore Lolo Creek Watershed.