FY07-09 proposal 200731200

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Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleAlbeni Falls Dam Operational Loss Assessment of Riparian Ecological Function in the Pend Oreille River Ecosystem
Proposal ID200731200
OrganizationKalispel Tribe
Short descriptionAssess the operational loss of Pend Oreille River floodplain ecological functions and processes from Albeni Falls Dam.
Information transferData from this assessment will allow BPA and the Kalispel Tribe to quantify operational loss of riparian ecological function in the Pend Oreille River attributed to Albeni Falls Dam.
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
Form submitter
Corey Duberstein Pacific Northwest National Laboratory corey.duberstein@pnl.gov
All assigned contacts
Corey Duberstein Pacific Northwest National Laboratory corey.duberstein@pnl.gov
Ray D. Entz Kalispel Tribe rentz@knrd.org
Timothy Hanrahan Pacific Northwest National Laboratory tim.hanrahan@pnl.gov

Section 2. Locations

Province / subbasin: Intermountain / Pend Oreille

Pend Oreille River Pend Oreille Subbasin-Upper Region
Pend Oreille River Pend Oreille Subbasin-Lower Region

Section 3. Focal species

primary: All Wildlife
Additional: Bald eagle, black bear, black-capped chickadee, gray wolf, great blue heron, harlequin duck, long-toed salamander, mallard, muskrat, northern leopard frog, white-tailed deer, yellow warbler, cavity nesters, bats, neotropical migrant birds, waterfowl

Section 4. Past accomplishments


Section 5. Relationships to other projects

Funding sourceRelated IDRelated titleRelationship
BPA 199206100 Albeni Falls Wildlife Mitigation Our project will utilize existing baseline population monitoring data to develop habitat value indices and calculate operational loss.
BPA 199106200 Blue Cr Winter Range Our project will contribute to province-level coordination of habitat loss mitigation efforts.
BPA 199106000 Pend Oreille Wetlands Acquisit Our project will contribute to subbasin-level coordination of habitat loss mitigation efforts.
BPA 199206100 Albeni Falls Wildlife Mitigati Our project will contribute to subbasin-level coordination of habitat loss mitigation efforts.
BPA 200201100 L. Kootenai Floodplain Assess. Our project will utilize findings for development of habitat value indices.

Section 6. Biological objectives

Biological objectivesFull descriptionAssociated subbasin planStrategy
Improve Subbasin Riparian Ecosystem Function The operation of hydroelectric dams within the Columbia Basin has resulted in the degradation and loss of riparian ecosystem function by altering the hydrologic mechanisms that sustain them. The goal of this project is to assess operational loss of Pend Oreille Subbasin riparian function due to Albeni Falls Dam, as outlined within basin, province, and subbasin-level planning objectives. We propose to examine historic information on the distribution, abundance, and condition of cottonwood gallery forests, and assess the present state of cottonwood galleries. We also propose to evaluate fluvial processes along the Pend Oreille River and relate them to cottonwood ecology. Biodiversity within the cottonwood communities will be characterized to develop indices of habitat value. Finally we propose to review existing methodologies on assigning value to habitat, consult BPA to determine an effective way to accomplish this, and apply the method to quantify operational loss from the Albeni Falls project. The results from this study will allow resource managers to apply quantitative crediting/debiting to operational loss and guide future mitigation activities. Intermountain Strategy a: Conduct the assessment and consider the fluctuation zone, hydrologic alterations (based on current hydropower facility operations), loss of nutrients in watershed from loss of salmon, identify recreational effects to terrestrial resources

Section 7. Work elements (coming back to this)

Work element nameWork element titleDescriptionStart dateEnd dateEst budget
Analyze/Interpret Data Assess historical cottonwood galleries Review past cottonwood characterizations as existing data sources Review pre-existing analyses of aerial photography (1935 and 1950) and preconstruction (1953) cover maps conducted under construction loss assessment photo archives, an historical accounts of land cover for information not included under previous analyses. 1/2/2007 12/31/2007 $7,061
Biological objectives
Improve Subbasin Riparian Ecosystem Function
Focal Area: Tributaries
Primary R, M, and E Type: Uncertainties Research
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Map Current Cottonwood Galleries Perform visual typing of Kalispel Tribes georeferenced digital ortho quarter quads to map the location and extent of current cottonwood galleries. Ground-truthing of mapping efforts will be conducted to verify visual typing results. 1/2/2007 12/31/2007 $12,663
Biological objectives
Improve Subbasin Riparian Ecosystem Function
Focal Area: Tributaries
Primary R, M, and E Type: Uncertainties Research
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Hydrology and hydraulics Quantify the effects of Albeni Falls Dam operations on the spatial extent of shoreline/riparian zone exposure upstream of the dam. We will compile historic and contemporary discharge records for the Pend Oreille River basin to assess inter- and intra-annual flow variability. Inter-annual flow variability may be expressed as differences in instantaneous flood peaks, monthly water yield, the timing of maximum snowmelt, the duration of snowmelt runoff among water years, etc. Intra-annual flow variability encompasses shorter time periods (hours to days) and may be expressed as changes in intra-annual flow magnitude, duration, timing, and frequency of annual hydrographs. The hydrologic data will form the basis for developing water year classifications (extremely wet, wet, normal, dry, extremely dry), recognizing the typical flow variability that is critical to alluvial river ecosystems. The water year classifications will be based on annual water yield exceedence probabilities for the period of record. The annual operations (flow magnitude, duration, timing, and frequency and forebay elevation) of Albeni Falls Dam will be evaluated in the context of the corresponding water year class. The spatial extent of shoreline/riparian zone exposure upstream of Albeni Falls Dam will be quantified through geographic information system (GIS) mapping. We will quantify the effects of Albeni Falls Dam operations on the fluvial geomorphology of the Pend Oreille River downstream of the dam. We will collect data on the physical characteristics of this section of the Pend Oreille River, including metrics of physiography, hydrologic regime, channel morphology, substrate, and hydraulics. These data will support the setup of a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model that will estimate hydraulic characteristics for different flow regimes within each water year class. The hydrodynamic model will be used to estimate bedload sediment transport capacity under both pre-dam and current conditions. The model will be setup to estimate hydraulics both with and without the backwater effects of Box Canyon Dam (the next dam downstream from Albeni Falls Dam), which has a strong influence on the fluvial hydraulics in this section of the Pend Oreille River. The model output will also be used to produce two-dimensional maps of hydraulic variables essential to the maintenance of alluvial rivers (e.g., boundary shear stress). These maps will be produced for the range of pre- and post-dam inter- and intra-annual flow variability. The model output and estimates of sediment mobility will be compared with empirical data collected over a range of discharges. 1/2/2007 12/31/2009 $364,536
Biological objectives
Improve Subbasin Riparian Ecosystem Function
Focal Area: Tributaries
Primary R, M, and E Type: Uncertainties Research
Analyze/Interpret Data Analyze operational effects on cottonwood regeneration Analyze the results from the hydrology and hydraulics to determine the hydrologic and hydraulic effects of Albeni Falls Dam on cottonwood regeneration. The hydrologic and hydraulic effects of dam operations (by water year class) will be evaluated relative to the life history requirements of cottonwood (Lytle and Merritt 2004, Scott et al. 1996; Scott et al. 1997; Rood et al. 2003). Upstream of the dam we will focus on assessing the influence of regulated flow inundation on the successful establishment of the pioneering species of cottonwood. Downstream of the dam we will focus on evaluating the links between fluvial geomorphic processes (e.g., channelbed mobility, bar development and evolution) and the recruitment of cottonwood seedlings. Because the analysis of geomorphic and riparian functions will be completed by water year class, the evaluation will encompass the entire range of flow variability from seedling encroachment during dry years to the scour of upper bar surfaces during extremely wet years. These analyses will result in quantitative estimates of the spatial extent of the hydrologic and hydraulic effects of Albeni Falls Dam on cottonwood regeneration. 1/2/2007 12/31/2009 $205,440
Biological objectives
Improve Subbasin Riparian Ecosystem Function
Focal Area: Tributaries
Primary R, M, and E Type: Uncertainties Research
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Characterize Cottonwood Gallery Biodiversity Sixteen cottonwood galleries will be randomly selected from those identified during the mapping portion of this project, 8 each in the upper and lower subbasin regions. Selected flora and fauna will be surveyed and characterized utilizing methods already established for long-term monitoring of vertebrate populations by the Kalispel Tribe. 1/2/2007 12/31/2008 $241,195
Biological objectives
Improve Subbasin Riparian Ecosystem Function
Focal Area: Tributaries
Primary R, M, and E Type: Uncertainties Research
Analyze/Interpret Data Develop Habitat Crediting Method We will then examine various methodologies of assigning value to past and present cottonwood galleries, including but not limited to the HEP, ODOT conservation banking, and indices of ecological integrity being developed by the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho (Soults pers. comm.). Utilizing a consultation process with BPA we will then quantify site specific habitat values throughout the subbasin based on the flora and fauna data gathered at impacted sites and representative reference sites surveyed within the Kalispel Tribe restoration monitoring project (Hallet and O’Connel 2004). 1/2/2008 12/31/2009 $47,123
Biological objectives
Improve Subbasin Riparian Ecosystem Function
Focal Area: Tributaries
Primary R, M, and E Type: Uncertainties Research
Coordination Coordinate project with relevant fish and wildlife managers Coordinate project with Idaho Department of Fish and Game 1/1/2007 12/31/2009 $21,000
Biological objectives
Improve Subbasin Riparian Ecosystem Function
Produce Plan Status reporting Coordinate and produce PISCES status reports and annual progress reports to BPA. 1/1/2007 12/31/2009 $5,000
Biological objectives
Improve Subbasin Riparian Ecosystem Function
Manage and Administer Projects Manage subcontract with PNNL Prepare, implement and manage subcontract with PNL to complete Operation Loss Assessment. 1/1/2007 12/31/2009 $63,964
Biological objectives
Improve Subbasin Riparian Ecosystem Function
Develop RM&E Methods and Designs Project Planning and Management Plan and coordinate project activities, oversight of project milestones. 1/2/2007 12/31/2009 $30,100
Biological objectives
Improve Subbasin Riparian Ecosystem Function
Produce Pisces Status Report Quarterly PISCES Reporting Draft and submit quarterly reports as required for PISCES 1/2/2007 12/31/2009 $29,908
Biological objectives
Improve Subbasin Riparian Ecosystem Function
Produce Annual Report Annual PISCES Reporting Draft and submit annual reports as required for PISCES 1/2/2007 12/31/2009 $14,011
Biological objectives
Improve Subbasin Riparian Ecosystem Function
Produce/Submit Scientific Findings Report Final Technical Report Draft and submit final technical reports and products 1/1/2009 12/31/2009 $70,828
Biological objectives
Improve Subbasin Riparian Ecosystem Function

Section 8. Budgets

Itemized estimated budget
Overhead Tribal overhead ~20% of direct costs, PNNL remainder $143,800 $160,752 $143,342
Travel Tribe-travel to coordinate project planning and activities. PNNL- Travel from Richland, WA to worksite $31,502 $32,186 $11,352
Other Student Interships, Boat Rental Fees $53,436 $60,124 $44,364
Personnel Tribe - .1 FTE Project Manager: PNNL - Research Scientist/Eng FY07 .91 FTE, FY08 1.02 FTE, FY09 1.06; Technicians FY07 .16 FTE, FY08 0.14 FTE; Clerical FY07-FY09 .01 FTE $93,649 $106,973 $104,803
Fringe Benefits Tribe - 30% of salaries for Proj Manager: PNNL remainder $31,695 $35,553 $33,651
Supplies Tribe - office supplies to support proj management: PNNL - field equipment $9,939 $8,300 $7,408
Totals $364,021 $403,888 $344,920
Total estimated FY 2007-2009 budgets
Total itemized budget: $1,112,829
Total work element budget: $1,112,829
Cost sharing
Funding source/orgItem or service providedFY 07 est value ($)FY 08 est value ($)FY 09 est value ($)Cash or in-kind?Status
Kalispel Tribe Data $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 In-Kind Confirmed
Totals $10,000 $10,000 $10,000

Section 9. Project future

FY 2010 estimated budget: $0
FY 2011 estimated budget: $0
Comments: Project complete by 2010

Future O&M costs: N/A

Termination date: 12/31/2009
Comments: Losses assessment and mitigation plan completed.

Final deliverables: Technical report of losses assessment and mitigation plan.

Section 10. Narrative and other documents

Reviews and recommendations

FY07 budget FY08 budget FY09 budget Total budget Type Category Recommendation
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs]
$0 $0 $0 $0 Expense ProvinceExpense Do Not Fund
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs]
$0 $0 $0 $0 ProvinceExpense


Recommendation: Fundable

NPCC comments: This proposal is for a new research project and is the same as that of the Kootenai Floodplains project 200201100. The Kootenai proposal contains more thorough information on the approach, and there is clear evidence of coordination between the two proposals; given the common goals and approaches, the two projects should be closely coordinated. Additionally, funding both the Kootenai and this project would provide a more robust test of the application of this research. This is a novel and ambitious opportunity. Although the ISRP was not supportive of the CHAP objective in the HEP proposal, in the context of these research proposals the "Index to Ecological Integrity" is better justified. This proposal provides a creative, multi-disciplinary approach to restore the ecology of the floodplain. Reviewers questioned the appropriateness of some collected data apparently being considered proprietary (p.5) and not available to the public. It is commonly accepted that data collected with public funds should be made available to the public.

ISRP FINAL REVIEW (Aug 31, 2006)

Recommendation: Fundable

NPCC comments: This proposal is for a new research project and is the same as that of the Kootenai Floodplains project 200201100. The Kootenai proposal contains more thorough information on the approach, and there is clear evidence of coordination between the two proposals; given the common goals and approaches, the two projects should be closely coordinated. Additionally, funding both the Kootenai and this project would provide a more robust test of the application of this research. This is a novel and ambitious opportunity. Although the ISRP was not supportive of the CHAP objective in the HEP proposal, in the context of these research proposals the "Index to Ecological Integrity" is better justified. This proposal provides a creative, multi-disciplinary approach to restore the ecology of the floodplain. Reviewers questioned the appropriateness of some collected data apparently being considered proprietary (p.5) and not available to the public. It is commonly accepted that data collected with public funds should be made available to the public.