FY 2002 Blue Mountain proposal 199700900
Section 1. General administrative information
Section 2. Past accomplishments
Section 3. Relationships to other projects
Section 4. Budgets for planning/design phase
Section 5. Budgets for construction/implementation phase
Section 6. Budgets for operations/maintenance phase
Section 7. Budgets for monitoring/evaluation phase
Section 8. Budget summary
Reviews and Recommendations
Additional documents
Title | Type |
199700900 Narrative | Narrative |
199700900 Response to the ISRP | Response |
199700900 Powerpoint Presentation | Powerpoint Presentation |
199700900 Powerpoint Presentation: 2003 Update | Powerpoint Presentation |
Blue Mountain: Snake Hells Canyon Subbasin Map with BPA Fish & Wildlife Projects | Subbasin Map |
Blue Mountain: Snake Hells Canyon Subbasin Map with BPA Fish & Wildlife Projects | Subbasin Map |
Section 1. Administrative
Proposal title | Evaluate Potential Means of Rebuilding Sturgeon Populations in the Snake River Between Lower Granite and Hells Canyon Dams |
Proposal ID | 199700900 |
Organization | Nez Perce Tribe (NPT) |
Proposal contact person or principal investigator | |
Name | Michael A.Tuell |
Mailing address | P.O. Box 365 Lapwai, ID 83540 |
Phone / email | 2088437145 / miket@nezperce.org |
Manager authorizing this project | Jaime Pinkham |
Review cycle | Blue Mountain |
Province / Subbasin | Blue Mountain / Snake Hells Canyon |
Short description | Evaluate the need for and identify potential measures to protect and restore white sturgeon between Hells Canyon and Lower Granite dams to obtain a sustainable annual harvest. |
Target species | White Sturgeon |
Project location
Latitude | Longitude | Description |
46.659 | -117.4304 | Snake River: Lower Granite Dam, WA |
45N14'35" | ||
45.8532 | -116.7863 | Salmon River: Mouth of Salmon River, ID |
45.4558 | -115.9015 | Salmon River: Confluence of Vinegar Creek and Salmon River, ID |
46.4247 | -117.0318 | Clearwater River: Mouth of Clearwater River (Lewiston), ID |
46.4778 | -116.256 | Clearwater River: Orofino, ID |
Reasonable and Prudent Alternatives (RPAs)
Relevant RPAs based on NMFS/BPA review:
Reviewing agency | Action # | BiOp Agency | Description |
Section 2. Past accomplishments
Year | Accomplishment |
1996 | Upper Snake River Biological Risk Assessment Team (BRAT) |
1997 | Nez Perce Tribe White Sturgeon Multi-Year Research Plan |
1997 | Annual Report |
1998 | Annual Report |
1999 | Draft white sturgeon population abundance estimate Lower Granite Dam to Hells Canyon Dam |
1999 | Verified white sturgeon spawning attempts in Snake and Salmon Rivers- recovered white sturgeon eggs |
1999 | Annual Report |
2000 | Described age and growth of Hells Canyon white sturgeon population |
2000 | Radio-tagged first gravid female white sturgeon |
2000 | Hosted white sturgeon research coordination meeting in Clarkston, WA |
Section 3. Relationships to other projects
Project ID | Title | Description |
8605000 | White Sturgeon Mitigation And Restoration In The Columbia And Snake Rivers | Complementary work to restore white sturgeon outside the bounds of this project. Information exchange on means of data collection, analytical methods and other technical issues. Information crucial to comparing health of the project's population with var |
9902200 | Assessing Genetic Variation Among Columbia Basin White Sturgeon Populations | Information exchanged used to track gene flow from other populations and identify the genetic health of the population. |
8806400 | Kootenai River White Sturgeon Studies and Conservation Aquaculture | Complementary work to restore white sturgeon isolated outside the bounds of this project. Information exchange on means of data collection. Information on population characteristics indicative of a white sturgeon population in danger. |
8806500 | Kootenai River Fisheries Recovery Investigations | Complementary work to restore white sturgeon isolated outside the bounds of this project. Information exchange on means of data collection. Information on population characteristics indicative of a white sturgeon population in danger. |
9903200 | Oxbow/Hells Canyon Reservoirs Consumptive Sturgeon Fishery | Study to test feasibility of providing a sturgeon fishery to offset loss of production due to hydro-system. Information exchange on means of data collection, analytical methods and other technical issues. |
Section 4. Budget for Planning and Design phase
Task-based budget
Objective | Task | Duration in FYs | Estimated 2002 cost | Subcontractor |
1. Determine the status and characteristics (reproductive and early life history of the Snake River white sturgeon population between Hells Canyon and Lower Granite Dams, including the major tributaries (Clearwater and Salmon Rivers). | a. Identify spawning behavoir and movements of gravid females and mature males before, during, and after spawning. Identify spawning locations. | 1999-2002 | $46,750 | |
1 | b. Verify spawning activities, timing, and locations. | 1999-2002 | $41,250 | |
1 | c. Determine distribution/movements of fish, abundance of various age classes of white sturgeon per reach throughout the system and determine life history characteristics to be used in modeling population dynamics. | 1999-2002 | $55,000 | |
2. Determine habitat used for spawning and rearing of white sturgeon in the Snake River between Lower Granite and Hells Canyon dams, including major tributaries (Clearwater and Salmon Rivers). | a. Describe environmental conditions at locations where sub-adult and adult fish are captured in conjunction with task 1.a and 1.c. | 1997-2002 | $41,250 | |
3. Coordination with fisheries co-managers and funding entities and dissemination of information. | a. Attendance of regional white sturgeon technical / management meetings. | 1996-2017 | $8,250 | |
3 | b. Data compilation and report writing. | 1996-2003 | $49,500 | |
4. Develop an adaptive management plan. | a. Fully assess the risks associated with mitigative actions using information collected. | 2002-2003 | $48,510 | |
4 | b. Make recommendations for implementation of mitigative action(s). | 2003 | $0 | |
4 | c. Develop an implementation, evaluation and monitoring plan. | 2003 | $0 | |
5. Restore population to provide an annual sustainable harvest of 5 kg/ha/yr. | a. Implementation of mitigative action(s). | 2004-2014 | $0 | |
5 | b. Evaluate and monitor effectiveness of action(s) by quantifying changes in population. | 2014-2017 | $0 |
Outyear objectives-based budget
Objective | Starting FY | Ending FY | Estimated cost |
1. Coordination with fisheries co-managers and funding entities and disseminaion of information. | 1996 | 2003 | $0 |
2. Develop an adaptive management plan. | 2002 | 2003 | $0 |
3. Restore population to provide an annual sustainable harvest of 5 kg/ha/yr. | 2004 | 2014 | $0 |
Outyear budgets for Planning and Design phase
FY 2003 | FY 2004 | FY 2005 | FY 2006 |
$275,000 | $500,000 | $500,000 | $500,000 |
Section 5. Budget for Construction and Implementation phase
Task-based budget
Objective | Task | Duration in FYs | Estimated 2002 cost | Subcontractor |
Outyear objectives-based budget
Objective | Starting FY | Ending FY | Estimated cost |
Outyear budgets for Construction and Implementation phase
Section 6. Budget for Operations and Maintenance phase
Task-based budget
Objective | Task | Duration in FYs | Estimated 2002 cost | Subcontractor |
Outyear objectives-based budget
Objective | Starting FY | Ending FY | Estimated cost |
Outyear budgets for Operations and Maintenance phase
Section 7. Budget for Monitoring and Evaluation phase
Task-based budget
Objective | Task | Duration in FYs | Estimated 2002 cost | Subcontractor |
Outyear objectives-based budget
Objective | Starting FY | Ending FY | Estimated cost |
Outyear budgets for Monitoring and Evaluation phase
Section 8. Estimated budget summary
Itemized budget
Item | Note | FY 2002 cost |
Personnel | FTE: 3.5 | $151,869 |
Fringe | $51,364 | |
Supplies | $25,937 | |
Travel | $3,576 | |
Indirect | $48,644 | |
Capital | $6,000 | |
Subcontractor | $3,120 | |
$290,510 |
Total estimated budget
Total FY 2002 cost | $290,510 |
Amount anticipated from previously committed BPA funds | $0 |
Total FY 2002 budget request | $290,510 |
FY 2002 forecast from 2001 | $0 |
% change from forecast | 0.0% |
Cost sharing
Organization | Item or service provided | Amount | Cash or in-kind |
Reviews and recommendations
This information was not provided on the original proposals, but was generated during the review process.
Fundable only if response is adequate
Sep 28, 2001
A response is needed. This proposal requests continued funding for an assessment of white sturgeon from Lower Granite Dam to Hells Canyon Dam in the Snake River, and to assess the feasibility of achieving a fishery objective of a sustained 5 kg/ha/yr for the NPT. The proposal needs significant remedial work. The ISRP briefing included data from past work, giving helpful overview of sturgeon studies in the Hell's Canyon area over the last several decades. It also provided a sense of the collaboration among appropriate entities to conduct this study. The presenter described a plan over the next 3 years to wrap up Phase II of the study, which in turn leads to an adaptive management plan (including performing new risk analysis) to develop a revised recovery plan and specific implementation actions. Apparently a data collection effort has existed within the project since 1997; the findings should be summarized in the project history section.The proposal does not identify how to mitigate for lost production but includes funding in "out years," which is presumably for mitigation. The reviewers continue to believe that this is necessary work but are increasingly concerned about how the work is being conducted and whether appropriate data are being collected for the future assessment and risk analysis.
For example:
- The proposal refers to a mark-recapture program with 95% confidence bounds but refers to estimating the population "throughout the study area, in individual reaches, and for various size/age classes." The marking and sampling requirements to achieve 95% CI on each of these strata would be very different, but no design or tagging description is included. ISRP cannot assess the mark-recapture program in the absence of a design, and were not provided any historical results.
- Floy anchor tags are suggested for assessing the retention of PIT tags but retention of external Floy tags would seem less likely than the injected PIT tags. Why were Floy tags selected and what have the results been?
- The proposal describes the boundary between NPT work and the project conducted by IPC, and comments on a formal data sharing agreement. This is obviously necessary but it does not comment on whether comparable methods are being used. This is likely but should be confirmed due to the need to pool data for the analyses.
- The proposal acknowledges the difficulty of aging fish older than 20 years. Is there a strategy developed on how to determine these errors ... for example, could oxytetracyclene be injected to provide bands on otoliths or bony tissue?
- At what size/age do smaller sturgeon recruit to the sampling gear? How are these smaller fish being assessed in this project? Is there a concern for the recruitment of sturgeon from areas above Hells Canyon or are these fish marked discretely?
Objectives 5 & 6 require an assessment method or model in order to assess risk and examine mitigation needs. Such an analytical tool is not referred to in the proposal. Is support needed to develop this model and who is responsible for this assessment? When is this assessment due or needed?
Concerning the budget, are tasks 1a and 1b actually different? They have separate budgets but seem the same in the text. Further, Section 9f states that Objective 1 is complete, so why is there a budget for continued work? Is FY 2002 the final year?
The development of a management plan will follow the completion of field activities in 2002. Reviewers question whether the harvest value is correct.The RFC suggests the timeframes in out years look long. In addition, a closer working relationship needs to be developed with IDFG, either by including a subcontract for their participation in analyzing and interpreting data or by a separate contract as in proposal 27015. The RFC expressed concerns that there may be opportunities for simultaneous work that are not mentioned. The harvest goal in the proposal is a NPT goal and is not shared by IDFG. A working group that monitors this project's progress should be formed (IDFG, ODFW, NPT, IPC). Or they may be able to cooperate with the IPC WSTAC.
The BRAT Review identified catch and release fishing in the Hells Canyon reach as one of the major potential limiting factors for sturgeon here. Future proposals should clarify why this is not being investigated. USGS has put forth proposals to investigate these fishery affects, and this is the reach that seems most appropriate for the investigation.
Food availability was also listed in the BRAT review as a potential limiting factor. Bioenergetics work to describe available resources compared to those needed for sturgeon production seems appropriate but is not being pursued. While comments from the ISRP are probably valid given they have no contact with the project proponents, the RFC has confidence in the described methods and analyses. The RFC indicated that progress by project personnel in completing reports, making population information available, etc., is unclear.
Fundable - adequate response. The project is conducting good basic biological research, however, reviewers are concerned that current efforts need to lead to an analytic, quantitative assessment rather than to a qualitative assessment. The project would benefit by external advice on experimental design and analysis while the project is still in a formative stage.A Management Plan for Implementation will be developed by 2003. Before implementation of the plan, it should be reviewed by the BRT (Biological Risk Assessment Team) or another independent review group, if the BRT cannot provide an independent assessment.
Other specific concerns are:
- The sponsor's response with respect to confidence intervals on marking and sampling was not adequate.
- The project team does not deal adequately with problems of aging errors and partial recruitment
Statement of Potential Biological Benefit to ESUComments
Already ESA Req?
Recommend. BPA RPA RPM:
05 would be a phase in year for the project. Would represent a SCOPE CHANGE stemming from the BRAT.Comment:
An additional $140,406 is currently in BPA contracting and is expected to be obligated for 2003 (total 2003 obligated: $164,285). In addition, $86,500 has been earmarked for potential subcontracts awaiting project recommendation (due at the end of summer 2003). Note: 2005 represents a transition or phased year.NW Power and Conservation Council's FY 2006 Project Funding Review
May 2005
FY05 NPCC start of year: | FY06 NPCC staff preliminary: | FY06 NPCC July draft start of year: |
$284,350 | $0 | $0 |
Sponsor comments: See comment at Council's website