Proposal title | Monitoring and Evaluation Statistical Support |
Proposal ID | 199105100 |
Organization | University of Washington (UW) |
Proposal contact person or principal investigator |
Name | John R. Skalski |
Mailing address | School of Fisheries, UW, 1325 Fourth Avenue, Suite 1820 Seattle, WA 98101-2509 |
Phone / email | 2066164851 / |
Manager authorizing this project | |
Review cycle | FY 1999 |
Province / Subbasin | Systemwide / Mainstem |
Short description | Develops statistical methods needed in monitoring and evaluating salmonid recovery plans. Provides added-value analyses of tagging data to address regional issues. Provides smolt migration timing predictions. Sends information by Internet to community. |
Target species | |
Project ID | Title | Description |
9202604 |
Spring Chinook Salmon Early Life History [ODFW] |
PIT-tags wild ESA-listed Snake River chinook parr in natal streams during summer season. PIT-tag detections the following spring are used by Program RealTime to make in-season run-timing predictions for potential use by the TMT and fisheries community. |
8401400 |
Smolt Monitoring at Federal Dams [NMFS-ETSD] |
Program RealTime uses PIT-tag detections and passage index data to generate in-season, real-time, Internet-based information on status and prediction of migration timing for ESA-listed wild stocks as they pass through FCRPS. |
8712700 |
Smolt Monitoring by Non-Federal Entities [PSMFC] |
Program RealTime uses PIT-tag detections and passage index data to generate in-season, real-time, Internet-based information on status and prediction of migration timing for ESA-listed wild stocks as they pass through FCRPS. |
8332300 |
Smolt Condition & Arrival Timing at Lower Granite [IDFG] |
Program RealTime uses PIT-tag detections and passage index data to generate in-season, real-time, Internet-based information on status and prediction of migration timing for ESA-listed wild stocks as they pass through FCRPS. |
8910800 |
Monitoring and Evaluation Modeling Support [UW] |
The RealTime model of this project is linked with the CRiSP model of Project 8910800 to extend predictions of migration timing to sites below Lower Granite Dam. Supports DART which provides real-time, on-line database services and presentations. |
9008000 |
Columbia Basin PIT-Tag Information System (PTAGIS) [PSMFC] |
Provides the high quality real-time PIT-tag data made available through PTAGIS as input to the daily runs of the Program RealTime PIT-forecaster to generate on-line, Internet-based predictions of run timing for individual and combined ESA wild stocks. |
9102800 |
Monitoring Smolt Migration of Wild Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook [NMFS] |
PIT-tags wild ESA-listed Snake River chinook parr in natal streams during summer season. PIT-tag detections the following spring are used by Program RealTime to make in-season run-timing predictions for potential use by the TMT and fisheries community. |
9700200 |
PATH-UW Technical Support |
Provide analyses of selected data sets and issues related to PATH deliberations. |
9403300 |
Fish Passage Center [PSMFC] |
Uses the in-season smolt index passage information that is compiled and provided by the FPC's database center in the RealTime Passage Index Forecaster program to generate on-line forecasts of in-season passage for ESA-listed wild chinook and steelhead. |
9507000 |
Evaluation Effectiveness Flow Augmentation in the Snake River [BioAnalysts] |
Provides opportunity to explore and perhaps resolve some remaining issues identified in Phase I of Project 950700 and apply analytical tools and capability to optimally target timing of flow augmentation with migratory timing. |
9600600 |
PATH Facilitation, Technical Assistance & Peer Review [ESSA] |
Performs tasks that analyze and interpret tagging data in ways that other research entities currently do not perform. Provides an added-value to historical tagging data by testing hypotheses, estimating parameters, and modeling interrelationships. |
9600800 |
PATH Participation by State & Tribal Agencies [ODFW] |
Performs analyses of historical tagging data and publishes reports which are made available to PATH. |
9601700 |
Technical Support for PATH [BioAnalysts] |
Performs analyses of tagging data which is provided to PATH as requested. |
9503400 |
EW Program Support [BPA-UW |
Provides technical assistance and statistical support related to BPA's internal assessment, peer review, and monitoring and evaluation requirements. |
9107200 |
Sockeye Salmon Captive Broodstock [IDFG] |
Beginning in 1997, this UW project applied Program RealTime to make run-timing predictions for Redfish Lake sockeye available for use by the TMT and fisheries community. |
This information was not provided on the original proposals, but was generated during the review process.