FY 2001 Ongoing proposal 199107200

Additional documents


Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleRedfish Lake Sockeye Salmon Captive Broodstock Program
Proposal ID199107200
OrganizationIdaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
NamePaul A. Kline
Mailing address1800 Trout Rd. Eagle, ID 83616
Phone / email2089394114 / pkline@idfg.state.id.us
Manager authorizing this projectSteve Yundt
Review cycleFY 2001 Ongoing
Province / SubbasinMountain Snake / Salmon
Short descriptionEstablish captive broodstocks of Redfish Lake sockeye salmon. Spawn captive adults to produce eggs, juveniles, and adults for supplementation and future broodstock needs. Monitor nursery lake conditions. Evaluate juvenile out-migration by release option.
Target species
Project location
Reasonable and Prudent Alternatives (RPAs)



Relevant RPAs based on NMFS/BPA review:

Reviewing agencyAction #BiOp AgencyDescription

Section 2. Past accomplishments

1991 Development of first broodstock from the four anadromous adult returns (BY91 spawning).
First cryopreservation of sockeye milt.
Excellent rearing survival of wild-captured out-migrants transferred to Eagle Hatchery.
Primary facility improvements made to accommodate program at Eagle Hatchery.
1992 Cryopreservation of milt from the single male anadromous adult return.
First collection of residual sockeye salmon.
Development of a limited residual broodstock (BY92 spawning).
1993 Development of broodstocks from the eight anadromous adult returns (BY93 spawning). Maturing out-migrants collected in 1991 incorporated in the spawning matrix.
Cryopreservation of milt from anadromous males and captive outmigrants.
First release of pre-spawn adults (20) in Redfish Lake in September.
1994 Development of BY94 broodstocks from the single female anadromous adult return and first generation male progeny from BY91.
Development of BY94 supplementation groups using captive out-migrants and first generation progeny from BY91.
First release of pre-smolts (~14,200) to Redfish Lake.
Second release of pre-spawn adults (65) in Redfish Lake in September.
1995 Development of limited broodstocks using wild-captured residual and captive out-migrants (BY95 spawning).
Approximately 85,000 pre-smolts released in Redfish Lake using several supplementation strategies.
Approximately 9,000 pre-smolts released in Pettit Lake.
Approximately 850 hatchery-produced out-migrants (from 1994 supplementation) successfully overwintered and out-migrated as smolts in 1995.
First program smolt release (~3,800) in Redfish Lake Creek.
IDFG re-opens Redfish Lake kokanee fishery to help manage kokanee/sockeye competition for food resources.
1996 Development of BY96 broodstocks from the single female anadromous adult return and first generation male progeny from BY93.
Development of BY96 supplementation groups using first generation progeny from BY93.
First development of safety net broodstock using cryopreserved milt.
Approximately 2,000 pre-smolts released in Redfish Lake.
First plant of eyed-eggs (~105,000) in Redfish Lake.
Pre-spawn adults (120) released to Redfish Lake with subsequent identification of approximately 30 redds.
Approximately 14,900 hatchery-produced out-migrants (from 1995 Redfish and Pettit lake supplementation) successfully overwintered and out-migrated as smolts in 1996.
Approximately 11,500 smolts released in Redfish Lake Creek.
1997 Development of BY97 supplementation groups using first generation progeny from BY94.
Approximately 250,000 pre-smolts released into three lakes.
Pre-spawn adults released to Redfish (80), Alturas (20), and Pettit (20) lakes. Redds observed in Redfish and Pettit lakes.
Eyed-eggs planted in Redfish (85,000) and Alturas (20,000) lakes.
Approximately 400 hatchery-produced out-migrants (from 1996 supplementation) successfully overwintered and out-migrated as smolts in 1997.
1998 Development of BY98 supplementation groups using first generation progeny from BY96 (females) and BY94 males.
Development of BY98 safety net groups using first generation progeny from BY 96 (females), the single 1998 anadromous male return, and cryopreserved milt.
Approximately 142,000 pre-smolts released in three lakes.
Approximately 82,000 smolts released in Redfish Lake Creek and the upper Salmon River.
Approximately 58,400 hatchery-produced out-migrants (from 1997 supplementation) successfully overwintered and out-migrated as smolts in 1997.
1999 Development of BY99 supplementation groups using ANBY96, BY96, and BY97 broodstocks.
Development of the BY99 broodstock using the above groups in addition to returning anadromous adults.
Approximately 40,271 pre-smolts released in three lakes.
Approximately 9,718 smolts released in Redfish Lake Creek and the upper Salmon River.
Approximately 20,311 eyed-eggs planted in Pettit Lake.
Twenty-one pre-spawn adult sockeye released to Redfish Lake.
Approximately 33,026 hatchery-produced outmigrants estimated to have passed Lower Granite Dam.
Seven hatchery-produced anadromous adults returned to the program.

Section 3. Relationships to other projects

Project IDTitleDescription

Section 4. Budget for Planning and Design phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2001 costSubcontractor
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Planning and Design phase

Section 5. Budget for Construction and Implementation phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2001 costSubcontractor
1. Develop captive broodstocks from Redfish Lake anadromous sockeye salmon. Culture broodstocks. a. Develop the technology for captive broodstock propagation to meet program needs. Culture broodstocks. 8 $300,459
b. Trap returning anadromous adults, juvenile out-migrants, and residual sockeye salmon. 8 $22,882
c. Quantify survival, maturation rates, age-at-maturity, sex ratio, and gamete quality of captive sockeye salmon. 8 $22,126
d. Evaluate time held on chilled water (maturing adults) in relation to gamete quality, fertilization rates, and anomalies in broodstock progeny. 8 $8,901
e. Establish spawning matrices in consultation with NMFS and the program technical oversight committee. 8 $11,925
f. Produce genetically defined progeny for use in multiple release strategies to Stanley Basin lakes. 8 $25,582
g. Collect samples for genetic analysis from all wild sockeye salmon incorporated in the program. 8 $10,665
h. Cryopreserve milt from specific wild and broodstock sockeye salmon. 8 $13,185
i. Conduct fertilization trials using cryopreserved milt from captive broodstock adults. 8 $8,173
j. Maintain cryopreserved archives at three locations to spread the risk of loss from catastrophic events. 8 $8,173
k. Produce "designer broodstocks" from cryopreserved milt to broaden the genetic base in future brood years. 8 $13,185
2. Determine the contribution hatchery-produced sockeye salmon make toward recovery. a. PIT tag wild Redfish Lake out-migrating smolts and hatchery-produced progeny for evaluation purposes. 8 $28,662
b. Estimate O. nerka out-migration from Stanley Basin lakes. 8 $57,934
c. Evaluate out-migration success by broodstock lineage and release strategy. 8 $29,767
d. Examine travel time to lower Snake River hydropower projects and evaluate survival by broodstock lineage and release strategy. 8 $21,622
e. Identify location, timing, and spawning success for maturing adult broodstock sockeye salmon released to Stanley Basin lakes to spawn volitionally. 8 $7,077
3. Describe O. nerka population characteristics for Stanley Basin lakes in relation to carrying capacity and broodstock program supplementation efforts. a. Estimate O. nerka population variables by mid-water trawl in four Stanley Basin lakes. 8 $7,369
b. Trawl sufficiently to estimate abundance and density by age-class. 8 $15,893
c. Collect scale and otolith samples from trawl captures for age and microchemistry analysis. Take tissue samples for genetic analysis. Take stomachs for diet analysis. 8 $5,817
d. Develop lake carrying capacity estimates cooperatively with Shoshone-Bannock Tribes. 8 $4,556
e. Monitor sport fisheries in Redfish Lake to determine their impact on recovery efforts (emphasis on kokanee harvest). 8 $31,894
4. Refine our ability to discern the origin of wild and broodstock O. nerka to provide maximum effectiveness in their utilization within the broodstock program. a. Use otolith microchemistry to identify the origin of O. nerka with unknown life histories. 8 $12,701
b. Integrate microchemistry results with genetic information. 8 $3,296
5. Technology Transfer a. Participate in technical oversight committee process. 8 $16,769
b. Network with technical experts on issues related to culture and broodstock techniques, genetics, pathology, and monitoring and evaluations. 8 $5,884
c. Continue efforts to develop a program management plan. 8 $2,696
d. Coordinate public information transfer with project cooperators. 8 $2,288
e. Provide written activity reports to satisfy the needs and requirements of IDFG, the technical oversight committee, NMFS, and BPA. 8 $14,621
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Construction and Implementation phase
FY 2004FY 2005FY 2002FY 2003

Section 6. Budget for Operations and Maintenance phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2001 costSubcontractor
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Operations and Maintenance phase

Section 7. Budget for Monitoring and Evaluation phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2001 costSubcontractor
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Monitoring and Evaluation phase

Section 8. Estimated budget summary

Itemized budget
ItemNoteFY 2001 cost
Personnel FTE: Permanent = 4.5, Temp. = 3.7 $230,180
Fringe Set by the State of Idaho $87,731
Supplies e.g., fish feed, hatchery supplies, monitoring supplies, equipment purchases < $10,000 $72,790
Travel To technical meetings, for in and out of state fish transfers, professional meetings $12,500
Indirect Set by the State of Idaho - currently 28.1% $148,127
Capital Major equipment $24,434
PIT tags # of tags: 6,000 $14,400
Other Rentals, leases, utilities, repairs, other operating costs $123,940
Total estimated budget
Total FY 2001 cost$714,102
Amount anticipated from previously committed BPA funds$0
Total FY 2001 budget request$714,102
FY 2001 forecast from 2000$680,097
% change from forecast5.0%
Reason for change in estimated budget

The change reflects increased indirect costs (State of Idaho) and a long overdue adjustment to account for increased costs associated with personnel and operating budgets. In addition, this increase reflects capital monies needed to replace a primary well motor and pump.

Reason for change in scope

This does not represent a change in scope

Cost sharing
OrganizationItem or service providedAmountCash or in-kind

Reviews and recommendations

This information was not provided on the original proposals, but was generated during the review process.

Ongoing Funding: yes; New Funding: no
Jul 14, 2000


The change reflects increased indirect costs (State of Idaho) and a long overdue adjustment to account for increased costs associated with personnel and operating budgets. In addition, this increase reflects capital monies needed to replace a primary well motor and pump. There is no change in scope of work.
Sep 13, 2000


NW Power and Conservation Council's FY 2006 Project Funding Review
Funding category:
May 2005
FY05 NPCC start of year:FY06 NPCC staff preliminary:FY06 NPCC July draft start of year:
$825,638 $825,638 $825,638

Sponsor comments: See comment at Council's website