March 12, 2001


Resident Fish Committee (RFC) and Wildlife Committee (WC)


Joe Maroney, RFC Vice Chair


Draft Action Notes for March 12, 2001, RFC and WC Meeting

Draft Action Notes

Time Allocation:
Objective 1. FY 2002 Renewal Process    100%


By Phone:

Joe Maroney (KT), Ray Entz (KT), Robert Mat (CDAT), Ron Peters (CDAT), B.J. Kiefer (STOI), Steve Judd (CCT), Dave Ward (ODFW), Maureen Smith (USFWS), Ron Morinaka (BPA), Frank Young (CBFWA), and Neil Ward (CBFWA)


Review the Coeur d’Alene Tribe’s (CDAT) request for a within-year adjustment to Project #199004401 (Lake Creek Land Acquisition and Enhancement

Robert Matt informed the meeting participants that due to a disparity between the asking price and appraised value for the Godde property, the CDAT has decided to discontinue negotiations for the property and focus efforts on other properties in the watershed that could provide similar benefits to wildlife and westslope cutthroat trout recovery efforts. Robert indicated that other parcels for protection have been identified and that the CDAT would like to pursue the management rights on these parcels.

Meeting participants agreed that the request did not constitute a change of scope but instead was a change of emphasis from the Godde property to other parcels.


The RFC and WC members approved the request and recommended that the request be submitted for a concurrent CBFWA consent and subsequently forwarded to the NWPPC.