Appendix I. Major Limiting Factors
Table I-1. Aquatic limiting factors identified in recent watershed or other assessments of areas within the Salmon Subbasin, Idaho. (pdf file)
Table I-2. Occurrences of specific causes of geomorphic/habitat change and limitations on water quality integrity within subwatersheds of the Salmon Subbasin, Idaho (source: IWWI 2001). (pdf file)
Table I-3. Causes of geomorphic/stream system change within subwatersheds of the Salmon Subbasin, Idaho (source: IWWI 2001). (pdf file)
Table I-4. Factors limiting water quality integrity within individual subwatersheds of the Salmon Subbasin, Idaho (source: IWWI 2001). (pdf file)
Table I-5. Factors identified as limiting anadromous salmonids in specific stream reaches within the Salmon Subbasin, Idaho (source: StreamNet 2001). (pdf file)