Resident Fish Advisory Committee documents

Action Notes
Item 02: Approved as Final - Action Notes for the October 5, 2010 RFAC Meeting10/6/2011
Final Action Notes for the October 5, 2010 RFAC Meeting10/6/2011
Draft Action Notes for the April 7, 2011 RFAC Meeting4/14/2011
Final Action Notes for the June 22, 2010 RFAC Meeting6/29/2010
Item 02: Approved as Final - Action Notes from the June 22, 2010 RFAC Meeting6/29/2010
Draft Action Notes from the May 17, 2010 ad hoc White Sturgeon Work Group Meeting5/18/2010
Item 02: Approved as Final - Action Notes from the April 21, 2010 RFAC Meeting4/21/2010
Final Action Notes for the April 21, 2010 RFAC Meeting4/21/2010
Draft Action Notes from the April 7, 2010 ad hoc White Sturgeon Workgroup Meeting4/8/2010
Final Action Notes for the March 11, 2010 RFAC Meeting3/11/2010
Item 02: Approved as Final: RFAC March 11, 2010 Action Notes3/11/2010
Item 02: Approved as Final - Action Notes for the February 18, 2010 RFAC Meeting3/2/2010
Final Action Notes for the February 18, 2010 RFAC Meeting3/2/2010
Final Action Notes for 1/14/2010 RFAC Meeting1/19/2010
Item 02: Approved as final - Action Notes from the January 14, 2010 RFAC Meeting1/19/2010
Draft Action Notes for the December 15, 2009, RFAC Meeting12/30/2009
Final Action Notes for the December 15, 2009, RFAC Meeting12/30/2009
Item 02: Approved as Final - Action Notes for the December 15, 2009 RFAC Meeting12/30/2009
Final Action Notes for the November 3, 2009 RFAC Meeting11/5/2009
Item 02: Approved as Final - RFAC November 3, 2009 Action Notes11/5/2009
Final Action Notes for the September 24, 2009 RFAC Meeting9/29/2009
Item 02: Approved as Final - Action Notes from the September 24, 2009, RFAC Meeting9/29/2009
Final Action Notes from the August 11, 2009 RFAC Meeting in Spokane, WA8/12/2009
Item 02: Approved as Final - August 11, 2009 RFAC Action Notes8/12/2009
Final Action Notes for the July 14, 2009 RFAC Meeting7/29/2009
Item 02: Approved as Final - July 14, 2009 RFAC Action Notes7/29/2009
Item 02: Approved as Final - RFAC July 14, 2009 Draft Action Notes - Final Approval Deferred to the September 24, 2009 Meeting7/29/2009
Final Action Notes for the June 4, 2009 RFAC Meeting6/8/2009
Item 02: Approved as Final - RFAC June 4, 2009 Action Notes6/8/2009
Final Action Notes for the April 28, 2009, RFAC Meeting5/14/2009
Final Action Notes for the March 17-18, 2009 RFAC Meeting3/19/2009
Item 02: Approved as Final~March 17-18, 2009 RFAC Action Notes3/19/2009
Revised Draft Action Notes for the August 13, 2008 RFAC Meeting8/15/2008
Draft Action Notes from the January 24, 2008 RFAC Meeting1/29/2008
Approved as Final: Action Notes from the January 9, 2008 RFAC Meeting1/14/2008
Final Action Notes from the January 9, 2008 RFAC Meeting1/14/2008
Final Action Notes from the November 28, 2007 RFAC Meeting12/5/2007
Final Action Notes for the October 11, 2007, RFAC Meeting11/18/2007
FINAL Action Notes for the November 6, 2007, RFAC Meeting11/13/2007
To be Approved as Final: July 31-August 1, 2007 RFAC Draft Action Notes8/3/2007
Final Action Notes for July 31-August 1, 2007 RFAC Meeting - Final8/3/2007
Final Action Notes for the May 15, 2007 RFAC Teleconference - Final5/15/2007
To be Approved as Final: May 15, 2007 RFAC Draft Action Notes5/15/2007
Action Notes for the April 10-11, 2007 RFAC Meeting - DRAFT4/18/2007
Draft Action Notes for the 3/8/2007 RFAC Meeting3/9/2007
Draft Action Notes for the January 24, 2007 RFAC Meeting2/14/2007
Action Notes for the 10/19/06 RFAC Meeting - DRAFT10/20/2006
Draft Action Notes for the June 1, 2006 RFAC Meeting6/2/2006
Action Notes for the 4/26/06 RFAC Meeting - DRAFT4/27/2006
Action Notes from the 2/7/06 AFAC Meeting - DRAFT2/9/2006
Action Notes for September 20, 2005 RFAC Meeting9/23/2005
DRAFT 8/31/05 RFAC Meeting Action Notes9/6/2005
Action Notes from 6/2/05 RFC Teleconference6/17/2005
Action Notes from 5/4/05 RFC Meeting5/20/2005
Action Notes for 3/15/05 RFC Meeting3/28/2005
Action Notes for the 2/2/05 RFC Meeting2/11/2005
Action Notes for the 7/19/2004 RFC Meeting8/10/2004
Action Notes for the 3/9/2004 RFC Meeting3/11/2004
Action Notes for the 12/2-4/2003 RFC Meeting12/10/2003
Action Notes for the 7/29-31/2003 RFC Meeting8/6/2003
Action Notes for the 5/14-15/2003 RFC Meeting5/21/2003
Action Notes for the 3/12-13/2003 RFC Meeting3/18/2003
Action Notes for the 12/13/2002 RFC Meeting12/9/2002
Action Notes for the 10/22/2002 RFC Meeting10/22/2002
Action Notes for the 9/11/2002 RFC Meeting9/11/2002
Action Notes for the 9/9/2002 RFC Meeting9/11/2002
Action Notes for the 7/24/2002 RFC Meeting8/2/2002
Action Notes for the 4/22/2002 RFC Meeting5/2/2002
Action Notes for the 3/28/2002 RFC Meeting4/5/2002
Action Notes for the 4/1/2002 RFC Meeting4/1/2002
Action Notes for the 2/25/2002 RFC Meeting3/6/2002
Action Notes for the 2/12/2002 RFC Meeting2/14/2002
Action Notes for the 11/14/2001 RFC Meeting12/10/2001
Action Notes for the 10/16-17/2001 RFC meeting10/18/2001
Aciton Notes for the 8/7-8/2001 RFC Meeting8/20/2001
Action Notes for the 7/24/2001 RFC Meeting7/26/2001
Action Notes for the 3/21/2001 RFC Meeting3/26/2001
Action Notes for the 3/12/2001 RFC and WC Meeting3/12/2001
Action Notes for the 3/6/2001 RFC Meeting3/7/2001
Action Notes for the 1/22/2001 RFC Meeting1/23/2001
Action Notes for the 1/3/2001 RFC Meeting1/5/2001
Action Notes for the 11/16/2000 RFC Meeting11/22/2000
Action Notes for the 11/1/2000 RFC Meeting11/9/2000
Action Notes for the 9/28/2000 RFC Meeting10/13/2000
Action Notes for the 7/5/2000 RFC Meeting6/29/2000
Action Notes for the 5/18-19/2000 RFC Meeting6/6/2000
Action Notes for the 5/31/2000 Emergency RFC Meeting5/26/2000
Action Notes for the 5/16/2000 Emergency RFC Meeting5/23/2000
Action Notes for the 4/7/2000 RFC Meeting4/24/2000
Action Notes for the 3/21/2000 RFC Meeting4/4/2000
Action Notes for the 2/8/2000 RFC Meeting2/11/2000
Action Notes for 1/5-6/2000 and 1/11/2000 RFC Meeting1/25/2000
Action Notes for the 12/3/1999 RFC Meeting12/10/1999
Action Notes for the 9/14/1999 RFM Meeting10/29/1999
Action Notes for the 10/29/1999 RFM Meeting10/29/1999
Action Notes for the 7/29/1999 RFM Meeting9/7/1999
Action Notes for the 7/20/1999 RFM Meeting7/20/1999
Action Notes for the 6/22/1999 RFM Meeting6/30/1999
Action Notes for the 4/1/1999 RFM Meeting4/13/1999
Action Notes for the 3/17/1999 RFM Meeting3/17/1999
Agenda for July 10, 2012 Resident Fish Focus Workgroup Teleconference6/27/2012
Item 01: Draft Agenda for the April 7, 2011 RFAC Meeting3/28/2011
Item 01: Draft Agenda for the October 5, 2010 RFAC Meeting9/20/2010
Item 01: Draft Agenda for the August 2-3, 2010 White Sturgeon Workgroup Workshop7/26/2010
Cancelled - June 21, 2010 ad hoc White Sturgeon Work Group Teleconference Draft Agenda6/8/2010
Item 01: Draft Agenda for June 22, 2010 Resident Fish Advisory Committee (RFAC) Meeting6/8/2010
Item 01: Draft Agenda for May 17, 2010 ad hoc White Sturgeon Work Group Meeting5/10/2010
Item 01: Draft Agenda for 4/21/2010 RFAC Meeting4/15/2010
Item 01: Draft Agenda for Ad hoc White Sturgeon Work Group Meeting4/5/2010
Item 01: Draft Agenda for March 10, 2010 Ad Hoc White Sturgeon Workgroup Teleconference3/8/2010
Item 01: RFAC March 11, 2010 Draft Agenda3/4/2010
Item 01: Draft Agenda for the March 1, 2010 Ad hoc White Sturgeon Teleconference3/1/2010
Item 01: Draft Agenda for the February 18, 2010 RFAC Meeting2/4/2010
Item 01: Draft Agenda for the January 14, 2010 RFAC Meeting1/6/2010
Item 01: Draft Agenda for December 21, 2009 RFAC Teleconference12/17/2009
Item 01: Draft Agenda for the December 15, 2009 RFAC Meeting12/8/2009
Item 01: Draft Agenda for the November 3, 2009 RFAC Meeting11/27/2009
Item 01: Draft Agenda for RFAC August 11, 2009 Meeting8/3/2009
Item 01: Draft Agenda for the 7/14/09 Resident Fish Advisory Committee Meeting7/8/2009
Item 01: Draft Agenda for the June 4, 2009 RFAC Meeting5/26/2009
Item 01: Draft Agenda for the April 28, 2009 RFAC Meeting4/20/2009
Item 01: Revised Draft Agenda for the March 17-18, 2009 RFAC Meeting in Whitefish, Montana3/10/2009
Item 01: Draft Agenda for the August 13, 2008 RFAC Meeting in Spokane WA8/4/2008
Agenda for June 3, 2008 RFAC Meeting - DRAFT Revised with WebEx6/2/2008
RFAC Meeting Cancelled - See New Approach to Providing Comments on the ISAB White Paper - Due May 165/2/2008
Agenda for the March 5, 2008, RFAC Meeting - Draft3/3/2008
Draft Agenda for the January 24, 2008, RFAC Meeting in Spokane, WA, UCUT Office1/14/2008
RFAC Draft Agenda for January 9, 2008 Teleconference1/8/2008
RFAC Draft Agenda for November 28, 2007 Meeting in Spokane WA11/20/2007
November 28, 2007 RFAC Meeting Announcement11/13/2007
Draft Agenda for November 6th RFAC Meeting in Spokane w/Revised Teleconference ID#11/5/2007
RFAC Draft Agenda for October 26, 2007 Teleconference10/25/2007
ISAB_ISRP October 26, 2007 Agenda10/25/2007
Agenda Draft for the 10/24/07 RFAC Teleconference10/18/2007
Draft Agenda for October 11, 2007 RFAC Meeting9/28/2007
Final Agenda for July 31-August 1, 2007 RFAC Meeting7/26/2007
Agenda Draft for the 5/15/07 RFAC Meeting5/14/2007
Draft Agenda 4/10-11/20073/26/2007
Draft Agenda for 3/8/2007 RFAC Meeting2/21/2007
Revised Draft Agenda for 1/24/2007 RFAC Meeting1/22/2007
Agenda Draft for the June 27-29, 2006 RFAC Retreat6/20/2006
June 1, 2006 Draft Agenda5/19/2006
Agenda for the 4/26/06 RFAC Meeting - DRAFT4/13/2006
Agenda Draft Version 1 for the 2/22/06 RFAC Meeting - Teleconference number is 503-229-0191 x70992/14/2006
Agenda Draft for the 2/7/06 RFAC Meeting2/3/2006
Agenda Draft Version 1 for the December 5, 2005 RFAC Meeting11/23/2005
12/06/05 RFAC Meeting is Rescheduled for December 5, 2005 - Agenda Draft Version 1 for the 12/6/05 RFAC Meeting11/22/2005
Agenda Revised for the 10/24/05 RFAC Meeting10/17/2005
Agenda Version 2 Draft for 9/20/2005 RFAC Meeting9/19/2005
Agenda Version 2 Draft for 08/31/2005 RFC Meeting8/16/2005
Agenda for 6/2/05 RFC Teleconference5/23/2005
Agenda Version 2 for May 4, 2005 RFC Meeting5/2/2005
Agenda Version 2 - RFC Meeting 03/15/053/15/2005
Agenda Draft for February 2, 2005 RFC Meeting1/21/2005
Agenda for 11/8/04 RFC Meeting10/28/2004
Agenda for the 12/2-4/2003 RFC Meeting10/31/2003
Agenda for the 9/11/2003 Emergency RFC Meeting9/5/2003
RFC Quarterly Project Implementation Review, May 14-15, 2003, Elkhorn Village, Idaho5/15/2003
Agenda for the 5/14-15/2003 RFC Meeting5/12/2003
RFC Quarterly Project Implementation Review, March 12-13, 2003, Sunriver, Oregon3/13/2003
Agenda for the 10/22/2002 RFC Meeting10/17/2002
Agenda for 9/11/2002 RFC Meeting9/10/2002
Agenda for 9/9/2002 RFC Meeting9/5/2002
Agenda for 7/24/2002 RFC Meeting7/19/2002
Agenda for the 2/9/2001 RFC Meeting2/1/2001
Agenda for the 7/12/2000 RFC Meeting7/7/2000
RFC Distribution list as of 12/10/200312/10/2003
Item 04: Table 1 White Sturgeon Monitoring Strategies, Gaps, and Proposed Projects for Each Subregion10/5/2010
Item 05: Malheur Bull Trout Recovery Unit10/5/2010
Item 04: White Sturgeon Monitoring Strategy - Final10/5/2010
Item 04: Zone 6 White Sturgeon Monitoring Implementation Strategy - Final10/4/2010
Item 02: Bonneville, The Dalles, and John Day Reservoir (Zone 6) White Sturgeon Management Units (8/3/10)8/3/2010
Item 02: Lake Roosevelt (Columbia Upper) White Sturgeon Monitoring Implementation Strategy7/29/2010
Item 02: Upper Salmon Falls Dam to Lower Salmon Falls Dam7/29/2010
Item 02: Shoshone Falls Dam to Upper Salmon Falls Dam7/28/2010
Item 02: Swan Falls Dam to Brownlee Dam7/28/2010
Item 02: Bliss Dam to C.J. Strike Dam7/28/2010
Item 02: Hells Canyon Dam to Lower Granite Dam (Including Salmon River)7/28/2010
Item 02: Lower Salmon Falls Dam to Bliss Dam 7/26/2010
Item 02: C.J. Strike Dam to Swan Falls Dam7/23/2010
Item 02: Ice Harber Reservoir Monitoring Implementation Strategy6/18/2010
Item 02: Little Goose Reservoir Monitoring Implementation Strategy6/18/2010
Item 02: Lower Monumental Reservoir Monitoring Implementation Strategy6/18/2010
Item 02: Lake Roosevelt (Columbia Upper) White Sturgeon Population (VWSP) MONITORING ANALYSIS (May 18)5/18/2010
Item 02: Hells Canyon Dam to Lower Granite Dam (Including Salmon River) White Sturgeon Population (VWSP) MONITORING ANALYSIS (May 18)5/18/2010
Item 02: Kootenai River White Sturgeon Population (VWSP) MONITORING ANALYSIS (May 18)5/18/2010
Item 02: Bonneville, The Dalles, and John Day Viable White Sturgeon Population (VWSP) MONITORING ANALYSIS (May 18)5/18/2010
Item 02: Hells Canyon Dam to Lower Granite Dam (Including Salmon River) White Sturgeon Population (VWSP) MONITORING ANALYSIS5/17/2010
Item 02: Lake Roosevelt (Columbia Upper) White Sturgeon Population (VWSP) MONITORING ANALYSIS 5/17/2010
Item 02: Bonneville, The Dalles, and John Day Viable White Sturgeon Population (VWSP) MONITORING ANALYSIS5/17/2010
Item 05: Zone 6 White Sturgeon Monitoring Implementation Strategy - Revised April 21. 20104/21/2010
Item 03: Zone 6 White Sturgeon Monitoring Implementation Strategy - April 8, 20104/8/2010
Item 02: Developing A Columbia Basin White Sturgeon MERR Implementation Strategy: Process and Sideboards for SubRegional Workgroups4/5/2010
Item 05: Monitoring Strategy Process4/2/2010
Item 06: Resident Fish Operational Loss Assessment 2009 by Operation - Revised (3/11/10)3/11/2010
Item 04: Bonneville Monitoring Analysis (Blaine's Input)3/11/2010
Item 05: Resident Fish Operational Loss Assessment 2009 by Operation - Revised3/11/2010
Item 04: Table - Critical Mainstem Contracts and Gaps3/11/2010
Item 04: Monitoring Strategy Process and Sideboards Version 23/11/2010
Item 02: Bonneville and the Dalles Reservoirs Monitoring Analysis3/8/2010
Item 02: Monitoring Strategy Process and Sideboards3/8/2010
Item 02: Table 1-Steelhead VSP Critical Contracts and Identified Gaps for each MPG3/8/2010
Item 02: Table - Critical Monitoring Strategies, Projects, and Gaps for White Sturgeon Populations 3/8/2010
Item 02: Upper Columbia Spring Chinook ESU - Cascade Slope MPG MPG VSP Monitoring Analysis3/8/2010
Item 03: 2010 Draft RM&E Plus and Artificial Production Category Review Schedule3/8/2010
Item 04: Monitoring Strategy Process and Sideboards3/1/2010
Item 03: NPCC Draft Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Reporting (MERR) Plan2/25/2010
Item 03: Resident Fish Assessments2/17/2010
Item 03: Resident Fish Assessments Draft Timeline2/17/2010
Item 05: Timeline2/2/2010
Item 05: Loss Comparison12/10/2009
Item 04: RFAC Memo to the MAG - NPCC Letter of Response on RF Loss Methodology Recommendations11/13/2009
Item 04: NPCC Response to CBFWA Comments on Resident Fish Loss Methodology10/13/2009
Item 05: Council Response to CBFWA Resident Fish Loss Methodology Recommendations10/13/2009
Item 04: CBFWA Letter to NPCC - Resident Fish Loss Assessment Methodology Recommendations10/8/2009
Item 03: DRAFT Letter to B. Booth, NPCC from CBFWA RE: Resident Fish Loss Assessment Methodology9/2/2009
Item 03: DRAFT Letter to B. Booth, NPCC from CBFWA RE: Resident Fish Loss Assessment Methodology8/3/2009
Item 05: Brownlee Habitat Map6/4/2009
Item 05: John Day Pool Channel Habitat6/4/2009
Item 02: RM&E & Artificial Production Categorical Reviews4/13/2009
Item 05: Bull Trout Recovery - Monitoring and Evaluation Guidance2/1/2008
RFAC Draft Amendment Version 21/29/2008
Amendment Timeline (January 29, 2008)1/29/2008
Review Request from Mark Bagdovitz: Restoring Pacific salmon & steelhead to blocked areas. . .1/8/2008
Item 05: Hungry Horse Fisheries Losses Attributable to the Construction & Operation of Hungry Horse Dam10/10/2007
Item 05: IDFG Assessment of Fisheries Losses in the Upper Snake River Basin - Attributable to Construction/Operations of Dams w/Fed Hydro Facilities8/1/2007
Data Management Framework Subcomittee 01/09/07 Meeting Notes1/16/2007
Table 1: StreamNet Data Priorities as of FY 071/9/2007
CBFWA Summary of the Amendment Process - Draft12/19/2006
In Lieu Summary by CBFWA - Draft12/14/2006
StreamNet Work Plan Briefing FY 2007-09 - November 30, 2006 - Bruce Schmidt, PSMFC11/30/2006
BPA's Oct 6, 2006 Memo to NPCC - Preliminary In Lieu Ratings for Ongoing Projects and Spreadsheets10/6/2006
BPA's Aug 3, 2006 Memo to NPCC- In Lieu Funding Concerns for Proposals Received in FY07-09 Solicitation Process and In Lieu Ratings All New Proposal Spreadsheet8/3/2006
Pacific NW Utilities Conference Committee (PNUCC) document9/8/2005
Resident Fish Conference and 29th International Kokanee Workshop3/1/2005
NPCC Draft Columbia River Basin Research Plan October 200410/1/2004
Item 06: Analysis of Potential Impacts to Resident Fish from Columbia River System Operation Alternatives1/1/1996
Item 04: Determination of Fishery Losses in the Flathead System Resulting from the Construction of Hungry Horse Dam1/1/1986
Item 04: Determination of Fishery Losses in the Flathead System Resulting from the Construction of Hungry Horse Dam1/1/1986
DRAFT Discussion
Updated NPCC’s Draft Performance Measure Indicators Table7/2/2012
Item 05: DRAFT Resident Fish: Methodology to Assess Habitat & Fish Losses Resulting from Hydroelectric Development & Operations2/17/2010
ISAB Review Draft for Comment - Guidelines for Resident Fish Species Substitution in Areas of the Columbia River Basin Blocked to Anadromous Native Salmonids4/27/2008
DRAFT - Section 4.0. Recommended Amendment to Subbasin and Focal Species Provisions3/5/2008
Draft - Resident Fish - Section 2.0. Recommended Amendment To The Basinwide Provisions3/5/2008
Draft Program Amendment Recommendations - Review RFAC's "Recommended Amendments to the Basinwide Provisions"2/25/2008
Amendment Focal Species Document – Draft10/11/2007
Amendment Template - Resident Fish Example10/11/2007
RFAC Charter DRAFT10/10/2005
Draft 70-15-15 Letter dated 9/19/059/19/2005
Status Report8/30/2005
Revised Draft CBFWA Charter 2005 - August 29, 20058/29/2005
Draft Charter, Version 2 of the CBFWA's Resident Fish Committee5/13/2003
Coeur D'Alene Tribe's Letter to the RFAC10/13/2005
Letter from R. Peters (Coeur d'Alene Tribe) to R. Sando (CBFWA) RE: Request for RFC Technical Review of project 1990044008/8/2002
Memo From Mike Faler, Chair Re: NPCC Draft HLI Report and Resident Fish HLIs6/19/2012
BPA's Recommendations to Amend the Council's Fish & Wildlife Program - Enclosure 14/4/2008
RFAC Charter Memo10/10/2005
70-15-15 Memo10/3/2005
Access WebEx for March 5, 2008 RFAC Meeting3/3/2008
March 5, 2008 RFAC Emergency Meeting Email Notice2/27/2008
Powerpoint Presentation
Item 04: MERR Overview4/19/2010
Item 02: Background Presentation4/5/2010
Item 03: Columbia River Basin Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Reporting (MERR) Plan Presentation (N. Leonard, NPCC)3/10/2010
Item 04: Kootenai River Ecosystem Ops Loss Assessment Presentation6/4/2009
Resident Fish Loss Assessment Reservoir Types (3 slides)4/27/2009
Resident Fish Loss Assessment Reservoir Types (3 slides)4/27/2009
RFAC Presentation to the MAG on 11/20/07: Proposed Methodology for Aquatic Habitat Loss Assessment11/20/2007
Proposed Methodology for Aquatic Habitat Loss Assessment Presentation11/6/2007
Resident Fish ISAB Presentation10/25/2007
70-15-15 Presentation10/3/2005
DFW - Integrated Regional Management Plan Presentation and Schedule8/29/2005
Powerpoint Presentation: FY 2003 Ongoing Review for Project 1994054003/18/2003
Powerpoint Presentation: FY 2003 Ongoing Review for Project 199405400 - EMAP Protocol3/18/2003
Powerpoint Presentation: FY 2003 Ongoing Review for Project 1994053003/12/2003
Powerpoint Presentation: FY 2003 Ongoing Review for Project 2002037003/11/2003
Powerpoint Presentation: FY 2003 Ongoing Review for Project 1997019003/11/2003
Powerpoint Presentation: FY 2003 Ongoing Review for Project 1986050003/11/2003
Powerpoint Presentation: FY 2003 Ongoing Review for Project 2002006003/11/2002
Powerpoint Presentation: FY 2003 Ongoing Review for Project 1994054011/1/1900
Project Documents
2007-09 Resident Fish Proposals2/7/2006
2007-09 Resident Fish Proposals by Category2/7/2006
Item 02: Bonneville, The Dalles, and John Day Reservoir (Zone 6) White Sturgeon Management Units8/2/2010
Item 02: McNary Reservoir / Hanford Reach White Sturgeon Management Unit8/2/2010
Item 04: NPCC Summary of Public and ISAB/ISRP Comments Received on Draft MERR Plan5/27/2010
Item 04: NPCC Draft Monitoring Evaluation Research and Reporting (MERR) Plan2/25/2010
Lake Roosevelt Sanpoil Construction Loss Assessment Table4/27/2009
Rufus Woods Construction Loss Table4/27/2009
Resident Fish Operation Loss Assessment 20094/24/2009
Amendment Timeline1/23/2008
Restoring Pacific Salmon and Steelhead to Blocked Areas of the Columbia River – Taking the Next Steps1/23/2008
5.0 Resident Fish - Draft Amendments1/23/2008
Review Request from Mark Bagdovitz: Restoring Pacific salmon & steelhead to blocked areas. . .1/8/2008
For Review/Comment: Excerpts of Pages 17 & 21 from NPCC 2000 F&W Program Full Report11/21/2007
Hungry Horse Fisheries Losses Attributable to the Construction and Operation of Hungry Horse Dam10/11/2007
IDFG's Assessement of Fisheries Losses in the Upper Snake River Basin in Idaho Attributable to Construction & Operation of Dams with Federal Hydropower Facilities - Idaho Report Number 07-52 - August 20078/1/2007
Item 05: MFWP & CSKT's Excerpts on Hungry Horse Fisheries Losses Attributable to the Construction & Operation of Hungry Horse Dam7/1/2007
2007-09 Resident Fish Proposals2/3/2006
2007-09 Resident Fish Proposals by Category2/3/2006
Example Summary Research Plan 2007-2013 - ISRP & ISAB 2005-20 Part 212/20/2005
Item 07: Analysis of Potential Impacts to Resident Fish from Columbia River System Operations Alternatives1/1/1996
Item 06: Resident Fish Operation Loss Assessment 20094/27/2009
Item 05: Rufus Woods Construction Loss Table4/27/2009
Lake Roosevelt Sanpoil Construction Loss Assessment Table4/27/2009
Item 03: ISAB 2008-4 Report: Non-Native Species Impacts on Native Salmonids in the Columbia River Basin7/15/2008
Item 02: ISAB - Non-Native Species Impacts on Native Salmonids in the Columbia River Basin7/15/2008
Status Report - August 30, 20058/30/2005
Item 05: Final Report - Model Development to Establish Integrated Operational Rule Curves for Hungry Horse and Libby Reservoirs - Montana - January 19961/1/1996
Item 06: Resident Fish Operation Loss Assessment 2010 – Revised 2/18/20102/18/2010
Item 05: DRAFT Resident Fish: Methodology to Assess Habitat & Fish Losses Resulting from Hydroelectric Development & Operations2/17/2010
ISAB Review Draft for Comment - Guidelines for Resident Fish Species Substitution in Areas of the Columbia River Basin Blocked to Anadromous Native Salmonids4/27/2008
DRAFT - Section 4.0. Recommended Amendment to Subbasin and Focal Species Provisions3/5/2008
Draft - Resident Fish - Section 2.0. Recommended Amendment To The Basinwide Provisions3/5/2008
Draft Program Amendment Recommendations - Review RFAC's "Recommended Amendments to the Basinwide Provisions"2/25/2008
Amendment Focal Species Document – Draft10/11/2007
Amendment Template - Resident Fish Example10/11/2007
Draft In-Lieu Resident Fish Substitution Document4/12/2007
Comments on Research Plan2/3/2006