List of proposals for FY 2002 Columbia Plateau Review Cycle
Click IDs to see full proposals
ID | Title | Sponsor | Province | Subbasin |
25001 | Acquire Sharp-tailed Grouse Habitat at the Swanson Lakes Wildlife Area | WDFW | Columbia Plateau | Crab Creek |
25004 | Acquisition of Wagner Ranch | Tribe: Warm Springs | Columbia Plateau | John Day |
25005 | Bighorn Sheep reintroduction to the Warm Springs Reservation | Tribe: Warm Springs | Columbia Plateau | Deschutes |
25008 | Resident Fish Stock Status in the Palouse River and Upper Crab Creek Watersheds, Washington. | WDFW | Columbia Plateau | Palouse |
25009 | Assess Watershed Health and Coordinate Watershed Councils in Wasco County, Oregon | Wasco SWCD | Columbia Plateau | Deschutes |
25011 | Assess Riparian Condition Through Spectrometric Imaging Of Riparian Vegetation | Oregon DEQ | Columbia Plateau | Mainstem Columbia |
25012 | Assessment of bull trout populations in the Yakima River watershed. | WDFW | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
25015 | Emergency Flow Augmentation for Buck Hollow | Wasco SWCD | Columbia Plateau | Deschutes |
25016 | Assessment of habitat improvement actions on water temperature, streamflow, physical habitat, & aquatic community health in the Birch Creek Watershed | U.S. DOI USGS | Columbia Plateau | Umatilla |
25019 | Tucannon River Roads, Cut and Fill Slope Restoration | U.S. DA USFS | Columbia Plateau | Tucannon |
25020 | Acquire Rattlesnake Slope Addition | Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Inc. | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
25027 | An Assessment of Neotropical Migratory and Resident Bird-Habitat & Bird-Salmon Relationships in Riparian Ecosystems in the Deschutes Subbasin | Northwest Habitat Institute | Columbia Plateau | Deschutes |
25028 | John Day Upland Restoration | Tribe: Warm Springs | Columbia Plateau | John Day |
25030 | Factors limiting the shrubsteppe raptor community in the Columbia Plateau Province of eastern Washington | WDFW | Columbia Plateau | Crab Creek |
25032 | Wenas Wildlife Area Inholding Acquisitions | WDFW | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
25033 | Evaluate Restoration Potential of Mainstem Habitat for Anadromous Salmonids in the Columbia and Snake Rivers | U.S. DOE PNNL | Columbia Plateau | Mainstem Snake |
25034 | Develop a Nutrient/Food-Web Management Tool for Watershed-River Systems | U.S. DOE PNNL | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
25035 | Evaluate adult fall chinook salmon fallback at Priest Rapids Dam, Columbia River | U.S. DOE PNNL | Columbia Plateau | Mainstem Columbia |
25036 | The Impact of Flow Regulation on Riparian Cottonwood Ecosystems in the Yakima River Basin. | BioQuest | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
25037 | Evaluation of the effects of American shad on upstream migration of anadromous fishes at Priest Rapids Dam | U.S. DOE PNNL | Columbia Plateau | Mainstem Columbia |
25038 | Effects of Hydropower Operations on Fall Chinook Spawning Activity | U.S. DOE PNNL | Columbia Plateau | Mainstem Columbia |
25039 | Effects of agricultural conversion on shrubsteppe wildlife and condition of extant shrubsteppe habitat | WDFW | Columbia Plateau | Crab Creek |
25040 | Collection of baseline measurements of flow, temperature, channel morphology, riparian condition, and benthic macroinvertebrates, Trout Creek, Oregon | U.S. DOI USGS | Columbia Plateau | Deschutes |
25041 | Wildlife Escape Ramps | WDFW | Columbia Plateau | Crab Creek |
25042 | pygmy rabbit recovery - captive breeding | WDFW | Columbia Plateau | Crab Creek |
25043 | Northern Leopard Frog Distribution and Habitat Association | WDFW | Columbia Plateau | Crab Creek |
25044 | Application of Biological Assessment Protocol to Evaluate Passage of Juvenile Salmonids Through Culverts in the Yakima Basin | U.S. DOE PNNL | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
25045 | Determine effects of water level-induced changes in rearing habitat on the survival of juvenile fall chinook salmon. | U.S. DOI USGS | Columbia Plateau | Mainstem Columbia |
25046 | A cooperative approach to evaluating avian and mammalian responses to shrubsteppe restoration in the Crab Creek Subbasin | WDFW | Columbia Plateau | Crab Creek |
25048 | Accelerate the Application of Riparian Buffers in the Upper Deschutes Subbasin | Wy'East RC&D | Columbia Plateau | Deschutes |
25050 | Provide incentives to convert to direct seed/no-till farming in Sherman County, Oregon | Sherman SWCD | Columbia Plateau | John Day |
25051 | Columbia Plateau Natural Resources Collaborative (CPNRC) | U.S. DA NRCS | Columbia Plateau | John Day |
25052 | Sex Reversal in Hanford Reach Fall Chinook Salmon | U.S. DOI USGS | Columbia Plateau | Mainstem Columbia |
25054 | Increase Naches River In-stream Flows By Purchasing Wapatox Hydroelectric Project | Tribe: Yakama | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
25055 | Echo Meadows Artificial Recharge Extended Groundwater and Surface Water Modeling | U.S. DOE PNNL | Columbia Plateau | Umatilla |
25060 | Burbank Sloughs and Mainstem Columbia River Shoreline/Side Channel/Wetland Habitat Restoration | U.S. DOI USFWS | Columbia Plateau | Mainstem Columbia |
25061 | John Day Fish Passage Barrier Inventory | Oregon WEB | Columbia Plateau | John Day |
25063 | Subbasin Planning Coordinator for Oregon | Oregon WEB | Columbia Plateau | Mainstem Columbia |
25065 | Forward Looking Infrared Radiometry (FLIR) Thermal Imagery and Analysis of Tucannon River, Touchet River, and Mill Creek(FY2002)with follow-on 2003-04 | Washington Dept Ecology | Columbia Plateau | Walla Walla |
25066 | Manage Water Distribution in the Walla Walla River Basin | Oregon WRD | Columbia Plateau | Walla Walla |
25067 | Manage Water Distribution in the John Day Basin | Oregon WRD | Columbia Plateau | John Day |
25068 | Rock Creek watershed road and riparian corridor improvement project. | Tribe: Yakama | Columbia Plateau | Rock Creek |
25070 | The Application of Geophysics to Better Define Fall Chinook Salmon Spawning Habitat Use in the Hanford Reach, Columbia River. | Golder | Columbia Plateau | Mainstem Columbia |
25072 | Restore Tucannon River Riparian Habitat: Wooten Wildlife Area | WDFW | Columbia Plateau | Tucannon |
25074 | Deschutes Water Exchange | Deschutes Resources Conservancy | Columbia Plateau | Deschutes |
25075 | Momitoring and Evaluation of Buck Hollow Hydrology | Wasco SWCD | Columbia Plateau | Deschutes |
25076 | Enhancing Riparian Corridors Sustainably With Integrated Agroforestry | Institute for Washington's Future | Columbia Plateau | Walla Walla |
25077 | Umatilla County Conservation Buffer Project | Umatilla SWCD | Columbia Plateau | Umatilla |
25078 | Acquire Anadromous Fish Habitat in the Selah Gap to Union Gap Flood Plain, Yakima River Basin, Washington | U.S. DOI BOR | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
25079 | Integration and Construction of a GIS Based 2-Dimensional Hydraulic/Habitat Model for 51 miles of Hanford Reach and Site of the Columbia River | U.S. DOI USFWS | Columbia Plateau | Mainstem Columbia |
25081 | Improve Upstream Fish Passage in the Birch Creek Watershed | ODFW | Columbia Plateau | Umatilla |
25083 | Special Status Wildlife Species Surveys and Priority Habitat Assessment in the Deschutes River Subbasin | ODFW | Columbia Plateau | Deschutes |
25084 | Develop GIS Layers for Generation of Specific Natural Resource GIS Maps and Analysis | ODFW | Columbia Plateau | John Day |
25085 | Eradication of brook trout from Winom Creek to enhance bull trout habitat. | U.S. DA USFS | Columbia Plateau | John Day |
25086 | Purchase Perpetual Conservation Easement on Holliday Ranch and Crown Ranch Riparian Corridors and Uplands | ODFW | Columbia Plateau | John Day |
25087 | Desolation Creek Rehabilitation and Meadow Restoration | U.S. DA USFS | Columbia Plateau | John Day |
25088 | Salmonid Population and Habitat Monitoring in the Oregon Portion of the Columbia Plateau | ODFW | Columbia Plateau | John Day |
25089 | The Effects of Agriculture on Amphibians of the Columbia Plateau | WDFW | Columbia Plateau | Crab Creek |
25090 | Determine Quantitative Values for the Perpetual Timber Rights on the WDFW Oak Creek and Wenas Wildlife Areas. | WDFW | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
25091 | Mainstem habitats and aquatic communities: assessment and management options | U.S. DOI USGS | Columbia Plateau | Mainstem Columbia |
25092 | Restoration of Healthy Watershed to Palouse River Drainage in Idaho | IDFG | Columbia Plateau | Palouse |
25094 | Restore Touchet River Watershed Habitat to Support ESA listed Stocks | Columbia CD | Columbia Plateau | Walla Walla |
25095 | Pesticides and the environmental health of salmonids in the Yakima subbasin. | U.S. DOC NMFS | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
25097 | Salmon and Steelhead Habitat Inventory and Assessment Project (SSHIAP) | WDFW | Columbia Plateau | Mainstem Columbia |
25098 | Characterize and Assess Wildlife-Habitat Types and Structural Conditions for Subbasins within the Columbia Plateau Ecoprovince | Northwest Habitat Institute | Columbia Plateau | Mainstem Columbia |
25099 | Oregon CREP Improvement Project | Oregon WEB | Columbia Plateau | Mainstem Columbia |
25101 | Use of Mainstem Habitats by Juvenile Pacific Lamprey (Lampetra tridentata)* | U.S. DOE PNNL | Columbia Plateau | Mainstem Columbia |
25102 | Columbia Plateau Water Right Acquisition Program | Oregon Water Trust | Columbia Plateau | John Day |
195505500 | Umatilla Tribal Fish & Wildlife Enforcement | Tribe: Umatilla | Columbia Plateau | Umatilla |
198343500 | Operate and Maintain Umatilla Hatchery Satellite Facilities | Tribe: Umatilla | Columbia Plateau | Umatilla |
198343600 | Umatilla Basin Fish Facilities Operation and Maintenance | Westland ID | Columbia Plateau | Umatilla |
198402100 | Protect and Enhance Anadromous Fish Habitat in The John Day Subbasin | ODFW | Columbia Plateau | John Day |
198506200 | Passage Improvement Evaluation | U.S. DOE PNNL | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
198710001 | Enhance Umatilla River Basin Anadromous Fish Habitat | Tribe: Umatilla | Columbia Plateau | Umatilla |
198710002 | Umatilla Subbasin Fish Habitat Improvement | ODFW | Columbia Plateau | Umatilla |
198802200 | Umatilla River Fish Passage Operations | Tribe: Umatilla | Columbia Plateau | Umatilla |
198805302 | Design and Construct Umatilla Hatchery Supplement | Tribe: Umatilla | Columbia Plateau | Umatilla |
198805306 | Hood River Production Program (HRPP): Hatchery O&M - Portland General Electric - Enron | PGE | Columbia Plateau | Deschutes |
198811525 | Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP) Design and Construction | Tribe: Yakama | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
198812025 | Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP) Management | Tribe: Yakama | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
198902401 | Evaluate Juvenile Salmonid Outmigration and Survival in the Lower Umatilla River Basin | ODFW | Columbia Plateau | Umatilla |
198902700 | Power Repay Umatilla Basin Project | U.S. DOE BPA | Columbia Plateau | Umatilla |
198903500 | Umatilla Hatchery Operation and Maintenance | ODFW | Columbia Plateau | Umatilla |
199000500 | Umatilla Fish Hatchery Monitoring and Evaluation | ODFW | Columbia Plateau | Umatilla |
199000501 | Umatilla Basin Natural Production Monitoring and Evaluation Project | Tribe: Umatilla | Columbia Plateau | Umatilla |
199009200 | Protect and Enhance the Wanaket Wildlife Mitigation Area. | Tribe: Umatilla | Columbia Plateau | Mainstem Columbia |
199102900 | Understanding the effects of summer flow augmentation on the migratory behavior and survival of fall chinook salmon migrating through L. Granite Res. | U.S. DOI USFWS | Columbia Plateau | Mainstem Snake |
199105700 | Fabricate and Install Yakima Basin Phase II Fish Screens | WDFW | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
199106100 | Swanson Lakes Wildlife Area (SLWA) | WDFW | Columbia Plateau | Crab Creek |
199107500 | Yakima Phase II Screens - Construction* | U.S. DOI BOR | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
199200900 | Operate and Maintain (O&M) Yakima Basin Phase II Fish Screens | WDFW | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
199206200 | Yakama Nation - Riparian/Wetlands Restoration | Tribe: Yakama | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
199306600 | Oregon Fish Screening Project | ODFW | Columbia Plateau | John Day |
199401806 | Implement Tucannon River Model Watershed Plan to Restore Salmonid Habitat | Columbia CD | Columbia Plateau | Tucannon |
199401807 | Garfield County Sediment Reduction and Riparian Improvement Program | Pomeroy CD | Columbia Plateau | Mainstem Snake |
199402600 | Pacific Lamprey Research and Restoration | Tribe: Umatilla | Columbia Plateau | Umatilla |
199404200 | Trout Creek Habitat Restoration Project | ODFW | Columbia Plateau | Deschutes |
199404400 | Enhance, protect, and maintain shrubsteppe habitat on the Sagebrush Flat Wildlife Area (SFWA) | WDFW | Columbia Plateau | Crab Creek |
199405400 | The Population Structure of Bull Trout in the John Day River and Abundance of Bull Trout in Mill Creek. | ODFW | Columbia Plateau | John Day |
199405401 | Bull Trout Abundance Monitoring in the Lower Deschutes River formerly "Bull Trout Genetics, Habitat Needs, L.H. Etc. In Central And N.E. Oregon" | Tribe: Warm Springs | Columbia Plateau | Deschutes |
199405900 | Yakima Basin Environmental Education | U.S. DOI BOR | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
199406900 | Estimate production potential of fall chinook salmon in the Hanford Reach of the Columbia River. | U.S. DOE PNNL | Columbia Plateau | Mainstem Columbia |
199503300 | O&M Of Yakima Phase II Fish Facilities* | U.S. DOI BOR | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
199506001 | Protect and Enhance Wildlife Habitat in Squaw Creek Watershed | Tribe: Umatilla | Columbia Plateau | Umatilla |
199506325 | Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project Monitoring And Evaluation | Tribe: Yakama | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
199506425 | Policy/Technical Involvement and Planning in the Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project | WDFW | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
199601100 | Walla Walla River Juvenile and Adult Passage Improvements | Tribe: Umatilla | Columbia Plateau | Walla Walla |
199603501 | Satus Watershed Restoration Project | Tribe: Yakama | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
199604601 | Walla Walla Basin Fish Habitat Enhancement | Tribe: Umatilla | Columbia Plateau | Walla Walla |
199701325 | Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project Operations and Maintenance | Tribe: Yakama | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
199701400 | Evaluation of Juvenile Fall Chinook Stranding on the Hanford Reach | WDFW | Columbia Plateau | Mainstem Columbia |
199703400 | Monitoring Fine Sediment Grande Ronde and John Day Rivers | Tribe: CRITFC | Columbia Plateau | John Day |
199705100 | Yakama Nation Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP) Yakima Side Channels | Tribe: Yakama | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
199705300 | Toppenish-Simcoe Instream Flow Restoration and Assessment | Tribe: Yakama | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
199801600 | Monitor Natural Escapement & Productivity of John Day Basin Spring Chinook | ODFW | Columbia Plateau | John Day |
199801700 | Eliminate Gravel Push-up Dams in Lower North Fork John Day | NF John Day WC | Columbia Plateau | John Day |
199801800 | John Day Watershed Restoration | Tribe: Warm Springs | Columbia Plateau | John Day |
199802000 | Assess Fish Habitat and Salmonids in the Walla Walla Watershed in Washington | WDFW | Columbia Plateau | Walla Walla |
199802200 | Pine Creek Ranch | Tribe: Warm Springs | Columbia Plateau | John Day |
199802800 | Trout Creek Watershed Improvement Project | Jefferson SWCD | Columbia Plateau | Deschutes |
199803300 | Restore Upper Toppenish Watershed | Tribe: Yakama | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
199803400 | Yakama Nation Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP) Reestablish Safe Access into Tributaries of the Yakima Subbasin | Tribe: Yakama | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
199901000 | Mitigate Effects of Runoff and Erosion on Salmonid Habitat in Pine Hollow and Jackknife | Sherman SWCD | Columbia Plateau | John Day |
199901300 | Ahtanum Creek Watershed Assessment | Tribe: Yakama | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
200001500 | Oxbow Ranch Management and Implementation | Tribe: Warm Springs | Columbia Plateau | John Day |
200001900 | Tucannon River Spring Chinook Captive Broodstock Program | WDFW | Columbia Plateau | Tucannon |
200002300 | Securing Wildlife Mitigation Sites - Oregon, Horn Butte (Philippi Property) | ODFW | Columbia Plateau | Umatilla |
200002500 | Eagle Lakes Ranch Acquisition and Restoration | U.S. DOI USFWS | Columbia Plateau | Mainstem Columbia |
200002600 | Rainwater Wildlife Area | Tribe: Umatilla | Columbia Plateau | Walla Walla |
200003100 | North Fork John Day River Subbasin Anadromous Fish Habitat Enhancement Project | Tribe: Umatilla | Columbia Plateau | John Day |
200003300 | Walla Walla River Fish Passage Operations | Tribe: Umatilla | Columbia Plateau | Walla Walla |
200003800 | Design and Construct NEOH Walla Walla Hatchery | Tribe: Umatilla | Columbia Plateau | Walla Walla |
200003900 | Walla Walla Basin Natural Production Monitoring and Evaluation Project | Tribe: Umatilla | Columbia Plateau | Walla Walla |
200005200 | Upstream migration of Pacific lampreys in the John Day River: behavior, timing, and habitat preferences | U.S. DOI USGS | Columbia Plateau | John Day |
200020116 | Securing Wildlife Mitigation Sites - Oregon, Horn Butte Area (BAIC Tract) | Nature Conservancy | Columbia Plateau | Umatilla |
200104101 | Forrest Ranch Acquisition | Tribe: Warm Springs | Columbia Plateau | John Day |
200200600 | Evaluate bull trout movements in the Tucannon and Lower Snake rivers | U.S. DOI USFWS | Columbia Plateau | Mainstem Snake |
200201400 | Protect, enhance, and maintain habitat on the Sunnyside Wildlife Area to benefit wildlife and fish assemblages. | WDFW | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
200201500 | Provide Coordination and Technical Assistance to Watershed Councils and Individuals in Sherman County, Oregon | Sherman SWCD | Columbia Plateau | John Day |
200201600 | Determine lamprey species composition, larval distribution and adult abundance in the Deschutes Subbasin | Tribe: Warm Springs | Columbia Plateau | Deschutes |
200201700 | Regional Stream Conditions and Stressor Evaluation | Oregon DEQ | Columbia Plateau | Deschutes |
200201800 | Restore Riparian Corridor at Tapteal Bend, Lower Yakima River | Tapteal Greenway | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
200201900 | Establish Riparian Buffer Systems | Wasco SWCD | Columbia Plateau | Deschutes |
200202000 | Fabricate and Install New Hunstville Mill Fish Screen | WDFW | Columbia Plateau | Walla Walla |
200202100 | Implement Actions to Reduce Water Temperatures in the Teanaway Basin | Washington Dept Ecology | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
200202200 | YKFP Big Creek Passage & Screening | WDFW | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
200202300 | Yakima-Klickitat Fisheries Project - Wilson Creek Snowden Parcel Acquisition | YKFP | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
200202400 | YKFP -- Secure Salmonid Spawning and Rearing Habitat on the Upper Yakima River | WDFW | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
200202501 | Yakima Tributary Access and Habitat Program (YTAHP) | Kittitas County, WA | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
200202600 | Morrow County Buffer Initiative | Morrow SWCD | Columbia Plateau | Umatilla |
200202700 | Numerically Simulating the Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Environment for Migrating Salmon in the Lower Snake River | U.S. DOE PNNL | Columbia Plateau | Mainstem Snake |
200202800 | Conduct Watershed Assessments for Priority Watersheds on Private Lands in the Columbia Plateau | Oregon WEB | Columbia Plateau | Mainstem Columbia |
200202900 | Fish Passage Inventory and Corrective Actions on WDFW Lands in The Yakima Subbasin | WDFW | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
200203000 | Develop Progeny Marker for Salmonids to Evaluate Supplementation | Tribe: Umatilla | Columbia Plateau | Umatilla |
200203100 | Growth Rate Modulation in Spring Chinook Salmon Supplementation | U.S. DOC NMFS | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
200203200 | Investigating passage of ESA-listed juvenile fall chinook salmon at Lower Granite Dam during winter when the fish bypass system is inoperable. | U.S. DOI USFWS | Columbia Plateau | Mainstem Snake |
200203300 | John Day Salmonid Recovery Monitoring Program | Tribe: Warm Springs | Columbia Plateau | John Day |
200203400 | Wheeler SWCD Riparian Buffer Planning and Implementation | Wheeler SWCD | Columbia Plateau | John Day |
200203500 | Gilliam SWCD Riparian Buffers | Gilliam SWCD | Columbia Plateau | John Day |
200203600 | Walla Walla River Flow Restoration | Walla Walla WC | Columbia Plateau | Walla Walla |
200203700 | Characterize Genetic Differences and Distribution of Freshwater Mussels | Tribe: Umatilla | Columbia Plateau | Umatilla |
200203800 | Protect Normative Structure and Function of Critical Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat | City of Yakima, WA | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
200205201 | Naches River Water Treatment Plant Intake Screening Project. | City of Yakima, WA | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |
200205700 | Westland-Ramos Fish Passage and Habitat Restoration Pilot Project | Westland ID | Columbia Plateau | Umatilla |
200300100 | Yakima-Klickitat Fisheries Project - Manastash Creek Fish Passage and Screening | YKFP | Columbia Plateau | Yakima |