List of proposals for FY 2002 Columbia Plateau Review Cycle

Click IDs to see full proposals

25001 Acquire Sharp-tailed Grouse Habitat at the Swanson Lakes Wildlife Area WDFW Columbia Plateau Crab Creek
25004 Acquisition of Wagner Ranch Tribe: Warm Springs Columbia Plateau John Day
25005 Bighorn Sheep reintroduction to the Warm Springs Reservation Tribe: Warm Springs Columbia Plateau Deschutes
25008 Resident Fish Stock Status in the Palouse River and Upper Crab Creek Watersheds, Washington. WDFW Columbia Plateau Palouse
25009 Assess Watershed Health and Coordinate Watershed Councils in Wasco County, Oregon Wasco SWCD Columbia Plateau Deschutes
25011 Assess Riparian Condition Through Spectrometric Imaging Of Riparian Vegetation Oregon DEQ Columbia Plateau Mainstem Columbia
25012 Assessment of bull trout populations in the Yakima River watershed. WDFW Columbia Plateau Yakima
25015 Emergency Flow Augmentation for Buck Hollow Wasco SWCD Columbia Plateau Deschutes
25016 Assessment of habitat improvement actions on water temperature, streamflow, physical habitat, & aquatic community health in the Birch Creek Watershed U.S. DOI USGS Columbia Plateau Umatilla
25019 Tucannon River Roads, Cut and Fill Slope Restoration U.S. DA USFS Columbia Plateau Tucannon
25020 Acquire Rattlesnake Slope Addition Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Inc. Columbia Plateau Yakima
25027 An Assessment of Neotropical Migratory and Resident Bird-Habitat & Bird-Salmon Relationships in Riparian Ecosystems in the Deschutes Subbasin Northwest Habitat Institute Columbia Plateau Deschutes
25028 John Day Upland Restoration Tribe: Warm Springs Columbia Plateau John Day
25030 Factors limiting the shrubsteppe raptor community in the Columbia Plateau Province of eastern Washington WDFW Columbia Plateau Crab Creek
25032 Wenas Wildlife Area Inholding Acquisitions WDFW Columbia Plateau Yakima
25033 Evaluate Restoration Potential of Mainstem Habitat for Anadromous Salmonids in the Columbia and Snake Rivers U.S. DOE PNNL Columbia Plateau Mainstem Snake
25034 Develop a Nutrient/Food-Web Management Tool for Watershed-River Systems U.S. DOE PNNL Columbia Plateau Yakima
25035 Evaluate adult fall chinook salmon fallback at Priest Rapids Dam, Columbia River U.S. DOE PNNL Columbia Plateau Mainstem Columbia
25036 The Impact of Flow Regulation on Riparian Cottonwood Ecosystems in the Yakima River Basin. BioQuest Columbia Plateau Yakima
25037 Evaluation of the effects of American shad on upstream migration of anadromous fishes at Priest Rapids Dam U.S. DOE PNNL Columbia Plateau Mainstem Columbia
25038 Effects of Hydropower Operations on Fall Chinook Spawning Activity U.S. DOE PNNL Columbia Plateau Mainstem Columbia
25039 Effects of agricultural conversion on shrubsteppe wildlife and condition of extant shrubsteppe habitat WDFW Columbia Plateau Crab Creek
25040 Collection of baseline measurements of flow, temperature, channel morphology, riparian condition, and benthic macroinvertebrates, Trout Creek, Oregon U.S. DOI USGS Columbia Plateau Deschutes
25041 Wildlife Escape Ramps WDFW Columbia Plateau Crab Creek
25042 pygmy rabbit recovery - captive breeding WDFW Columbia Plateau Crab Creek
25043 Northern Leopard Frog Distribution and Habitat Association WDFW Columbia Plateau Crab Creek
25044 Application of Biological Assessment Protocol to Evaluate Passage of Juvenile Salmonids Through Culverts in the Yakima Basin U.S. DOE PNNL Columbia Plateau Yakima
25045 Determine effects of water level-induced changes in rearing habitat on the survival of juvenile fall chinook salmon. U.S. DOI USGS Columbia Plateau Mainstem Columbia
25046 A cooperative approach to evaluating avian and mammalian responses to shrubsteppe restoration in the Crab Creek Subbasin WDFW Columbia Plateau Crab Creek
25048 Accelerate the Application of Riparian Buffers in the Upper Deschutes Subbasin Wy'East RC&D Columbia Plateau Deschutes
25050 Provide incentives to convert to direct seed/no-till farming in Sherman County, Oregon Sherman SWCD Columbia Plateau John Day
25051 Columbia Plateau Natural Resources Collaborative (CPNRC) U.S. DA NRCS Columbia Plateau John Day
25052 Sex Reversal in Hanford Reach Fall Chinook Salmon U.S. DOI USGS Columbia Plateau Mainstem Columbia
25054 Increase Naches River In-stream Flows By Purchasing Wapatox Hydroelectric Project Tribe: Yakama Columbia Plateau Yakima
25055 Echo Meadows Artificial Recharge Extended Groundwater and Surface Water Modeling U.S. DOE PNNL Columbia Plateau Umatilla
25060 Burbank Sloughs and Mainstem Columbia River Shoreline/Side Channel/Wetland Habitat Restoration U.S. DOI USFWS Columbia Plateau Mainstem Columbia
25061 John Day Fish Passage Barrier Inventory Oregon WEB Columbia Plateau John Day
25063 Subbasin Planning Coordinator for Oregon Oregon WEB Columbia Plateau Mainstem Columbia
25065 Forward Looking Infrared Radiometry (FLIR) Thermal Imagery and Analysis of Tucannon River, Touchet River, and Mill Creek(FY2002)with follow-on 2003-04 Washington Dept Ecology Columbia Plateau Walla Walla
25066 Manage Water Distribution in the Walla Walla River Basin Oregon WRD Columbia Plateau Walla Walla
25067 Manage Water Distribution in the John Day Basin Oregon WRD Columbia Plateau John Day
25068 Rock Creek watershed road and riparian corridor improvement project. Tribe: Yakama Columbia Plateau Rock Creek
25070 The Application of Geophysics to Better Define Fall Chinook Salmon Spawning Habitat Use in the Hanford Reach, Columbia River. Golder Columbia Plateau Mainstem Columbia
25072 Restore Tucannon River Riparian Habitat: Wooten Wildlife Area WDFW Columbia Plateau Tucannon
25074 Deschutes Water Exchange Deschutes Resources Conservancy Columbia Plateau Deschutes
25075 Momitoring and Evaluation of Buck Hollow Hydrology Wasco SWCD Columbia Plateau Deschutes
25076 Enhancing Riparian Corridors Sustainably With Integrated Agroforestry Institute for Washington's Future Columbia Plateau Walla Walla
25077 Umatilla County Conservation Buffer Project Umatilla SWCD Columbia Plateau Umatilla
25078 Acquire Anadromous Fish Habitat in the Selah Gap to Union Gap Flood Plain, Yakima River Basin, Washington U.S. DOI BOR Columbia Plateau Yakima
25079 Integration and Construction of a GIS Based 2-Dimensional Hydraulic/Habitat Model for 51 miles of Hanford Reach and Site of the Columbia River U.S. DOI USFWS Columbia Plateau Mainstem Columbia
25081 Improve Upstream Fish Passage in the Birch Creek Watershed ODFW Columbia Plateau Umatilla
25083 Special Status Wildlife Species Surveys and Priority Habitat Assessment in the Deschutes River Subbasin ODFW Columbia Plateau Deschutes
25084 Develop GIS Layers for Generation of Specific Natural Resource GIS Maps and Analysis ODFW Columbia Plateau John Day
25085 Eradication of brook trout from Winom Creek to enhance bull trout habitat. U.S. DA USFS Columbia Plateau John Day
25086 Purchase Perpetual Conservation Easement on Holliday Ranch and Crown Ranch Riparian Corridors and Uplands ODFW Columbia Plateau John Day
25087 Desolation Creek Rehabilitation and Meadow Restoration U.S. DA USFS Columbia Plateau John Day
25088 Salmonid Population and Habitat Monitoring in the Oregon Portion of the Columbia Plateau ODFW Columbia Plateau John Day
25089 The Effects of Agriculture on Amphibians of the Columbia Plateau WDFW Columbia Plateau Crab Creek
25090 Determine Quantitative Values for the Perpetual Timber Rights on the WDFW Oak Creek and Wenas Wildlife Areas. WDFW Columbia Plateau Yakima
25091 Mainstem habitats and aquatic communities: assessment and management options U.S. DOI USGS Columbia Plateau Mainstem Columbia
25092 Restoration of Healthy Watershed to Palouse River Drainage in Idaho IDFG Columbia Plateau Palouse
25094 Restore Touchet River Watershed Habitat to Support ESA listed Stocks Columbia CD Columbia Plateau Walla Walla
25095 Pesticides and the environmental health of salmonids in the Yakima subbasin. U.S. DOC NMFS Columbia Plateau Yakima
25097 Salmon and Steelhead Habitat Inventory and Assessment Project (SSHIAP) WDFW Columbia Plateau Mainstem Columbia
25098 Characterize and Assess Wildlife-Habitat Types and Structural Conditions for Subbasins within the Columbia Plateau Ecoprovince Northwest Habitat Institute Columbia Plateau Mainstem Columbia
25099 Oregon CREP Improvement Project Oregon WEB Columbia Plateau Mainstem Columbia
25101 Use of Mainstem Habitats by Juvenile Pacific Lamprey (Lampetra tridentata)* U.S. DOE PNNL Columbia Plateau Mainstem Columbia
25102 Columbia Plateau Water Right Acquisition Program Oregon Water Trust Columbia Plateau John Day
195505500 Umatilla Tribal Fish & Wildlife Enforcement Tribe: Umatilla Columbia Plateau Umatilla
198343500 Operate and Maintain Umatilla Hatchery Satellite Facilities Tribe: Umatilla Columbia Plateau Umatilla
198343600 Umatilla Basin Fish Facilities Operation and Maintenance Westland ID Columbia Plateau Umatilla
198402100 Protect and Enhance Anadromous Fish Habitat in The John Day Subbasin ODFW Columbia Plateau John Day
198506200 Passage Improvement Evaluation U.S. DOE PNNL Columbia Plateau Yakima
198710001 Enhance Umatilla River Basin Anadromous Fish Habitat Tribe: Umatilla Columbia Plateau Umatilla
198710002 Umatilla Subbasin Fish Habitat Improvement ODFW Columbia Plateau Umatilla
198802200 Umatilla River Fish Passage Operations Tribe: Umatilla Columbia Plateau Umatilla
198805302 Design and Construct Umatilla Hatchery Supplement Tribe: Umatilla Columbia Plateau Umatilla
198805306 Hood River Production Program (HRPP): Hatchery O&M - Portland General Electric - Enron PGE Columbia Plateau Deschutes
198811525 Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP) Design and Construction Tribe: Yakama Columbia Plateau Yakima
198812025 Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP) Management Tribe: Yakama Columbia Plateau Yakima
198902401 Evaluate Juvenile Salmonid Outmigration and Survival in the Lower Umatilla River Basin ODFW Columbia Plateau Umatilla
198902700 Power Repay Umatilla Basin Project U.S. DOE BPA Columbia Plateau Umatilla
198903500 Umatilla Hatchery Operation and Maintenance ODFW Columbia Plateau Umatilla
199000500 Umatilla Fish Hatchery Monitoring and Evaluation ODFW Columbia Plateau Umatilla
199000501 Umatilla Basin Natural Production Monitoring and Evaluation Project Tribe: Umatilla Columbia Plateau Umatilla
199009200 Protect and Enhance the Wanaket Wildlife Mitigation Area. Tribe: Umatilla Columbia Plateau Mainstem Columbia
199102900 Understanding the effects of summer flow augmentation on the migratory behavior and survival of fall chinook salmon migrating through L. Granite Res. U.S. DOI USFWS Columbia Plateau Mainstem Snake
199105700 Fabricate and Install Yakima Basin Phase II Fish Screens WDFW Columbia Plateau Yakima
199106100 Swanson Lakes Wildlife Area (SLWA) WDFW Columbia Plateau Crab Creek
199107500 Yakima Phase II Screens - Construction* U.S. DOI BOR Columbia Plateau Yakima
199200900 Operate and Maintain (O&M) Yakima Basin Phase II Fish Screens WDFW Columbia Plateau Yakima
199206200 Yakama Nation - Riparian/Wetlands Restoration Tribe: Yakama Columbia Plateau Yakima
199306600 Oregon Fish Screening Project ODFW Columbia Plateau John Day
199401806 Implement Tucannon River Model Watershed Plan to Restore Salmonid Habitat Columbia CD Columbia Plateau Tucannon
199401807 Garfield County Sediment Reduction and Riparian Improvement Program Pomeroy CD Columbia Plateau Mainstem Snake
199402600 Pacific Lamprey Research and Restoration Tribe: Umatilla Columbia Plateau Umatilla
199404200 Trout Creek Habitat Restoration Project ODFW Columbia Plateau Deschutes
199404400 Enhance, protect, and maintain shrubsteppe habitat on the Sagebrush Flat Wildlife Area (SFWA) WDFW Columbia Plateau Crab Creek
199405400 The Population Structure of Bull Trout in the John Day River and Abundance of Bull Trout in Mill Creek. ODFW Columbia Plateau John Day
199405401 Bull Trout Abundance Monitoring in the Lower Deschutes River formerly "Bull Trout Genetics, Habitat Needs, L.H. Etc. In Central And N.E. Oregon" Tribe: Warm Springs Columbia Plateau Deschutes
199405900 Yakima Basin Environmental Education U.S. DOI BOR Columbia Plateau Yakima
199406900 Estimate production potential of fall chinook salmon in the Hanford Reach of the Columbia River. U.S. DOE PNNL Columbia Plateau Mainstem Columbia
199503300 O&M Of Yakima Phase II Fish Facilities* U.S. DOI BOR Columbia Plateau Yakima
199506001 Protect and Enhance Wildlife Habitat in Squaw Creek Watershed Tribe: Umatilla Columbia Plateau Umatilla
199506325 Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project Monitoring And Evaluation Tribe: Yakama Columbia Plateau Yakima
199506425 Policy/Technical Involvement and Planning in the Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project WDFW Columbia Plateau Yakima
199601100 Walla Walla River Juvenile and Adult Passage Improvements Tribe: Umatilla Columbia Plateau Walla Walla
199603501 Satus Watershed Restoration Project Tribe: Yakama Columbia Plateau Yakima
199604601 Walla Walla Basin Fish Habitat Enhancement Tribe: Umatilla Columbia Plateau Walla Walla
199701325 Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project Operations and Maintenance Tribe: Yakama Columbia Plateau Yakima
199701400 Evaluation of Juvenile Fall Chinook Stranding on the Hanford Reach WDFW Columbia Plateau Mainstem Columbia
199703400 Monitoring Fine Sediment Grande Ronde and John Day Rivers Tribe: CRITFC Columbia Plateau John Day
199705100 Yakama Nation Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP) Yakima Side Channels Tribe: Yakama Columbia Plateau Yakima
199705300 Toppenish-Simcoe Instream Flow Restoration and Assessment Tribe: Yakama Columbia Plateau Yakima
199801600 Monitor Natural Escapement & Productivity of John Day Basin Spring Chinook ODFW Columbia Plateau John Day
199801700 Eliminate Gravel Push-up Dams in Lower North Fork John Day NF John Day WC Columbia Plateau John Day
199801800 John Day Watershed Restoration Tribe: Warm Springs Columbia Plateau John Day
199802000 Assess Fish Habitat and Salmonids in the Walla Walla Watershed in Washington WDFW Columbia Plateau Walla Walla
199802200 Pine Creek Ranch Tribe: Warm Springs Columbia Plateau John Day
199802800 Trout Creek Watershed Improvement Project Jefferson SWCD Columbia Plateau Deschutes
199803300 Restore Upper Toppenish Watershed Tribe: Yakama Columbia Plateau Yakima
199803400 Yakama Nation Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP) Reestablish Safe Access into Tributaries of the Yakima Subbasin Tribe: Yakama Columbia Plateau Yakima
199901000 Mitigate Effects of Runoff and Erosion on Salmonid Habitat in Pine Hollow and Jackknife Sherman SWCD Columbia Plateau John Day
199901300 Ahtanum Creek Watershed Assessment Tribe: Yakama Columbia Plateau Yakima
200001500 Oxbow Ranch Management and Implementation Tribe: Warm Springs Columbia Plateau John Day
200001900 Tucannon River Spring Chinook Captive Broodstock Program WDFW Columbia Plateau Tucannon
200002300 Securing Wildlife Mitigation Sites - Oregon, Horn Butte (Philippi Property) ODFW Columbia Plateau Umatilla
200002500 Eagle Lakes Ranch Acquisition and Restoration U.S. DOI USFWS Columbia Plateau Mainstem Columbia
200002600 Rainwater Wildlife Area Tribe: Umatilla Columbia Plateau Walla Walla
200003100 North Fork John Day River Subbasin Anadromous Fish Habitat Enhancement Project Tribe: Umatilla Columbia Plateau John Day
200003300 Walla Walla River Fish Passage Operations Tribe: Umatilla Columbia Plateau Walla Walla
200003800 Design and Construct NEOH Walla Walla Hatchery Tribe: Umatilla Columbia Plateau Walla Walla
200003900 Walla Walla Basin Natural Production Monitoring and Evaluation Project Tribe: Umatilla Columbia Plateau Walla Walla
200005200 Upstream migration of Pacific lampreys in the John Day River: behavior, timing, and habitat preferences U.S. DOI USGS Columbia Plateau John Day
200020116 Securing Wildlife Mitigation Sites - Oregon, Horn Butte Area (BAIC Tract) Nature Conservancy Columbia Plateau Umatilla
200104101 Forrest Ranch Acquisition Tribe: Warm Springs Columbia Plateau John Day
200200600 Evaluate bull trout movements in the Tucannon and Lower Snake rivers U.S. DOI USFWS Columbia Plateau Mainstem Snake
200201400 Protect, enhance, and maintain habitat on the Sunnyside Wildlife Area to benefit wildlife and fish assemblages. WDFW Columbia Plateau Yakima
200201500 Provide Coordination and Technical Assistance to Watershed Councils and Individuals in Sherman County, Oregon Sherman SWCD Columbia Plateau John Day
200201600 Determine lamprey species composition, larval distribution and adult abundance in the Deschutes Subbasin Tribe: Warm Springs Columbia Plateau Deschutes
200201700 Regional Stream Conditions and Stressor Evaluation Oregon DEQ Columbia Plateau Deschutes
200201800 Restore Riparian Corridor at Tapteal Bend, Lower Yakima River Tapteal Greenway Columbia Plateau Yakima
200201900 Establish Riparian Buffer Systems Wasco SWCD Columbia Plateau Deschutes
200202000 Fabricate and Install New Hunstville Mill Fish Screen WDFW Columbia Plateau Walla Walla
200202100 Implement Actions to Reduce Water Temperatures in the Teanaway Basin Washington Dept Ecology Columbia Plateau Yakima
200202200 YKFP Big Creek Passage & Screening WDFW Columbia Plateau Yakima
200202300 Yakima-Klickitat Fisheries Project - Wilson Creek Snowden Parcel Acquisition YKFP Columbia Plateau Yakima
200202400 YKFP -- Secure Salmonid Spawning and Rearing Habitat on the Upper Yakima River WDFW Columbia Plateau Yakima
200202501 Yakima Tributary Access and Habitat Program (YTAHP) Kittitas County, WA Columbia Plateau Yakima
200202600 Morrow County Buffer Initiative Morrow SWCD Columbia Plateau Umatilla
200202700 Numerically Simulating the Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Environment for Migrating Salmon in the Lower Snake River U.S. DOE PNNL Columbia Plateau Mainstem Snake
200202800 Conduct Watershed Assessments for Priority Watersheds on Private Lands in the Columbia Plateau Oregon WEB Columbia Plateau Mainstem Columbia
200202900 Fish Passage Inventory and Corrective Actions on WDFW Lands in The Yakima Subbasin WDFW Columbia Plateau Yakima
200203000 Develop Progeny Marker for Salmonids to Evaluate Supplementation Tribe: Umatilla Columbia Plateau Umatilla
200203100 Growth Rate Modulation in Spring Chinook Salmon Supplementation U.S. DOC NMFS Columbia Plateau Yakima
200203200 Investigating passage of ESA-listed juvenile fall chinook salmon at Lower Granite Dam during winter when the fish bypass system is inoperable. U.S. DOI USFWS Columbia Plateau Mainstem Snake
200203300 John Day Salmonid Recovery Monitoring Program Tribe: Warm Springs Columbia Plateau John Day
200203400 Wheeler SWCD Riparian Buffer Planning and Implementation Wheeler SWCD Columbia Plateau John Day
200203500 Gilliam SWCD Riparian Buffers Gilliam SWCD Columbia Plateau John Day
200203600 Walla Walla River Flow Restoration Walla Walla WC Columbia Plateau Walla Walla
200203700 Characterize Genetic Differences and Distribution of Freshwater Mussels Tribe: Umatilla Columbia Plateau Umatilla
200203800 Protect Normative Structure and Function of Critical Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat City of Yakima, WA Columbia Plateau Yakima
200205201 Naches River Water Treatment Plant Intake Screening Project. City of Yakima, WA Columbia Plateau Yakima
200205700 Westland-Ramos Fish Passage and Habitat Restoration Pilot Project Westland ID Columbia Plateau Umatilla
200300100 Yakima-Klickitat Fisheries Project - Manastash Creek Fish Passage and Screening YKFP Columbia Plateau Yakima