List of proposals for FY 2003 Columbia Cascade Review Cycle
Click IDs to see full proposals
ID | Title | Sponsor | Province | Subbasin |
29001 | Evaluation of 1872 Water Rights to Supplement Flows Between Basins | Tribe: Colville | Columbia Cascade | Okanogan |
29002 | Conjunctive Use and River Enhancement (CURE) for Habitat Improvement in the Upper Methow River | Chewuch Basin Council | Columbia Cascade | Methow |
29003 | Acquire Property for Partial Wildlife Mitigation | Tribe: Colville | Columbia Cascade | Okanogan |
29004 | Control Okanogan Weeds -Invasive Species Project | Tribe: Colville | Columbia Cascade | Okanogan |
29005 | Validate Occurrence and Assess Abundance of Wildlife Species | Tribe: Colville | Columbia Cascade | Okanogan |
29006 | Supplement Spring Chinook in Early Winters Creek | Methow SRF | Columbia Cascade | Methow |
29007 | Okanogan Kelt Reconditioning | Tribe: Colville | Columbia Cascade | Okanogan |
29008 | Adult Passage Counting and Trapping at Zosel Dam | Tribe: Colville | Columbia Cascade | Okanogan |
29009 | Acquire Dole-Beebe Property and Associated Water Rights | WDFW | Columbia Cascade | Columbia Upper Middle |
29010 | Restore Passage on Private Lands in Beaver Creek Drainage to Benefit Spring Chinook, Steelhead and Bulltrout | WDFW | Columbia Cascade | Methow |
29011 | Sharp-tailed Grouse and Mule Deer Habitat Restoration and Enhancement on Sinlahekin Wildlife Area | WDFW | Columbia Cascade | Okanogan |
29012 | Replace Rockview Diversion with Groundwater Withdrawal and Restore Instream Habitat | WDFW | Columbia Cascade | Methow |
29013 | Acquire Land Adjacent to Chiliwist Creek and Develop Summer Chinook and Summer Steelhead Acclimation Pond | WDFW | Columbia Cascade | Okanogan |
29014 | The Effects of Impoundment on Fish and Amphibian Habitat Use in Eastern Washington | WDFW | Columbia Cascade | Entiat |
29015 | Thermal Imaging and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Development on the Okanogan Subbasin. | Tribe: Colville | Columbia Cascade | Okanogan |
29016 | Return of Okanagan Sockeye Salmon to their historic range. | Tribe: Colville | Columbia Cascade | Okanogan |
29017 | Prepare a Master Plan for Protecting and Restoring Salmon Habitat in Okanagan River | Tribe: Colville | Columbia Cascade | Okanogan |
29018 | Analyze ground-water and surface-water exchanges influencing anadromous salmonid habitat in the Methow River and its major tributaries | U.S. DOI USGS | Columbia Cascade | Methow |
29019 | Characterize and Assess Wildlife-Habitat Types and Stuctural Conditions for Okanogan sub-basin | Northwest Habitat Institute | Columbia Cascade | Okanogan |
29020 | Beaver CR Campground Rehabilitation | Okanogan CD | Columbia Cascade | Methow |
29021 | Develop a Physical Processes Method (PPM) to Supplement Habitat Conditions Analysis and Subbasin Planning | Golder | Columbia Cascade | Okanogan |
29022 | Omak Creek Water Temperature Model | Tribe: Colville | Columbia Cascade | Okanogan |
29023 | Restoration/Protection of Kartar Creek In-stream, riparian, and Wetland Habitats | Tribe: Colville | Columbia Cascade | Okanogan |
29024 | Analysis of multiple land uses and their effects to shrub-steppe habitat and wildlife species, such as roads, patterns of development and agriculture. | Douglas County, WA | Columbia Cascade | Columbia Upper Middle |
29025 | Columbia Cascade Province Pump Screening | WDFW | Columbia Cascade | Columbia Upper Middle |
29028 | Fabricate and Install Three New Fish Screens on Wenatchee River Diversions | WDFW | Columbia Cascade | Wenatchee |
29029 | Perform Range Forage Inventory for Large Ungulates | Tribe: Colville | Columbia Cascade | Okanogan |
29030 | Early life history and survival of spring chinook salmon and steelhead in the Methow River Basin | U.S. DOE PNNL | Columbia Cascade | Methow |
29031 | Out Year Operations and Maintenance Costs Required to Implement/Carry out MVID Rehabilitation Project | Tribe: Yakama | Columbia Cascade | Methow |
29032 | Okanogan Basin Water Strategy Development and Pilot Projects | Tribe: Colville | Columbia Cascade | Okanogan |
29034 | Life History Study of Salmonid Rearing In The Upper Methow River | Tribe: Yakama | Columbia Cascade | Methow |
29035 | Okanogan River Riparian and Upland Fish and Wildlife Habitat Aquisition | Stewardship Partners | Columbia Cascade | Okanogan |
29036 | Ali Long Rearing Channel Habitat Improvements- Upper Methow River | Tribe: Yakama | Columbia Cascade | Methow |
29037 | Ecosystem Diagnosis and Treatment in the Columbia Cascade Province | WDFW | Columbia Cascade | Okanogan |
29038 | Supplement Summer Steelhead Eightmile Creek/Chewuch River | Methow SRF | Columbia Cascade | Methow |
29041 | Evaluate Distribution, Abundance, Genetic Structure, and Habitat Use of Bull Trout Populations in the Columbia Cascade Province | U.S. DOI USFWS | Columbia Cascade | Columbia Upper Middle |
29042 | Selective Fish Collection And Harvesting Gear | Tribe: Colville | Columbia Cascade | Okanogan |
29043 | SSHIAP - Columbia Cascade Province | WDFW | Columbia Cascade | Columbia Upper Middle |
29044 | Protecting Habitat on Private Lands in the Methow Watershed | Methow Conservancy | Columbia Cascade | Methow |
29045 | Protect and Restore Salmon and Steelhead Habitat at the Similkameen/Okanogan River Confluence | Upper Columbia RFEG | Columbia Cascade | Okanogan |
29046 | Develop a Coordinated Resource Management Plan for Beaver Creek and plan and implement habitat restoration activities. | Okanogan CD | Columbia Cascade | Methow |
29050 | Phase I Okanogan River Spring Chinook Production | Tribe: Colville | Columbia Cascade | Okanogan |
29051 | Develop Local Okanogan River Steelhead Brood Stock | Tribe: Colville | Columbia Cascade | Okanogan |
29052 | Spatial and Temporal Occurrence of Salmonid Pathogens in the Upper Middle Mainstem Subbasin of the Columbia Cascade Province | Washington State U | Columbia Cascade | Columbia Upper Middle |
29053 | Icicle/Wenatchee Habitat Acquisition | Chelan-Douglas Land Trust | Columbia Cascade | Wenatchee |
29054 | Stream Gaging Installation and Operations | Washington Dept Ecology | Columbia Cascade | Okanogan |
29055 | Columbia Cascade Water Rights Acquisition | Washington Dept Ecology | Columbia Cascade | Columbia Upper Middle |
199604000 | Evaluate The Feasibility And Risks Of Coho Reintroduction In Mid-Columbia | Tribe: Yakama | Columbia Cascade | Wenatchee |
199604200 | Restore and Enhance Anadromous Fish Populations and Habitat in Salmon Creek | Tribe: Colville | Columbia Cascade | Okanogan |
199609400 | Increase sharp-tailed grouse and mule deer populations and enhance shrubsteppe/riparian habitats on the Scotch Creek Wildlife Area. | WDFW | Columbia Cascade | Okanogan |
200000100 | Improvement of Anadromous Fish Habitat and Passage in Omak Creek | Tribe: Colville | Columbia Cascade | Okanogan |
200000200 | Final Phase of the Chumstick Culvert Replacement and Habitat Restoration Enhancement | Chelan CD | Columbia Cascade | Wenatchee |
200001300 | Evaluate An Experimental Re-introduction of Sockeye Salmon into Skaha Lake | Tribe: Colville | Columbia Cascade | Okanogan |
200302000 | Hanan-Detwiler Passage Improvements | WDFW | Columbia Cascade | Entiat |
200302100 | Comprehensive Inventory and Prioritization of Fish Passage and Screening Problems in the Wenatchee and Entiat Subbasins | WDFW | Columbia Cascade | Wenatchee |
200302200 | Design and Conduct Monitoring and Evaluation Associated With Reestablishment of Okanogan Basin Natural Production | Tribe: Colville | Columbia Cascade | Okanogan |
200302300 | OK-11 Develop And Propagate Local Okanogan River Summer/Fall Chinook | Tribe: Colville | Columbia Cascade | Okanogan |
200304400 | The effects of fine sediment on the hyporheic zone: monitoring and evaluating the influence of hyporheic exchange flows on stream temperature. | U.S. DA USFS | Columbia Cascade | Wenatchee |