CSMEP Steering Committee
CSMEP's Steering Committee consists of representatives from participating federal, state and tribal entities (CBFWA, USFWS, ODFW, WDFW, IDGF, CRITFC, NPT, CCT, YN, StreamNet, BPA) and the project facilitator (ESSA Technologies Ltd.). The Steering Committee develops the overall strategies for CSMEP's activities and evaluates overall progress towards CSMEP objectives based on feedback from StreamNet and the CSMEP design workgroups (Status & Trends, Habitat Actions, Harvest, Hatcheries and Hydro). Biweekly Steering Committee teleconferences and quarterly workshops for CSMEP participants function to track progress, assure timely delivery of work products, and allow exploration of approaches for integration of M&E across the workgroups.
CSMEP's organizational structure for coordination of data inventories/assessments and the linked activities of the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) design workgroups