No. 21. Open Water - Lakes, Rivers, and Streams

Eva L. Greda, David H. Johnson, and Tom O’Neil

Lakes, Ponds, and Reservoirs

Geographical Distribution. Lakes in Oregon and Washington occur statewide and are found from near sea level to about 10,200 ft (3,110 m) above sea level. There are 3,887 lakes and reservoirs in western Washington and they total 176,920 acres (71,628 ha) 226. In contrast, there are 4,073 lakes and reservoirs in eastern Washington that total 436,843 acres (176,860 ha) 227. There are 6,000 lakes, ponds, and reservoirs in Oregon including almost 1,800 named lakes and over 3,800 named reservoirs, all amounting to 270,641 acres (109,571 ha). Oregon has the deepest lake in the nation, Crater Lake, at 1,932 ft (589 m) 23.

H21_1.JPG (279284 bytes)Physical Setting. Continental glaciers melted and left depressions, where water accumulated and formed many lakes in the region. These kinds of lakes are predominantly found in Lower Puget Sound. Landslides that blocked natural valleys also allowed water to fill in behind them to form lakes, like Crescent Lake, Washington. The lakes in the Cascades and Olympic ranges were formed through glaciation and range in elevation from 2,500 to 5,000 ft (762 to 1,524 m). Beavers create many ponds and marshes in Oregon and Washington. Craters created by extinct volcanoes, like Battleground Lake, Washington, also formed lakes. Human-made reservoirs created by dams impound water that creates lakes behind them, like Bonneville Dam on the main stem of the Columbia River. In the lower Columbia Basin, many lakes formed in depressions and rocky coulees through the process of seepage from irrigation waters 226.

Structure. There are 4 distinct zones within this aquatic system: (1) the littoral zone at the edge of lakes is the most productive with diverse aquatic beds and emergent wetlands (part of Herbaceous Wetland's habitat); (2) the limnetic zone is deep open water, dominated by phytoplankton and freshwater fish, and extends down to the limits of light penetration; (3) the profundal zone below the limnetic zone, devoid of plant life and dominated with detritivores; (4) and the benthic zone reflecting bottom soil and sediments. Nutrients from the profundal zone are recycled back to upper layers by the spring and fall turnover of the water. Water in temperate climates stratifies because of the changes in water density. The uppermost layer, the epilimnion, is where water is warmer (less dense). Next, the metalimnion or thermocline, is a narrow layer that prevents the mixing of the upper and lowermost layers. The lowest layer is the hypolimnion, with colder and most dense waters. During the fall turnover, the cooled upper layers are mixed with other layers through wind action.

H21_3.JPG (302465 bytes)Natural Disturbance Regime. There are seasonal and decadal variations in the patterns of precipitation. In the Coast Range, there is usually 1 month of drought per year (usually July or August) and 2 months of drought once in a decade. The Willamette Valley and the Cascades experience 1 month with no rain every year and a 2-month dry period every third year. In eastern Oregon, dry periods last 2 or 3 months every year, with dry spells as long as 4-6 months occurring once every 4 years. Dry years, with <33% of normal precipitation occur once every 30 years along the coast, every 20 years in the Willamette Valley, every 30 years in the Cascades, and every 15 years in most of eastern Oregon 23.

Floods occur in Oregon and Washington every year. Flooding season west of the Cascades occurs from October through April, with more than half of the floods occurring during December and January. Floods are the result of precipitation and snow melts. Floods west of the Cascades are influenced by precipitation mostly and thus are short-lived, while east of the Cascades floods are caused by melting snow, and the amount of flooding depends on how fast the snow melts. High water levels frequently last up to 60 days. In 1984, heavy precipitation flooded Malheur and Harney lakes to the point where the 2 lakes were joined together for several years. The worst floods have resulted from cloudbursts caused by thunderstorms, like Heppner, Oregon’s 1903 flood. Other "flash floods" in the region were among the largest floods in the U.S. and occurred in the John Day Basin’s Meyers Canyon in 1956 and the Umatilla Basin’s Lane Canyon in 1965 23.

Effects of Management and Anthropogenic Impacts. Sewage effluents caused eutrophication of Lake Washington in Seattle, where plants increased in biomass and caused decreased light transmission. The situation was corrected, however, before it became serious as a result of a campaign of public education, and timely cleanup of the lake 146. Irrigation projects aimed at watering drier portions of the landscape may pose flooding dangers, as was the case with Soap Lake and Lake Leonore in eastern Washington. Finally, natural salinity of lakes can decrease as a result of irrigation withdrawal and can change the biota associated with them 92.

Rivers and Streams

Geographic Distribution. Streams and rivers are distributed statewide in Oregon and Washington, forming a continuous network connecting high mountain areas to lowlands and the Pacific coast. There are >12,000 named rivers and streams in Oregon, totalling 112,640 miles (181,238 km) 23 in length. Oregon’s longest stretch of river is the Columbia (309 miles [497 km]) that borders Oregon and Washington. The longest river in Oregon is the John Day (284 miles [457 km]) and the shortest river is the D River (440 ft [134 m]) that is the world’s second shortest river. Washington has more streams than any other state except Alaska. In Washington, the coastal region has 3,783 rivers and streams totaling 8,176 miles (13,155 km) 174. The Puget Sound Region has 10,217 rivers and streams, which add to 16,600 miles (26,709 km) in length 223. The rivers and streams range from cold, fast-moving high-elevation streams to warmer lowland valley rivers 223. In all, there are 13,955 rivers and streams that add up to 24,774 miles (39,861 km) 174. There are many more streams in Washington yet to be catalogued 174.

H21_2.JPG (297363 bytes)Physical Setting. Climate of the area’s coastal region is very wet. The northern region in Washington is volcanic and bordered to the east by the Olympic Mountain Range, on the north by the Strait of Juan de Fuca, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. In contrast, the southern portion in Washington is characterized by low-lying, rolling hills 174. The Puget Sound Region has a wet climate. Most of the streams entering Puget Sound have originated in glacier fields high in the mountains. Water from melting snowpacks and glaciers provide flow during the spring and winter. Annual rainfall in the lowlands ranges from 35 to 50 inches (89-127 cm), from 75 to 100 inches (191 to 254 cm) in the foothills, and from 100 to >200 inches (254 to 508 cm) in the mountains (mostly in the form of snow) 174.

Rivers and streams in southwestern Oregon are fed by rain and are located in an area composed of sheared bedrock and is thus an unstable terrain. Streams in that area have high suspended-sediment loads. Beds composed of gravel and sand are easily transported during floods. The western Cascades in Washington and Oregon are composed of volcanically derived rocks and are more stable. They have low sediment-transport rates and stable beds composed largely of cobbles and boulders, which move only during extreme events 81. Velocities of river flow ranges from as little as 0.2 to 12 mph (0.3 to19.3 km/hr) while large streams have an average annual flow of 10 cubic feet (0.3 m3) per second or greater 23, 169. Rivers and streams in the Willamette Valley are warm, productive, turbid, and have high ionic strength. They are characterized by deep pools, and highly embedded stream bottoms with claypan and muddy substrates, and the greatest fish species diversity. High desert streams of the interior are similar to those of the Willamette Valley but are shallower, with fewer pools, and more runs, glides, cobbles, boulders, and sand. The Cascades and Blue mountains are similar in that they have more runs and glides and fewer pools, similar fish assemblages, and similar water quality 218.

H21_4.JPG (363994 bytes)Landscape setting. This habitat occurs throughout Washington and Oregon. Ponds, lakes, and reservoirs are typically adjacent to Herbaceous Wetlands, while rivers and streams typically adjoin the Westside Riparian Wetlands, Eastside Riparian Wetlands, Herbaceous Wetlands, or Bays and Estuaries habitats.

Other Classifications and Key References. This habitat is called riverine and lacustrine in Anderson et al. 10, Cowardin et al. 53, Washington Gap Analysis Project 37, Mayer and Laudenslayer 150, and Wetzel 217. However, this habitat is referred to as Open Water in the Oregon Gap II Project 126 and Oregon Vegetation Landscape-Level Cover Types 127.

Effects of Management and Anthropogenic Impacts. Removal of gravel results in reduction of spawning areas for anadromous fish. Overgrazing, and loss of vegetation caused by logging produces increased water temperatures and excessive siltation, harming the invertebrate communities such as that reported in the John Day River Basin, Oregon 146. Incorrectly installed culverts may act as barriers to migrating fish and may contribute to erosion and siltation downstream 174. Construction of dams is associated with changes in water quality, fish passage, competition between species, loss of spawning areas because of flooding, and declines in native fish populations 146. Historically, the region’s rivers contained more braided multi-channels. Flood control measures such as channel straightening, diking, or removal of streambed material along with urban and agriculture development have all contributed to a loss of oxbows, river meanders, and flood plains. Unauthorized or over-appropriated withdrawals of water from the natural drainages also has caused a loss of open water habitat that has been detrimental to fish and wildlife production, particularly in the summer 174.

Agricultural, industrial, and sewage runoff such as salts, sediments, fertilizers, pesticides, and bacteria harm aquatic species 146. Sludge and heavy waste buildup in estuaries is harmful to fish and shellfish. Unregulated aerial spraying of pesticides over agricultural areas also poses a threat to aquatic and terrestrial life 174. Direct loss of habitat and water quality occurs through irrigation 130. The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, after a study of water quality of the Willamette River, determined that up to 80% of water pollution enters the river from nonpoint sources and especially agricultural activity 23. Very large floods (e.g., Oregon Flood of 1964) may change the channels permanently through the settling of large amounts of sediments from hillslopes, through debris flow, and through movement of large boulders, particularly in the montane areas. The width of the channel along the main middle fork of the Willamette increased over a period of 8 years. Clearcutting creates excessive intermittent runoff conditions and increases erosion and siltation of streams as well as diminishes shade, and therefore causes higher water temperatures, fewer terrestrial and aquatic food organisms, and increased predation. Landslides, which contributed to the widening of the channel, were a direct result of clearcutting. Clearcut logging can alter snow accumulation and increase the size of peak flows during times of snowmelt 197. Clearcutting and vegetation removal affects the temperatures of streams, increasing them in the summer and decreasing in winter, especially in eastern parts of the Oregon and Washington 24. Building of roads, especially those of poor quality, can be a major contributor to sedimentation in the streams 82.

H21_5.JPG (226243 bytes)Status and Trends. The principal trend has been in relationship to dam building or channelization for hydroelectric power, flood control, or irrigation purposes. As an example, in 1994, there were >900 dams in Washington alone. The dams vary according to size, primary purpose, and ownership (state, federal, private, local) 214. The first dam and reservoir in Washington was the Monroe Street Dam and Reservoir, built in 1890 at Spokane Falls. Since then the engineering and equipment necessary for dam building developed substantially, culminating in such projects as the Grand Coulee Dam on the Columbia River 214. In response to the damaging effects of dams on the indigenous biota and alteration and destruction of freshwater aquatic habitats, Oregon and Washington state governments questioned the benefits of dams, especially in light of the federal listing of several salmon species. There are now talks of possibly removing small dams, like the Savage Rapids Dam in Oregon, to removing large federal dams like those on the lower Snake River 23.

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