FY07-09 proposal 199001800
Jump to Reviews and Recommendations
Section 1. Administrative
Proposal title | Lake Roosevelt Rainbow Tr Hab/Pass Impr Prog |
Proposal ID | 199001800 |
Organization | Colville Confederated Tribes |
Short description | The Lake Roosevelt Rainbow Trout Habitat/Passage Improvement Project is a resident fish substitution project to mitigate for anadromous fish losses above Chief Joseph and Grand Coulee Dams. The goal of the project is to increase natural production. |
Information transfer | Annual Report and data to BPA |
Proposal contact person or principal investigator |
Contact | Organization | |
Form submitter | ||
Sheri Sears | Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation | sheri.sears@colvilletribes.com |
All assigned contacts | ||
Mari Duran | mari.duran@colvilletribes.com | |
Sheri Sears | Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation | sheri.sears@colvilletribes.com |
Section 2. Locations
Province / subbasin: Intermountain / Sanpoil
Latitude | Longitude | Waterbody | Description |
48 27" N | 118 17" W | Lake Roosevelt | Upper Columbia Sub-basin within Colville Reservation and North Half Boundaries |
48 26" N | 118 45" W | Lake Roosevelt and the San Poil River | San Poil Sub-basin within Colville Reservation |
Section 3. Focal species
primary: Rainbow Troutsecondary: Interior Redband Trout
Additional: Kokanee
Section 4. Past accomplishments
Year | Accomplishments |
2005 | Riparian fencing of lower 1500 feet of Bridge Creek, Thirty Mile lower culvert replacement . Stabilzation on 300 feet of Sanpoil River. Repaired fencing on S. Nanamkin and upper Bridge Creek. Adult and juvenile trapping on seven streams. Gold Creek survey |
2004 | Created new channel lower 1500 feet Bridge Creek. 23-Mile habitat and horizontal survey. Adult and juvenile trapping and redd surveys in six streams. Deerhorn, King, and Roaring Creek culvert replacements.Stabilized erosion upper Thirty Mile Creek. |
2003 | Implemented stabilization, habitat improvements, and riparian fencing on 2500 ft of Bridge Creek. Road decommisioning and stabilization of washouts on five sites. Replaced 2 old culverts and stabilized erosion on Thirty Mile. Trapping and 30-Mile survey. |
2002 | Designed upper Bridge Creek improvements, NEPA, and legal survey. Adult, juvenile adfluvial rainbow trout trapping and redd surveys on four streams. Defined and mapped barriers and reaches for EDT test section on Sanpoil. Water diversion S. Nanamakin Ck. |
2001 | Horizontal and habitat survey of Bridge Creek. Baseline adult adfluvial rainbow trout and juvenile outmigrant trapping in spring and kokanee trapping in fall. Electroshock/population estimates on Bridge Creek. Installed culvert at Old State Highway on BRC |
2000 | Post-implementation horizontal and habitat surveys on five project streams (Louie, Iron, Blue, North Nanamkin, and South Nanamkin. Population estimate of juvenile adfluvial rainbow trout. Adult spawning and juvenile outmigration surveys (trapping). |
1999 | Post-implementation horizontal and habitat surveys on five project streams (Louie, Iron, Blue, North Nanamkin, and South Nanamkin. Population estimate of juvenile adfluvial rainbow trout. Adult spawning and juvenile outmigration surveys (trapping). |
1998 | Post-implementation horizontal and habitat surveys on five project streams (Louie, Iron, Blue, North Nanamkin, and South Nanamkin. Population estimate of juvenile adfluvial rainbow trout. Adult spawning and juvenile outmigration surveys (trapping). |
1997 | Post-implementation horizontal and habitat surveys on five project streams (Louie, Iron, Blue, North Nanamkin, and South Nanamkin. Population estimate of juvenile adfluvial rainbow trout. Adult spawning and juvenile outmigration surveys (trapping). |
1996 | Post-implementation horizontal and habitat surveys on five project streams (Louie, Iron, Blue, North Nanamkin, and South Nanamkin. Population estimate of juvenile adfluvial rainbow trout. Adult spawning and juvenile outmigration surveys (trapping). |
1995 | Post-implementation horizontal and habitat surveys on five project streams (Louie, Iron, Blue, North Nanamkin, and South Nanamkin. Population estimate of juvenile adfluvial rainbow trout. Adult spawning and juvenile outmigration surveys (trapping). |
1994 | Implemented stream improvements and culvert replacements on Iron and Louie Creeks. Designed post-implementation monitoring plan. |
1993 | Implemented stream improvements on Blue Creek, northfork of North Nanamkin, and South Nanamkin at SR21. Developed plans for improvements on Iron and Louie Creeks. |
1992 | Developed plans for stream improvements on Blue Creek, northfork of North Nanamkin, channel restoration at SR21, and arch culvert upstream of South Nanamkin. Installed arch culvert on South Nanamkin |
1991 | Surveyed 17 additional streams in the Sanpoil and Upper Columbia Subbasins to determine limiting factors. Surveys were completed in cooperation with the Colville Confederated Tribes, Spokane Tribe of Indians, and WDFW. |
1990 | Surveyed 5 streams in the San Poil and Upper Columbia Sub-basins to determine limiting factors. Cooperative effort with the Colville Confederated Tribes, Spokane Tribe of Indians, and the WDFW. |
Section 5. Relationships to other projects
Funding source | Related ID | Related title | Relationship |
BPA | 199501100 | Chief Joseph Kokanee Enhanceme | Cooperative work on trapping of kokanee and habitat enhancement projects beneficial to both adfluvial rainbow trout and kokanee |
BPA | 198503800 | Colville Hatchery | Redband broodstock collection and brook trout egg collection, fish planting, stream surveys |
BPA | 199404300 | Lake Roosevelt Data Collection | Cooperative data collection. Coordination with all area managers. Collect creel data including wild RBT caught by anglers. Exchange of data on kokanee release strategies. |
Other: EPA | 68-S7-04-01 | Lake Roosevelt Risk Assessment/Feasibility Study | Assess contamination within Lake Roosevelt from heavy metals, dioxins, and furans and affects on fisheries |
BPA | 199502700 | Lake Roosevelt Sturgeon | Cooperative data collection on juvenile and adult sturgeon in Lake Roosevelt. |
BPA | 199700400 | Joint Stock Assessment Project | Upload collected data to central database. Coordinatio of data collection and data gaps |
[Funding Source left blank] | [no entry] | [Relationship field left blank] |
Section 6. Biological objectives
Biological objectives | Full description | Associated subbasin plan | Strategy |
Monitor watershed processes & biological responses | Monitor biological response in fish with migratory & juvenile trapping, electro-shocking, snorkeling, and spawing ground surveys. Monitor flows, stream temperatures, and sediment levels. Monitor watershed processes with baseline and TFW protocol habitat surveys. | Intermountain | 1B1 1B4 1B7 |
Monitor watershed status and trends over time | Conduct primary monitoring status and trend in the Sanpoil and Upper Columbia portions of the Reservation with EMAP random selection tools and using Okanogan Baseline Monitoring and Evaluation Program (OBMEP) physical habitat, biological, and water quality protocols. | Intermountain | 1B3 a |
Reduce sediment addtion in Sanpoil River | Armor and stabilize two actively eroding reaches of the Sanpoil River to the reduce the delivery of sediment to downstream reaches | Intermountain | 1B1 1B5 a 1B6 a |
Restore channel and reconnect floodplains | Restore channel and floodplain stability, complexity, diversity, and function to improve the quantity and quality of spawnig and rearing habitats | Intermountain | 1B a 1B2 a & c 1B3 a, b, c, d, & f 1B5 a, c & d |
Restore historic dist.of native salmonid species | Restore historic distribution of native sensitive salmonid stocks (redband rainbow trout and kokane). | Intermountain | 1C1, 1C2, 1C3 |
Restore hydrologic function | Restore the water and sediment retention capacity of wetlands and beaver ponds in the headwaters and floodplains to moderate flow, improve water quality, reduce sediment loads, and increase adfluvial rainbow trout egg to juvenile out-migrant (smolt) survival rates. | Intermountain | 1B1e 1B4 e & f 1B7 a & b |
Restore passage | Eliminate passage barriers to adult adfluvial rainbow trout at culverts in Iron Creek and Bear Creek to increase survival rate of juvenile, improve access to spawning habitat. Conduct low flow studies to determine flow barriers | Intermountain | 1B1 a, b, c, d, & e |
Restore riparian communities | Restore diverse native riparian plant communities that provide shade, habitat structure, bank stability, detritus, and support wildlife species including beaver. | Intermountain | 1B3 a, b, c, d, & e, 1B4 a, b, & c 1B5 a & d 1B6a & d |
Return marine derived nutrient to system | Distribute marine dervied nutrients in the form of Bi-Oregon "fish cakes" to areas of the Sanpoil River drainage that have moderate to high historic probability of salmon presence and spawning use. | Intermountain | 1A2 a 1B2 c |
Section 7. Work elements (coming back to this)
Work element name | Work element title | Description | Start date | End date | Est budget |
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation | NEPA Compliance Documentation | Provide all necessary documents to BPA Environmental Compliance Dept. including maps and Environmental Check List for each action that that requires review. All documents needed for internal Tribal integrated review process and obtain all required permits. | 10/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $3,000 |
Biological objectives |
Metrics |
Outreach and Education | Present resident fish program to Tribal students at the Northwest Indian College | Present information on the Tribes' Resident Fish Program to Tribal students at the Northwest Indian College and present at least once a year at conference such as the Lake Roosevelt Forum, CBFWA Resident Fish Committee and others as opportunities arise. | 10/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $300 |
Biological objectives |
Metrics * # of students reached: 30 students per year * # of teachers reached: 2 teachers per year * # of general public reached: 250 persons |
Install Fish Passage Structure | Remove/Replace 4 fish passage barriers. | Install 3 culverts on Iron Creek, Replace culvert at Highway 21 at Bear Creek | 8/15/2007 | 9/30/2008 | $187,108 |
Biological objectives Restore passage |
Metrics * Does the structure remove or replace a fish passage barrier?: yes |
Install Fish Monitoring Equipment | Monitor Fish Use Of Habitat Improvements | Install weir, screw trap, and out-migrant traps and monitor adult and juvenile fish populations in selected streams within the San Poil and Upper Columbia drainages that have had habitat enhancements completed. | 1/15/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $10,749 |
Biological objectives Monitor watershed processes & biological responses |
Metrics |
Install Fish Monitoring Equipment | Monitoring Juvenile Fish Populations In San Poil River and Upper Columbia sub-basin | Install and Monitor Juvenile Out-Migrant Traps and Screw Trap in selected streams in the San Poil River Drainage and Tributaries in the Upper Columbia Sub-basin That Flow into Lake Roosevelt to collect data on biolgocial response and status. Collect and submit DNA samples for gentic testing. | 3/1/2007 | 7/15/2009 | $157,471 |
Biological objectives Monitor watershed processes & biological responses |
Metrics |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | Collect & Capture Field Fish Monitoring Data | Enter data collected on adult and juvenile fish trappig in spring , redd surveys, and redd habitat assessments, temperatue data collection, stream survey data, GPS and digitize all information into GIS System and Colville Database and Joint Stock Assessment Database. Collect scales and genetic samples, sed samples in for genetic testing, capture data. | 10/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $32,850 |
Biological objectives Monitor watershed processes & biological responses |
Metrics |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | Assist In monitoring kokanee adult returns in Sanpoil River | Assist in monitoring kokanee adult returns to the Sanpoil River. Cooperative monitoring with BPA funded Chief Joseph Kokanee Enhancement Project (1995-011-00) | 10/1/2007 | 12/15/2009 | $29,820 |
Biological objectives Monitor watershed processes & biological responses Restore historic dist.of native salmonid species |
Metrics |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | Electroshock Areas Of Isolated Habitat To Collect DNA Samples and Determine Distribution of Redband Populations on the Colville Reservation | Electro-shock (one-half mile per stream) of habitat isolated from the rest of the stream by waterfalls or other natural barriers that have maintained genetic purity. Collect samples for redband trout DNA identification. Have samples tested at WADFW Genetics Lab in Olympia for comparison to redband samples collected by other agencies and identify sub-populations of redband rainbow trout. Sytematically testing all streams on the Reservation and mapping distribution of redband rainbow trout with GIS. Assess limiting factors and determine if inter-species competition from adfluvial and resident rainbow are affecting redband populations and develop managment strategies. | 8/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $36,211 |
Biological objectives Restore historic dist.of native salmonid species |
Metrics |
Increase Instream Habitat Complexity | Install log veins, rock veins, habitat boulders, LWD, and rootwads in Nine Mile and Hall Creeks | Treat 3 miles of stream with the installation of log veins, rock veins, habitat boulders, LWD, and rootwads in sections of Nine Mile and Hall Creeks to restore channel and floodplain stability, complexity, diversity and function. Plant native grasses, shrubs, and trees in riparian areas where work was done and fence as needed. | 8/15/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $127,171 |
Biological objectives Restore channel and reconnect floodplains Restore riparian communities |
Metrics * # of stream miles treated: 3 miles |
Plant Vegetation | Plant trees and native grasses along riparian areas of Sanpoil River and it's tributaties and tributaries in the Upper Columbia sub-basin that flow into Lake Roosevelt. | Plant native trees, shrubs, and grasses along 3 miles of riparian areas per year in the Sanpoil River and tributaries and tributaries in the Upper Columbia sub-basin that flow into Lake Roosevelt to restore diverse native riparian plant communities that provide shade, habitat structire, bank stability, detritus and support wildlife species including beaver. | 4/15/2007 | 6/15/2009 | $37,646 |
Biological objectives Restore riparian communities |
Metrics |
Install Fence | Install riparian fencing to exclude cattle | Install 6 miles of riparian fencing to exclude cattle from riparian areas and streams to protect riparian restoration and function. | 8/15/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $79,244 |
Biological objectives Restore riparian communities |
Metrics * # of miles of fence: 6 miles |
Decommission Road | Decommission riparian and upland roads in San Poil Drainage and tributaries in Upper Columbia sub-basin within Reservation boundaries. | Decommission 30 miles of road that is contributing sediment to streams in the Sanpoil Drainage and Colville Reservation lands in the Upper Columbia subbasin. Decommsioning will include re-contouring of cut banks, ripping, seeding, and planting trees to restore hydrologic function and decrease sediment addition. | 8/30/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $152,236 |
Biological objectives Restore channel and reconnect floodplains Restore hydrologic function Restore riparian communities |
Metrics * # of road miles decommissioned : 30 miles |
Upland Erosion and Sedimentation Control | Armor and stabilize 50 acres (2000-Feet) of Actively Eroding Bank on the Sanpoil River | Place large and medium boulders to stabilize erosion along 2 1000-foot sections of the San Poil above North Nanamkin Creek and below Bridge Creek and reduce sediment delivery to downstream reaches. | 8/1/2007 | 9/30/2007 | $73,221 |
Biological objectives Reduce sediment addtion in Sanpoil River |
Metrics * # of acres treated: 50 acres |
Remove vegetation | Upland and Riparian Weed Control | Hand pull and/or apply herbicide to non-native invasive vegetation and noxious weeds on 3 acres in upland and riparian areas to help establish native vegetation and restore riparian communities and hydrologic function in watersheds | 10/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $43,903 |
Biological objectives Restore hydrologic function Restore riparian communities |
Metrics * # of acres treated: 3 acres |
Operate and Maintain Habitat/Passage | Monitor and Maintain Existing Habitat and Passage Improvements | Monitor existing habitat and passage improvements two times a years and perform maintainance as needed on existing habitat and passage improvements to maintain function. | 8/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $24,463 |
Biological objectives Monitor watershed processes & biological responses Restore riparian communities |
Metrics |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | Monitor Stream Temperatures, Flow Regimes, & Sediment Levels | Monitor stream temperatures, flow regimes, and sediment levels in areas to monitor land use impacts and watershed processes and water quality responses ito habitat enhancements in the Sanpoil and Upper Columbia Subbasins. | 3/31/2007 | 11/30/2009 | $33,513 |
Biological objectives Monitor watershed processes & biological responses Restore hydrologic function Restore riparian communities |
Metrics |
Install Flow Measuring Device | Install 2 fixed USGS Flow Monitoring stations and Monitor Flows in San Poil River and West Fork | Install and operated 2 real time fixed USGS flow monitoring stations on the Sanpoil River and the West Fork of the Sanpoil. | 8/15/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $104,584 |
Biological objectives Monitor watershed processes & biological responses |
Metrics * Is the measuring device portable or fixed?: 2 Fixed Stations |
Remove or Relocate Non-predaceous Animals | Relocated Beaver into Middle and Upper Reaches of Streams in the Sanpoil and Upper Columbia subbasins. | Enhance water retention in watersheds and restore hydrologic funcion and sediment retention capacity of wetlands and beaver ponds in headwaters adn floodplains to moderate flow, improve water quality, reduce sediment loads, and increasse adfluvial rainbow trout eff to juvenile out-migrant (smolt) survival by trapping and relocating at least 15 nuisance beaver in family groups of 3-4 per site in the Sanpoil drainage and tributaries on the Colville Reservation in the Upper Columbia subbasin. | 5/15/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $36,130 |
Biological objectives Restore hydrologic function |
Metrics |
Produce Inventory or Assessment | Baseline & Horizontal Survey Lost Creek, Hall Creek, Nine Mile Creek, Strawbery Creek, Upper Lynx Creek, and Stranger Creek | Conduct baseline and horizontal surveys on 6 streams using Timber Fish and Wildlife habitat survey protocols to monitor changes in watershed processes and collect data to in areas idendified as locations of data gaps in the IMP Subbasin Plans. | 10/1/2007 | 11/30/2009 | $274,956 |
Biological objectives Monitor watershed processes & biological responses |
Metrics |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | Primary monitoring of status and trend of the San Poil and Upper Columbia sub-basins using EMAP criteria | Monitor status and trend in the Sanpoil and Upper Columbia subbasins within the Colville Reservation with EMAP random selection tools and using Okanogan Baseline Monitoring and Evaluation Program (OBMEP) protocols monitor 10 sites per year rotating with repeating cycles every 5 years for guidance in evaluation and adaptive managment of long-term changes to watershed hydrology and functions. | 10/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $57,942 |
Biological objectives Monitor watershed status and trends over time |
Metrics Primary R, M, and E Type: Status and Trend Monitoring |
Enhance Nutrients Instream | Return marine derived nutrients to system (pilot study) | Place marine derived fish cakes from BioOregon into 26 Tributaries in the San Poil Drainage that historically had a moderate to high probability of salmon presence and monitor affects on productivity. | 4/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $97,208 |
Biological objectives Return marine derived nutrient to system |
Metrics |
Disseminate Raw/Summary Data and Results | GPS Or Digitize All Information Into Tribal GIS System | Transform all current (collected furing contract performance period) raw data into shapefiles for use with Tribal GIS System. | 10/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $18,005 |
Biological objectives |
Metrics |
Coordination | Coordinate With Tribe & Outside Agencies | Coordinate with various agencies for culvert replacement , monitoring, and water quality issues. | 10/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $77,318 |
Biological objectives |
Metrics |
Create/Manage/Maintain Database | Technical Assistance To Other F&W BPA Projects | Provide internal GIS support to other Colville Tribal BPA Projects | 10/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $28,024 |
Biological objectives |
Metrics |
Manage and Administer Projects | Manage & Administer Project | Manage and administer project by attend project related meetings, project related training, create SOW, budget, spending plan and inventory. Submit accruals and manage staff. | 10/1/2007 | 9/30/2009 | $64,485 |
Biological objectives |
Metrics |
Produce Pisces Status Report | Produce Quarterly Pisces Status Report | Quarterly status reports on Pisces - red/yellow/green. | 10/1/2007 | 10/30/2009 | $13,124 |
Biological objectives |
Metrics |
Produce Status Report | FY Annual Report | Prepare Annual Report and submit to BPA COTR. | 10/1/2007 | 1/30/2010 | $27,768 |
Biological objectives |
Metrics |
Section 8. Budgets
Itemized estimated budget
Item | Note | FY07 | FY08 | FY09 |
Personnel | [blank] | $219,574 | $232,217 | $232,217 |
Fringe Benefits | [blank] | $52,085 | $54,691 | $54,691 |
Supplies | [blank] | $13,108 | $13,108 | $13,108 |
Travel | [blank] | $5,000 | $5,000 | $5,000 |
Capital Equipment | [blank] | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Other | Utilities & GSA | $30,734 | $30,734 | $30,734 |
Other | sub-contracts | $276,039 | $226,168 | $76,168 |
Other | Indirect | $82,845 | $87,616 | $87,616 |
Totals | $679,381 | $649,530 | $499,530 |
Total estimated FY 2007-2009 budgets
Total itemized budget: | $1,828,441 |
Total work element budget: | $1,828,450 |
Cost sharing
Funding source/org | Item or service provided | FY 07 est value ($) | FY 08 est value ($) | FY 09 est value ($) | Cash or in-kind? | Status |
Totals | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Section 9. Project future
FY 2010 estimated budget: $600,000 FY 2011 estimated budget: $600,000 |
Comments: Estimate actual cost of $542,500, however $600000 would allow for on the ground improvements during those out years. |
Future O&M costs: If the results of the nutrient enhancement project are positive we would like to expand the operations to include the Upper Columbia Sub-basin that would allow for increased productivity in Lake Roosevelt.
Termination date: none
Comments: Nutirent enhancement and monitoring will be ongoing until salmon have been returned to the blocked areas in sufficient numbers to supply the nutrient base necessary for the ecosystem to function.
Final deliverables: Annual reports will be submitted as deliverable each year. Additional deliverables may include but are not limited to trapping reports, genetic reports, and habitat data.
Section 10. Narrative and other documents
Lake Roosevelt Habitat Improvement Project Revised | Jul 2006 |
Lake Roosevelt Habitat Improvement Project Comments | Jul 2006 |
Reviews and recommendations
FY07 budget | FY08 budget | FY09 budget | Total budget | Type | Category | Recommendation |
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs] | ||||||
$679,385 | $649,533 | $499,533 | $1,828,451 | Expense | ProvinceExpense | Fund |
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs] | ||||||
$679,385 | $649,533 | $499,533 | $0 | ProvinceExpense | ||
Comments: ISRP fundable (qualified): sponsor should consider ISRP comments. |
Recommendation: Not fundable
NPCC comments: All elements of the proposal are in need of such revision that a response is not warranted. The Panel repeats the comment from the previous review that "it is essential that project staff secure the services of a senior level scientist with expertise in data acquisition and interpretation." The reporting of results continues to be inadequate, and there is no evidence of benefits to fish populations. Fifteen years of results are briefly mentioned without supporting information or data synthesis. Some are positive (discovery of "extensive" redband distribution, stocking of only triploid rainbow trout, use of QHA in prioritization, but results of that effort are never identified). Some are inconclusive (results of monitoring years of instream habitat "improvement" efforts were "inconclusive"). And at least one will probably prove negative (creation of a new channel through braided section of Bridge Creek). Presentation of that data analysis (summary tables and graphs) is needed. The "objectives" and methods provided are, word for word, identical to the Colville Confederated Tribe's Lake Rufus Woods proposal 200727000. For consistency, pertinent reviewers’ comments for 200727000 are appended: "Superficially, the components of the project purport to benefit fish resources, but in reality this appears to be data gathering only justified by a desire to accumulate data, and there is little compelling evidence that fish would benefit. Most of the proposal is an extraction from the Subbasin Plan without developing it further. There are no objectives discussed, no critical needs or biological bottlenecks described, and little logic presented. The proposal gives inadequate justification that this data gathering activity would benefit fish resources. The narrative is not properly organized. It is confusingly written in other respects, as well. Various required topics are not covered. This seems to be a project designed to carry out various procedures of fish population and habitat survey, but the underlying purposes (objectives) are not explained. Methods should follow from objectives. Statistical design of sampling and analysis procedures is largely missing."
ISRP FINAL REVIEW (Aug 31, 2006)
Recommendation: Fundable (Qualified)
NPCC comments: The response and revised proposal gave a more readable and detailed account of project results and anticipated activities. Reviewers continue to maintain a position (as detailed in ISRP preliminary comments) that past results are below a standard of adequacy in terms of quality and quantity of efforts to benefit fish when compared with similar projects throughout the basin. Substantial progress is needed during the 07-09 funding cycle. The addition of a subcontract for statistical advising is positive, but only if the (unidentified) subcontractor has appropriate qualifications and practical experience in problem solving. Input from a fluvial geomorphologist would significantly aid project design and implementation. Reviewers share with project staff an appreciation of the challenges involved in assessing the abundance of adfluvial salmonids. It is important that a set of standardized metrics (for example, trapping during some specified portion of the hydrograph excluding peak flows, coupled with electrofishing or snorkeling at summer base flow) be developed that, taken together, satisfactorily assess changes in fish numbers from year to year. Those metrics can be further compared with fish data from EMAP trend monitoring from the set of reference stream reaches, and with hydrograph and temperature "real time" monitoring to help put physical conditions for that year in perspective, relative to habitat and fish population changes. Reviewers also share with project staff the awareness that environmental conditions in interior streams are changing, with the heightened peaks in spring flow followed by drought seen in project streams likely continuing. This makes sampling more difficult and puts additional pressure on restoration activities because marginal-quality habitat actions that might have been somewhat beneficial to fish two decades ago now are useless.