Archived Committee Websites

Link Description
AFAC Anadromous Fish Advisory Committee
RFAC Resident Fish Advisory Committee
WAC Wildlife Advisory Committee
LTWG Lamprey Technical Workgroup Committee
Members Members
MAG Members Advisory Group
BRAT Biological Risk Advisory Team
LTWG Lamprey Technical Workgroup Committee

Archived Monitoring Strategies Websites

Link Description
ASMS Anadromous Salmonid Monitoring Strategies (ASMS). This site contains the latest Viable Salmonid Population (VSP), habitat and hatchery effectiveness monitoring inventory tables organized by Evolutionary Significant Unit (ESU)/Distinct Population Segment (DPS).
RFMS Resident Fish Monitoring Strategies (RFMS). This site contains the latest Viable White Sturgeon (VWSP), habitat and hatchery effectiveness monitoring inventory tables organized by management unit or population.
CSMEP Collaborative Systemwide Monitoring and Evaluation Project

Archived BPA Project Websites

Link Description
Project Finder (1997-2009 projects) All FY 1997 through 2009 projects with search/filter feature
Project Solicitations (07-09) Fiscal year 2007 - 2009 F&W Program Project Proposals
Implementation Report FY 2001-2004 Fish & Wildlife Program Implementation Report
Maps Province/Subbasin Maps with BPA Fish & Wildlife Projects (FY 2001-2004)

Archived BPA Project Review Cycles

See the Council's Reviews page for other 2004-2009 reviews, and for current project reviews

Link Description
Mainstem (FY03) The Mainstem/Systemwide Review Cycle includes projects on the mainstem Columbia River downstream of Chief Joseph Dam; projects on the mainstem Snake River downstream of Hells Canyon Dam; and projects with a system-wide application throughout the Columbia River basin. (3-year cycle)
Request for Studies (FY03) On March 14, 2003, Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) solicited for proposals which would fill research gaps needed for the successful implementation of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) 2000 FCRPS Biological Opinion.
LSRCP (FY02) Lower Snake River Compensation Plan Proposal Review - Reviewed in concert with the Blue Mountain, Mountain Snake, and Columbia Plateau Rolling Provincial Review processes. (3-year cycle)
High Priority (FY01) FY 2001 High Priority - Proposals for high priority work in the Columbia River Basin
Innovative (FY02) Fiscal Year 2002 Innovative Project Proposal Solicitation - BPA defines innovative projects as those which rely primarily on a method or technology that (1) has not previously been used in a fish or wildlife project in the Pacific Northwest, or (2) although used in other projects, has not previously been used in an application of this kind. The purpose of "innovative" projects is to explore new methods and technologies, and new applications for existing methods and technologies, to directly benefit fish and wildlife.
Innovative (FY01) FY 2001 Innovative - In 1999, the Independent Scientific Review Panel (ISRP) recommended that the Northwest Power Planning Council establish a special funding category to encourage innovative projects for the Council's Fish and Wildlife Program.
Action Plan (FY01) The 2001 Action Plan Review Cycle was initiated to compensate for the lack of spill during the 2001 drought and power emergency.
Ongoing (FY01)  
Proposals for 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997

Archived BPA Project Review Cycles by Province

Blue Mountain (FY02)
Columbia Cascade (FY03)
Columbia Estuary (FY03)
Columbia Gorge (FY01)
Columbia Plateau (FY02)
Intermountain (FY01)
Lower Columbia (FY03)
Middle Snake (FY03)
Mountain Columbia (FY02)
Mountain Snake (FY02)
Upper Snake (FY03)