FY07-09 proposal 199206100

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Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleAlbeni Falls Wildlife Mitigation
Proposal ID199206100
OrganizationAlbeni Falls Interagency Work Group
Short descriptionProtect, restore, enhance, and maintain wetland and wildlife habitat in Pend Oreille, Coeur d'Alene, and Kootenai Subbasins as ongoing mitigation for impacts associated with the construction and innundation of the Albeni Falls hydroelectric project.
Information transferInformation transfer will be through web interfaced database.
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
Form submitter
Katherine Cousins Idaho Department of Fish and Game kcousins@idfg.idaho.gov
All assigned contacts
Katherine Cousins Idaho Department of Fish and Game kcousins@idfg.idaho.gov
Ray D. Entz Kalispel Tribe rentz@knrd.org
Anders Mikkelsen Coeur d'Alene Tribe amikkelsen@cdatribe-nsn.gov
Scott Soults Kootenai Tribe of Idaho soults@kootenai.org

Section 2. Locations

Province / subbasin: Intermountain / Pend Oreille

[none] Carey Creek Conservation Unit - KT
48.2050 -116.4136 Beaver Lake Beaver Lake Conservation Unit - KT
Benewah Creek Johnson parcel - CdAT
Cocolalla Creek Cocolalla Lake Habitat Segment - IDFG
48.2231 -116.3917 Gamblin Lake Gamblin Lake Conservation Unit - KT
Hangman Creek Hangman Creek - CdAT
Kootenai River Wheeler Peninsula - KTOI
48.9913 -116.5550 Kootenai River Boundary Creek WMA - IDFG
Lake Creek Windy Bay parcel - CdAT
Lower West Branch Priest River Priest River Conservation Unit - KT
Middle Fork Clark Fork Carter's Island and Derr Creek Habitat Segments - IDFG
Pack River Rapid Lightning and Trout Creek Habitat Segments - IDFG
Pack River Lower Pack River Habitat Segment - IDFG
48.2135 -116.2615 Pend Oreille Lake Denton Slough Habitat Segment - IDFG
48.1760 -117.0178 Pend Oreille River Albeni Cover Habitat Segment - IDFG
Perkins Lake Perkins Lake - KTOI
Saint Joe River Goose Haven Lake parcel - CdAT
Tacoma Creek Tacoma-Trimble Management Area - KT
Westmond Creek Westmond Lake - IDFG

Section 3. Focal species

primary: All Wildlife
Additional: Bald Eagle, Black-capped Chickadee, Canada Goose, Mallard, Muskrat, Redhead, White-tailed Deer, and Yellow Warbler

Section 4. Past accomplishments

2005 Completed HEP reports on several properties in ID and WA. Protected 40 acres of wetland south of the McArthur Wildlife Management Area, and 310 acres of wetland and riparian habitat on the Pack River.
2004 Protected 505 acres and 579.63 HUs of wetland and riparian habitat near Cusick, WA; 130 acres and 317.74 HUs near Sagle, ID; and 1,372 acres and 364 HUs near Plummer, ID (Hangman Creek).
2003 Completed management plans for ~1,200 acres in WA state known as Tacoma/Trimble WMA.
2002 Protected 408 acres and 499.58 HUs of wetland and riparian habitat near Sagle, ID and 117 acres and 172.95 HUs near Priest River, ID
2001 Protected 450 acres and 232 HUs of wetland and riparian habitat near Cusick, WA.
2000 Protected 740 acres and an estimated 546 HUs of wetlands and riparian habitat near Cusick, WA. Protection of 63 acres and an estimated 140.73 HUs of wetland habitat near Priest River, ID
1999 Protected 1,884 acres of wetland habitat in Boundary and Bonner County, ID: Boundary Creek (1,405 acres), Trout Creek (216 acres), Lower Pack River (30 acres), Albeni Cove (70 acres), Westmond Lake (65 acres), Cocolalla Lake (98 acres).
1998 Protected 110 acres (187 HUs) of wetland habitat on the Pack River in Bonner County, ID: Rapid Lightning (109.95 acres; 187.02 HUs).
1997 Protected 353 acres (726 HUs) of high quality wetland habitat in the Hope/Clark Fork area of Bonner County, ID: Derr Creek (240 acres; 373.27 HUs), Denton Slough (16.76 acres; 41.44 HUs), and Carter's Island (95.9 acres; 311.82 HUs).
1996 Completed Albeni Falls Wildlife Management Plan: Final Environmental Assessment.
1995 N/A
1994 N/A
1993 N/A
1992 N/A
1991 N/A
1990 N/A
1989 N/A
1988 Completed Albeni Falls Protection, Mitigation, and Enhancement Plan.
1987 N/A
1986 N/A
1985 Completed Albeni Falls Wildlife Mitigation Status Report.

Section 5. Relationships to other projects

Funding sourceRelated IDRelated titleRelationship
BPA 199004401 Lake Creek Land Acquisition Partial mitigation (up to 750 HUs) for Albeni Falls Dam losses
BPA 199106000 Pend Oreille Wetlands Acquisition Partial mitigation (~ 1,300 HUs) for Albeni Falls Dam losses
BPA 200103300 Hangman Watershed Acquisition 2004 and 2005 one time habitat acquisitions charged to Albeni Falls Dam
Other: Pend Oreille PUD #1 [no entry] Tacoma WMA and Everett Is. WMA Like management adjacent to BPA mitigation lands.
Other: Avista Clark Fork Dams Clark Fork Delta habitat protection/enhancement Like actions to protect/enhance wetland and riparian habitats in the Clark Fork Delta
BPA 199004400 Coeur D'Alene Reservation Habi Provided floodplain and instream habitat enhancements that benefited AFD wildlife project HU contributions to BPA

Section 6. Biological objectives

Biological objectivesFull descriptionAssociated subbasin planStrategy
Enhance >4,935 acres of in-kind habitat by FY 09 Increase open water wetlands and overall diversity. Intermountain Strategy b: Develop and implement management plans consistent with Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority (CBFWA) Guidelines for Enhancement, Operation, and Maintenance Activities for Wildlife Mitigation Projects
Enhance >4,935 acres of in-kind habitat by FY 09 Facilities improvements, construct boundary fences to prevent trespass grazing. Intermountain Strategy b: Develop and implement management plans consistent with Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority (CBFWA) Guidelines for Enhancement, Operation, and Maintenance Activities for Wildlife Mitigation Projects
Enhance >4,935 acres of in-kind habitat by FY 09 Establish native vegetation to increase vegetative diversity and waterfowl nesting habitat suitability. Intermountain Strategy b: Develop and implement management plans consistent with Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority (CBFWA) Guidelines for Enhancement, Operation, and Maintenance Activities for Wildlife Mitigation Projects
Enhance >4,935 acres of in-kind habitat by FY 09 Conduct prescribed burns to increase forage and vegetative diversity. Intermountain Strategy b: Develop and implement management plans consistent with Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority (CBFWA) Guidelines for Enhancement, Operation, and Maintenance Activities for Wildlife Mitigation Projects
Enhance >4,935 acres of in-kind habitat by FY 09 Create nesting islands to increase nesting habitat. Intermountain Strategy b: Develop and implement management plans consistent with Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority (CBFWA) Guidelines for Enhancement, Operation, and Maintenance Activities for Wildlife Mitigation Projects
Enhance >4,935 acres of in-kind habitat by FY 09 Develop water control structures to manage water levels and aquatic vegetation. Intermountain Strategy b: Develop and implement management plans consistent with Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority (CBFWA) Guidelines for Enhancement, Operation, and Maintenance Activities for Wildlife Mitigation Projects
Enhance >4,935 acres of in-kind habitat by FY 09 Erect fences and gates to control public access and reduce human disturbance. Intermountain Strategy b: Develop and implement management plans consistent with Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority (CBFWA) Guidelines for Enhancement, Operation, and Maintenance Activities for Wildlife Mitigation Projects
Maintain 8,587 acres/8,168 HUs through FY 09 Apply chemical, biological, mechanical control to retard spread of noxious weeds. Intermountain Strategy a: Ensure long-term protection, enhancement, and monitoring of habitat units through secured funding for O&M.
Maintain 8,587 acres/8,168 HUs through FY 09 Maintain brood pastures. Intermountain Strategy a: Ensure long-term protection, enhancement, and monitoring of habitat units through secured funding for O&M.
Maintain 8,587 acres/8,168 HUs through FY 09 Maintain habitat improvements. Intermountain Strategy a: Ensure long-term protection, enhancement, and monitoring of habitat units through secured funding for O&M.
Maintain 8,587 acres/8,168 HUs through FY 09 Maintain gates and fence lines. Intermountain Strategy a: Ensure long-term protection, enhancement, and monitoring of habitat units through secured funding for O&M.
Maintain 8,587 acres/8,168 HUs through FY 09 Maintain water control structures. Intermountain Strategy a: Ensure long-term protection, enhancement, and monitoring of habitat units through secured funding for O&M.
Maintain 8,587 acres/8,168 HUs through FY 09 Control nuisance animals. Intermountain Strategy a: Ensure long-term protection, enhancement, and monitoring of habitat units through secured funding for O&M.
Maintain 8,587 acres/8,168 HUs through FY 09 Maintain public access sites. Intermountain Strategy a: Ensure long-term protection, enhancement, and monitoring of habitat units through secured funding for O&M.
Maintain 8,587 acres/8,168 HUs through FY 09 Implement seasonal closures to protect nesting waterfowl from disturbance. Intermountain Strategy a: Ensure long-term protection, enhancement, and monitoring of habitat units through secured funding for O&M.
Maintain 8,587 acres/8,168 HUs through FY 09 Maintain open water brood rearing habitat. Intermountain Strategy a: Ensure long-term protection, enhancement, and monitoring of habitat units through secured funding for O&M.
Monitor & evaluate wildlife/habitat/mngt to FY 09 Conduct 5-year HEP to determine increase in HUs from enhancement activities. Intermountain Strategy a: Ensure long-term protection, enhancement, and monitoring of habitat units through secured funding for O&M.
Monitor & evaluate wildlife/habitat/mngt to FY 09 Conduct appropriate wildlife surveys on annual and systematic basis. Intermountain Strategy a: Ensure long-term protection, enhancement, and monitoring of habitat units through secured funding for O&M.
Monitor & evaluate wildlife/habitat/mngt to FY 09 Monitor burned areas at regular intervals. Intermountain Strategy a: Ensure long-term protection, enhancement, and monitoring of habitat units through secured funding for O&M.
Monitor & evaluate wildlife/habitat/mngt to FY 09 Monitor vegetative response to planting prescriptions and water level manipulations. Intermountain Strategy a: Ensure long-term protection, enhancement, and monitoring of habitat units through secured funding for O&M.
Monitor & evaluate wildlife/habitat/mngt to FY 09 Monitor the control of noxious weeds. Intermountain Strategy a: Ensure long-term protection, enhancement, and monitoring of habitat units through secured funding for O&M.
Monitor & evaluate wildlife/habitat/mngt to FY 09 Collect vegetation monitoring data (habitat variables community composition and structure, etc.) and build database. Intermountain Strategy a: Ensure long-term protection, enhancement, and monitoring of habitat units through secured funding for O&M.
Monitor & evaluate wildlife/habitat/mngt to FY 09 Collect small mammal monitoring data (habitat variables community composition and structure, etc.) and build database. Intermountain Strategy a: Ensure long-term protection, enhancement, and monitoring of habitat units through secured funding for O&M.
Monitor & evaluate wildlife/habitat/mngt to FY 09 Collect avian monitoring data (community composition and structure, etc.) and build database. Intermountain Strategy a: Ensure long-term protection, enhancement, and monitoring of habitat units through secured funding for O&M.
Monitor & evaluate wildlife/habitat/mngt to FY 09 Monitor recreational use and public access. Intermountain Strategy a: Ensure long-term protection, enhancement, and monitoring of habitat units through secured funding for O&M.
Monitor & evaluate wildlife/habitat/mngt to FY 09 Amend and update management plans as necessary. Intermountain Strategy a: Ensure long-term protection, enhancement, and monitoring of habitat units through secured funding for O&M.
Protect 2,500 ac. of in-kind habitat by FY 09 Identify willing landowner participants. Intermountain Strategy a): Identify and protect habitat through fee title acquisition, conservation easements, lease, or management agreements. The Council defines protection as any action that protects habitat in perpetuity.
Protect 2,500 ac. of in-kind habitat by FY 09 Consult and coordinate throughout the process with the NPPC, CBFWA, BPA, local governments, and the public. Intermountain Strategy a): Identify and protect habitat through fee title acquisition, conservation easements, lease, or management agreements. The Council defines protection as any action that protects habitat in perpetuity.
Protect 2,500 ac. of in-kind habitat by FY 09 Complete federal compliance requirements (appraisal, environmental survey, cultural resource survey, etc.). Intermountain Strategy a): Identify and protect habitat through fee title acquisition, conservation easements, lease, or management agreements. The Council defines protection as any action that protects habitat in perpetuity.
Protect 2,500 ac. of in-kind habitat by FY 09 Complete NEPA requirements. Intermountain Strategy a): Identify and protect habitat through fee title acquisition, conservation easements, lease, or management agreements. The Council defines protection as any action that protects habitat in perpetuity.
Protect 2,500 ac. of in-kind habitat by FY 09 Credit BPA with HUs in intergovernmental contract. Intermountain Strategy a): Identify and protect habitat through fee title acquisition, conservation easements, lease, or management agreements. The Council defines protection as any action that protects habitat in perpetuity.
Protect 2,500 ac. of in-kind habitat by FY 09 Coordinate with the Albeni Falls Interagency Work Group. Intermountain Strategy a): Identify and protect habitat through fee title acquisition, conservation easements, lease, or management agreements. The Council defines protection as any action that protects habitat in perpetuity.
Protect 2,500 ac. of in-kind habitat by FY 09 Secure fee-title, conservation easement, or other long-term management agreement. Intermountain Strategy a): Identify and protect habitat through fee title acquisition, conservation easements, lease, or management agreements. The Council defines protection as any action that protects habitat in perpetuity.
Protect 2,500 ac. of in-kind habitat by FY 09 Complete HEP report and wildlife management plan for review. Intermountain Strategy a): Identify and protect habitat through fee title acquisition, conservation easements, lease, or management agreements. The Council defines protection as any action that protects habitat in perpetuity.

Section 7. Work elements (coming back to this)

Work element nameWork element titleDescriptionStart dateEnd dateEst budget
Coordination Coordinate the Albeni Falls Interagency Work Group Coordinate activite with and between AFWG members. This will include rotational meetings, minutes, agendas, ranking projects, maintaining records, etc... 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $155,323
Biological objectives
Protect 2,500 ac. of in-kind habitat by FY 09
Conduct Pre-Acquisition Activities Identify willing landowner participants Identify willing sellers and pursue projects based upon landowner response. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $60,000
Biological objectives
Protect 2,500 ac. of in-kind habitat by FY 09
Coordination Coordinate with the AFIWG, UCUT, BPA, NPPC, FERC and CBFWA members Coordinate activities with local and regional entities to best implement project goals and objectives. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $90,000
Biological objectives
Protect 2,500 ac. of in-kind habitat by FY 09
Identify and Select Projects Identify cost-sharing partnerships Identify and secure cost share when appropriate and feasible, while maintaining strict guidelines for BPA crediting 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $12,000
Biological objectives
Protect 2,500 ac. of in-kind habitat by FY 09
Conduct Pre-Acquisition Activities Complete federal compliance requirements (appraisal, environmental survey, cultural resource survey, etc.) Meet federal requirements to purchase management rights. Incudes Appraisal, ESA site assessment, Cultural Resource survey, etc... 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $340,000
Biological objectives
Protect 2,500 ac. of in-kind habitat by FY 09
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation Complete NEPA requirements NEPA checklist/compliance for pre-acquisition 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $180,000
Biological objectives
Protect 2,500 ac. of in-kind habitat by FY 09
Conduct Pre-Acquisition Activities Credit BPA with HUs in intergovernmental contract Identify minimum HUs from land purchase. Provide estimate of HUs to be delivered to BPA for each property. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $15,000
Biological objectives
Protect 2,500 ac. of in-kind habitat by FY 09
Land Purchase Secure fee-title, conservation easement, or other long-term management agreement Purchase management rights to meet three-year goal for acres toward meeting Albeni Falls Dam wildlife losses. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $18,000,000
Biological objectives
Protect 2,500 ac. of in-kind habitat by FY 09
* # of acres of new purchase/easement: ~2,500
Produce Plan Complete HEP Report and develop and/or modify site-specific management plans Develop management plans for new acquisitions and modify management plans as necessary. Develop HEP reports for initial baseline protection and 5 year updates for enhanced HU values for BPA crediting. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $360,000
Biological objectives
Protect 2,500 ac. of in-kind habitat by FY 09
Plant Vegetation Reestablish native vegetation Use native plant and seed materials to plant denuded areas on project sites to minimize erosion and noxious weed invasion. Use native plant materials to change altered habitats to native habitat types 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $189,000
Biological objectives
Enhance >4,935 acres of in-kind habitat by FY 09
* # of acres of planted: 100 annually
Conduct Controlled Burn Conduct prescribed burns for meadows on floodplain project sites burn at least 400 acres each fall and 400 acres each spring 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $60,000
Biological objectives
Enhance >4,935 acres of in-kind habitat by FY 09
Create, Restore, and/or Enhance Wetland Create nesting islands to increase nesting habitat Add wetland nestiing features to project sites according to approved management plans. Add diversity and density to project wetlands. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $223,000
Biological objectives
Enhance >4,935 acres of in-kind habitat by FY 09
* # of acres treated: 5 annually
Create, Restore, and/or Enhance Wetland Restore hydrologic function to increase and enhance wetland habitats Consistent with site-specific management plans, restore hydrologic function by plugging ditches, installing upgraded culverts, installing water control structures, removing dikes, etc. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $550,000
Biological objectives
Enhance >4,935 acres of in-kind habitat by FY 09
* # of acres treated: 100 annually
Install Fence Construct fences and gates to control public access and reduce human disturbance Build 15 miles of exterior boundary fence and gates to protect each project property 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $150,000
Biological objectives
Enhance >4,935 acres of in-kind habitat by FY 09
* # of miles of fence: 20
Remove vegetation Inventory and control noxious weeds Spray, pull, mow or by other means remove noxious weeds from properties as required by local laws and regulations. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $345,000
Biological objectives
Enhance >4,935 acres of in-kind habitat by FY 09
* # of acres treated: 3,800
Create, Restore, and/or Enhance Wetland Increase wetland diversity and density Using equipment and blasting methods, increase wetland diversity and density on project lands. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $500,000
Biological objectives
Enhance >4,935 acres of in-kind habitat by FY 09
* # of acres treated: 100 annually
Enhance Floodplain Stabilize shorelines to reduce erosion and construct breakwaters Where necessary stabilize 1,500 feet of eroding shoreline with bio-engineered designs. Where non-renewable resources exist, provide for hard stabilization techniques. Add large woody bedris to project for habitat value and floodplain roughness. Where feasible stabilize shorelines in the Clark Fork Delta to protect habitat from wave-caused eroision and damage and reduce ongoing and future wetland losses. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $560,000
Biological objectives
Enhance >4,935 acres of in-kind habitat by FY 09
* # of acres treated: 75 annually
Provide Technical Review Review enhancement designs Review and comment on designs for enhancements for all AFWG members 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $90,000
Biological objectives
Enhance >4,935 acres of in-kind habitat by FY 09
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation Complete permit applications and environmental compliance documentation Complete applications for local, state and federal permits necessary to complete enhancement actions. Provide information and permits to BPA for environmental compliance. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $120,000
Biological objectives
Enhance >4,935 acres of in-kind habitat by FY 09
Coordination Coordinate with the Albeni Falls Interagency Work Group Cvoordinate all work group activities for enahncing BPA project lands. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $106,000
Biological objectives
Enhance >4,935 acres of in-kind habitat by FY 09
Maintain Vegetation Control noxious weeds to maintain habitats suitable for populations associated with the target species Maintain low levels of occurance by noxious weeds by various methods of control. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $150,000
Biological objectives
Maintain 8,587 acres/8,168 HUs through FY 09
Maintain Vegetation Maintain brood pastures Mow or burn pasture to maintain optimum brood rearing pasture height between 4 and 16 inches. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $45,000
Biological objectives
Maintain 8,587 acres/8,168 HUs through FY 09
Maintain Vegetation Maintain habitat improvements Maintain plantings in riparian, wetland and near shore areas. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $150,000
Biological objectives
Maintain 8,587 acres/8,168 HUs through FY 09
Install Fence Maintain gates and fences Maintain boundary fence on project lands 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $100,000
Biological objectives
Maintain 8,587 acres/8,168 HUs through FY 09
* # of miles of fence: 35
Operate and Maintain Habitat/Passage Maintain water control structures Operate and maintain water control structures with moist soil management principles. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $100,000
Biological objectives
Maintain 8,587 acres/8,168 HUs through FY 09
Remove or Relocate Non-predaceous Animals Control nuisance animals Trap and remove nuisance animals that detract from project goals. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $60,000
Biological objectives
Maintain 8,587 acres/8,168 HUs through FY 09
Outreach and Education Manage public access and minimize human disturbance Provide for information and signage to control public access and identify seasonal closures and property specific rules for access. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $150,000
Biological objectives
Maintain 8,587 acres/8,168 HUs through FY 09
* # of general public reached: 120
Investigate Trespass Implement seasonal closures Minimize human disturbance to nesting waterfowl and other target and non-target species during critical life history periods. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $60,000
Biological objectives
Maintain 8,587 acres/8,168 HUs through FY 09
Operate and Maintain Habitat/Passage Maintain open water and pasture for brood habitat Maintain open water complexes and pasture heights for waterfowl brood rearing habitat. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $100,000
Biological objectives
Maintain 8,587 acres/8,168 HUs through FY 09
Remove Debris Debris removal Remove fence, posts, junk, tires, etc. from project lands to maintain safety and habitat value. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $120,000
Biological objectives
Maintain 8,587 acres/8,168 HUs through FY 09
Coordination Coordinate with the Albeni Falls Interagency Work Group Coordinate O&M activities between and amoung the AFWG members. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $176,000
Biological objectives
Maintain 8,587 acres/8,168 HUs through FY 09
Develop RM&E Methods and Designs Prepare M&E assessment for newly acquired lands Analyze new lands for permanent M&E site placement. Randomly select new sites and set permanent sites through use of GIS and GPS 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $120,000
Biological objectives
Monitor & evaluate wildlife/habitat/mngt to FY 09
Prepare HEP Report Conduct 5-year HEP to determine increase in HUs from enhancement activities Conduct HEP on 5-year intervals to collect and interpret data and submit repport to BPA for enhancement crediting. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $180,000
Biological objectives
Monitor & evaluate wildlife/habitat/mngt to FY 09
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Conduct wildlife surveys on annual and systematic basis Collect waterfowl pair counts, Bald Eagle nest surveys, and other non-M&E point specific data on project properties. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $45,000
Biological objectives
Monitor & evaluate wildlife/habitat/mngt to FY 09
Secondary R, M, and E Type: waterfowl & BE nest site surveys
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Monitor burned areas at regular intervals Monitor annual prescribed burns for timing and effectiveness. Use observations and vegetative sampling techniques to determine effectiveness of burning and potential modifications to timing and technique. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $30,000
Biological objectives
Monitor & evaluate wildlife/habitat/mngt to FY 09
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Monitor vegetative response to planting prescriptions and water level manipulations Monitor vegetative response using standard techniques and alter hydrologic management strategies consistent with information acquired for increased long-term vegetation success. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $12,000
Biological objectives
Monitor & evaluate wildlife/habitat/mngt to FY 09
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Monitor the control of noxious weeds Complete survey of noxious weed control to monitor successful reduction in weeds and to provide information on management strategies for increased effectiveness for weed control. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $60,000
Biological objectives
Monitor & evaluate wildlife/habitat/mngt to FY 09
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Collect vegetation monitoring data (habitat variables, community composition and structure, etc.) and build database Using Albeni Falls M&E plan collect vegetative data on permanent M&E sites, enter the data into a datbase, and write and submit annual M&E reports to BPA for review. Data will be used to compare community data to reference sites toward meeting project goals for habitat replacement. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $60,000
Biological objectives
Monitor & evaluate wildlife/habitat/mngt to FY 09
Primary R, M, and E Type: 32 sites
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Collect small mammal monitoring data (habitat variables, community composition and structure, etc.) and build database Using Albeni Falls M&E plan collect small mammal data on permanent M&E sites, enter the data into a datbase, and write and submit annual M&E reports to BPA for review. Data will be used to compare community data to reference sites toward meeting project goals for habitat replacement. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $60,000
Biological objectives
Monitor & evaluate wildlife/habitat/mngt to FY 09
Primary R, M, and E Type: 32 sites
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Collect avian monitoring data (community composition and structure, etc.) and build database. Collect avian monitoring data (habitat variables, community composition and structure, etc.) and build database 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $60,000
Biological objectives
Monitor & evaluate wildlife/habitat/mngt to FY 09
Primary R, M, and E Type: 32 sites
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Collect amphibian data (community composition and structure, etc.) and build database Collect amphibian monitoring data (community composition and structure, etc.) and build database. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $60,000
Biological objectives
Monitor & evaluate wildlife/habitat/mngt to FY 09
Primary R, M, and E Type: 32 sites
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Monitor recreational use and public access Monitor lands for inappropriate use and trespass. Implement strategies to reduce recreational impacts. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $60,000
Biological objectives
Monitor & evaluate wildlife/habitat/mngt to FY 09
Secondary R, M, and E Type: monitor human use - observation
Produce Plan Amend and update management plans as necessary Based upon HEP and M&E plan data update and review site-specific management plans 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $90,000
Biological objectives
Monitor & evaluate wildlife/habitat/mngt to FY 09
Create/Manage/Maintain Database Populate and maintain monitoring and evaluation database Populate and maintain data in database. Work toward integrated database for AFWG with online web-based access. This will include discussions with ongoing database managers such as Idaho CDC, Washington State heritage database, and Northwest Habitat Institute. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $45,000
Biological objectives
Monitor & evaluate wildlife/habitat/mngt to FY 09
Analyze/Interpret Data Analyze and interpret M&E data Interpret M&E data to determine project success and adaptively manage project lands. Using community similarness comparisons to reference sites, evaluate project management effectiveness toward meeting project goals of habitat replacement/enhancement. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $90,000
Biological objectives
Monitor & evaluate wildlife/habitat/mngt to FY 09
Coordination Coordinate with the Albeni Falls Interagency Work Group Coordinate M&e activities between and amoung AFWG members. 3/1/2007 9/30/2009 $106,000
Biological objectives
Monitor & evaluate wildlife/habitat/mngt to FY 09

Section 8. Budgets

Itemized estimated budget
Fringe Benefits ~34% of salaries $235,321 $243,921 $278,153
Supplies Supplies for O&M, enhancement and M&E $239,201 $254,227 $282,002
Travel travel for project management and implementation $15,207 $15,967 $17,566
Capital Equipment One-time equipment (tractor, bobcat, etc...) purchase - capital $25,000 $35,000 $30,800
Overhead adjusts annually and will change ~20 to 30% of direct costs by entity $287,768 $318,415 $358,342
Other Weed Control $101,430 $113,600 $122,000
Other M&E sub contract w/EWU and individual birders $27,000 $39,500 $41,800
Other Heavy Equipment lease $35,000 $39,000 $42,000
Other Pre-acquisition costs appraisals, surveys, CRM surveys, etc... $94,608 $99,270 $105,400
Capital Equipment Fee title - land acquisition $6,000,000 $6,000,000 $6,000,000
Personnel Project personnel for 3 Tribes & IDFG 17.8 FTE $690,909 $721,809 $808,641
Other Contract hydrology assessment $67,000 $70,000 $74,000
Other Contracts for Maintaining structures (bridge, roads, etc...) $33,000 $30,000 $30,000
Other Contracts for shoreline stabilization, tree planting, breakwater construction, etc... $97,853 $122,313 $151,300
Totals $7,949,297 $8,103,022 $8,342,004
Total estimated FY 2007-2009 budgets
Total itemized budget: $24,394,323
Total work element budget: $24,394,323
Cost sharing
Funding source/orgItem or service providedFY 07 est value ($)FY 08 est value ($)FY 09 est value ($)Cash or in-kind?Status
EPA Section 319 funds-shoreline stabilization $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 Cash Confirmed
IDFG Boundary Creek WMA $33,500 $33,500 $33,500 Cash Confirmed
IDFG Boundary Creek WMA $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 Cash Confirmed
Kalispel Tribe police services $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 In-Kind Confirmed
Kalispel Tribe water truck 250 gal $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 In-Kind Confirmed
Kalispel tribe water truck 1,000 gal $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 In-Kind Confirmed
Kalispel Tribe computer $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 In-Kind Confirmed
Kalispel Tribe Training $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 In-Kind Confirmed
Totals $78,500 $78,500 $78,500

Section 9. Project future

FY 2010 estimated budget: $8,400,000
FY 2011 estimated budget: $8,400,000
Comments: Project costs include O&M, enhancements, M&E, and acquisition of land to meet HU mitigation for Albeni Falls Dam.

Future O&M costs: Future O&M costs will increase proportionate with the increase in land and habitats protected and enhanced.

Termination date: 2105
Comments: Project will terminate 50 years after the decommissioning of the Albeni Falls Dam Project.

Final deliverables: Annual reports, HEP reports, Management Plans, M&E reports and database management

Section 10. Narrative and other documents

Sponsor Response to the ISRP for Proposal 199206100 Jul 2006
Appendix C: Evaluating Restoration Trajectories Using Similarity Indices: Dam Mitigation in the PacNW Jul 2006

Reviews and recommendations

FY07 budget FY08 budget FY09 budget Total budget Type Category Recommendation
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs]
$6,000,000 $6,000,000 $6,000,000 $18,000,000 Capital ProvinceCapital Fund
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs]
$2,029,297 $2,183,022 $2,392,004 $6,604,323 Expense ProvinceExpense Fund
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs]
$6,000,000 $6,000,000 $6,000,000 $0 ProvinceCapital
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs]
$1,949,297 $2,103,022 $2,312,004 $0 ProvinceExpense
Comments: ISRP fund in part (qualified): sponsors should address ISRP concerns during contracting. Programmatic issue: wildlife o&m/m&e. Expense portion of project. See capital budget for capital recommendation.


Recommendation: Response requested

NPCC comments: This proposal fails to evaluate project history. Rather than reporting tasks completion, the ISRP requests an evaluation of past biological results. Further, the Albeni Falls monitoring plan (which was considered very good when completed several years ago) is cited, but its relationship to this program and specific information on the methods to be applied are not specified. It is not clear why the monitoring plan still has not been implemented. (It is slated for implementation in 2006.) The scientific methods for monitoring and the results from this monitoring are not reported in enough detail (e.g., vegetation cover data). A response should justify the basis for purchase of land, provide a rationale for particular management approaches (e.g., blasting), and include a summary description of M&E especially reporting of results from past review.

ISRP FINAL REVIEW (Aug 31, 2006)

Recommendation: Fundable in part (Qualified)

NPCC comments: Projects 199106000 and 199206100 provided a single joint response. The combined projects are fundable in part for acquisitions and for FY07 to complete an assessment of past work. Future funding of the active management part of the budget should be contingent upon a meaningful analysis of the data, which should be a relatively easy task for this project. The response describes a sound data collection program but does not provide an evaluative analysis of the data and its application to project direction. What is needed is one or more graphs (or some other form of data summary) that clearly address project objectives, along with some text stating how the project proponents interpret the provided results and how their M&E affect their management decisions. The response justifies the acquisition component of the project. Detailed, relevant, and useful decision criteria are provided.