FY07-09 proposal 200700700
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Section 1. Administrative
Proposal title | Determine Status and Limiting Factors of Pacific Lamprey in Fifteenmile Subbasin, Oregon |
Proposal ID | 200700700 |
Organization | Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon |
Short description | Determine the status of Pacific lamprey including distribution, escapement and harvest.Identify limiting factors that may prevent optimal lamprey production in the Fifteenmile Subbasin. |
Information transfer | Information obtained from this project will be utilized by the Columbia Basin Pacific Lamprey Technical Working Group to determine the status of lamprey in the Columbia R. basin. Limiting factor information will be used by basin managers including ODFW, USFS, SWCD and CTWSRO and the Fifteenmile Watershed Council to restore lamprey habitat. Presentations will be given to Tribal Council and at Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meetings. If significant, results will be published. All methods and data will be transfered to regional databases as they are developed as per PNAMP recommendations. Data will be shared with StreamNet and P-TAGIS. Annual reports will be posted on BPA's website. |
Proposal contact person or principal investigator |
Contact | Organization | |
Form submitter | ||
Chris Brun | Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon | cbrun@hrecn.net |
All assigned contacts | ||
Chris Brun | Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon | cbrun@hrecn.net |
Section 2. Locations
Province / subbasin: Columbia Gorge / Fifteenmile
Latitude | Longitude | Waterbody | Description |
45.36N | 121.7W | Fifteenmile Cr. | All perennial tributaries within the Fifteenmile Creek Subbasin |
Section 3. Focal species
primary: Pacific LampreySection 4. Past accomplishments
Year | Accomplishments |
Section 5. Relationships to other projects
Funding source | Related ID | Related title | Relationship |
BPA | 200201600 | Lamprey Abundance | Sampling methods developed during implemention of project 200201600 will be utilized by this project. |
Other: USFWS | TWG | Determine Pacific lamprey migration timing and spawning locations within the lower Deschutes Subbasin, Oregon | Spawning habitat characteristics identified by this project will be applied to proposed project to document suitable lampey spawning habitat. |
BPA | 199304000 | Fifteenmile Creek Habitat Impr | Will assist with spawning ground surveys and provide data for limiting factor analysis. |
BPA | 199304001 | 15 Mile Creek Steelhead Smolt | This project will provide rotary screw traps and personnel to determine larval lamprey out migration timing. |
Other: USACE | [no entry] | On-going mainstem dam fish passage studies. | Installation and operation of a PIT tag interrogation site in Fifteenmile Cr.will assist with mainstem passage studies |
Section 6. Biological objectives
Biological objectives | Full description | Associated subbasin plan | Strategy |
Determine lamprey spawning dist. and habitat. | Locate and characterize lamprey spawning habitat in the FMCS. | Fifteenmile | Restoration strategy |
Determine larval lamprey distribution and habitat. | Identify larval lamprey distribution and associated habitat within the FMCS. | Fifteenmile | Restoration strategy |
Determine out migration timing of larval lamprey. | Determine larval lamprey out migration timing by developmental stage in Fifteenmile Cr. and tributaries. | Fifteenmile | Restoration strategy |
Estimate adult escapement and harvest rates. | Estimate adult lamprey escapement and tribal harvest rates at Seufert Falls in Fifteenmile Creek. | Fifteenmile | Restoration strategy |
Identify factors that may limit lamprey production | Identify factors that may limit Pacific lamprey production in the FMCS. | Fifteenmile | Restoration strategy |
Section 7. Work elements (coming back to this)
Work element name | Work element title | Description | Start date | End date | Est budget |
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation | Environmental compliance for data collection activities. | Provide BPA with information and assistance necessary to ensure all applicable environmental compliance laws are followed. | 1/1/2007 | 12/30/2008 | $6,000 |
Biological objectives Determine lamprey spawning dist. and habitat. Determine larval lamprey distribution and habitat. Determine out migration timing of larval lamprey. Estimate adult escapement and harvest rates. Identify factors that may limit lamprey production |
Metrics |
Manage and Administer Projects | Produce annual report, produce Pisces status reports. | Write and post annual progress report on BPA's website. Submit quarterly status reports in BPA's Pisces database. | 1/1/2007 | 12/31/2009 | $33,000 |
Biological objectives Determine lamprey spawning dist. and habitat. Determine larval lamprey distribution and habitat. Determine out migration timing of larval lamprey. Estimate adult escapement and harvest rates. |
Metrics |
Manage and Administer Projects | Project administration including SOW and budget, accrual estimates, etc. | Submit annual statement of work and budget and other project administration requirements. | 1/1/2007 | 12/31/2009 | $7,927 |
Biological objectives Determine lamprey spawning dist. and habitat. Determine larval lamprey distribution and habitat. Determine out migration timing of larval lamprey. Estimate adult escapement and harvest rates. Identify factors that may limit lamprey production |
Metrics |
Produce Inventory or Assessment | Determine effectiveness of existing fish screens in preventing lamprey entry into irrigation diversions. | Work cooperatively with ODFW to conduct lamprey presence/absence surveys in screened irrigation diversions to determine if existing fish screens are preventing lamprey entry into irrigation canals. | 5/1/2009 | 9/30/2009 | $19,331 |
Biological objectives Identify factors that may limit lamprey production |
Metrics |
Produce Inventory or Assessment | Evaluate stream temperatures and flows to determine if they limit lamprey production within the Fifteenmile Subbasin. | Compare water temperature and flow data collected by ODFW and USFS with lamprey larval and spawning distribution data to determine if a relationship exists. | 10/1/2008 | 9/30/2009 | $22,678 |
Biological objectives Identify factors that may limit lamprey production |
Metrics |
Produce Inventory or Assessment | Identify passage impediments for adult lamprey | Work with SWCD, USFS and ODFW to identify culverts and other impediments that may impede adult lamprey upstream movements. | 1/15/2009 | 9/30/2009 | $22,678 |
Biological objectives Identify factors that may limit lamprey production |
Metrics |
Produce/Submit Scientific Findings Report | Produce final technical report. | Data generated from this project will be analyzed and findings compiled in a technical report that will be distributed to managers. Results may be submitted for publication if significant. | 9/1/2009 | 6/30/2010 | $20,000 |
Biological objectives Determine lamprey spawning dist. and habitat. Determine larval lamprey distribution and habitat. Determine out migration timing of larval lamprey. Estimate adult escapement and harvest rates. Identify factors that may limit lamprey production |
Metrics |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | Collect habitat and water quality data during larval lamprey distribution surveys. | Physical stream habitat data and water chemistry data will be collected during larval lamprey distribution surveys to determine if relationships between lamprey presence and measured habitat parameters exist. | 5/15/2007 | 9/15/2008 | $26,064 |
Biological objectives Determine lamprey spawning dist. and habitat. |
Metrics Primary R, M, and E Type: Status and Trend Monitoring |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | Conduct larval lamprey distribution surveys in the Fifteenmile Subbasin. | Use a targeted sampling design to determine larval lamprey distribution in perennial streams within the Fifteenmile Subbasin. | 5/15/2007 | 9/15/2008 | $34,411 |
Biological objectives Determine larval lamprey distribution and habitat. |
Metrics Primary R, M, and E Type: Status and Trend Monitoring |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | Describe spawning habitat within the Fifteenmile Subbasin. | Redd characteristics and associated physical habitat will be identified during spawning sureys. | 4/15/2007 | 6/1/2009 | $29,371 |
Biological objectives Determine lamprey spawning dist. and habitat. |
Metrics |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | Determine out migration timing of larval lamprey in the Fifteenmile Subbasin. | Larval lamprey out migration timing by developmental stage will be determined in Fifteenmile, Fivemile, Eightmile and Ramsey Creeks. This work element will be implemented with assistance from BPA project 199304001. | 4/1/2007 | 6/15/2009 | $2,600 |
Biological objectives Determine out migration timing of larval lamprey. |
Metrics Primary R, M, and E Type: Status and Trend Monitoring |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | Determine spawning distribution in the Fifteenmile Subbasin. | Conduct multiple pass redd surveys to determine the extent and duration of lamprey spawning in the Fifteenmile Subbasin. | 4/15/2007 | 6/1/2009 | $40,102 |
Biological objectives Determine lamprey spawning dist. and habitat. |
Metrics Primary R, M, and E Type: Status and Trend Monitoring |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | Estimate escapement of adult lamprey in Fifteenmile Subbasin. | Develop methods and estimate the escapement of adult Pacific lamprey in Fifteenmile Creek at Seufert Falls. | 4/1/2007 | 5/15/2009 | $39,410 |
Biological objectives Estimate adult escapement and harvest rates. |
Metrics Primary R, M, and E Type: Status and Trend Monitoring |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | Estimate tribal harvest of adult Pacific lamprey in Fifteenmile Creek. | Conduct a statistical creel survey at Seufert Falls to estimate tribal harvest of Pacific lamprey. | 4/1/2007 | 5/15/2009 | $31,064 |
Biological objectives Estimate adult escapement and harvest rates. |
Metrics Primary R, M, and E Type: Status and Trend Monitoring |
Mark/Tag Animals | Determine adult lamprey emigration from mark-recapture experiment using PIT technology | Implant PIT tags in adult lamprey collected during first event escapement sampling. Install PIT tag intergation equipment at mouth of Fifteenmile Cr. Determine proportion of marked adult lamprey that exit the experimental population during first event escapement sampling. | 4/1/2007 | 5/15/2009 | $50,560 |
Biological objectives Estimate adult escapement and harvest rates. |
Metrics |
Submit/Acquire Data | Transfer methods and data to regional databases. | Data and methods generated from this project will be shared with existing databases (StreamNet and P-TAGIS) and new databases as they are developed. Costs will be absorbed by previous work elements. | 9/15/2007 | 6/15/2010 | $0 |
Biological objectives Determine lamprey spawning dist. and habitat. Determine larval lamprey distribution and habitat. Determine out migration timing of larval lamprey. Estimate adult escapement and harvest rates. |
Metrics |
Section 8. Budgets
Itemized estimated budget
Item | Note | FY07 | FY08 | FY09 |
Personnel | 1.2 FTE Bio and 2- 6mo. Tech per year | $51,200 | $52,736 | $54,318 |
Fringe Benefits | FTE @ 25% salary; Seasonal @ 11% salary | $12,476 | $12,850 | $13,236 |
Supplies | Sampling supplies and a computer purchase in FY07 | $10,500 | $5,200 | $5,200 |
Travel | 1 vehicle rental, mileage. insurance, per diem for travel to regional lamprey coordination and annual AFS meetings. | $7,500 | $7,500 | $7,500 |
Capital Equipment | Electrofisher purchase in FY 07 | $5,300 | $0 | $0 |
Overhead | 37.1 % excluding capital | $30,302 | $29,044 | $29,774 |
Other | Sub-contract with Unv. of Idaho for PIT equipment and operation. | $19,520 | $15,520 | $15,520 |
Totals | $136,798 | $122,850 | $125,548 |
Total estimated FY 2007-2009 budgets
Total itemized budget: | $385,196 |
Total work element budget: | $385,196 |
Cost sharing
Funding source/org | Item or service provided | FY 07 est value ($) | FY 08 est value ($) | FY 09 est value ($) | Cash or in-kind? | Status |
CTWSRO | Office space and GIS support | $1,200 | $1,200 | $3,200 | In-Kind | Confirmed |
ODFW | Personnel to assist with redd surveys. | $6,000 | $6,000 | $6,000 | In-Kind | Confirmed |
ODFW | Rotary Screw Traps and operators | $18,000 | $3,000 | $3,000 | In-Kind | Confirmed |
USFS | Personnel to assist with larval and redd surveys | $8,000 | $8,000 | $8,000 | In-Kind | Under Review |
Totals | $33,200 | $18,200 | $20,200 |
Section 9. Project future
FY 2010 estimated budget: $61,547 FY 2011 estimated budget: $61,547 |
Comments: Will fund the project from 1/1/010 through 6/30/10 to complete final data analysis and report preparation. |
Future O&M costs:
Termination date: 6/30/2010
Comments: The period from the end of FY 2009 to June 30, 2010 will be used to analyze all data collected during FY 07-09 and produce a final technical report documenting project results and management recommendations. Based upon the results of this project strategies to protect and restore as well as monitor trends in abundance of lamprey in Fifteenmile subbasin may be submitted for funding in the future.
Final deliverables: A final report titled "Status and Limiting Factors of Pacific Lamprey in Fifteemile Subbasin, Oregon". The report will include summarized results for all objectives and work elements, an analysis of limiting factors, maps and recommendations for Pacific lamprey management within the subbasin.
Section 10. Narrative and other documents
Reviews and recommendations
FY07 budget | FY08 budget | FY09 budget | Total budget | Type | Category | Recommendation |
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs] | ||||||
$0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | Expense | ProvinceExpense | Do Not Fund |
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs] | ||||||
$0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | ProvinceExpense |
Recommendation: Not fundable
NPCC comments: This project is a duplication of studies proposed by the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon in the Deschutes River, except that the Fifteenmile Creek basin work deals more with habitat degradation problems. Because most of the objectives are similar between the two proposals it would be more effective if the studies were focused on the Deschutes because it is uncertain if the lamprey habitat can be recovered in Fifteenmile. For these reasons, the ISRP believes this project is not fundable at this time. While the CBFWA Lamprey Technical Working Group is mentioned, there is no indication that the TWG has identified the objectives of this proposal as fitting into an overall plan or strategy for determining basic information on lamprey. It should be possible to generalize from results of existing studies – if this is not so the proponents need to point out the absolutely unique attributes of Fifteenmile. The habitat in the Fifteen Mile Subbasin appears to be in very poor condition. Lamprey habitat is suffering from multiple habitat stresses ranging from toxic spills to impassable conditions owing to culverts. Although the proposal was well written, insufficient data were provided on some of the degradation to determine if some features were recoverable, especially water quality. For example the specific type of toxic spill was not identified – is the stream still suffering from chronic effects of it? Although the proponents must feel lamprey habitat in the creek can be recovered, it was difficult to get a perspective on how realistic this goal actually would be.
ISRP FINAL REVIEW (Aug 31, 2006)
Recommendation: Not fundable
NPCC comments: This project is a duplication of studies proposed by the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon in the Deschutes River, except that the Fifteenmile Creek basin work deals more with habitat degradation problems. Because most of the objectives are similar between the two proposals it would be more effective if the studies were focused on the Deschutes because it is uncertain if the lamprey habitat can be recovered in Fifteenmile. For these reasons, the ISRP believes this project is not fundable at this time. While the CBFWA Lamprey Technical Working Group is mentioned, there is no indication that the TWG has identified the objectives of this proposal as fitting into an overall plan or strategy for determining basic information on lamprey. It should be possible to generalize from results of existing studies – if this is not so the proponents need to point out the absolutely unique attributes of Fifteenmile. The habitat in the Fifteen Mile Subbasin appears to be in very poor condition. Lamprey habitat is suffering from multiple habitat stresses ranging from toxic spills to impassable conditions owing to culverts. Although the proposal was well written, insufficient data were provided on some of the degradation to determine if some features were recoverable, especially water quality. For example the specific type of toxic spill was not identified – is the stream still suffering from chronic effects of it? Although the proponents must feel lamprey habitat in the creek can be recovered, it was difficult to get a perspective on how realistic this goal actually would be.