FY07-09 proposal 200703000
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Section 1. Administrative
Proposal title | Determination of steelhead smolt production and smoltification genes in the Yakima River |
Proposal ID | 200703000 |
Organization | Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC) |
Short description | This study focuses on the use of neutral and quantitative genetic markers to evaluate population specific smolt production in the Yakima River and smoltification potential of resident rainbow trout to contribute to recovery of steelhead populations. |
Information transfer | Annual reports will be submitted to BPA and posted online at http://www.critfc.org/tech/tech_rep.html. This research will also be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal for publication. |
Proposal contact person or principal investigator |
Contact | Organization | |
Form submitter | ||
Shawn Narum | CRITFC | nars@critfc.org |
All assigned contacts | ||
Shawn Narum | CRITFC | nars@critfc.org |
Section 2. Locations
Province / subbasin: Columbia Plateau / Yakima
Latitude | Longitude | Waterbody | Description |
47.18 | -120.98 | Yakima River subbasin | Upper portion of the mainstem Yakima River (above Roza Dam). Also Satus, Toppenish, Naches, and Ahtanum creeks. |
Section 3. Focal species
primary: Steelhead Middle Columbia River ESUsecondary: Rainbow Trout
Section 4. Past accomplishments
Year | Accomplishments |
Section 5. Relationships to other projects
Funding source | Related ID | Related title | Relationship |
BPA | 200305200 | Repro Success of Kelt Steelhea | Satus Creek and Ahtanum Creek are research sites in common with this project. CRITFC and Yakama Nation staff are familar with the system. |
BPA | 200305300 | Repro Success of Recondi Kelt | Both studies relate to options for recovery of ESA listed steelhead populations. |
Section 6. Biological objectives
Biological objectives | Full description | Associated subbasin plan | Strategy |
Identify quantitative genetic characteristics | Identify quantitative genetic characteristics that predispose O. mykiss to smoltification. | Yakima | Identify and evaluate limiting environmental and genetic factors for O. mykiss smoltification |
Section 7. Work elements (coming back to this)
Work element name | Work element title | Description | Start date | End date | Est budget |
Analyze/Interpret Data | Statistical Analysis | Differences in QTL allele frequencies will be tested for significance among the three sample sites. Genes with at least two fold differential expression (average of three replicates) will be searched in GenBank to determine if the genes have been annotated. Annotated genes of interest will be validated with gene specific TaqMan assays and the level of differential expression will be quantified among treatment groups. | 9/1/2008 | 9/30/2009 | $106,000 |
Biological objectives Identify quantitative genetic characteristics |
Metrics Primary R, M, and E Type: Uncertainties Research |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | Genetics Laboratory Analysis | RNA and DNA will be extracted from tissue samples for analyses using a Qiagen 3000 robot and DNeasy/RNeasy protocols from Qiagen. DNA will be PCR amplified with microsatellite loci that map to a quantitative trait locus (QTL) for smoltification. RNA extracted from tissues will be hybridized to GRASP microarrys to test the genome for differential expression. Applied Biosystem TaqMan assays will be used to quantitate expression of known NaK-ATPase or thyroid genes in RNA from tissue samples. | 9/1/2007 | 4/1/2009 | $244,892 |
Biological objectives Identify quantitative genetic characteristics |
Metrics Primary R, M, and E Type: Uncertainties Research |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | Sample juvenile O. mykiss | Tissues (gill, brain, and liver) will be collected from juvenile O. mykiss at four time intervals (n = 10 each time) relative to known physiological development of smoltification. April and May are the peak of many hormonal cues (i.e. NaK-ATPase, IGF-I) that indicate smoltification. The sampling time periods are spaced at three month intervals to account for gene expression prior to (February), during (May), and after (August and November) expected peak smoltification. Three sampling sites were chosen to represent a nearly exclusive steelhead population (Satus Creek), a predominant rainbow trout population (upper Yakima River), and a population with a mixture of resident rainbow trout and anadromous steelhead (Naches River). | 2/1/2007 | 11/15/2008 | $50,000 |
Biological objectives Identify quantitative genetic characteristics |
Metrics Primary R, M, and E Type: Uncertainties Research |
Disseminate Raw/Summary Data and Results | Interpretation and Reporting | This analysis will determine the combination of genetic traits and environmental factors that will be used to recover steelhead in the Yakima River sub-basin. | 12/1/2007 | 12/31/2009 | $20,000 |
Biological objectives Identify quantitative genetic characteristics |
Metrics |
Section 8. Budgets
Itemized estimated budget
Item | Note | FY07 | FY08 | FY09 |
Personnel | Geneticists | $25,000 | $32,500 | $35,000 |
Personnel | Field/Lab technicians | $24,000 | $26,000 | $0 |
Fringe Benefits | 32.5% of salaries | $15,925 | $19,013 | $11,375 |
Overhead | [blank] | $23,341 | $27,866 | $16,672 |
Supplies | Genetics lab supplies/furnishings | $30,000 | $59,600 | $59,600 |
Travel | Coordination and sampling | $5,000 | $5,000 | $5,000 |
Totals | $123,266 | $169,979 | $127,647 |
Total estimated FY 2007-2009 budgets
Total itemized budget: | $420,892 |
Total work element budget: | $420,892 |
Cost sharing
Funding source/org | Item or service provided | FY 07 est value ($) | FY 08 est value ($) | FY 09 est value ($) | Cash or in-kind? | Status |
Totals | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Section 9. Project future
FY 2010 estimated budget: $30,000 FY 2011 estimated budget: $30,000 |
Comments: Additional analysis and reporting for publication |
Future O&M costs:
Termination date: 12/30/2009
Comments: The pilot project in the Yakima River will terminate in December of 2009. As suggested by ISRP and subbasin reviews, the project may be expanded in the future to other regions in the Columbia River as appropriate.
Final deliverables: Annual Reports and a Final Report will be submitted to BPA including: 1) Identification of genes that predispose individual O. mykiss to anadromy. 2) Modeling of genetic and environmental factors to assist with recovery of steelhead. 3) Management plans to maximize genetic traits for anadromy in the population.
Section 10. Narrative and other documents
Response to ISRP | Jul 2006 |
Reviews and recommendations
FY07 budget | FY08 budget | FY09 budget | Total budget | Type | Category | Recommendation |
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs] | ||||||
$0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | Expense | ProvinceExpense | Do Not Fund |
Recommendation: Not fundable
NPCC comments: This is a basic research project. As written, it is exploratory and descriptive; however, the project proposal is premature, not well-supported by regional planning documents like the Subbasin Plan, and does an inadequate review and presentation of existing scientific literature and thinking on the resident / anadromy issue in O. mykiss. The proposal is not set in a hypothesis-testing framework. It would be improved if written or constructed to test a specific hypothesis. There are a number of assumptions and premises that probably need to be addressed before funding should be made available. For example, in the first objective, five stream populations will be characterized and then Prosser Dam smolts surveyed for likely source of origin. This presumes there are divergent and stable gene assemblages that describe the populations. No data or evidence was presented to support this presumption. Moreover, temporal stability of assemblages for a population is a fundamental requirement for populations to serve as adequate reference populations for GSI (GSA, or MSA). See literature on GSI and MSA. In the second objective, the Sponsor indicates that ocean-running versus resident life history is highly plastic; i.e., an individual or populations, at least, can go either way depending on environmental cues or some genetic predisposition. This would be more a convincing thread of research from a stronger line of reasoning with specific data or results from earlier work; it is not obvious at all. At first blush, the search for a "smoltification" gene seems a needle-in-a-haystack search and not a viable research hypothesis. Why do sponsors contend such a gene(s) exist? Technical and scientific background: A brief background was presented, without reference to the rich scientific literature on the subject of anadromy versus residence on this species and others (e.g., Thorpe 1989). Under objective 1, sponsors will find that partitioning of the smolt population into tributary populations to be highly variable year on year, and a function of several factors, but mainly spawner density (density dependent rearing) and production characteristics (e.g., flow, nutrients, frequency of catastrophic events, predators, competitors). Thus, several years of study may be required to ascertain average and variance in yield and capacity. Under objective 2, three tributaries may not yield sufficient information but form a reasonable pilot study on this topic. Expansion to several more tributaries, in and out of the Yakima basin may provide more useful information on the life history strategies and tactics. In Atlantic salmon, for example, resident and anadromous forms can occur in populations that are very productive and in populations inhabiting very cold waters and unproductive. In the former case juveniles smolt at an early age and males may mature early. In the later case smolt age is advanced and some males mature instream after several years. Distance from the sea may also play a factor. What are the hypotheses to be tested here? Rationale and significance to subbasin plans and regional programs: While the project addresses a key problem in the Yakima Subbasin Plan, the sponsors do not build a compelling case as to how this research will address a key uncertainty in the biology of salmon. Ultimately, if the numerous assumptions pan out, the research might make a contribution to understanding of life history tactics in salmonids and the potential role of resident fish in rebuilding anadromous populations. This section was perhaps too concise and failed to capture the important linkage with potential population re-building with resident fish, if that is what the question is here -- not clear. Relationships to other projects: The sponsors relate this project superficially to several other projects associated with kelt reconditioning and reproductive success. Ultimately, there is no explanation why this is important to other projects and efforts. Objectives: Objectives and methods are briefly explained. It is not clear why kelts will be sampled in objective 1, and the accuracy of the smolt count at Prosser dam should be addressed, as well as presentation of the smolt data. Tasks (work elements) and methods: The molecular and analytical methods for the first objective are relatively straightforward. The methods to address the second objective are a little more problematic. Without some analogous data for other species, this approach may have a limited likelihood for success. Monitoring and evaluation: This is an exploratory research project from which future M&E may become possible for other projects. Facilities, equipment, and personnel: Facilities and equipment are apparently available. The primary submitter is a late-stage Ph.D. candidate, who will likely finish; however, his record of independence and delivery absent the graduate program supervisor is unclear. Information transfer is mostly through annual reporting (presume professional societies and publication as well -- not spelled out though).
ISRP FINAL REVIEW (Aug 31, 2006)
Recommendation: Not fundable
NPCC comments: The sponsors provided a response in which they eliminate an entire Objective (1). As such the response does not establish sufficient justification for funding at this time. Moreover, as a basic research project, the proposal might receive more favorable review if some proof of concept or at least preliminary data were included indicating that there is a single or a set of gene(s) responsible for variation in smolt physiology. Ultimately, the response provided was brief with minor revision and clarity. The response was inadequate as the basic issues identified in ISRP's original review remain. The ISRP's preliminary review (June 1, 2006): This is a basic research project. As written, it is exploratory and descriptive; however, the project proposal is premature, not well-supported by regional planning documents like the Subbasin Plan, and does an inadequate review and presentation of existing scientific literature and thinking on the resident / anadromy issue in O. mykiss. The proposal is not set in a hypothesis-testing framework. It would be improved if written or constructed to test a specific hypothesis. There are a number of assumptions and premises that probably need to be addressed before funding should be made available. For example, in the first objective, five stream populations will be characterized and then Prosser Dam smolts surveyed for likely source of origin. This presumes there are divergent and stable gene assemblages that describe the populations. No data or evidence was presented to support this presumption. Moreover, temporal stability of assemblages for a population is a fundamental requirement for populations to serve as adequate reference populations for GSI (GSA, or MSA). See literature on GSI and MSA. In the second objective, the Sponsor indicates that ocean-running versus resident life history is highly plastic; i.e., an individual or populations, at least, can go either way depending on environmental cues or some genetic predisposition. This would be more a convincing thread of research from a stronger line of reasoning with specific data or results from earlier work; it is not obvious at all. At first blush, the search for a "smoltification" gene seems a needle-in-a-haystack search and not a viable research hypothesis. Why do sponsors contend such a gene(s) exist? Technical and scientific background: A brief background was presented, without reference to the rich scientific literature on the subject of anadromy versus residence on this species and others (e.g., Thorpe 1989). Under objective 1, sponsors will find that partitioning of the smolt population into tributary populations to be highly variable year on year, and a function of several factors, but mainly spawner density (density dependent rearing) and production characteristics (e.g., flow, nutrients, frequency of catastrophic events, predators, competitors). Thus, several years of study may be required to ascertain average and variance in yield and capacity. Under objective 2, three tributaries may not yield sufficient information but form a reasonable pilot study on this topic. Expansion to several more tributaries, in and out of the Yakima basin may provide more useful information on the life history strategies and tactics. In Atlantic salmon, for example, resident and anadromous forms can occur in populations that are very productive and in populations inhabiting very cold waters and unproductive. In the former case, juveniles smolt at an early age and males may mature early. In the later case smolt age is advanced and some males mature instream after several years. Distance from the sea may also play a factor. What are the hypotheses to be tested here? Rationale and significance to subbasin plans and regional programs: While the project addresses a key problem in the Yakima Subbasin Plan, the sponsors do not build a compelling case as to how this research will address a key uncertainty in the biology of salmon. Ultimately, if the numerous assumptions pan out, the research might make a contribution to understanding of life history tactics in salmonids and the potential role of resident fish in rebuilding anadromous populations. This section was perhaps too concise and failed to capture the important linkage with potential population re-building with resident fish, if that is what the question is here -- not clear. Relationships to other projects: The sponsors relate this project superficially to several other projects associated with kelt reconditioning and reproductive success. Ultimately, there is no explanation why this is important to other projects and efforts. Objectives: Objectives and methods are briefly explained. It is not clear why kelts will be sampled in objective 1, and the accuracy of the smolt count at Prosser dam should be addressed, as well as presentation of the smolt data. Tasks (work elements) and methods: The molecular and analytical methods for the first objective are relatively straightforward. The methods to address the second objective are a little more problematic. Without some analogous data for other species, this approach may have a limited likelihood for success. Monitoring and evaluation: This is an exploratory research project from which future M&E may become possible for other projects. Facilities, equipment, and personnel: Facilities and equipment are apparently available. The primary submitter is a late-stage Ph.D. candidate, who will likely finish; however, his record of independence and delivery absent the graduate program supervisor is unclear. Information transfer is mostly through annual reporting (presume professional societies and publication as well -- not spelled out though).