FY07-09 proposal 199701325

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Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleYakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project Operations and Maintenance
Proposal ID199701325
OrganizationYakama Confederated Tribes
Short descriptionThe O & M sub-proposal currently covers the following YKFP fish production and research facilities: the Cle Elum Supplementation and Research Facility (CESRF), the Prosser Fish Facility, and the Marion Drain Fish Facility.
Information transferStatus, quarterly, and annual reporting will be via the BPA project reporting process. Project information is posted to the ykfp.org, DART, and BPA web sites. The project produces peer-reviewed technical publications.
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
Form submitter
Charlie Strom Yakama Nation osprey@eburg.com
All assigned contacts
Bill Fiander Yakama Nation Fisheries bfiander@yakama.com
melvin sampson yakama nation mel@yakama.com
Charlie Strom Yakama Nation osprey@eburg.com

Section 2. Locations

Province / subbasin: Columbia Plateau / Yakima

46 53 56.09N 121 00 38.14W stream Lost Creek Coho Acclimation Facility
46 38 56.79N 120 36 41.50W stream Stiles Pond Coho Acclimation Facility
47.0239 N 120.62 W stream Holmes Property
47.1788 N 120.89 W stream Boone Pond
46 12 56.15N 119 45 25.57W stream Prosser Hatchery
46 20 15.42N 120 28 43.81W stream Marion Drain Hatchery
47 11 0.60N 120 58 46.31W stream Cle Elum Supplementation and Research Facility
47 06 9.80N 120 43 0.23W stream Clark Flat Spring Chinook Acclimation Facility
47 14 10.42N 121 10 0.32W stream Easton Spring Chinook Acclimation Facility
47 19 29.21N 120 51 3.42W stream Jack Creek Spring Chinook Acclimation Facility
46 44 56.51N 120 27 49.57W stream Roza Adult Broodstock Collection Facility
46 12 44.17N 119 46 13.35W stream Prosser Broodstock Collection Facility

Section 3. Focal species

primary: All Anadromous Salmonids

Section 4. Past accomplishments

2005 Collect brood, spawn, incubate, rear, monitored fish health, acclimate and release fall and spring Chinook and Coho. Operate and maintain Cle Elum, Prosser, Marion Drain facilities and acclimation sites.
2004 Collect brood, spawn, incubate, rear, monitored fish health, acclimate and release fall and spring Chinook and Coho. Operate and maintain Cle Elum, Prosser, Marion Drain facilities and acclimation sites.
2003 Collect brood, spawn, incubate, rear, monitored fish health, acclimate and release fall and spring Chinook and Coho. Operate and maintain Cle Elum, Prosser, Marion Drain facilities and acclimation sites.
2002 Collect brood, spawn, incubate, rear, monitored fish health, acclimate and release fall and spring Chinook and Coho. Operate and maintain Cle Elum, Prosser, Marion Drain facilities and acclimation sites.
2001 Collect brood, spawn, incubate, rear, monitored fish health, acclimate and release fall and spring Chinook and Coho. Operate and maintain Cle Elum, Prosser, Marion Drain facilities and acclimation sites.
2000 Collect brood, spawn, incubate, rear, monitored fish health, acclimate and release fall and spring Chinook and Coho. Operate and maintain Cle Elum, Prosser, Marion Drain facilities and acclimation sites.
1999 Reared 98 brood, hold and spawn the 99 Brood at Cle Elum Facility. Rear and Release 97 brood at Clark Flat and Easton Acclimation Sites. Acclimated and released fall Chinook and Coho at the Naches and Yakima Rivers. Spawned, release steehead at Prosser.
1998 Rear 97 brood and hold and spawn 98 brood at the Cle Elum Facility. Acclimate and release fall Chinook. Installed four raceways at Prosser Facility. Acclimated Coho at Lost Creek on the Naches Rive, at Greenway ponds, and Lukehart ponds in Gleed.
1997 Collected first brood for Cle Elum Facility. Acclimated and released Coho from 3 locations in the Yakima area. Acclimated and released fall Chinook from Hanford K-Basin. Captured Fall Chinook broodstock from Chandler Dam.
1996 Shop and incubation building constructed at Prosser facility. Collected Fall Chinook by fish wheel at Marion Drain. Acclimated and released Fall Chinook and Coho at several locations in the Yakima River.
1995 Constructed two acclimation ponds for Marion Drain, Captured in basin fall Chinook brood stock from Prosser Dam and Marion drain, acclimated and released coho from granger pond, roza wasteway and wapato canal net pens
1994 Constructed Prosser hatchery, this consisted of three lined ponds for fall Chinook acclimation, acclimated and released fall Chinook at prosser and Hanford K-basin, acclimated and released coho from granger pond, roza wasteway and wapato canal net pens

Section 5. Relationships to other projects

Funding sourceRelated IDRelated titleRelationship
BPA 198812025 YKFP Management, Data, Habitat Proposal provides for all YN management functions associated with the Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project including project planning, O&M, research, data management, and habitat improvement and acquisition actions in the Yakima Subbasin.
BPA 199506325 YKFP - Monitoring And Evaluati Umbrella proposal for monitoring and evaluation of natural production, harvest, ecological and genetic impacts for spring chinook, fall chinook, and coho fisheries enhancement projects in the Yakima Basin. M&E results guide adaptive management decisions.
BPA 198811525 YKFP - Design & Construction This proposal supports YKFP design and construction projects/activities in the Yakima Subbasin.
BPA 199506425 YKFP Policy/Plan/Technical WDFW policy and technical oversight of the Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project via the project's Policy Group and Scientific and Technical Advisory Group as dilineated in the agreed-upon project management structure.
PCSRF - WSRFB 04-1680 Holmes Floodplain Property Pro Acclimation site for Coho. Planning for future coho production site.
BPA 199506301 YKFP/YIN Chandler Juv Facility Monitoring of juvenile migration and steelhead collection site.
BPA 200203800 Acquire Yakima Basin Habitat Acquisition of lands for: protection of aquatic/terrestrial habitat; improvements of water quality; reconnection of the flood plain; restoration/protection of the riparian habitat and antural hydrologic regime.
BPA 199506424 WDFW/YKFP Supp Monitor Activit Historical id for M&E of Yakima Basin YKFP genetic and species interactions variables.
BPA 199901300 Ahtanum Creek Watershed Assess Conduct a watershed assessment in the agricultural portion of the Ahtanum Creek watershed to complete assessment of the entire watershed, facilitate protection and restoration of salmon, steelhead, bull trout.
BPA 198811500 Cle Elum Mon/Eval Bldg Capital expenses for construction of the upper Yakima River spring chinook hatchery at Cle Elum, Washington, and three satellite acclimation facilities in the upper Yakima River Basin.
BPA 200202400 Secure Salmonid Spawning Habit Purchase of 370 acres of upper Yakima River wetlands through fee simple acquisition to secure spawning and rearing habitat for salmonids.
BPA 199803100 Implement Wy-Kan-Ush-Mi Wa-Kis Provide effective and efficient watershed restoration through coordination and support of tribal restoration planning and project implementation consistent with the Wy-Kan-Ush-Mi Wa-Kish-Wit and the NPPC Fish & Wildlife Program.
BPA 199603501 Satus Creek Watershed Restorat This is a watershed scale restoration project intended to protect and enhance habitat for the native threatened summer steelhead stock, and a variety of cultural and natural resources.
BPA 199705100 Yakima Basin Side Channels This project supports the Yakama Nation's (YN) activities related to YKFP habitat improvement and acquisition activities in the Yakima Subbasin. The project goal is to protect and restore off-channel rearing habitats in priority mainstem reaches.
BPA 199705300 Toppenish/Simcoe Instream Flow Identify extent of anadromous populations, identify land status, characterize habitat and discharge; model irrigation use; restore instream flows by land lease or purchase and/or water substitution; modify irrigation diversions to mimic natural runoff.
BPA 199803300 Upper Toppenish Creek Watershe Moderate flow regime in Toppenish Creek by increasing the retentiveness of natural soil water storage areas, such as headwater meadows and floodplains, following prioritized plan generated by FY98-99 watershed assessment.
BPA 199803400 Establish Safe Access Tributar This proposal supports the Yakama Nation's (YN) activities related to YKFP habitat improvement and acquisition activities in the Yakima Subbasin. The project rebuilds migratory passage into historically-productive tributary habitats.
BPA 200306200 Eval Repro Success Kelt Steel This project is designed to investigate the reproductive success of hatchery reared, natural-origin, and reconditioned kelt steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss in three different ESUs under natural conditions.
BPA 200001700 Recondition Wild Steelhead Kel Continue to test and evaluate methods to recondition steelhead kelts and/or transport them around hydo system, generate science-based management recommendations, and assist in their implementation to rebuild wild steelhead populations throughout the Basin
Other: NOAA/Mitchell Act [no entry] Coho/Fall Chinook Acclimation Reprogram Lower Columbia R. hatchery fish to the Yakima Basin.

Section 6. Biological objectives

Biological objectivesFull descriptionAssociated subbasin planStrategy
Operate and maintain fish production facilities Operate and maintain fish production and research facilities critical to the Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project. Yakima See Table 8, page 26 of Yakima Subbasin supplement, Nov. 26, 2004.

Section 7. Work elements (coming back to this)

Work element nameWork element titleDescriptionStart dateEnd dateEst budget
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation Monitor effluent water-Cle Elum Facility & Clark Flat, Easton, & Jack Creek sites when in operation Collect samples and forward to Department of Ecology. 6/1/2007 5/31/2010 $10,506
Biological objectives
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation Monitor groundwater for the six wells located at the Cle Elum Facility Monitor groundwater at Cle Elum Facility. 6/1/2007 5/31/2010 $9,551
Biological objectives
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation Monitor hatchery water Apply to Department of Ecology and follow guidelines for Upland Fin-fish Hatching and Rearing General NPDES Permit 6/1/2007 5/31/2010 $19,002
Biological objectives
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation Participate in ESA/NEPA Compliance for Yakima Basin Monitoring, Evaluation and Fisheries Management Prepare documentation in support of ESA/NEPA compliance regarding fisheries monitoring and evaluation activities in consultation and coordination with BPA environmental staff. This work element acknowledges that all activities regarding ESA/NEPA compliance will be coordinated with BPA environmental staff to ensure adequate compliance is in place prior to actions occurring. ESA/NEPA coordination is an on-going activity under this project and this WE documents the contractor's responsibility for supporting BPA's ESA/NEPA compliance for all activities under this contract. (This WE is intended to cover new activities - there is a series of existing ESA and NEPA compliance documents in place that cover all current activities.) 6/1/2007 5/31/2010 $0
Biological objectives
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation Participate in ESA/NEPA Compliance for Yakima Basin Monitoring, Evaluation and Fisheries Management Prepare documentation in support of ESA/NEPA compliance regarding fisheries monitoring and evaluation activities in consultation and coordination with BPA environmental staff. This work element acknowledges that all activities regarding ESA/NEPA compliance will be coordinated with BPA environmental staff to ensure adequate compliance is in place prior to actions occurring. ESA/NEPA coordination is an on-going activity under this project and this WE documents the contractor's responsibility for supporting BPA's ESA/NEPA compliance for all activities under this contract. (This WE is intended to cover new activities - there is a series of existing ESA and NEPA compliance documents in place that cover all current activities.) 6/1/2007 5/31/2010 $0
Biological objectives
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation Perform mitigation actions for offsite facility grounds. Perform mitigation actions for offsite facility grounds. 6/1/2007 5/31/2010 $54,122
Biological objectives
Maintain Fish Health USFW to Maintain Fish Health for the Cle Elum Facilities. Contracted by USFWS to monitor spring chinook salmon at all life stages. 6/1/2007 5/31/2010 $276,976
Biological objectives
Maintain Fish Health USFW to Maintain Fish Health for the Lower Yakima River Supplementation and Research Facilities Services provided by USFW to maintain fish health for the Lower Yakima River Supplementation and Research Facilities. USFW- subcontract to cover pathological screening of Yakima mainstem fall Chinook, Marion Drain fall Chinook, and coho. This will cover adults and juveniles. Including spawning, pre-transfer and pre-release sampling, monthly check-ups, and screening (as needed) of fish when they appear to be stressed or diseased stricken. 6/1/2007 5/31/2010 $225,955
Biological objectives
Maintain Hatchery Operate and maintain the Cle Elum, Jack Creek, Easton, and Clark Flat Facilities. Keep all hatchery facilities in an operational mode. 6/1/2007 5/31/2010 $1,437,592
Biological objectives
Maintain Hatchery Operate and Maintain the Prosser Hatchery, Marion Drain Hatchery and the Acclimation Sites Operate and maintain the Prosser Hatchery, Marion Drain Hatchery and the acclimation sites. 6/1/2007 5/31/2010 $1,509,598
Biological objectives
Produce Hatchery Fish Conduct fish culture activities to rear and release 810,000 spring Chinook smolts. Conduct fish culture activities to rear, acclimate, and release up to 810,00 Spring Chinook smolts and three different acclimation sites. 6/1/2007 5/31/2010 $3,024,446
Biological objectives
Produce Hatchery Fish Feasibility of Reintroduction of Coho in the Yakima Basin Conduct fish culture activities to rear, acclimate, and release up to 500,000 in the Yakima Basin. 6/1/2007 5/31/2010 $1,129,773
Biological objectives
Produce Hatchery Fish Feasibility of Supplementation to Increase the Marion Drain Fall Chinook Conduct fish culture activities to rear, acclimate, and release up to 75,000 Marion Drain fall Chinook. 6/1/2007 5/31/2010 $263,614
Biological objectives
Produce Hatchery Fish Feasibility of Supplementation to Increase Yakima Mainstem Fall Chinook Conduct fish culture activities to rear, acclimate, and release up to 1,700,000 out of basin and 800,000 in basin fall Chinook. 6/1/2007 5/31/2010 $414,941
Biological objectives
Trap/Collect/Hold/Transport Fish - Hatchery Maintain Roza Facility Maintain adult and juvenile trapping, sampling, and collection facilities at Roza Dam (previously contracted to BOR). 6/1/2007 5/31/2010 $46,000
Biological objectives
Manage and Administer Projects Manage and Administer Projects for Lower Yakima River O&M. Plan, schedule, and coordinate activities,train personnel, prepare SOW/budget and accrual reports. 6/1/2007 5/31/2010 $131,634
Biological objectives
Manage and Administer Projects Training for Cle Elum Supp. & Research Facility staff/Prepare new SOW & Annual Operating Plan Plan, schedule, and cooridnate activities, train personnel, prepare sow/budget and submit annual reports. 6/1/2007 5/31/2010 $17,510
Biological objectives
Outreach and Education Continue the Hatchery Host program for the Cle Elum Supplementation and Research Facility Keep facility and hatchery host area in a neat and orderly manner. Keep supplies and materials for the hatchery host during the months of May through September. 6/1/2007 5/31/2010 $28,653
Biological objectives
Produce Annual Report Prepare Annual Report for Lower Yakima River O&M. Produce Annual BPA Report that summarizes work accomplished in the previous 12 months. 6/1/2007 5/31/2010 $37,659
Biological objectives
Produce Annual Report Prepare CESRF Annual Report Produce annual BPA report that summarizes work accomplished in the previous 12 months. 6/1/2007 5/31/2010 $6,367
Biological objectives
Produce Status Report Produce monthly reports for Cle Elum Facilities Progress reports will include various fish culture activities and hatchery maintenance procedures. Production reports will include the number of fish on hand, size of fish on hand, and food fed. 6/1/2007 5/31/2010 $6,386
Biological objectives
Produce Status Report Produce monthly reports for Lower Yakima River O&M. Progress reports will include various fish culture activities and hatchery maintenance procedures. Production reports will include number of fish on hand, size of fish on hand and food fed. 6/1/2007 5/31/2010 $37,659
Biological objectives

Section 8. Budgets

Itemized estimated budget
Personnel 21 FTE's, 10 seasonal/part time $924,757 $976,996 $1,026,690
Fringe Benefits Fringe is at exempt and non-exempt status please see Manager for further clarification. $156,506 $163,925 $183,071
Supplies Supplies and materials needed to operate hatchery facilities. $930,785 $880,813 $900,792
Travel Attend technical, scientific and financial workshops and training. $15,407 $16,148 $16,926
Capital Equipment All major equipment purchases over $ 5,000. $76,180 $79,515 $83,013
Overhead Indirect cost $368,820 $384,956 $401,882
Other subcontracts and expenses that do not include Indirect Cost $350,700 $363,408 $386,654
Totals $2,823,155 $2,865,761 $2,999,028
Total estimated FY 2007-2009 budgets
Total itemized budget: $8,687,944
Total work element budget: $8,687,944
Cost sharing
Funding source/orgItem or service providedFY 07 est value ($)FY 08 est value ($)FY 09 est value ($)Cash or in-kind?Status
Totals $0 $0 $0

Section 9. Project future

FY 2010 estimated budget: $3,066,340
FY 2011 estimated budget: $3,066,340
Comments: Projected budget for future need.

Future O&M costs: Continuing project to meet YKFP objectives and/or the Yakima Subbasin Management and Recovery Plans. See YKFP M&E Project narrative 199506325n Section 10.F.

Termination date: none
Comments: Continuing project to meet YKFP objectives and/or the Yakima Subbasin Management and Recovery Plans. See YKFP M&E Project narrative 199506325n Section 10.F.

Final deliverables:

Section 10. Narrative and other documents

Reviews and recommendations

FY07 budget FY08 budget FY09 budget Total budget Type Category Recommendation
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs]
$2,666,666 $2,666,666 $2,666,666 $7,999,998 Expense ProvinceExpense Fund
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs]
$2,666,666 $2,666,666 $2,666,666 $0 ProvinceExpense
Comments: ISRP fundable qualified: ISRP recommends that the broader YKFP program be the subject of an organized program review. Project sponsor should consider focusing the next annual review for this purpose, otherwise review will need to occur as part of the next project review cycle. As Council has asked for in the past, a Master Plan is needed for fall chinook and coho elements of the project.


Recommendation: Fundable (Qualified)

NPCC comments: See overall comments for the five related Yakima/Klickitat Fishery Projects under proposal 19881205. Comments specific to this O&M proposal: This O&M project is identified as a crucial component of the broad YKFP project which mitigates for the federal power projects by supplementing populations and improving habitats. The YKFP O&M project specifically addresses the operation of three facilities critical to the YKFP's supplementation experiment (Cle Elum Facility [CEF], Prosser Fish Facility [PFF], and Marion Drain Facility [MDF]). These facilities handle the bulk of work associated with brood collection and husbandry, incubation and rearing, and acclimation and release for fall and spring Chinook and Coho. As specifically focused on CESRF, PFF, and MDF this project identifies its role within the broader YKFP. However, the broader rationale and significance needs to be described beyond the need for ongoing facilities O&M. More specifically, why the facilities need to be kept going is crucial in terms of the realized or potentially realized benefits of artificial production and supplementation. The project history was mostly a listing of dollars spent. The objectives are very brief, but this is all about simply producing fish. Lost are the overarching objectives about restoring wild runs and minimizing risks to native fish. Most of the Methods for the work elements are straightforward. While the earlier disagreements about specific wording in regard to 2x2 factorial breeding designs have been addressed in this version, the ISRP remains generally skeptical about the ability of a broad supplementation program at restoring or even maintaining population viability. That M&E is directly integrated will help to dispel this skepticism if natural productivity is demonstrated as a result of the program. As the stated objectives are non-biological for this specific project, M&E are not amenable unless there is some actual habitat work being conducted (which is not obvious). As such there is no real science to review here, although review is doable for the broader program. Information transfer needs to occur for biological data (as well as coordination and planning) within the broader YKFP context. While the facilities and personnel are appropriately large-scale (21+ personnel) at three major (+ satellite) facilities, the timeframe to reach some decisional nexus is not well described.

ISRP FINAL REVIEW (Aug 31, 2006)

Recommendation: Fundable (Qualified)

NPCC comments: See overall comments for the five related Yakima/Klickitat Fishery Projects under proposal 19881205. Comments specific to this O&M proposal: This O&M project is identified as a crucial component of the broad YKFP project which mitigates for the federal power projects by supplementing populations and improving habitats. The YKFP O&M project specifically addresses the operation of three facilities critical to the YKFP's supplementation experiment (Cle Elum Facility [CEF], Prosser Fish Facility [PFF], and Marion Drain Facility [MDF]). These facilities handle the bulk of work associated with brood collection and husbandry, incubation and rearing, and acclimation and release for fall and spring Chinook and Coho. As specifically focused on CESRF, PFF, and MDF this project identifies its role within the broader YKFP. However, the broader rationale and significance needs to be described beyond the need for ongoing facilities O&M. More specifically, why the facilities need to be kept going is crucial in terms of the realized or potentially realized benefits of artificial production and supplementation. The project history was mostly a listing of dollars spent. The objectives are very brief, but this is all about simply producing fish. Lost are the overarching objectives about restoring wild runs and minimizing risks to native fish. Most of the Methods for the work elements are straightforward. While the earlier disagreements about specific wording in regard to 2x2 factorial breeding designs have been addressed in this version, the ISRP remains generally skeptical about the ability of a broad supplementation program at restoring or even maintaining population viability. That M&E is directly integrated will help to dispel this skepticism if natural productivity is demonstrated as a result of the program. As the stated objectives are non-biological for this specific project, M&E are not amenable unless there is some actual habitat work being conducted (which is not obvious). As such there is no real science to review here, although review is doable for the broader program. Information transfer needs to occur for biological data (as well as coordination and planning) within the broader YKFP context. While the facilities and personnel are appropriately large-scale (21+ personnel) at three major (+ satellite) facilities, the timeframe to reach some decisional nexus is not well described.