FY07-09 proposal 199801005
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Section 1. Administrative
Proposal title | Pittsburg Landing Fall Chinook Acclimation Project (FCAP) |
Proposal ID | 199801005 |
Organization | Nez Perce Tribe |
Short description | Supplement natural production of Snake River fall Chinook above Lower Granite Dam through acclimation and final rearing of Lyons Ferry Hatchery yearling and sub-yearlings at two sites on the Snake River and one site on the Clearwater River. |
Information transfer | Transfer of project data to other agencies is accomplished through annual reports, semi-annual coordination meetings with all cooperators, annual Lyons Ferry Hatchery AOP, U.S. vs Oregon PAC meetings and consultation with cooperators on any proposed changes to the program. Transmit information to BPA through budget proposals, Pisces status reports and annual reports. Annual reports are submitted to www.efw.bpa.gov/search publications/ Additional project information can be found at www.nezperce.org/~dfrm/ |
Proposal contact person or principal investigator |
Contact | Organization | |
Form submitter | ||
Bruce McLeod | Nez Perce Tribe | brucem@nezperce.org |
All assigned contacts | ||
Arleen Henry | Nez Perce Tribe | arleenh@nezperce.org |
Becky Johnson | Nez Perce Tribe | beckyj@nezperce.org |
Ed Larson | Nez Perce Tribe | edl@nezperce.org |
Bruce McLeod | Nez Perce Tribe | brucem@nezperce.org |
Bruce McLeod | Nez Perce Tribe | brucem@nezperce.org |
Bruce McLeod | Nez Perce Tribe | brucem@nezperce.org |
Patricia O'Donnell | Bonneville Power Administration | paodonnell@bpa.gov |
Kelly Wasson | Nez Perce Tribe | kellyw@nezperce.org |
Nancy Weintraub | Bonneville Power Administration | nhweintraub@bpa.gov |
Section 2. Locations
Province / subbasin: Blue Mountain / Snake Hells Canyon
Latitude | Longitude | Waterbody | Description |
46 29 52 | 116 26 11 | Clearwater River | Big Canyon is located on lower Clearwater River adjacent to highway 12 near Peck, Idaho. The site is 10 miles below the confluence of the North Fork and Middle Fork of the Clearwater River at River Mile 31. |
46 08 23 | 116 56 09 | Snake River | Capt. John Rapids is located on the Snake River between Asotin, WA and the mouth of the Grand Ronde River at River Mile 35. The site is on the Washington side of the river, 20 miles upstream of Asotin. |
45 37 58 | 116 28 37 | Snake River | Pittsburg Landing is located in the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area near Whitebird, ID. The site is located on the Idaho side of the Snake River @ River Mile 215, about 31 miles downstream of Hells Canyon Dam. |
Section 3. Focal species
primary: Chinook Snake River Fall ESUSection 4. Past accomplishments
Year | Accomplishments |
2005 | PL, BC and CJR operated with 290,215 yearlings and 1,413,017 sub-yearlings acclimated and released. Budget: $729,529; Adults over LGD: 11,182 - 3235 Jacks (preliminary data); Redd counts: CL 487 - SN 948 (preliminary data) |
2004 | PL, BC and CJR operated with 414,452 yearlings and 1,337,420 sub-yearlings acclimated and released. Budget: $729,532; Adults over LGD 14,960 - 7600 Jacks; Redd counts: CL 630 - SN 1718 |
2003 | PL, BC and CJR operated with 437,633 yearlings 1,700,758 sub-yearlings was acclimated and released. Budget: 710, 870; Adults over LGD: 11,732 - 8481 Jacks; Redd counts: CL 571 - Sn 1524 |
2002 | PL, BC and CJR operated with 479,358 yearlings and 2,398,079 sub-yearlings acclimated and released. Budget: $713,054; Adults over LGD 12,351 - 5,727 Jacks; Redd counts: CL 527 - SN 1113 |
2001 | PL, BC and CJR operated with 318,932 yearlings and 1,732,167 sub-yearlings acclimated and released. Budget: $689,826; Adult over LGD: 8915 - 8834 Jacks; Redd counts: CL 336 - SN 770 |
2000 | PL, BC and CJR operated with 397,339 yearlings and 2,183,477 sub-yearlings acclimated and released. Budget: 634,399; Adult over LGD: 3696 - 7131 Jacks; Redd Counts: CL 180 - SN 346 |
1999 | PL, BC and CJR operated with 529,503 yearlings and 670,033 sub-yearlings accclimated and released. Budget: $624,000; Adults over LGD: 3384 - 1863 Jacks; Redd counts: CL 184 - 373 SN |
1998 | PL, BC and Capt John Rapids (CJR) (Project 1998-010-07) operated with 336,191 yearlings acclimated and released. Budget: $510,000 (14 months); Adults over LGD: 1909 - 2002 Jacks; Redd counts: CL 78 - SN 185 |
1997 | PL and Big Canyon (BC) (Project 1998-010-08) operated wiith 345,769 yearlings and 252,705 sub-yearlings acclimated and released. Budget: $390,869; Adults over LGD 1451 - 504 Jacks; Redd counts: CL 72 - SN 58 |
1996 | Operation of the Pittsburg Landing (PL) (Project 1998-010-05) began with a total of 114,299 Fall Chinook acclimated and released. Budget: $111,667; Adult FCS over Lower Granite Dam (LGD): 1308 - 424 Jacks; Redd counts: Clearwater (CL) 69 - Snake (SN) 10 |
Section 5. Relationships to other projects
Funding source | Related ID | Related title | Relationship |
Other: LSRCP | 200112 | Lyons Ferry Hatchery | Production of yearling and sub-yearling fall Chinook salmon for on-station releases and outplants above Lower Granite Dam. |
Other: LSRCP | 200118 | LSRCP Fall Chinook Production and Evaluation Program | Evulate yearling and sub-yearling fall Chinook salmon released on-station from LFH. Run reconstruction of adult fall Chinook returns to Lower Granite Dam. |
Other: LSRCP | 200101 | USFWS Idaho Fish Health Center | Monitor health of FCAP yearling and sub-yearling fall Chinook salmon. |
BPA | 199801005 | Pittsburg Landing Fall Chinook | Acclimatiion and release of yearling and sub-yearling fall Chinook salmon from facilities in the Snake and Clearwater Rivers above Lower Granite Dam. |
BPA | 199801004 | M&E Snake R. Fall Ch Spawning | Monitor and evalate yearling and sub-yearling fall Chinook salmon released from FCAP facilities. Spawning ground surveys - Salmon, Imanha and Grande Ronde Rivers |
BPA | 199801003 | M&E Yearling Snake R. Fall Ch | M&E of spawining distribution of fall chinook salmon released as yearlings. Spawning ground surveys in Snake River. |
BPA | 198335000 | Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery O&M | Production of fall Chinook for release throughout the Lower Columbia River Subbasin. |
BPA | 198335003 | Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery M&E | M&E of NPTH fall Chinook salmon program. Spawning surveys in Clearwater and Selway Rivers. |
Other: Idaho Power Corporation | IPC | Idaho Power Fall Chinook Program | Spawning ground surveys in the Snake River. Production of fall Chinook salmon for release below Hells Canyon Dam. Habitat quality in Snake River above and below Hell Canyon Dam Complex. |
Section 6. Biological objectives
Biological objectives | Full description | Associated subbasin plan | Strategy |
Aquatic Ecosystem Objective 2A: | Increase SARs of naturally produced spawning adults to at least 4 to 6% for spring chinook, 3% for fall Chinook, and 4% for steelhead, as measured at Lower Granite Dam, to increase natural production and harvest of fish population (as identified in Appendix A). This project accomplishes priority work under the subbasin plan because it produces ESA listed Chinook salmon directly aimed at achieving goals identified in Appendix A (Hells Canyon Management Plan, p.94). It is the only supplementation program in this subbasin. Further, artificial production from this project is agreed to and managated under a court ordered agreement in US v Oregon | Snake Hells Canyon | Strategy 2A7: Maximize natural and artificial production effectiveness in the subbasin -- Continue existing and/or implement innovative hatchery production strategies; 2A8: Monitor effectiveness of artificial and natural production strategies. |
Biological Objective D | Utilize a mix of hatchery and natural production strategies for native, localized, and reintroduced populations to meet subbasin goals delineated in Table 3 within 25 years. This project accomplishes priority work under the subbasin plan because it produces fall chinook salmon directly aimed at achieving goals identified in table 3 (Clearwater Managemant Plan, p. 16). Further more, artificial prioduction from this project is agreed to and mandated under a court ordered agreement in US v Oregon. | Clearwater | Strat 1: Maximize hatchery effectiveness, continue innovative hatchery production strategies; Strat 2: Apply safety-net intervention; Strat 3: Implement artificial propragation measures Strat 4: Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of hatchery and natural |
Section 7. Work elements (coming back to this)
Work element name | Work element title | Description | Start date | End date | Est budget |
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation | Obtain Permits and submit copies to BPA NEPA group | Acquire necessary permits and other authorization to operate facility. | 1/1/2007 | 12/31/2009 | $23,018 |
Biological objectives Aquatic Ecosystem Objective 2A: Biological Objective D |
Metrics |
Build Artificial Production Facility | Fall Chinook Acclimation Facility Development | Coordinate and negotiate with USCOE on needed facility improvements. Monitor contractors to ensure all elements of construction are consistant with fish rearing, acclimation and release goals. | 1/1/2007 | 12/31/2009 | $12,000 |
Biological objectives Biological Objective D |
Metrics |
Acclimate Juvenile Fish | Fall Chinook Acclimation | Acclimate each year 450,000 fall chinook yearling and 1,700,000 sub-yearling juvenile fish and release into Clearwater and Snake Rivers at the acclimation sites each year. | 1/1/2007 | 1/31/2009 | $1,563,186 |
Biological objectives Aquatic Ecosystem Objective 2A: Biological Objective D |
Metrics * # of fish released: 450,000 yearlings and 1,700,000 sub-yearlings |
Maintain Hatchery | Fall Chinook Acclimation Facility Maintenance | Maintain, repair, improve and secure facilities and equipment at the acclimation sites and at the Sweetwater Storage Facility. | 1/1/2007 | 12/31/2009 | $131,401 |
Biological objectives Aquatic Ecosystem Objective 2A: Biological Objective D |
Metrics |
Trap/Collect/Hold/Transport Fish - Hatchery | Transport yearling and sub-yearling FCS | Coordinate with WDFW and assist with transport of 450,000 yearling and 1,700,000 sub-yearling FCS from Lyons Ferry Hatchery to the acclimation sites for acclimation and release each year. | 1/1/2007 | 1/7/2009 | $45,134 |
Biological objectives Aquatic Ecosystem Objective 2A: Biological Objective D |
Metrics * # of ad-clip (hatchery origin) smolts: 450,000 yearling and 1,700,000 sub-yearlings |
Coordination | Fall Chinook Acclimation Project Coordination | Project coordination with WDFW, USFWS, NMFS, NPTM&E, IDF&G, COE, ODFW, Umatilla Tribe and US vs OR, PAC to plan current and future operations, arrange transport, facilitate acclimation and release of yearling and sub-yearling fish. | 1/1/2007 | 12/31/2009 | $164,968 |
Biological objectives Aquatic Ecosystem Objective 2A: Biological Objective D |
Metrics |
Manage and Administer Projects | Manage and Administer Fall Chinook Acclimation Project | Attend relevant inter and intra-agency meetings, manage the project and personnel, prepare a budget and Statement of Work for contract years 2007, 2008, 2009 that identifies production objectives and tasks. Manage the budget, property and personel according to BPA and Tribal policies and procedures. Provide BPA with status reports, FY07 June and September accrual estimates and FY07 metrics reports. | 1/1/2007 | 12/31/2009 | $307,935 |
Biological objectives Aquatic Ecosystem Objective 2A: Biological Objective D |
Metrics |
Outreach and Education | Conduct outreach and public education efforts | Conduct outreach and education efforts for cooperators and interested individuals and groups. | 1/1/2007 | 12/31/2009 | $45,336 |
Biological objectives |
Metrics * # of general public reached: Estimate 450 contacts each year |
Produce Annual Report | Fall Chinook Acclimation Annual Reporting | Submit a final operational report of all project activities for FY 07, 08 and 09. | 1/1/2008 | 1/31/2010 | $46,134 |
Biological objectives |
Metrics |
Produce Pisces Status Report | Fall Chinook Acclimation Quarterly Reporting | Prepare 4 quarterly progress reports each year against each milestone, indicating whether the milestone is green, yellow, or red. Reports will be submitted electronically on-line via Pisces. | 4/1/2007 | 12/31/2009 | $11,784 |
Biological objectives |
Metrics |
Produce Status Report | Fall Chinook Acclimation Reporting | Produce written quarterly reports each year to identify project tasks and accomplishments completed. | 4/1/2007 | 12/31/2009 | $5,784 |
Biological objectives |
Metrics |
Section 8. Budgets
Itemized estimated budget
Item | Note | FY07 | FY08 | FY09 |
Personnel | 7.5 FTE,s | $308,490 | $313,560 | $319,020 |
Fringe Benefits | Current Tribal Fringe benefits | $87,010 | $88,440 | $89,980 |
Travel | Field Per Diem | $13,000 | $13,250 | $14,000 |
Supplies | Fuel, fish food, GSA vehicles, electricity, telephone | $174,000 | $183,020 | $190,500 |
Capital Equipment | Replacement equipment | $20,000 | $21,000 | $22,000 |
Overhead | Indirect costs | $158,129 | $167,216 | $174,065 |
Totals | $760,629 | $786,486 | $809,565 |
Total estimated FY 2007-2009 budgets
Total itemized budget: | $2,356,680 |
Total work element budget: | $2,356,680 |
Cost sharing
Funding source/org | Item or service provided | FY 07 est value ($) | FY 08 est value ($) | FY 09 est value ($) | Cash or in-kind? | Status |
Totals | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Section 9. Project future
FY 2010 estimated budget: $825,500 FY 2011 estimated budget: $825,500 |
Comments: Reflects inflation costs only |
Future O&M costs: Future operations & maintenance costs should remain stable with no anticipated changes in the fish acclimation program or operations. Capital equipment and facilities are in place with no major replacement costs anticipated.
Termination date: Ongoing
Comments: Congress instructed the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USCOE) to construct, under the Lower Snake River Compensation Plan (LSRCP), final rearing and acclimation facilities for fall Chinook in the Snake River basin to complement their activities and efforts in compensating for fish lost due to construction of the lower Snake River dams. This is a supplementation project; in that hatchery produced fish will be released into the natural spawning habitat in an effort to return a greater number of spawners and hence natural production. The stock selected for release is the only Snake River basin origin hatchery stock in the Pacific Northwest and the hatchery propagating the stock has been designated as a gene bank for Snake River fall chinook. This is a long-term project, and will ultimately work towards achieving delisting goals established by NMFS.
Final deliverables: Annual reports will continue to provide information on operations and maintenance for the project.
Section 10. Narrative and other documents
Response to the ISRP Review of FY 2007-2009 Proposals | Jul 2006 |
Reviews and recommendations
FY07 budget | FY08 budget | FY09 budget | Total budget | Type | Category | Recommendation |
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs] | ||||||
$729,635 | $729,635 | $729,635 | $2,188,905 | Expense | ProvinceExpense | Fund |
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs] | ||||||
$729,635 | $729,635 | $729,635 | $0 | ProvinceExpense | ||
Comments: ISRP not fundable (qualified). Pending discussion with Council. |
Recommendation: Response requested
NPCC comments: Funding for continuation of this project is contingent on submittal of an adequate response coordinated with the monitoring and evaluation proposal 199801004. As an O & M proposal for fish rearing, this proposal has enough information for review, but its technical merit is tied to the M & E proposal. Therefore, evaluation and adaptive management of this project is contingent on successful execution of project 199801004. This is a major activity. There should be better structuring of the relationships of exactly how the proposed actions will accomplish objectives.
ISRP FINAL REVIEW (Aug 31, 2006)
Recommendation: Not fundable (Qualified)
NPCC comments: The original June 2006 assessment of the proposal was fairly succinct, “Funding for continuation of this project is contingent on submittal of an adequate response coordinated with the monitoring and evaluation proposal 199801004. As an O & M proposal for fish rearing, this proposal has enough information for review, but its technical merit is tied to the M & E proposal. Therefore, evaluation and adaptive management of this project is contingent on successful execution of project 199801004. This is a major activity. There should be better structuring of the relationships of exactly how the proposed actions will accomplish objectives.” As a result, this recommendation is qualified in that a reasonable response and alteration of the proposal would bring this proposal into the fundable category The authors basically chose a two-pronged strategy for their response back to he ISRP: 1. First, they directed the ISRP to “Please see the response to the ISRP comments on Project 19981004 – Monitor and Evaluate Performance of Juvenile Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon from Chinook Acclimation Facilities.” This was a bad strategy because the sponsor’s response to 199801004 was so woefully inadequate. 2. Second, they would have the ISRP ignore our earlier concerns via the following statement regarding the importance of their project: “As such, this project was identified by NOAA Fisheries as an important project in the 2000 Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS) BiOp and the 2004 FCRPS BiOp as part of the environmental baseline. Most recently, BPA identified this project as one of its ‘ESA implementation priorities’ as well as one of the projects that “currently implement the Updated Proposed Action (UPA) and 2004 BiOp” (letter from Greg Delwiche to Rhonda Whiting, June 1, 2006).” That is not a reason for the ISRP to dismiss its concerns, but it is a reason for the authors to work hard to address the ISRP concerns and improve the proposal.