FY07-09 proposal 200600300

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Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleDesert Wildlife Area O&M (Wetland Enhancement)
Proposal ID200600300
OrganizationWashington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
Short descriptionCompletion of, and operation/maintenance for, six wetland enhancement construction projects initiated with BPA funding (MOA and FY06 contract) on the Desert Wildlife Area.
Information transferNot primarily an information-generating project. Expected outcomes are primarily qualitative. Data will reside locally (Region 2, WDFW), at WDFW headquarters, and at BPA. Data will be in both printed and electronic form. Data will be used in WDFW-published management documents.Data will be available through WDFW's website: wdfw.wa.gov. Information derived from this project will be used to improve wildlife/habitat management and will be provided to CBFWA project managers and other interested parties either electronically or in hard copy reports. All data, reports, and other information resulting from monitoring and management will be made available in accordance with WDFW policies regulating the release of information.
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
Form submitter
Jim Tabor Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife taborjet@dfw.wa.gov
All assigned contacts
Paul Dahmer WDFW dahmepad@dfw.wa.gov
Matt Monda Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife mondamjm@dfw.wa.gov
Jim Tabor Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife taborjet@dfw.wa.gov

Section 2. Locations

Province / subbasin: Columbia Plateau / Crab

47°02' 00" 119°35'00" Winchester and Frenchmen Hills Wasteways Approx. center of Desert Wildlife Area; 15 mi WSW of Moses Lake

Section 3. Focal species

primary: All Wildlife
Additional: All wetland obligates, with a focus on avian species, especially breeding ducks, Sandhill Crane, rails, Black-necked Stilt, American Avocet, sandpipers, dowitchers, Wilson's Snipe, Wilson's Phalarope, and Black Tern.

Section 4. Past accomplishments

2005 Prepared FY 06 SOW and Budget. Completed all environmental compliance requirements for TD-1. Completed Phase I construction (water delivery system) for TD-1. Completed cultural resources survey for TD-2. Obtained Water Service contract for TD-1.
2004 Obtained information for and prepared JARPA, SEPA, and other environmental documents for TD-1 and 2. Conducted pre-project wildlife surveys for TD-1 and 2. Established photo points for all sub-projects. Mapped vegation at TD-3 thru 6 sites. FY 05 SOW.
2003 Obtained information for and prepared JARPA and SEPA and other environmental compliance documents for TD-2 sub-project. Conducted pre-project wildlife survey of TD-2 site. Prepared FY 04 SOW.
2002 Continuated planning for BPA mitigation efforts on the Desert Wildlife Area. Completed the "Desert Wildlife Area Site Specific Mitigation Work Plan". Prepared project SOW and SOW for FY 03.
2001 Continuation of planning for BPA mitigation efforts on the Desert Wildlife Area. Data acqusition for and development of Mitigation Work Plan.
2000 Continuation of planning for BPA mitigation efforts on the Desert Wildlife Area. Data acqusition for and development of Mitigation Work Plan. HEP analysis was conducted by WDFW staff.
1999 Continuation of planning for BPA mitigation efforts on the Desert Wildlife Area.
1998 Initation of planning for BPA mitigation efforts on the Desert Wildlife Area.

Section 5. Relationships to other projects

Funding sourceRelated IDRelated titleRelationship
Other: Multiple Fed.,State,NGO Desert WA Wetland Enhancements From 1983 to 2003, 104 wetlands (724 acres) on DWA were enhanced, restored, or created by excavation, elimination of carp, and controlling water.
Other: Multiple WDFW,BOR,DU,IWJ Winchester Reserve Water delivery/control project (150 acres) similar to TD-1 sub-project of current BPA-funded Desert Wildlife Area O&M project.
Other: Multiple BPA,NRCS,DU Marsh Unit I&II, CNWR Water level control/moist soil management project similar to TD-1 and Winchester Reserve projects on the Desert WA.
Other: Multiple DU,NRCS,Pvt. Royal Bluffs Ranch Water level control/moist soil management project similar to TD-1 and Winchester Reserve projects on the Desert WA.
Other: Multiple WDFW Potholes WA Wetland Enhancement 20 wetlands (350 acres) in the Potholes Game Reserve were enhanced by eliminating carp.
Other: State WDFW Gloyd Seeps WA Wetland Enhancement One wetland (25 acres) was enhanced by eliminating carp.
Other: State WDFW Ephrata Lake Carp Removal Enhanced a 120 acre lake for wetland obligate wildlife by removing carp.
Other: State WDFW East Foster Creek Impoundments Constructed 2 dams to impound water to create/expand 2 wetlands (40 acres) in and adjacent to East Foster Creek in Douglas Co. Washington.
Other: State WDFW West Arm, Potholes Reservoir Carp Removal Approx. 300 acres of wetlands in the Potholes WA were enhanced by isolating them from Potholes Reservoir and treating with rotenone.

Section 6. Biological objectives

Biological objectivesFull descriptionAssociated subbasin planStrategy
Increase aquatic beds in project wetlands. Increase acres of submerged aquatic vegetation in 257 acres of project wetlands from 5 acres to at least 64 acres by 2010. Crab (1) Remove tall emergent vegetation and organic deposits from "closed" wetlands by excavation. (2) Eliminate carp by isolating wetlands from waters supporting carp and treating carp-inhabited water with rotenone.
Increase breeding ducks to 350. Increase number of breeding ducks to at least 350 in project area by 2010. Crab (1) Excavate "closed" wetlands. (2) Eliminate carp from wetlands. (3) "Manage" wetland hydrology and vegetation.
Increase breeding wildlife. Increase species richness and abundance of breeding wetland-associated wildlife species in the project area 50% by 2010. Crab (1) Excavate "closed" wetlands. (2) Eliminate carp from wetlands. (3) "Manage" wetland hydrology and vegetation.
Increase open water in project wetlands. Increase acres of open water in 257 acres of project herbaceous wetlands from 13 acres to 231 acres by 2009. Crab Remove tall emergent vegetation and organic deposits from "closed" wetlands by excavation.

Section 7. Work elements (coming back to this)

Work element nameWork element titleDescriptionStart dateEnd dateEst budget
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation Secure environmental compliance for project Obtain information for and write permit applications. Sub-contract cultural resources surveys for TD-3 thru 6 project sites. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $50,219
Biological objectives
Increase aquatic beds in project wetlands.
Increase breeding ducks to 350.
Increase breeding wildlife.
Increase open water in project wetlands.
Conduct Controlled Burn Burn vegetation to allow efficient tillage. Burn 127 acres of existing dead vegetation in cells of TD-1 to facilitate tillage and planting of selected moist-soil plants. 2/1/2007 3/31/2007 $7,612
Biological objectives
Increase breeding ducks to 350.
Increase breeding wildlife.
Create, Restore, and/or Enhance Wetland Construct roads Construct 4 miles of roads to TD-3, TD-4, TD-5, and TD-6 to provide access to the enhancement sites for construction and maintenance vehicles/equipment. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $13,374
Biological objectives
Increase aquatic beds in project wetlands.
Increase breeding ducks to 350.
Increase breeding wildlife.
Increase open water in project wetlands.
Create, Restore, and/or Enhance Wetland Control Water Operate water control structures at TD-1 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $10,923
Biological objectives
Increase breeding ducks to 350.
Increase breeding wildlife.
Increase open water in project wetlands.
Create, Restore, and/or Enhance Wetland Eliminate Carp Isolate (e.g. construct dikes) and apply rotenone to wetlands at TD-2, TD-3, and TD-5 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $47,897
Biological objectives
Increase aquatic beds in project wetlands.
Increase breeding ducks to 350.
Increase breeding wildlife.
Increase open water in project wetlands.
* # of acres treated: 114
Create, Restore, and/or Enhance Wetland Excavate Sub-contract excavation of "closed" wetland basins at TD-1, TD-3, TD-4, TD-5, and TD-6 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $450,743
Biological objectives
Increase aquatic beds in project wetlands.
Increase breeding ducks to 350.
Increase breeding wildlife.
Increase open water in project wetlands.
* # of acres treated: 232
Create, Restore, and/or Enhance Wetland Inspect for fish Inspect enhanced wetlands at TD-2 for the presence of fish to determine the need for re-treatment/removal. 4/1/2007 9/30/2009 $2,098
Biological objectives
Increase aquatic beds in project wetlands.
Increase breeding ducks to 350.
Increase breeding wildlife.
Create, Restore, and/or Enhance Wetland Inspect for project integrity Inspect(to determine the need for repair) dikes, ditches and water control structures at TD-1 and TD-2. 1/1/2007 9/30/2009 $5,721
Biological objectives
Increase aquatic beds in project wetlands.
Increase breeding ducks to 350.
Increase breeding wildlife.
Increase open water in project wetlands.
Create, Restore, and/or Enhance Wetland Manage wetland vegetation Maintain planted early succession wetland vegetation in flooded cells at TD-1 6/1/2007 9/30/2009 $9,174
Biological objectives
Increase breeding ducks to 350.
Increase breeding wildlife.
* # of acres treated: 127
Plant Vegetation Establish desirable, early succession vegetation Till/cultivate managed wetland cells at TD-1 and plant selected moist-soil adapted plants. 5/15/2007 6/15/2009 $64,879
Biological objectives
Increase breeding ducks to 350.
Increase breeding wildlife.
* # of acres of planted: 127
Remove vegetation Weed control Control undesirable wetland vegetation (e.g., common reed, Russian olive) in the project area by using both mechanical (primarily mowing) and chemical methods. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $62,586
Biological objectives
Increase aquatic beds in project wetlands.
Increase breeding ducks to 350.
Increase breeding wildlife.
Increase open water in project wetlands.
* # of acres treated: 872
Upland Erosion and Sedimentation Control Establish vegetative cover Seed dikes and excavation spoil at TD-1 through TD-6 (all construction sites). 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $45,427
Biological objectives
Increase aquatic beds in project wetlands.
Increase breeding ducks to 350.
Increase breeding wildlife.
Increase open water in project wetlands.
* # of acres treated: 95
Install Fish Screen Design, construct, and install a fish screen. Design, construct, and install a fish screen in water delivery ditch at TD-1. 10/1/2006 9/30/2007 $14,663
Biological objectives
Increase breeding ducks to 350.
Increase breeding wildlife.
Manage and Administer Projects Manage and administer the project Fulfill all administrative requirements of BPA, WDFW, and other agencies to complete the project. 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $86,056
Biological objectives
Increase aquatic beds in project wetlands.
Increase breeding ducks to 350.
Increase breeding wildlife.
Increase open water in project wetlands.
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Monitor and evaluate results of enhancement efforts Conduct surveys to determine change in post-project vegetation composition and coverage and wildlife use at TD-1 through TD-6 (all project sites). 10/1/2006 9/30/2009 $36,676
Biological objectives
Increase aquatic beds in project wetlands.
Increase breeding ducks to 350.
Increase breeding wildlife.
Increase open water in project wetlands.

Section 8. Budgets

Itemized estimated budget
Personnel FY07-1.25 FTE, FY08-1.0 FTE, FY09-1.0 FTE $57,690 $46,896 $46,896
Fringe Benefits 25% of Salaries $14,423 $11,724 $11,724
Supplies Seed, rotenone, herbicide, fuel and maint. for equipment, photo copies, aerial photos, misc. office supplies, and other minor items. $35,695 $18,770 $11,592
Travel Milage cost for project biologist, travel to and from project site. $2,813 $2,486 $2,125
Capital Equipment None anticipated $0 $0 $0
Overhead 28.89% $71,757 $81,859 $49,918
Other Sub-contracts $130,560 $196,270 $93,250
Other Lease vehicle for project biologist $6,000 $6,000 $6,000
Other Lease computer for project biologist $1,200 $1,200 $1,200
Totals $320,138 $365,205 $222,705
Total estimated FY 2007-2009 budgets
Total itemized budget: $908,048
Total work element budget: $908,048
Cost sharing
Funding source/orgItem or service providedFY 07 est value ($)FY 08 est value ($)FY 09 est value ($)Cash or in-kind?Status
IWJV Funding for TD-1 $50,000 $0 $0 Cash Confirmed
NRCS WRP for TD-1 $130,000 $0 $0 Cash Confirmed
WDFW Region 2 Staff $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 In-Kind Confirmed
WDFW-Duck Stamp Funds for TD-1 construction $15,000 $0 $0 Cash Confirmed
WDFW-DWA Office for project biologist $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 In-Kind Confirmed
WDFW-DWA Equipment to spray, seed, till, mow, etc. $26,000 $26,000 $26,000 In-Kind Confirmed
WDFW-DWA Phone and internet $600 $600 $600 In-Kind Confirmed
WDFW-DWA Supervision for project biologist $3,048 $3,048 $3,048 In-Kind Confirmed
Totals $230,848 $35,848 $35,848

Section 9. Project future

FY 2010 estimated budget: $140,000
FY 2011 estimated budget: $140,000
Comments: Operate and maintain project wetland enhancement sites. Estimated budget does not include new construction.

Future O&M costs: Costs to operate and maintain the project can be expected to increase in proportion to inflation rate. It will be necessary to re-excavate project wetlands at 15 to 20-year intervals because of wetland succession.

Termination date:
Comments: The project is considered to be continuous.

Final deliverables: Enhanced wildlife habitat for wetland-associated wildlife on the Desert Wildlife Area..

Section 10. Narrative and other documents

Response.doc Jul 2006

Reviews and recommendations

FY07 budget FY08 budget FY09 budget Total budget Type Category Recommendation
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs]
$0 $0 $0 $0 Expense ProvinceExpense Do Not Fund
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs]
$0 $0 $0 $0 ProvinceExpense
Comments: No subbasin plan


Recommendation: Response requested

NPCC comments: The project focuses on completion of six wetland enhancement construction projects designed to increase the area of submerged aquatic vegetation and area of open water in project wetlands. The proposed project will benefit waterfowl but results will not persist over the long-term without continued monitoring and remedial action. It is likely that the nature of the methods used (excavation, burning, mowing) will have an effect on non-focal species that could be adverse. A discussion of such effects and precautions is needed. The proposal has a strong section on objectives and associated monitoring and evaluation plans. However the project is not linked to a subbasin plan because the Crab subbasin was not complete at the time of proposal writing. There is little evidence that results have been obtained. It appears that there has been much planning and few accomplishments for this ongoing project, perhaps because of the short history for the project. Not all key personnel are identified so it is unclear if the proposed work elements can be accomplished. The sponsors should identify what personnel will assist and what each will accomplish. More details should be provided on excavation methods, equipment, availability of equipment, and the timing of excavation. The proposal refers to other similar restoration projects but no collaborative efforts are identified with other work funded in the Fish and Wildlife Program. Methods for restoration are described but more justification that the best scientific techniques will be used is necessary. Plans for information transfer beyond WDFW sites should be provided to demonstrate a wider distribution of successes and lessons learned to benefit others involved in similar activities.

ISRP FINAL REVIEW (Aug 31, 2006)

Recommendation: Not fundable

NPCC comments: The project focuses on completion of six wetland enhancement construction projects designed to increase the area of submerged aquatic vegetation and area of open water in project wetlands. The proposed project is designed to benefit waterfowl, but results will not persist over the long-term without continued monitoring and remedial action. It is likely that the nature of the methods used (excavation, burning, mowing) will have an effect on non-focal species that could be adverse. The response did address the issue of possible adverse effects of the restoration activities on non-focal species and the timing of excavation and burning. The project is not linked to a subbasin plan because the Crab subbasin was not complete at the time of proposal writing. The proposal has a strong section on objectives and associated monitoring and evaluation plans. Methods for restoration are described but more justification that the best scientific techniques will be used is necessary. There is little evidence that results have been obtained. It appears that there has been much planning and few accomplishments for this ongoing project, perhaps because of the short history for the project. In the response the sponsors addressed the issue of little on-the-ground restoration to date due to the time needed for project planning and securing environmental compliance. Not all key personnel are identified so it is unclear if the proposed work elements can be accomplished. Some additional general information concerning project personnel was provided in the response, but it is not clear how much effort will be allocated to the project. The proposal refers to other similar restoration projects but no collaborative efforts are identified with other work funded in the Fish and Wildlife Program. Plans for information transfer beyond WDFW sites should be provided to demonstrate a wider distribution of successes and lessons learned to benefit others involved in similar activities. Not enough information was provided in the proposal or response to justify that the proposed restoration methods are scientifically based or adequate to benefit target species.