FY07-09 proposal 200708400

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Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleShrubsteppe Habitat Acquisition for Terrestrial Species in Need of Conservation in the Upper Mid-Columbia Subbasin.
Proposal ID200708400
OrganizationWashington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
Short descriptionTo acquire key land parcels that improve or maintain the conservation values, or ecological connectivity, of existing land owned by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Shrubsteppe dependant pygmy rabbit, sharptail, and sage grouse are the focus.
Information transferAcquired properties will become part of existing Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife - Wildlife Areas. The values of properties will be described on WDFW web site and be incorporated in Wildlife Area plans. Information will also be included in species recovery plans and other public documents pertinent to the target species and shrubsteppe habitats.
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
Form submitter
Matt Monda Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife mondamjm@dfw.wa.gov
All assigned contacts

Section 2. Locations

Province / subbasin: Columbia Cascade / Columbia Upper Middle

47 43.2588 119 32.6244 None Sagebrush Flats, Chester Butte, Central Ferry Canyon, Indian Dan Canyon, and West Foster Creek Wildlife Areas

Section 3. Focal species

primary: All Wildlife
secondary: All Wildlife
Additional: Pygmy Rabbit, Sage Grouse, Sharp-tailed Grouse, Sage Thrasher, Grasshopper Sparrow, Mule Deer

Section 4. Past accomplishments


Section 5. Relationships to other projects

Funding sourceRelated IDRelated titleRelationship
BPA 199106100 Swanson Lake Wildlife Mitigati Same focal species with conectivity a goal beween areas
BPA 199404400 Sagebrush Flat Wl Mitigation One of the Wildlife Areas that is the focus of this proposal. Same focal species and connectivity a goal.
BPA 199609400 WDFW Habitat Acquisition Project has similar goals.
BPA 199609401 Scotch Creek Wildlife Area Shared focal species with connectivity a goal among areas
BPA 200103000 Sharp Tailed Grouse Habitat Shared focal species
Other: USFWS 04-1096 Columbia Sharp-Tailed Grouse Translocations Objectives are to improve genetic diversity and provide demographic support to small populations that include project location.
Other: WAFWA 04-1623 Sage Grouse Conservation Assessement - 2004 Assess potential factors that influence greater sage grouse habitats across their distribution.
Other: WDOT 05-1647 WSDOT Washington ground squirrel 05 Effects of habitat condition and site isolation on Washington ground squirrel demography and population persistence.
Other: USFWS 05-2066 Pygmy Rabbit Section 6 2005-2006 The goal of the pygmy rabbit augmentation project is to ensure maintenance of Washington's pygmy rabbits in the wild through captive breeding and release.
Other: USFWS 03-1157 SWGS Restoration and Mgmt of Shrubsteppe The overall goal of this project is to achieve a basic understanding of the extent and condition of existing and restored shrub-steppe resources in eastern Washington and how human-caused changes in the landscape influence shrub-steppe-associated wildlife.
Other: USFWS Pitman Robertson many Habitat Cooperative Agreements on Private Lands Multiple projects on private property within Project Location for this proposal to restore and enhance habitat. Technical and cost-share asstitance provided by WDFW Private Lands Biologists
Other: USFWS-Sec. 6 03-1462 Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan for Douglas County Foster Creek Conservation District has drafted a Habitat Conservation Plan, as defined under the federal Endangered Species Act. The plan is expected to cover 20 species in Douglas County that are currently protected under ESA or are candidates for protection, including focal species in this proposal

Section 6. Biological objectives

Biological objectivesFull descriptionAssociated subbasin planStrategy
Maintain and enhance pygmy rabbit populations Maintain and enhance pygmy rabbit populations consistent with state and federal management and recovery plans Upper Middle Columbia • Implement federal, state, and tribal management plans, other conservation plans, or recovery plans to conserve the focal species
Maintain herbaceous wetland function Maintain and/or enhance habitat function (i.e., focal habitat attributes) by improving silviculture, agricultural practices, fire management, weed control, livestock grazing practices, and road construction and maintenance on and adjacent to existing herbaceous wetlands Upper Middle Columbia • Implement existing plans • Develop and implement a comprehensive weed control plan • Develop and implement a road management plan
Maintain riparian habitat function Maintain and/or enhance habitat function (i.e., focal habitat attributes) by improving silviculture, agricultural practices, fire management, weed control, livestock grazing practices, and road construction and maintenance on and adjacent to existing riparian wetlands Upper Middle Columbia • Implement existing plans • Develop and implement a comprehensive weed plan • Develop and implement a road management plan
Maintain shrubsteppe habitat function Maintain and/or enhance habitat function by improving agricultural practices, fire management, weed control, livestock grazing practices, and road management on existing shrubsteppe Upper Middle Columbia • Develop fire mangement protocols. • Implement existing plans • Develop and implement a comprehensive weed control plan • Develop and implement a coordinate a road management plan
Provide conservation measures to maintain herbaceo Provide biological and social conservation measures to sustain focal species populations and habitats Upper Middle Columbia • Use .,.. government programs to conserve herbaceous wetlands • Achieve permanent protection of riparian wetlands through acquisition... • Emphasize conservation connectivity of high quality herbaceous wetland habitat
Provide conservation measures to sustain riparian Provide biological and social conservation measures to sustain focal species populations and habitats Upper Middle Columbia • Use ... government programs to conserve riparian wetlands habitat • Achieve permanent protection of riparian wetlands through acquisition... • Emphasize conservation connectivity of high quality riparian wetlands habitat
Provide conservation measures to sustain shrubstep Identify and provide biological and other conservation measures to sustain focal species populations and habitats Upper Middle Columbia • Use ... government programs to conserve shrubsteppe habitat. • Achieve permanent protection of shrubsteppe through acquisition, ... • Emphasize conservation of large blocks and connectivity of high quality shrubsteppe habitat.
Umbrella species for conservation of shrubsteppe Within the framework of the existing sharp-tailed grouse and sage grouse population determinations, inventory other shrubsteppe obligate populations to test assumption of the umbrella species concept Upper Middle Columbia • Implement federal, state, and tribal management plans, other conservation plans, or recovery plans to conserve the focal species

Section 7. Work elements (coming back to this)

Work element nameWork element titleDescriptionStart dateEnd dateEst budget
Land Purchase Land Purchase Conduct transaction to purchase target parcels 1/1/2008 9/30/2009 $1,700,000
Biological objectives
* # of acres of new purchase/easement: 4000 acres
Install Fence Install new boundary fence Where needed construct boundary fences along new unfenced and surveyed property boundaries 5/1/2008 9/30/2009 $25,000
Biological objectives
* # of miles of fence: 3.5
Maintain Vegetation Noxious weed contol Manage undesirable vegetation and manage for desirable plant species 5/1/2008 9/30/2009 $18,000
Biological objectives
Operate and Maintain Habitat/Passage Short-term O&M Secure property, maintain boundary fences, mainenacne of any structures, protect habitats 1/1/2008 9/30/2009 $50,000
Biological objectives
Conduct Pre-Acquisition Activities Acquire title report, appraisel, and appraisal review for target parcels See Work Element Title 12/1/2007 5/31/2009 $7,000
Biological objectives
Conduct Pre-Acquisition Activities Conduct necessary environmental analysis Perform hazardous waste assessment and other necessary environmental analysis 10/1/2007 5/31/2009 $12,000
Biological objectives
Conduct Pre-Acquisition Activities Evaluate new target parcels Evaluation of potential target parcels when new lands or previously unavailable target parcels become available. 10/1/2007 9/30/2009 $5,000
Biological objectives
Conduct Pre-Acquisition Activities Identify Minimum Habitat Units See Work Element Title 10/1/2008 9/30/2009 $9,000
Biological objectives
Conduct Pre-Acquisition Activities Perform land boundary survey and provide legal discription See Work Element Title 12/1/2007 5/31/2009 $15,000
Biological objectives
Conduct Pre-Acquisition Activities Purchase Title Insurance See Work Element Title 12/1/2007 5/31/2009 $5,000
Biological objectives
Conduct Pre-Acquisition Activities Target parcel evaluation Evaluate target parcels to ensure habitat values and assess value to target species 10/1/2007 9/30/2008 $6,000
Biological objectives
Maintain and enhance pygmy rabbit populations
Maintain herbaceous wetland function
Maintain riparian habitat function
Maintain shrubsteppe habitat function
Provide conservation measures to maintain herbaceo
Provide conservation measures to sustain riparian
Provide conservation measures to sustain shrubstep
Umbrella species for conservation of shrubsteppe
Produce Plan Incorporate new parcels into existing WLA plan Managment of new parcels would be integrated into the exisitng Sagebursh Flats Wildlife Area Plan 1/1/2008 9/30/2009 $5,500
Biological objectives
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Coduct field surveys for monitoring and evaluation Conduct field surveys to monitor and evaluate the new parcels to ensure that they are supporting the biological values they were intended to support 9/1/2008 9/30/2009 $3,500
Biological objectives
Develop RM&E Methods and Designs Property monitoring and evaluation methods Development of methods for monitoring and evaluating biological values intended to be suppoted on new parcel 1/1/2008 9/30/2009 $2,500
Biological objectives

Section 8. Budgets

Itemized estimated budget
Other Property Acquisition $0 $1,700,000 $0
Personnel 1.2 fte $20,500 $42,000 $20,500
Fringe Benefits @22% $4,400 $9,200 $4,400
Travel [blank] $1,500 $1,500 $1,500
Supplies [blank] $14,000 $14,000 $14,000
Capital Equipment [blank] $4,000 $10,000 $2,000
Totals $44,400 $1,776,700 $42,400
Total estimated FY 2007-2009 budgets
Total itemized budget: $1,863,500
Total work element budget: $1,863,500
Cost sharing
Funding source/orgItem or service providedFY 07 est value ($)FY 08 est value ($)FY 09 est value ($)Cash or in-kind?Status
IAC-WWRP Property Acquisition for Sharptail Grouse $1,500,000 $0 $0 Cash Confirmed
Totals $1,500,000 $0 $0

Section 9. Project future

FY 2010 estimated budget: $25,000
FY 2011 estimated budget: $25,000
Comments: Staffing, equipment and infrastructure support with existing project

Future O&M costs: Long term O & M after year of acquisition would be covered under Sagebrush Flats WI Mitigation Project #199404400

Termination date:

Final deliverables:

Section 10. Narrative and other documents

Reviews and recommendations

FY07 budget FY08 budget FY09 budget Total budget Type Category Recommendation
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs]
$0 $0 $0 $0 Expense ProvinceExpense Do Not Fund
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs]
$0 $0 $0 $0 ProvinceExpense


Recommendation: Fundable

NPCC comments: This proposal meets the ISRP review criteria and benefits wildlife. The ISRP, however, suggests that the sponsor address the following comments to improve the project. The ISRP does not need to see a response to these suggestions but encourages integrating responses for subsequent review. The rare shrub steppe habitat is an important acquisition. The ISRP recognizes that the authors have focused on key species in this rare habitat. The proposal could be improved by better describing the parcels of lands that would serve to connect lands already in public ownership. The ISRP wonders if these lands are available for purchase and how these lands supplement current land ownership. Additionally, the ISRP recommends finalization of a monitoring and evaluating plan, once the land is acquired.

ISRP FINAL REVIEW (Aug 31, 2006)

Recommendation: Fundable

NPCC comments: This proposal meets the ISRP review criteria and benefits wildlife. The ISRP, however, suggests that the sponsor address the following comments to improve the project. The ISRP does not need to see a response to these suggestions but encourages integrating responses for subsequent review. The rare shrub steppe habitat is an important acquisition. The ISRP recognizes that the authors have focused on key species in this rare habitat. The proposal could be improved by better describing the parcels of lands that would serve to connect lands already in public ownership. The ISRP wonders if these lands are available for purchase and how these lands supplement current land ownership. Additionally, the ISRP recommends finalization of a monitoring and evaluating plan, once the land is acquired.