FY07-09 proposal 200704200

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Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleUPA Wenatchee Passage Program
Proposal ID200704200
OrganizationChelan County Natural Resources Department
Short descriptionTo replace 9 barrier culverts in Alder Creek, Clear Creek and Beaver Creek with fish-friendly structures to provide 4.0 miles of spawning and rearing habitat for ESA listed Upper Columbia steelhead.
Information transferPisces
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
Form submitter
Alan Schmidt Chelan Country Natural Resources Program alan.schmidt@co.chelan.wa.us
All assigned contacts

Section 2. Locations

Province / subbasin: Columbia Cascade / Wenatchee

-120.66527978690085 47.84524071908877 Alder Creek Drive North on SR-207 to the Chiwawa Loop Road. Follow to the Chiwawa River Road. Project is at Alder Creek crossing.
-120.63490376842561 47.7734685177302 Beaver Creek From City of Leavenworth drive North on the Chumstick Highway to Plain. Drive 1-mile North to the Chiwawa Loop Road intersection. The Beaver Creek Complex begins at the road crossing.
-120.62899674271574 47.79984565946327 Clear Creek From City of Leavenworth drive North on the Chumstick Highway to Plain. The Clear Creek Complex begins at the Clear Creek Road crossing.

Section 3. Focal species

primary: Steelhead Upper Columbia River ESU

Section 4. Past accomplishments


Section 5. Relationships to other projects

Funding sourceRelated IDRelated titleRelationship
PCSRF - WSRFB 00-1750 Chumstick Creek Barrier Remova Eight barrier removal projects completed on Chumstick Creek: CS10; CS12; CS13; CS16; CS17; CS18; CS90; CS91
PCSRF - WSRFB 04-1509 Peshastin Creek Fish Barrier R Build fish passage structure at Peshastin Irrigation District diversion structure on lower Peshastin Creek. Structure will allow access to spawning and rearing habitat for steelhead, bull trout and spring Chinook.
Other: Other: Chelan County Public Works BEAVER Beaver Creek Culvert Replacement Direct Relationship to UWPP Beaver Creek Complex. A funded proposal to replace culvert with 20 foot modular bridge unit to open up habitat for spring Chinook and steelhead (possibly bull trout) on Beaver Creek. This project is located on Chiwawa Loop Rd, mailpost 0.0, Section 12, T26N R17. This project will take place at RM 0.3 on Beaver Creek.
Other: Other: SRFB CHELFISH Chelan County Fish Barrier Inventory This was a Chelan County assessment of physical barriers that interrupt adult and juvenile salmoid migration. Identify problem culverts within the Wenatchee and Entitat Watersheds, evaluate effectiveness of barrier removal in terms of restored access to fish habitat and create a ranking of recommended project areas.
Other: Other: USFS LCCCR Little Camas Creek Culvert Replacement Culvert replacement by the USFS in Little Camas Creek, Mission Creek sub-watershed to increase fish passage.
Other: Other: Longview Fibre LFCULV (LF1-7) Longview Fibre Culvert Removal Removed culverts from locations in the Peshastin and Nason sub-watershed
Other: Longview Fibre LFCULV (LF8) Longview Fibre Culvert Conversion Made blocking culvert into bridge at T23 R17 S23. Peshastin Creek sub-watershed
Other: US Fish & Wildlife Service LNHICICLE LNH Icicle Creek Restoration Project This project provides fish passage and habitat improvement while protecting downstream neighbors from flooding.
Other: Bureau of Reclamation MCDEVITT McDevitt Diversion Project This project proposes to address an approximately 2 foot barrier and unscreened diversion associated with irrigation withdrawal on the lower Chumstick Creek.
Other: US Forest Service SANDCUL Sand Creek Culvert Replacement (Upper and Lower) Upper Sand Creek Culvert Replacement and Lower Sand Creek Replacment, Mission Creek sub-watershed
Other: SRFB, Chelan-Douglas Land Trust WHIFLRES White River Floodplain Restoration Reestablish off channel habitat access for salmon and steelhead in an old oxbow at the end of the Sears Creek Road along the White River. Obliteration of the road and removal of two culverts will reestablish fish access into .5 miles of off channel habitat and allow the floodplain to function naturally in this area during high flows (CD Land Trust)
Other: WA Dept of Fish & Wildlife CRP #584 Stormy Creek Culvert Replacement This Chelan County project involved the removal of a fish passage barrier where Stormy Creek passed under the Entiat River Rd. An existing pipe arch was determined to present a fish passage barrier due to high velocity and outfall drop. Aconcrete bridge structure was designed to replace the culvert allowing for natural transport of water, sediment, and woody depris. Project required installation of a temporary bridge while excavation and forming work could take place within the main Stormy creek Channel. Funding from WDFW; agencies participating were CD Land Trust, Forest Service, WDFW. Project completed spring of 05 by Chelan County Public Works
Other: Chelan County Public Works CRP #525 Chumstick Highway Rehabilitation Chelan County Public Works as part of their 6 year road improvement plan rebuilt a portion of the Chumstick Hwy. This road, formally SR-207 administered by the Washington State Dept of Transportation serves as a major arterial in the county road system. Where Spromberg Canyon Creek & Fruent Canyon Creek cross under the highway fish passage barriers prevented accesss to rearing habitat. Both barriers were replaced with a new structure allowing access to listed species. Project completed fall of 2005.
Other: Chelan County Public Works CRP #570 Mission Creek This Chelan County project in 2001 was intended to provide safety improvements to Mission Creek Road by constructing a new roadway with a 32 foot paved surface. Where Yaksum Canyon Creek passes under Mission Creek Road a pipe arch structure was installed allowing spring Chinook and steelhead access to juvenile rearing habitat.
Other: WSRFB SKINNEY Skinney Creek Culvert Replacement, Middle Wenatchee (Sub-Watershed: Middle Wenatchee). Chelan County has just been granted funding from the SRFB to replace the upper Skinney Creek Culvert. Culvert will be removed and replaced in 2006. Replace culvert with a 20 foot modular bridge unit to open up habitat for spring chinook and stellhead (possibly bull trout) on Skinney Creek
Other: Washington State Dept of Fish & Wildlife MILLSTRUC CCCD Instream Structure on Mill Creek This is an instream project that was implemented in 2004 on Mill Creek, a tributary to Peshastin Creek, by the Chelan County Conservation District with a FRIMA grant from WDFW. It involved installing a new fish screen on the irrigation diversion and fish passage structures (6) to allow for passage past the diversion point. The old screen was not compliant w/current WDFW standards and just below the diversion point the stream had down cut approximately 4' and was a fish passage barrier. Attachments 4 and 5 (completed projects 3 and 4) show this project after completion. Nason Creek sub-watershed.

Section 6. Biological objectives

Biological objectivesFull descriptionAssociated subbasin planStrategy
Provide fish passage to historical habitats Replace 2 barrier complexes (6 culverts) with fish friendly structures in Alder and Clear Creeks to provide 2 miles of habitat for ESU listed Upper Columbia Steelhead. Wenatchee “Obstructions to Fish” in subbasin plan identified “barriers in Alder and Clear Creeks" and to "Evaluate and replace culverts as needed"
Provide fish passage to historical habitats Replace 1 barrier complex (3 culverts, 1 dam) with fish friendly structures in Beaver Creek to provide 2 miles of habitat for ESU listed Upper Columbia Steelhead. Wenatchee “Replace all culverts that are currently blocking fish passage in Beaver Creek.”

Section 7. Work elements (coming back to this)

Work element nameWork element titleDescriptionStart dateEnd dateEst budget
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation 165: Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation Obtain permits including: NEPA Categorical Exclusion permit, Cultural Assessment [Section 106] (CTED-OAHP), Dredge/Fill Permit [Section 10/404 or 404] (US Army Corps of Engineers), Endangered Species Act Compliance [ESA] (US Fish & Wildlife/NMFS), Hydraulics Project Approval [HPA] (Dept of Fish & Wildlife), SEPA, Shoreline Permit (City/County), Water Quality Certification 10/1/2006 6/1/2008 $28,000
Biological objectives
Provide fish passage to historical habitats
Install Fish Passage Structure 184: Install fish passage structure Equipment mobilization to the three complex sites, installation of temporary sediment control measures including stream management if needed. Site preparation, removal of existing culvert, bank stabilization and installation of rip rap, installation of pre-cast abutments - setting bridge superstructure, and construction contingency. 6/1/2007 9/1/2008 $432,602
Biological objectives
Provide fish passage to historical habitats
Install Fish Passage Structure 184: Install Fish Passage Structure Post-installation road resurfacing. The contractor will complete the road resurfacing following Chelan County and Forest Service standards developed in the final plans and specifications. 8/1/2007 9/30/2008 $12,276
Biological objectives
Provide fish passage to historical habitats
Install Fish Passage Structure 184: Install Fish Passage Structure Install planting plan. The CCNRD will hire a subcontractor to prepare and install plant stock. 8/1/2007 9/30/2008 $9,000
Biological objectives
Provide fish passage to historical habitats
Remove/Modify Dam 85: Remove/Modify Dam Wooden dam will be removed 7/1/2007 9/1/2007 $719
Biological objectives
Provide fish passage to historical habitats
Other 132: Produce Annual Report Produce and submit annual report 10/1/2006 9/30/2008 $2,100
Biological objectives
Provide fish passage to historical habitats
Other 185: Produce PISCES Status Report Prepare and submit monthly or quarterly status report. 10/1/2006 9/30/2008 $5,200
Biological objectives
Provide fish passage to historical habitats
Coordination 118: Planning and Coordination Chelan County Natural Resources key personnel will coordinate with Forest Service fisheries biologists, engineers, financial staff and District Ranger; and other stakeholders including landowners. 10/1/2006 9/30/2008 $7,954
Biological objectives
Provide fish passage to historical habitats
Manage and Administer Projects 119: Manage and Administer Projects Chelan County Natural Resources staff will manage administrative activities, ground efforts and subcontractors associated with implementing the project. 10/1/2006 9/30/2008 $54,098
Biological objectives
Provide fish passage to historical habitats
Produce Design and/or Specifications 175: Produce Design and/or Specifications Complete engineering and designs for the 9 culverts 10/1/2006 9/30/2007 $20,000
Biological objectives
Provide fish passage to historical habitats
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data 157: Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Implementation monitoring will address if the nine culverts were removed and installed with structures according to specifications in the design plans and permit requirements 9/1/2007 9/30/2008 $6,000
Biological objectives
Provide fish passage to historical habitats
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data 157: Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Post-construction effectiveness monitoring. The Chelan County Natural Resources Department will complete post-construction Level I effectiveness monitoring. 9/1/2007 9/30/2008 $3,000
Biological objectives
Provide fish passage to historical habitats
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data 157: Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data Pre-construction implementation monitoring. Pre-construction implementation monitoring will be conducted by CCNRD staff to ensure that the Wenatchee Passage Project is implemented as planned. 10/1/2006 6/1/2008 $3,300
Biological objectives
Provide fish passage to historical habitats
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data 157: Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data The Chelan County Natural Resources Department will conduct pre-construction Level 1 Effectiveness Monitoring to establish biological and physical baselines for Year 0 monitoring. 10/1/2006 6/1/2008 $3,000
Biological objectives
Provide fish passage to historical habitats

Section 8. Budgets

Itemized estimated budget
Personnel Inspector, Specialist, Office $11,430 $34,285 $11,430
Fringe Benefits Chelan County Benefits @ 28% $4,444 $13,333 $4,444
Travel 110 miles round trip to project $1,057 $3,172 $1,057
Supplies Remove existing culverts, supply and install bridges, roadway restoration, re-vegetation. $0 $445,597 $9,000
Other Design & Permitting, $43,200 $4,800 $0
Totals $60,131 $501,187 $25,931
Total estimated FY 2007-2009 budgets
Total itemized budget: $587,249
Total work element budget: $587,249
Cost sharing
Funding source/orgItem or service providedFY 07 est value ($)FY 08 est value ($)FY 09 est value ($)Cash or in-kind?Status
USDA Forest Service Produce environmental Documents $4,000 $0 $0 Cash Confirmed
USDA Forest Service Project Administration and Design $4,380 $1,460 $1,460 In-Kind Confirmed
USDA Forest Service Work Element 175 Design & Specifications $50,000 $0 $0 In-Kind Confirmed
USDA Forest Service Work Element 184 $5,250 $0 $8,300 In-Kind Confirmed
Totals $63,630 $1,460 $9,760

Section 9. Project future

FY 2010 estimated budget: $1,525
FY 2011 estimated budget: $1,525
Comments: Work Element 157 Post Project Implementation

Future O&M costs: Normal bridge maintenance. Inspection for scouring and debris jam.

Termination date: 12-30-2010
Comments: Chelan County Natural Resources Department will complete verification of post implementation of each project site.

Final deliverables: Photo points for each project year.

Section 10. Narrative and other documents

Reviews and recommendations

FY07 budget FY08 budget FY09 budget Total budget Type Category Recommendation
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs]
$0 $0 $0 $0 Expense ProvinceExpense Fund from Outside Source
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs]
$83,333 $83,333 $83,334 $0 ProvinceExpense
Comments: ISRP fund in part: fund Alder Creek work only, per ISRP comments.


Recommendation: Fundable in part

NPCC comments: This is a proposal to replace nine culverts on three tributaries in the Wenatchee River subbasin with pre-fabricated modular bridges. The problem of impassable or partially passable road crossings has long been known to be a problem, and there are a number of programs to correct them. According to the proposal, the three streams in question - Alder Creek, Clear Creek, and Beaver Creek - have been identified as high priority sites for barrier removal. However, documentation of species currently using these tributaries of the Middle Wenatchee and Chiwawa was not very complete, and the salmonid carrying capacity of the four miles (in total) of small streams that would be opened was not given. Other than to state that the culvert replacement projects would primarily benefit summer steelhead there was little quantitative discussion of how this work would benefit other listed species or resident fishes. Based on the information in the proposal and the photographs provided, the Alder Creek crossings appeared to be the priority candidates for replacement. We therefore recommend that this project be funded in part with Alder Creek receiving top priority, with the understanding that additional funding may be warranted if stronger evidence for benefits to anadromous species can be presented for the Beaver Creek and Clear Creek sites.

ISRP FINAL REVIEW (Aug 31, 2006)

Recommendation: Fundable in part

NPCC comments: This is a proposal to replace nine culverts on three tributaries in the Wenatchee River subbasin with pre-fabricated modular bridges. The problem of impassable or partially passable road crossings has long been known to be a problem, and there are a number of programs to correct them. According to the proposal, the three streams in question - Alder Creek, Clear Creek, and Beaver Creek - have been identified as high priority sites for barrier removal. However, documentation of species currently using these tributaries of the Middle Wenatchee and Chiwawa was not very complete, and the salmonid carrying capacity of the four miles (in total) of small streams that would be opened was not given. Other than to state that the culvert replacement projects would primarily benefit summer steelhead there was little quantitative discussion of how this work would benefit other listed species or resident fishes. Based on the information in the proposal and the photographs provided, the Alder Creek crossings appeared to be the priority candidates for replacement. We therefore recommend that this project be funded in part with Alder Creek receiving top priority, with the understanding that additional funding may be warranted if stronger evidence for benefits to anadromous species can be presented for the Beaver Creek and Clear Creek sites.