FY07-09 proposal 198805305

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Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleNortheast Oregon (NEOH) Outplanting Facilities Master Plan
Proposal ID198805305
OrganizationOregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW)
Short descriptionThe Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) is collaborating on preliminary design of new hatchery facilities and modifications to Lookingglass Hatchery with the Nez Perce and Umatilla Tribes and federal partners.
Information transferDevelopment of a Step-3 submittal for Council review.
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
Form submitter
Scott Patterson ODFW Scott.D.Patterson@state.or.us
All assigned contacts
Scott Patterson ODFW Scott.D.Patterson@state.or.us

Section 2. Locations

Province / subbasin: Blue Mountain / Grande Ronde

117 51' 45 45 44' 00 Grande Ronde and Imnaha This location is Lookingglass hatchery although their is proposed facility on the Lostine River as well as modifications to the Imnaha facility

Section 3. Focal species

primary: Chinook Snake River Spring/Summer ESU

Section 4. Past accomplishments

2005 Reviewed draft documents of spring chinook propagation facilities in NE Oregon prepared by Fish Pro and NPT for the Power Planning Council Step 3 submittal
2004 STEP-2 Council submittal
2003 Review draft documents for STEP 2 Council submittals
2002 Reviewed draft documents of spring chinook propagation facilities in NE Oregon prepared by Mongomery Watson/Fish Pro and NPT for the Power Planning Council Step 2 submittal process.
2001 Reviewed draft documents of spring chinook propagation facilities in NE Oregon prepared by Mongomery Watson and NPT for the Power Planning Council Step 2 submittal process.
2000 Reviewed drafts of master plan documents prepared by or for NPT and provided comments to NPT. NPT submitted Master Plan for the Imnaha and Lostine to Power Planning Council. Started Step 2 process.
1999 Reviewed drafts of master plan documents prepared by or for NPT and provided comments to NPT. Wrote a captive broodstock alternative and submitted it to NPT for inclusion in Imnaha master plan.Completed Lookingglass Hatchery Review considering limitations
1998 Applied for modifications of ESA Section 10 Permit No. 1011 for Grande Ronde endemic spring Chinook.Cooperations with NPT, CTUIR,USFWS. Comanagers operated temporary adult weirs. No adults taken for brood. Develop captive brood alteranative.
1997 Completed designs for adult collection and juvenile acclimation facilities at Catherine Creek and upper Grande Ronde. Lostine preliminary planning, design and environmental assessment (NEPA) documents completed for the adult trapping and juvenile acclima

Section 5. Relationships to other projects

Funding sourceRelated IDRelated titleRelationship
BPA 199800702 Gd Ronde Supp Lostine O&M/M&E Operate adult trapping and juvenile acclimation facilities and conduct monitoring and evaluation in the Lostine River to implement the Lostine component of the Grande Ronde Basin Endemic Spring Chinook Supplementation Program (GRESCSP).
BPA 199800703 Grande Ronde Supp. O&M/M&E Operate adult trapping and juvenile acclimation facilities and conduct monitoring and evaluation in the upper Grande Ronde and Catherine Creek for spring chinook and steelhead and to implement the UGR and CC component of the GRESCSP.
BPA 198805305 Ne Ore Outplntg Facilities Mst Plan and develop conservation production facilities in the Imnaha and Grande Ronde rivers necessary to implement salmon recovery programs for native, ESA listed salmon.
BPA 199801001 Grande Ronde Captive Brood O&M Implement captive broodstock programs and associated research, monitoring, evaluation, and fish health for spring chinook salmon populations in Catherine Creek, upper Grande Ronde and Lostine rivers, to conserve genetic diversity and assist in recovery.
BPA 199801006 Captive Broodstock Artificial Implements the captive broodstock project through the collection of juvenile salmon from the wild and maintaining them in captivity. The founding generation is spawned at maturity and the resulting F1 generation is released back to the parental stream.
BPA 199800704 Grande Ronde Sp Chinook-Odf&W Intergrate the Endemic GRESCSP programs at Lookingglass Hatchery and NEOH outplanting facilities
Other: USFWS LSRCP LSRCP NE Oregon hatcheries O&M NEOH is intended to intergrate and improve the existing LSRCP program with hatchery modifications and/or constructions of new NE Oregon outplanting facilities

Section 6. Biological objectives

Biological objectivesFull descriptionAssociated subbasin planStrategy
Artificial Production: Current To alleviate the burden at Lookingglass Hatchery and correct facility problems, co-managers proposed new prodcution facilities and modifications at Lookingglass in the Grande Ronde and Imnaha Spring Chinook Master Plan submitted to the NPPC in 2000. NPPC approved the plan and authorized preliminary design and NEPA analysis. Grande Ronde Implement Artifial Production outlined in the LSRCP program for the Grande Ronde and Imnaha sub-basins: Imnaha 490,000 smolts Grande Ronde 900,000

Section 7. Work elements (coming back to this)

Work element nameWork element titleDescriptionStart dateEnd dateEst budget
Manage and Administer Projects Manage and Administer Project Manage and Administer Project 10/1/2007 9/30/2009 $3,000
Biological objectives
Provide Technical Review Technical review of final designs for NEOH facilities (Lostine, Imnaha, and Lookingglass) Provide Technical Review on Step-3 designs and provide feedback to the /council 10/1/2007 9/30/2009 $53,610
Biological objectives

Section 8. Budgets

Itemized estimated budget
Personnel 1.5 mo PEM-C, NRS3 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500
Fringe Benefits OPE 60% $4,500 $4,500 $4,500
Supplies Mileage and auto rental $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
Travel 10 days @110/day $1,100 $1,100 $1,100
Other misc office cost, postage, copies, fax, etc $400 $400 $400
Overhead Overhead 30.15% $4,370 $4,370 $4,370
Totals $18,870 $18,870 $18,870
Total estimated FY 2007-2009 budgets
Total itemized budget: $56,610
Total work element budget: $56,610
Cost sharing
Funding source/orgItem or service providedFY 07 est value ($)FY 08 est value ($)FY 09 est value ($)Cash or in-kind?Status
Oregon license sale (Other funds) PS and SS $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 Cash Confirmed
USFWS PS and SS $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 Cash Confirmed
Totals $75,000 $75,000 $75,000

Section 9. Project future

FY 2010 estimated budget: $0
FY 2011 estimated budget: $0

Future O&M costs:

Termination date: Unknown
Comments: This contract is intended to provide ongoing technical communications between ODFW, NPT, and CTUIR regarding artificial fish production programs iniatiated through US v Oregon discussion/negotiations

Final deliverables: Conclusion of US v Oregon

Section 10. Narrative and other documents

Reviews and recommendations

FY07 budget FY08 budget FY09 budget Total budget Type Category Recommendation
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs]
$18,870 $0 $0 $18,870 Capital ProvinceCapital Fund
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs]
$18,870 $0 $0 $0 ProvinceCapital


Recommendation: Response requested

NPCC comments: The ISRP requests that the sponsors for the set of NEOH proposals develop a coordinated response to the general comments on the NEOH program provided under proposal 198805301 as well as addressing specific comments on individual proposals. Comments specific to this proposal: The short description of this proposal indicates that it would focus on the planning and construction for outplanting facilities associated with NEOH programs and projects. We urge the various cooperating co-managers to work together to provide a compelling logic path or set of evidence that it is justified in terms of benefit to the targeted populations and subbasins. Under separate review, the ISRP did not judge that construction of a new production facility in the basin would be warranted until some of the data and evaluation demonstrate that supplementation can achieve its objectives at rebuilding wild production. A single robust stock assessment (with trend) would seem a critical element that is missing (or at least not obvious). Technical and scientific background: NEOH Outplanting Facilities Master Plan is not amenable to scientific review, per se except within the larger context of NEOH. The larger integrated project Master Plan (NEOH supplementation) has gone through several stages of a 3-step review and issues identified there need to be addressed. There remain a number of issues that may ultimately need to be considered over the longer-term depending on the outcome of the M&E enterprise. Rationale and significance to subbasin plans and regional programs: The sponsors need to provide considerably more clarity in regard to the rationale for embarking on this program and constructing a facility that will require long-term O&M support. While not unique to this proposal or NEOH in general, a repeated theme throughout the Columbia Basin is how supplementation could achieve restoration goals without creating other problems and risk. Here specifically, sponsors indicate that declines in the ESU are largely the result of downstream variables and mortality. While we do not quibble with the gravity of the declines or the mitigation requirements for lost populations, it is not transparent as to how supplementation can overcome such downriver effects. Relationships to other projects: NEOH Outplanting Facilities Master Plan is a large component of the broader NEOH spring Chinook Master Plan along with other NEOH facilities, operations, and M&E projects. The effort is collaborative among Nez Perce and Umatilla tribal authorities, State of Oregon, and the federal managers. This relationship might be better described under separate cover to depict roles and responsibilities for various co-managers. There are some linkages discussed regarding local efforts to secure and repair important habitats, but much of negative impacts to the salmon comes from downstream sources and beyond the scope of the projects. Therefore, it is uncertain where gains will come from as the downstream effects are expected to hit released fish as well. Project history: The Grande Ronde/Imnaha Endemic Spring Chinook Supplementation (NEOH) program history and evolving focus are described. As a construction project, however, the past actions are not described. Previous releases are not overly described as to generate a realistic prediction that the broader program will succeed or fail. Fortunately, an enhanced M&E project will occur hand in hand with the project to address these critical uncertainties. Objectives: This is a construction project so biological objectives are not quite possible. Moreover, the objectives provided are tasks or even cut and past headings from other documents. For example, the "Biological Objective" on the outline form says: "Artificial Production: Current." This is just a section heading from the subbasin plan, not a biological objective. The box for full description contains: "To alleviate the burden at Lookingglass Hatchery and correct facility problems, co-managers proposed new production facilities and modifications at Lookingglass in the Grande Ronde and Imnaha Spring Chinook Master Plan submitted to the NPPC in 2000. NPPC approved the plan and authorized preliminary design and NEPA analysis." This sounds like part of the project history. It is not expressed as a biological objective. Tasks (work elements) and methods: NEOH Outplanting Facilities Master Plan has specific construction and planning activities, none are specifically biological. Moreover, the planning method is not spelled out beyond the proposal that there will be meetings. M&E is integrated and extensive through NEOH Monitoring and Evaluation Implementation project #200713200. The longer-term effectiveness of the project will need to be addressed in the future following completion of construction (~5 to 10 years hence). There are, however, data from other related NEOH projects that should be brought to bear on the need/rationale for this project. Facilities, equipment, and personnel: Facilities will be modified or constructed to increase production capacities. Staff and equipment are available already or are accessible. Information transfer is described in NEOH M&E Implementation proposal. Benefits to focal and non-focal species: The project will address condition of spring Chinook salmon as a targeted focal species. This project is a critical infrastructure need for the expanded supplementation program described in the NEOH spring Chinook supplementation project. There is no real discussion of impacts or benefits to non-focal species either within Subbasin or out.

ISRP FINAL REVIEW (Aug 31, 2006)

Recommendation: Response requested

NPCC comments: (Although the ISRP did not review a response for this project in the fix-it loop, see the ISRP’s general and final comments on the NEOH set of proposals under project 198805305. The comments below are unchanged from the ISRP’s June 2006 preliminary review.) The ISRP requests that the sponsors for the set of NEOH proposals develop a coordinated response to the general comments on the NEOH program provided under proposal 198805301 as well as addressing specific comments on individual proposals. Comments specific to this proposal: The short description of this proposal indicates that it would focus on the planning and construction for outplanting facilities associated with NEOH programs and projects. We urge the various cooperating co-managers to work together to provide a compelling logic path or set of evidence that it is justified in terms of benefit to the targeted populations and subbasins. Under separate review, the ISRP did not judge that construction of a new production facility in the basin would be warranted until some of the data and evaluation demonstrate that supplementation can achieve its objectives at rebuilding wild production. A single robust stock assessment (with trend) would seem a critical element that is missing (or at least not obvious). Technical and scientific background: NEOH Outplanting Facilities Master Plan is not amenable to scientific review, per se except within the larger context of NEOH. The larger integrated project Master Plan (NEOH supplementation) has gone through several stages of a 3-step review and issues identified there need to be addressed. There remain a number of issues that may ultimately need to be considered over the longer-term depending on the outcome of the M&E enterprise. Rationale and significance to subbasin plans and regional programs: The sponsors need to provide considerably more clarity in regard to the rationale for embarking on this program and constructing a facility that will require long-term O&M support. While not unique to this proposal or NEOH in general, a repeated theme throughout the Columbia Basin is how supplementation could achieve restoration goals without creating other problems and risk. Here specifically, sponsors indicate that declines in the ESU are largely the result of downstream variables and mortality. While we do not quibble with the gravity of the declines or the mitigation requirements for lost populations, it is not transparent as to how supplementation can overcome such downriver effects. Relationships to other projects: NEOH Outplanting Facilities Master Plan is a large component of the broader NEOH spring Chinook Master Plan along with other NEOH facilities, operations, and M&E projects. The effort is collaborative among Nez Perce and Umatilla tribal authorities, State of Oregon, and the federal managers. This relationship might be better described under separate cover to depict roles and responsibilities for various co-managers. There are some linkages discussed regarding local efforts to secure and repair important habitats, but much of negative impacts to the salmon comes from downstream sources and beyond the scope of the projects. Therefore, it is uncertain where gains will come from as the downstream effects are expected to hit released fish as well. Project history: The Grande Ronde/Imnaha Endemic Spring Chinook Supplementation (NEOH) program history and evolving focus are described. As a construction project, however, the past actions are not described. Previous releases are not overly described as to generate a realistic prediction that the broader program will succeed or fail. Fortunately, an enhanced M&E project will occur hand in hand with the project to address these critical uncertainties. Objectives: This is a construction project so biological objectives are not quite possible. Moreover, the objectives provided are tasks or even cut and past headings from other documents. For example, the "Biological Objective" on the outline form says: "Artificial Production: Current." This is just a section heading from the subbasin plan, not a biological objective. The box for full description contains: "To alleviate the burden at Lookingglass Hatchery and correct facility problems, co-managers proposed new production facilities and modifications at Lookingglass in the Grande Ronde and Imnaha Spring Chinook Master Plan submitted to the NPPC in 2000. NPPC approved the plan and authorized preliminary design and NEPA analysis." This sounds like part of the project history. It is not expressed as a biological objective. Tasks (work elements) and methods: NEOH Outplanting Facilities Master Plan has specific construction and planning activities, none are specifically biological. Moreover, the planning method is not spelled out beyond the proposal that there will be meetings. M&E is integrated and extensive through NEOH Monitoring and Evaluation Implementation project #200713200. The longer-term effectiveness of the project will need to be addressed in the future following completion of construction (~5 to 10 years hence). There are, however, data from other related NEOH projects that should be brought to bear on the need/rationale for this project. Facilities, equipment, and personnel: Facilities will be modified or constructed to increase production capacities. Staff and equipment are available already or are accessible. Information transfer is described in NEOH M&E Implementation proposal. Benefits to focal and non-focal species: The project will address condition of spring Chinook salmon as a targeted focal species. This project is a critical infrastructure need for the expanded supplementation program described in the NEOH spring Chinook supplementation project. There is no real discussion of impacts or benefits to non-focal species either within Subbasin or out.