FY07-09 proposal 200723600

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Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleStrategic Adaptation of the Federal Columbia River Power System to Climate Variability and Change
Proposal ID200723600
OrganizationPortland State University
Short descriptionThe FCRPS must respond to climate variations and change. We will develop much-needed hydrologic and economic models, remotely-sensed habitat metrics, and scientifc understanding of FCRPS impacts on juvenile salmonids in the river, estuary and plume
Information transferInformation such as model results, remote sensing images and habitat metrics based on remote sensing will be transferred through web postings. A Project Advisory Board will be used to communicate formally and informally with FCRPS managers, Action Agency personnel and other regional scientists. Scientific papers will be published in the peer-reviewed literature.
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
Form submitter
David Jay Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering djay@cecs.pdx.edu
All assigned contacts
William Helsley Office of Research and Sponsored Projects, Portland State University helsleyw@pdx.edu
David Jay Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering djay@cecs.pdx.edu
David Jay Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering djay@cecs.pdx.edu

Section 2. Locations

Province / subbasin: Mainstem/Systemwide / Systemwide

46 deg 15 min 124 deg Columbia estuary Columbia estuary
45 deg 39 min 121 deg 55 min Columbia River Bonneville Dam
45 deg 124 deg continental shelf Oregon Coast
46 deg 30 min 124 deg 10 min Continental Shelf Sw Washington Coast
46 deg 15 min 124 deg 12 min Columbia Plume Columbia Plume

Section 3. Focal species

primary: All Anadromous Fish
secondary: Chinook All Populations

Section 4. Past accomplishments


Section 5. Relationships to other projects

Funding sourceRelated IDRelated titleRelationship
BPA 199801400 Ocean Survival of Salmonids PIs Jay and Pan have participated in "Ocean Survival" up to 2006. Our project will provide vital climate context imformation, hydrologic/ economic modeling, and remote-sensing derived habitat metrics necessary for future system management, based on the insights into salmonid behavior derived by "Ocean Survival".
BPA 200301000 Historic Hab Food Web Link Sal PI Jay participates in "Estuary Habitat." This project will provide remotely sensed and salinity-based habitat metrics for this project, as well as providing the climate context for developing future management approaches.

Section 6. Biological objectives

Biological objectivesFull descriptionAssociated subbasin planStrategy
1. Carry out hydrologic modeling 1. Conduct hydrologic modeling to identify management strategies that support increased survival of juvenile salmonids: Produce flow and water temperature data/models for the Columbia basin above Bonneville Dam and a flow model for the Willamette River. Construct systems operations models to identify management actions that more fully optimize water delivery from reservoirs to meet multiple demands and in response to changing flows associated with both climate variability and change None [Strategy left blank]
2. Define metrics and stock-specific survival Define remote-sensing based habitat metrics and stock specific survival: Define the river-estuary and plume response to climate and coastal forcing in terms of juvenile salmonid habitat metrics and stock-specific survival, through use of remote sensing, data-driven models, and climate analyses. None [Strategy left blank]
3. Assess economic consequences of climate change Assess economic consequences of climate-related changes in hydropower system operation: Define the economic costs/benefits associated with future management scenarios, including changes in power pricing, effects of changing salmon abundance, and altered flood risk. None [Strategy left blank]
4. Define and evaluate future management scenarios Define and evaluate future management scenarios: Define management scenarios that: a) are based on integrated water-resources/economic modeling and climate analyses, b) can be evaluated in terms of remotely sensed habitat metrics and economic costs/benefits, and c) can lead to improved survival of juvenile salmonids in likely current and future climate scenarios. None [Strategy left blank]

Section 7. Work elements (coming back to this)

Work element nameWork element titleDescriptionStart dateEnd dateEst budget
Other Develop management scenarios Define future management scenarios: With FCRPS managers, define management scenarios: a) that are based on understanding of hydrologic, oceanographic and climate processes, b) that can be evaluated in terms of habitat metrics and economic costs/benefits, and c) whose implementation can lead to a qualitative improvement in survival of juvenile salmonids in likely current and future climate scenarios. 1/1/2007 9/30/2010 $211,030
Biological objectives
4. Define and evaluate future management scenarios
Analyze/Interpret Data Assess economic consequences of climate-related changes in hydropower system operation Define the economic costs/benefits associated with future management scenarios, including changes in power pricing, effects of changing salmon abundance, and altered flood risk. costs/benefits associ-ated with future management scenarios 1/1/2007 9/30/2010 $211,066
Biological objectives
3. Assess economic consequences of climate change
Secondary R, M, and E Type: economic analyses and reports
Analyze/Interpret Data Develop Habitat Metrics for a Changing Climate Define remote-sensing based habitat metrics appropriate to a changing climate: Define the river-estuary and plume response to climate and coastal forcing in terms of juvenile salmonid habitat metrics, through use of remote sensing. 1/1/2007 9/30/2010 $601,788
Biological objectives
2. Define metrics and stock-specific survival
Secondary R, M, and E Type: habitat metrics and climate analyses
Analyze/Interpret Data Hydrologic modeling in support of improved survival of juvenile salmonids Produce streamflow data and models needed to optimize water delivery from storage reservoirs to meet multiple demands and in response to changing flow regimes associated with both natural variability and climate change. 1/1/2007 9/30/2010 $436,166
Biological objectives
1. Carry out hydrologic modeling
Secondary R, M, and E Type: simulated flow data and modeling products

Section 8. Budgets

Itemized estimated budget
Personnel PSU: D. Jay 3.5 mo/yr, J. Pan 4.3 mo/yr, Res Assoc. 1.3 mo/yr, Grad. Stud. 6 mo/yr, Admin 1 mo/yr, Student Hourly 117hr/yr; UW: D. Lettenmaier 0.7mo/yr, N. Mantua 1.4 mo/yr, D. Huppert 1.5/yr, A. Hamlet 5.3 mo/yr, Pos doc. 12 mo/yr, 2 Grad Stud 12 mo/yr, Hourly Staff 300 hr/yr $202,238 $218,393 $223,042
Fringe Benefits PSU Benefit Rates: Faculty 0.43, Research Staff 0.51, Adim 0.52, Student 0.05, UW Rates: Faculty & Pos Doc 0.23, Student 0.13 $53,671 $60,085 $60,555
Supplies Marine Electronics: $5,000 in yr1 and $4,200 in yr2; Service and other supplies; Ship time in yrs 1 and 2, $10,500/yr $9,900 $8,600 $2,400
Travel Travel to field site in yrs 1&2, for group meetings and Project Advisory Board Meetings in yrs 1-3 $6,500 $5,500 $5,500
Capital Equipment Spectrophotometer, Quad work station and remote sensing software system $30,000 $10,000 $10,000
Overhead PSU Rate: 0.42; UW: 0.56 $152,167 $151,932 $148,009
Other Ship Time: 12@$1350/d in yrs1&2; Tuition $4,867/yr: , and Student Aid: $2,2019/yr $35,954 $37,302 $28,302
Totals $490,430 $491,812 $477,808
Total estimated FY 2007-2009 budgets
Total itemized budget: $1,460,050
Total work element budget: $1,460,050
Cost sharing
Funding source/orgItem or service providedFY 07 est value ($)FY 08 est value ($)FY 09 est value ($)Cash or in-kind?Status
PSU 1 mo/yr of Dr. Jay's time $17,379 $17,945 $18,483 Cash Confirmed
Totals $17,379 $17,945 $18,483

Section 9. Project future

FY 2010 estimated budget: $530,000
FY 2011 estimated budget: $530,000
Comments: Resolving the response of remotely sensed estuary and plume metrics to interannual variability will require 5-10 years of data. Refinement of hydrologic and economic models and scenarios will also continued, based on Project Advisory Board input.

Future O&M costs:

Termination date: none

Final deliverables:

Section 10. Narrative and other documents

Reviews and recommendations

FY07 budget FY08 budget FY09 budget Total budget Type Category Recommendation
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs]
$0 $0 $0 $0 Expense Basinwide Do Not Fund
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs]
$0 $0 $0 $0 Basinwide


Recommendation: Fundable

NPCC comments: The region must begin to face the certainty of climate change and its effects on regional economies and salmonid recovery. This project addresses the critical need of adaptively managing the hydropower system to meet the demands of salmon survival and power production under conditions imposed by climate variability and long-term climate change. A stellar group of scientists, experienced with research in the Columbia Basin, have joined together to undertake the project. Importantly, they are planning to form an advisory group of river managers to help guide the work. This will increase the chances that the work will be relevant to hydrosystem operations and that it will be used to inform management decisions. Technical and scientific background: The sponsors address the critical problem of strategically managing the hydropower system to enhance salmon survival under conditions of climate change. This problem is undoubtedly one the region will have to deal with now and in the future. There is, thus, an immediate need to develop scientifically valid ways to address the problem. The overall objective of building models that allow for predictions of the effects of different hydrosystem operation scenarios on early ocean survival of anadromous salmonids is admirable. The very large scale of this integrated effort is probably unique. The decision support tools that are the ultimate goal of the project will assist in developing annual hydrosystem strategies as well as in-season adjustments in operations to improve early ocean survival. The payoff for this proposal could be quite significant. Rationale and significance to subbasin plans and regional programs: The proposed work is broadly consistent with the FCRPS Biological Opinion, the 4 H’s report, and to specific recommendations in the ISRP’s Retrospective Report. The sponsors did not point out relationships to the subbasin plans, specially the estuary plan. Relationships to other projects: The project is related to two ongoing NOAA-Fisheries estuary and plume projects, an National Science Foundation project, a US Army Corp of Engineers estuarine project, and a University of Washington climate impacts project. The sponsors propose to use information obtained by these projects for their work. Collaboration will be facilitated because a number of the sponsors are also investigators on these other projects. Objectives: The proposal contains very ambitious, but potentially valuable, objectives. The combination of efforts to model both the physical, biological, and economic aspects of climate changes on hydrosystem operations in an integrated fashion is an excellent idea. Few other projects have ever adopted such a big picture approach. The objectives are clearly defined and explicitly identify the steps and tasks needed to develop this complex model. Tasks (work elements) and methods: Methods for modeling the flow, plume characteristics, temperature, and nutrients/productivity are described in detail. The investigators have extensive experience conducting the kind of research outlined in this proposal and have published their work in respected peer-reviewed journals. That the "plume habitat metrics" for smolts have not yet been determined (p. 18) could be a problem if satisfactory measures of plume characteristics that can be clearly related to salmon performance are not found. The elements of Objective 3 - economic analyses - describe mostly what will be done, but not how they will be done (contrast this with the description of the physical modeling tasks). Monitoring and evaluation: The proposal identifies an innovative means of monitoring and evaluating progress - the formation of a Project Advisory Board composed of managers and scientists. If it works, this could be an effective way of monitoring progress on large scale, multi-species projects such as this one. The proposal ties with other projects with more explicit monitoring objectives such as NOAA-Fisheries estuary project. Facilities, equipment, and personnel: The investigators are highly competent, have received funding for and conducted extensive research on the Columbia River estuary and ocean, and have stellar records of publication. The facilities are adequate to conduct this work. Information transfer: The proposal does not go into much detail with regard to information transfer. In part 1, Section 1 there is a mention of web postings of models, images, and habitat metrics. The Project Advisory Board will apparently be a means of transferring information to FCRPS managers. The investigators all have long publication track records, so there will surely be peer-reviewed papers. Benefits to focal and non-focal species: This project could have very large benefits for focal species if tools to assist hydrosystem operators to optimize reservoir releases for fish survival and economic considerations are developed. The ability of the models to forecast decadal climate and ocean condition changes make the benefits of this project long-term. There is little discussion of the effects of the reservoir optimization scenarios on non-focal species (e.g., shad and other introduced games fishes). The proposal seems to be oriented toward spring migrants which raises the question of how hydropower system changes favoring spring outmigrants will influence other species, both resident (e.g., white sturgeon), migrant (e.g., fall chinook), and other native species.

ISRP FINAL REVIEW (Aug 31, 2006)

Recommendation: Fundable

NPCC comments: The region must begin to face the certainty of climate change and its effects on regional economies and salmonid recovery. This project addresses the critical need of adaptively managing the hydropower system to meet the demands of salmon survival and power production under conditions imposed by climate variability and long-term climate change. A stellar group of scientists, experienced with research in the Columbia Basin, have joined together to undertake the project. Importantly, they are planning to form an advisory group of river managers to help guide the work. This will increase the chances that the work will be relevant to hydrosystem operations and that it will be used to inform management decisions. Technical and scientific background: The sponsors address the critical problem of strategically managing the hydropower system to enhance salmon survival under conditions of climate change. This problem is undoubtedly one the region will have to deal with now and in the future. There is, thus, an immediate need to develop scientifically valid ways to address the problem. The overall objective of building models that allow for predictions of the effects of different hydrosystem operation scenarios on early ocean survival of anadromous salmonids is admirable. The very large scale of this integrated effort is probably unique. The decision support tools that are the ultimate goal of the project will assist in developing annual hydrosystem strategies as well as in-season adjustments in operations to improve early ocean survival. The payoff for this proposal could be quite significant. Rationale and significance to subbasin plans and regional programs: The proposed work is broadly consistent with the FCRPS Biological Opinion, the 4 H’s report, and to specific recommendations in the ISRP’s Retrospective Report. The sponsors did not point out relationships to the subbasin plans, specially the estuary plan. Relationships to other projects: The project is related to two ongoing NOAA-Fisheries estuary and plume projects, an National Science Foundation project, a US Army Corp of Engineers estuarine project, and a University of Washington climate impacts project. The sponsors propose to use information obtained by these projects for their work. Collaboration will be facilitated because a number of the sponsors are also investigators on these other projects. Objectives: The proposal contains very ambitious, but potentially valuable, objectives. The combination of efforts to model both the physical, biological, and economic aspects of climate changes on hydrosystem operations in an integrated fashion is an excellent idea. Few other projects have ever adopted such a big picture approach. The objectives are clearly defined and explicitly identify the steps and tasks needed to develop this complex model. Tasks (work elements) and methods: Methods for modeling the flow, plume characteristics, temperature, and nutrients/productivity are described in detail. The investigators have extensive experience conducting the kind of research outlined in this proposal and have published their work in respected peer-reviewed journals. That the "plume habitat metrics" for smolts have not yet been determined (p. 18) could be a problem if satisfactory measures of plume characteristics that can be clearly related to salmon performance are not found. The elements of Objective 3 - economic analyses - describe mostly what will be done, but not how they will be done (contrast this with the description of the physical modeling tasks). Monitoring and evaluation: The proposal identifies an innovative means of monitoring and evaluating progress - the formation of a Project Advisory Board composed of managers and scientists. If it works, this could be an effective way of monitoring progress on large scale, multi-species projects such as this one. The proposal ties with other projects with more explicit monitoring objectives such as NOAA-Fisheries estuary project. Facilities, equipment, and personnel: The investigators are highly competent, have received funding for and conducted extensive research on the Columbia River estuary and ocean, and have stellar records of publication. The facilities are adequate to conduct this work. Information transfer: The proposal does not go into much detail with regard to information transfer. In part 1, Section 1 there is a mention of web postings of models, images, and habitat metrics. The Project Advisory Board will apparently be a means of transferring information to FCRPS managers. The investigators all have long publication track records, so there will surely be peer-reviewed papers. Benefits to focal and non-focal species: This project could have very large benefits for focal species if tools to assist hydrosystem operators to optimize reservoir releases for fish survival and economic considerations are developed. The ability of the models to forecast decadal climate and ocean condition changes make the benefits of this project long-term. There is little discussion of the effects of the reservoir optimization scenarios on non-focal species (e.g., shad and other introduced games fishes). The proposal seems to be oriented toward spring migrants which raises the question of how hydropower system changes favoring spring outmigrants will influence other species, both resident (e.g., white sturgeon), migrant (e.g., fall chinook), and other native species.