FY07-09 proposal 200300900
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Section 1. Administrative
Proposal title | Canada-Usa Shelf Salmon Survival Study |
Proposal ID | 200300900 |
Organization | Canada Department Of Fisheries & Oceans |
Short description | The primary objective of this research is to determine how the ocean environment and climate affect the production of Columbia River salmon by sampling juvenile salmon and oceanographic data in an area of critical importance to Columbia River salmon. |
Information transfer | Results obtained from this research will be presented at international, national, and regional conferences and workshops, and published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. We will also produce a data report for each survey that describes the sampling operations and will contain the sampling locations, the biological data and oceanographic data collected during these surveys. These reports are a permanent record of the work that will be conducted during these surveys and will be readily available through bibliographic internet searches. Local databases will be used to store the data collected in this research. In particular, the sampling locations, juvenile salmon and oceanographic data will be stored in a High Seas Salmon database maintained at the Pacific Biological Station (Nanaimo, British Columbia), while the plankton community composition will be stored in a plankton meta-database maintained at the Institute of Ocean Sciences (Sidney, British Columbia). These data will be available on request. Georeferenced data will be submitted to appropriate online database, such as the Regional Mark and Information System (RMIS) database for the coded-wire tag recoveries. Finally, status report indicating each Work Element Milestone as Green (on target to meet end date), Yellow (at risk of missing end date and why), Red (will miss end date and why, and provide a new end date) will be submitted quarterly to BPA via PISCES. In addition, an annual report that summarizes the work accomplished in the previous 12 months will be submitted annually to BPA via PISCES. |
Proposal contact person or principal investigator |
Contact | Organization | |
Form submitter | ||
Marc Trudel | Fisheries and Oceans Canada | trudelm@pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca |
All assigned contacts | ||
Marc Trudel | Fisheries and Oceans Canada | trudelm@pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca |
Marc Trudel | Fisheries and Oceans Canada | trudelm@pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca |
Marc Trudel | Fisheries and Oceans Canada | trudelm@pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca |
Section 2. Locations
Province / subbasin: Mainstem/Systemwide / Systemwide
Latitude | Longitude | Waterbody | Description |
Pacific Ocean | This research proposal is not related to a subbasin plan, but falls under the Ocean Province of the Mainstem/Systemwide, and will be carried in coastal regions extending from the west coast of Vancouver Island (48°30N) to southeast Alaska (58°30N). |
Section 3. Focal species
primary: All Anadromous Salmonidssecondary: Chinook All Populations
secondary: Coho Unspecified Population
Section 4. Past accomplishments
Year | Accomplishments |
2005 | We derived a relationship between the marine survival of Snake River spring Chinook salmon and the growth conditions off the west coast of Vancouver Island and documented the appearance of warm water species of fish and invertebrates off the BC coast. |
2004 | Our work showed that ocean conditions were not uniformly suitable for salmon among regions of the oceans over time, with lower growth and survival off the west coast of Vancouver Island than in southeast Alaska. |
2003 | Our work showed that storage lipids were depleted in juvenile salmon at the end of their first winter at sea, indicating that they may sustain significant mortality if poor feeding conditions prevail in the spring. |
2002 | We documented that Columbia River Chinook salmon constituted a large fraction of the juvenile salmon inhabiting the coastal waters off British Columbia during summer, and that some stocks of these fish established residence in this area over winer. |
2001 | We showed that regional differences in the marine growth of juvenile salmon were not related to changes in ocean productivity or temperature, but rather to a shift in the prey community and quality due to changes in ocean circulation. |
2000 | We documented large regional and annual differences in the size of juvenile coho salmon, with larger coho in southeast Alaska than off the west coast of Vancouver Island in October 1998, but not in October 1999. |
Section 5. Relationships to other projects
Funding source | Related ID | Related title | Relationship |
BPA | 199801400 | Ocean Survival of Salmonids | The primary focus of the “Canada-USA Salmon shelf Survival Study” and the “Ocean Survival of Salmonids” study is to determine the mechanisms that control salmon survival during their first year at sea, and to produce reliable forecast of Columbia River salmon survival. This is achieved by collecting juvenile salmon and oceanographic data at comparable times off the west coast of British Columbia and southeast Alaska for the “Canada-USA Salmon shelf Survival Study” and off the Oregon and Washington coast for the “Ocean Survival of Salmonids” study. Thus, these two studies are complementary, and they will be coordinated by sharing data and samples, and through workshops. |
BPA | 200309300 | Post Survival of Chinook In Sp | The “POST survival of Chinook” study has the potential to provide stock-specific migration patterns of Columbia River salmon, as well as provide estimates of marine survival of salmon in different regions of the ocean. However, to understand the spatial variability in marine survival of Columbia River salmon, this program needs to rely on research surveys such as the “Canada-USA Salmon shelf Survival Study” and the “Ocean Survival of Salmonids” study to describe the ocean conditions encountered by Columbia River salmon and their biological characteristics in these areas. Thus, these programs provide complementary data and will be coordinated. |
Other: US-GLOBEC-NEP | Phase 3 | (see the Relationship section for specific titles) | There are currently four US-GLOBEC-NEP projects focusing on climate and salmon interactions in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. These studies (see list below) are usually carried in restricted areas either north of the “Canada-USA Salmon shelf Survival Study” or south of the “Ocean Survival of Salmonids”. Although these areas do not appear to be substantially used by Columbia River salmon, these studies will provide additional observations on ocean conditions, and insight on the mechanisms regulating salmon production in other regions of the oceans. (1) Changing Ocean Conditions in Northern California Current-Effects on Primary Production and Salmon; (2) Environmental influences on growth and survival of Southeast Alaska coho salmon in contrast with other Northeast Pacific regions; (3) Modeling the effects of spatial-temporal environmental variability on stage-specific growth and survival of pink salmon in the coastal; (4) Gulf of Alaska Habitat effects on feeding, condition, growth and survival of juvenile pink salmon in the northern Gulf of Alaska. |
Section 6. Biological objectives
Biological objectives | Full description | Associated subbasin plan | Strategy |
Climate Change | Assess the effects of climate-induced variability on ocean productivity and coastal ecosystems. | None | The draft Columbia River Basin Research Plan (november 2005) calls for research to evaluate the short and long-term impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems utilized by Columbia River salmon. |
Harvest Measures | Develop reliable models to forecast the marine survival of Columbia River salmon | None | The development and implementation of methods and analytical procedures to estimate fisheriy and stock-specific management paramters for stock assessment are relevant to RPA 165 of the 2000 BiOp (Section |
Invasive Species | Document the distribution and of marine invasive species and range expansion of warm water species and their impacts on marine ecosystems. | None | The draft Columbia River Basin Research Plan (november 2005) calls for research to identify patterns and consequences of invasions on species and ecosystems, monitoring protocols, and decision support tools. |
Ocean Conditions | Determine the effects of ocean conditions on the marine survival of Columbia River salmon. | None | This objective is directly relevant to the Primary strategy on “Ocean Conditions” and on “Research, Monitoring, & Evaluation” in the 2000 Columbia River Basin Fish & Wildlife Program, and addresses key uncertainties on the production of salmon. |
Salmon Migration | Describe the geographic distribution and migration of Columbia River salmon in coastal environments. | None | Efforts to detect altered status of populations due to range expansion or shrinkage are necessary to assess the effectiveness of recovery actions for ESA listed stocks (2000 BiOp, RPA 179, 180). |
Section 7. Work elements (coming back to this)
Work element name | Work element title | Description | Start date | End date | Est budget |
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation | Permit Application | Submit a US clearance form to collect juvenile salmon in Alaska two months before each survey. No environmental compliance is necessary for the work conducted off the British Columbia coast. | 10/1/2006 | 9/30/2008 | $0 |
Biological objectives Ocean Conditions |
Metrics |
Coordination | USA-Canada Collaboration | Annual workshop involving DFO and NOAA Fisheries scientists to identify regions of similar biological and oceanographic characteristics and provide a characterization of the stocks that predominate in the areas of poor growth. | 10/1/2006 | 9/30/2008 | $20,000 |
Biological objectives Climate Change Harvest Measures Invasive Species Ocean Conditions Salmon Migration |
Metrics |
Manage and Administer Projects | Prepare New SOW for FY07-FY09 | Prepare FY07-FY09 Statement of Work and submit no less than 90 days before the end of the previousperformance period. | 10/1/2006 | 7/1/2008 | $5,000 |
Biological objectives Climate Change Harvest Measures Invasive Species Ocean Conditions Salmon Migration |
Metrics |
Produce Status Report | Produce Quarterly Reports | Submit a quarterly status report to BPA via Pisces by the 15th of each quarter, indicating the status of each milestone. Status will be identified as Green (on track to meet milestone date), Yellow (at risk of missing date and why), Red (will miss milestone date, why, and a new expected end date). | 1/15/2007 | 8/15/2008 | $5,000 |
Biological objectives Climate Change Harvest Measures Invasive Species Ocean Conditions Salmon Migration |
Metrics |
Produce/Submit Scientific Findings Report | Primary Publications | Produce and submit manuscripts to peer-reviewed journals in oceanography and on the ocean ecology of salmon. | 10/1/2006 | 9/30/2008 | $72,700 |
Biological objectives Climate Change Harvest Measures Invasive Species Ocean Conditions Salmon Migration |
Metrics |
Produce/Submit Scientific Findings Report | Produce Annual Report | Produce an annual report that summarise the work accomplished in the previous 12 months. Reports should include a summary / conclusions of the effects of ocean conditions on the growth of juvenile salmon. The marine distribution and migration of juvenile salmon will be discussed. | 9/1/2007 | 9/30/2008 | $25,000 |
Biological objectives Climate Change Harvest Measures Invasive Species Ocean Conditions Salmon Migration |
Metrics |
Analyze/Interpret Data | Modeling Salmon Metabolic Rates | Derive bioenergetics models to assess the interacting effects of ocean conditions on the growth of juvenile salmon | 1/15/2007 | 9/30/2008 | $25,000 |
Biological objectives Climate Change Ocean Conditions |
Metrics Focal Area: Ocean and Emerging Issues Primary R, M, and E Type: Status and Trend Monitoring (Tier 1) |
Analyze/Interpret Data | Nutrient Limitations | Analyze the extent of nutrient limitation resulting from changes in mixed-layer depth, decreasing salinity, increasing temperature, and ocean citculation. This analysis will identify the physical and biological changes in the ocean that lead to reduced ocean survival through changes in growth. | 10/1/2006 | 9/30/2008 | $35,000 |
Biological objectives Climate Change Ocean Conditions |
Metrics Focal Area: Ocean and Emerging Issues Primary R, M, and E Type: Status and Trend Monitoring (Tier 1) |
Analyze/Interpret Data | Ocean Ecology of Salmon | Analysis of the biological and physiological status of juvenile salmon in northern and southern regions of the Gulf of Alaska to (1) identify the extent of the region of poor growth and survival, (2) quantify and detect the impacts of differing ocean productivity on salmon growth and survival, and (3) identify relationships among growth, survival, bioenergetics performance, and coastal ocean conditions. | 10/1/2006 | 9/30/2008 | $100,000 |
Biological objectives Climate Change Harvest Measures Invasive Species Ocean Conditions Salmon Migration |
Metrics Focal Area: Ocean and Emerging Issues Primary R, M, and E Type: Status and Trend Monitoring (Tier 1) |
Analyze/Interpret Data | Stock Identification and Salmon Migation | Identify the stocks occurring in regions of poor growth and establish their migration strategies relative to stocks whose migration moves them rapidly out of regions of reduced growth potential. | 10/1/2006 | 9/30/2008 | $35,000 |
Biological objectives Climate Change Ocean Conditions Salmon Migration |
Metrics Focal Area: Ocean and Emerging Issues Primary R, M, and E Type: Status and Trend Monitoring (Tier 1) |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | Biological Attributes of Juvenile Salmon | Assess the stock of origin, the biological and physiological status of juvenile salmon in northern and southern regions of the Gulf of Alaska. This will provide the biological data that will be necessary to determine the growth, bioenergetics status, and stock of origin of juvenile salmon. | 10/1/2006 | 9/30/2008 | $575,000 |
Biological objectives Ocean Conditions Salmon Migration |
Metrics Focal Area: Ocean and Emerging Issues Primary R, M, and E Type: Status and Trend Monitoring (Tier 1) |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | Metabolic Rates of Salmon | Measure the oxygen consumption of juvenile salmon under controlled conditions of temperature and salinity to estimate the energy requirement of salmon in the marine and freshwater environment | 10/1/2006 | 3/30/2008 | $30,000 |
Biological objectives Climate Change Ocean Conditions |
Metrics Focal Area: Ocean and Emerging Issues Primary R, M, and E Type: Status and Trend Monitoring (Tier 1) |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | Ocean Surveys of Marine Conditions And Salmon Biological Status | Collect juvenile salmon and oceanographic data in coastal regions extending from the west coast of Vancouver Island to southeast Alaska and inshore fjord systems. | 10/1/2006 | 9/30/2008 | $725,000 |
Biological objectives Invasive Species Ocean Conditions Salmon Migration |
Metrics Focal Area: Ocean and Emerging Issues Primary R, M, and E Type: Status and Trend Monitoring (Tier 1) |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | Oceanography | Provide a physical, chemical, and biological characterization of the ocean environment encountered by juvenile salmon from the west coast of Vancouver Island to southeast Alaska. This will provide baseline data to assess the effects of ocean conditions on juvenile salmon growth and survival in these regions. | 10/1/2006 | 9/30/2008 | $120,000 |
Biological objectives Climate Change Ocean Conditions |
Metrics Focal Area: Ocean and Emerging Issues Primary R, M, and E Type: Status and Trend Monitoring (Tier 1) |
Disseminate Raw/Summary Data and Results | Data Reports | Produce data reports for the ocean surveys conducted in FY07-FY09. The data reports will contain the biological and oceanographic data collected during the Canada-USA Shelf Salmon Survival surveys. | 12/1/2006 | 9/30/2008 | $15,000 |
Biological objectives Climate Change Invasive Species Ocean Conditions |
Metrics |
Disseminate Raw/Summary Data and Results | Presentation at Scientific Conferences | Presentation of significant results on the ocean ecology of juvenile salmon at national and international conferences. | 10/1/2006 | 9/30/2008 | $20,000 |
Biological objectives Climate Change Harvest Measures Invasive Species Ocean Conditions Salmon Migration |
Metrics |
Section 8. Budgets
Itemized estimated budget
Item | Note | FY07 | FY08 | FY09 |
Personnel | Research Scientist (1.0 FTE) | $75,000 | $77,500 | $80,000 |
Personnel | Senior Technician (1.0 FTE) | $50,000 | $51,500 | $53,000 |
Personnel | Junior Technician (1.0 FTE) | $40,000 | $41,500 | $43,000 |
Personnel | M.Sc. Student (1.0 FTE) | $15,000 | $15,000 | $15,000 |
Personnel | Ship overtime | $15,000 | $15,000 | $15,000 |
Travel | Conferences and Workshop | $10,000 | $10,000 | $10,000 |
Other | Publication | $3,000 | $3,000 | $3,000 |
Other | Ship time (21 days) | $189,000 | $189,000 | $189,000 |
Other | DNA Analyzes | $20,000 | $20,000 | $20,000 |
Other | Stable Isotope Analyzes | $15,000 | $15,000 | $15,000 |
Other | IGF-I Analyzes | $40,000 | $40,000 | $40,000 |
Other | Lipid Analyzes | $15,000 | $15,000 | $15,000 |
Other | Cesium Analyzes | $20,000 | $20,000 | $20,000 |
Personnel | Zooplankton taxonomist (0.3 FTE) | $20,000 | $20,000 | $20,000 |
Other | Stomach Contents Analyzes | $5,000 | $5,000 | $5,000 |
Other | Oceanographic Analyzes | $15,000 | $15,000 | $15,000 |
Supplies | Laboratory and office supplies | $5,000 | $5,000 | $5,000 |
Capital Equipment | Ultracold freezer | $10,000 | $0 | $0 |
Supplies | Net Maintenance | $5,000 | $5,000 | $5,000 |
Supplies | Respirometer maintenance | $2,000 | $2,000 | $2,000 |
Overhead | DFO Overhead (10% of non Personel Cost) | $35,400 | $34,400 | $34,400 |
Totals | $604,400 | $598,900 | $604,400 |
Total estimated FY 2007-2009 budgets
Total itemized budget: | $1,807,700 |
Total work element budget: | $1,807,700 |
Cost sharing
Funding source/org | Item or service provided | FY 07 est value ($) | FY 08 est value ($) | FY 09 est value ($) | Cash or in-kind? | Status |
DFO | Ship time | $504,000 | $0 | $0 | In-Kind | Confirmed |
DFO | Ship time | $0 | $504,000 | $504,000 | In-Kind | Under Development |
DFO | Research biologist (0.9 FTE) | $55,000 | $55,000 | $55,000 | In-Kind | Confirmed |
DFO | Statistician (0.9 FTE) | $55,000 | $55,000 | $55,000 | In-Kind | Confirmed |
DFO | Research Scientist (15 hours) | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | In-Kind | Confirmed |
DFO | Research Scientist (0.1 FTE) | $10,000 | $10,000 | $10,000 | In-Kind | Confirmed |
DFO | Research Scientist (0.1 FTE) | $10,000 | $10,000 | $10,000 | In-Kind | Confirmed |
University of British Columbia | Professor (0.1 FTE) | $10,000 | $10,000 | $10,000 | In-Kind | Confirmed |
University of Victoria | Professor (0.1 FTE) | $10,000 | $10,000 | $10,000 | In-Kind | Confirmed |
University of Victoria | Technician (0.2 FTE) | $8,000 | $8,000 | $8,000 | In-Kind | Confirmed |
University of Victoria | Technician (0.3 FTE) | $10,000 | $10,000 | $10,000 | In-Kind | Confirmed |
Totals | $673,000 | $673,000 | $673,000 |
Section 9. Project future
FY 2010 estimated budget: $611,900 FY 2011 estimated budget: $611,900 |
Comments: Long-term funding is requested from BPA to monitor juvenile salmon and ocean conditions over a wide range of the coast of direct relevance to all Columbia River salmon, including ESA listed stock. |
Future O&M costs: These funds will pay for 21 days of ship time to collect juvenile salmon and oceanographic data from the west coast of Vancouver Island to southeast Alaska in June/July ($200K/year), support one scientist ($85K/year), two technicians ($120K/year), and assist with sample processing ($150K/year). The remaining funds will cover office and lab supplies ($5K/year), travel costs to conferences and workshops ($10K/year), and overhead ($35K/year).
Termination date: None
Comments: Continued research and monitoring is necessary to document the changes in ocean conditions and their effects on Columbia River salmon, to assess the effectiveness of recovery measures for ESA listed stocks, and to provide reliable forecast for salmon returns to the Columbia River Basin, particularly given anticipated climatic changes due to greenhouse gas forcing and decadal cycles in ocean productivity.
Final deliverables: (1) Baseline data on the physical, chemical, and biological conditions encountered by juvenile salmon in the ocean environment from the west coast of Vancouver Island to southeast Alaska; (2) Baseline data on the distribution of marine invasive species and on the range expansion of warm water species; (3) Assessment of climate-induced variability in ocean productivity; (4) Assessment of the biological and physiological status of juvenile salmon in the Northern California Current System and the Alaska Coastal Current; (5) Identification of the physical and biological changes in the ocean that lead to reduced marine survival through changes in growth; (6) Determination of the annual variability in the migratory behavior of Columbia River salmon through the application of DNA markers; (7) Identification of regions of poor growth and the stocks occurring in these regions; (8) Forecasting models for the marine survival of Columbia River salmon; (9) Data reports containing the sampling locations, the biological data and oceanographic data collected in these regions; (10) Annual reports summarizing the work accomplished in the “Canada-USA Salmon Shelf Survival Study”; (11) Peer-reviewed publications on the ocean biology of salmon.
Section 10. Narrative and other documents
Reviews and recommendations
FY07 budget | FY08 budget | FY09 budget | Total budget | Type | Category | Recommendation |
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs] | ||||||
$191,664 | $191,664 | $191,664 | $574,992 | Expense | Basinwide | Fund |
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs] | ||||||
$191,664 | $191,664 | $191,664 | $0 | Basinwide |
Recommendation: Fundable in part
NPCC comments: This is an excellent proposal and evaluation of our understanding of the problems of juvenile salmon migration, marine survival and growth and their interannual linkages to the ocean environment, with a focus on spring/summer Columbia River Chinook and coho off British Columbia. The benefits of improved knowledge of when and where critical periods of juvenile salmon growth and survival occur in the ocean are significant. This project could be funded in part depending upon available funding. At a minimum, funding for ship time (21 days) and sample processing should be continued (Work Element 1, p. 32). The ISRP recommends deletion of the insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) analysis and the metabolic rate study from this proposal (see explanations in items 3 and 7 below). The proposal would have been improved by a strategic plan that prioritized the various elements of the proposed field and laboratory research in the event that only partial funding is available for this project. Information on how project effectiveness is being monitored and evaluated would also have been useful. Further justification for requested BPA funding for 100% FTEs for three Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) personnel, travel, and a proposed workshop(s) might be necessary before final approval for funding (see item 10 below). Further explanation and justification for the proposed workshop, and the high annual travel costs ($10,000) for the proponents to attend conferences and workshops might be necessary. It is not clear if this proposal includes funds to support the proposed annual workshops. Additional ISRP comments and questions are provided to the proponent, but do not require a written response to the ISRP: 1. Review of Project History (section E, p. 26-28). The proponent’s reference list suggests that most of their peer-review publications have not specifically addressed Columbia River salmon (see Appendix J, p. 65-66). Although reporting of monitoring results in processed reports and non peer-reviewed publications has improved in recent years (since 2004), the ISRP encourages the proponents to develop a specific work plan for timely publication of the results in the scientific literature. The project history would have been improved if it had included an analysis of catch data of salmon and associated species, as well as abundance estimates of Columbia River stocks in the research vessel catches. 2. Work Element I (p. 32-33). Are the cruise dates in the spring, when Columbia River stocks are leaving the estuary, coordinated with the NOAA plume cruises (#199801400, “Ocean Survival of Salmonids”)? There is no mention of trawl gear selectivity. The proposal does not address the potential harmful effects of repetitive (lethal) research trawl sampling of juvenile salmon in their resident ocean feeding areas, or whether there are potential harmful effects on Ecologically Significant Units (ESUs) of salmon and steelhead listed under the US Endangered Species Act (ESA). What are the expected species, stocks or ESUs, and sample sizes of Columbia River fish expected in the catches? Why aren’t steelhead included in the study? Do surface trawl catches include older immature or maturing Columbia River salmon, and will DNA and other samples also be collected from these older fish? Will preferential sampling of only those salmon with preferred body area scales bias the results of growth and other analyses? 3. Work Element II (p. 33-34). What specific stocks and/or ESUs of Columbia River chinook and coho salmon will be identified by the DNA analysis? Will DNA analysis also be performed on chum salmon? The sample sizes in the genetic analysis (pooled over 7 years; Figs. 5 and 6, p. 9) suggest that catches of coho and Chinook salmon during the research vessel surveys are low. The ISRP is concerned that samples are not/will not be sufficient to carry out the stock-specific analyses proposed. What are the sample sizes for each part of this work element, and whether they will provide adequate statistical power? Because of the large mixture of salmon stocks in the region to be surveyed, it is not clear whether results will be directly applicable to Columbia River fish. Will the analysis of IGF-1 be stock specific, i.e., use the same samples of fish that are identified by DNA analysis? Have the proponents considered using scale growth increments to estimate growth rates rather than published values of size and date of ocean entry? The ISRP recommends deletion of the insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) analysis from this proposal. The proposed collaboration on IGF research with Brian Beckman is excellent, because IGF-I provides good data on growth that can be related to Beckman's work in the Columbia River plume. Beckman is funded by NOAA. Why is $40,000 needed by DFO for IGF-I work, when the proposal states that Beckman will analyze the DFO samples, p. 40? The Council and BPA should consider whether DFO should fund their part of this collaboration directly? What prey species would be used in the cesium (Cs) analyses to estimate food consumption (Work Element II, p. 34-35)? Juvenile chinook and coho salmon do not feed on copepods. The analyses need to be specific to the prey that the fish eat. Will the prey used in the analyses be caught in zooplankton (bongo net) samples? Will lipid analyses account for likely differences between stocks, ESUs, or hatchery vs. wild origin of fish? 4. Work Element III (p. 36-37). What specific data sets (locations, years, sample sizes) will be used in the nutrient limitation analyses? 5. Work Element IV (p. 37). Will sample sizes in the mixture be sufficient to identify 250 different populations? How will stock identification results be validated? 6. Work Element V (p. 37-38). Will IGF-1 analyses be carried out by DFO or NMFS? It is not clear how regression models developed by the proponents to predict marine survival would actually be used to manage harvest strategies. How will changes in horizontal and vertical distribution of immature salmon during winter affect analyses to determine overwinter mortality? 7. Work Element VI (p. 39). It is not clear what methods will be used for the proposed spatially-explicit bioenergetic models. From the results of their past work, the proponents hypothesize that poor feeding conditions for salmon off the west coast of Vancouver Island may act as a "bottleneck" to Columbia River salmon survival, and that further work (controlled laboratory experiments) is required to refine Chinook and coho salmon bioenergetic models. The proposal would have been improved if the proponents had provided examples from other programs of the successful use of bioenergetics models to forecast or predict survival of salmon or other marine fish species. Salmon in the natural ocean environment are likely to self-regulate physical forcing effects (temperature, salinity, current) on metabolic rates (oxygen consumption) by changing their vertical distribution. Will maps of growth potential have both a horizontal and vertical component? The ISRP recommends deletion of the metabolic rate laboratory study from this proposal. The proposed laboratory study on metabolic rates is peripheral to the primary objectives of this project. Perhaps this is good basic physiological research. However, could the results of metabolic research already published in the scientific literature (e.g., Brett) be used as a basis for computer modeling? If more data on metabolic rates are needed, the BPA and the Council should examine if DFO should fund this laboratory research directly. NOAA is a funded by BPA to do similar bioenergetic modeling work (#199801400, “Ocean Survival of Salmonids). If both NOAA and DFO are funded by BPA to do bioenergetic modeling, then how will the two studies be coordinated? 8. Work Element VIII (p. 39-40). The proposed survival estimates from BPA-funded acoustic tracking study (#200311400, “Acoustic Tracking for Survival”) would pertain to only two stocks of Columbia Basin hatchery spring chinook (Columbia River mainstem and Snake River). How would these results be applied to identify regions of poor survival for other species, stocks, or ESUs of Columbia Basin salmon? 9. Work Element IX: The ISRP encourages the proponents to collaborate in their research in Southeast Alaska with NMFS/Alaska Fisheries Science Center scientists who are also conducting ocean work on juvenile salmon in this region. 10. Personnel are highly qualified to accomplish the proposed work elements. However, it is not clear as to why 100% of the salaries of three DFO personnel (including the PI) are requested to be funded by the BPA. It seems highly unlikely that these personnel will not have other duties and responsibilities to perform for DFO over the 3-year period of this proposed BPA-funded project. It is not clear from the proposal what work some of the listed DFO personnel (Hinch, Mackas, and Whitney) will do on this project. BPA and the Council should consider whether DFO should provide support for these DFO personnel. 11. Non-focal species. What were the annual bycatches of all non-focal species during all past years of the BPA-funded trawl surveys? What precautions are taken to minimize bycatch of non-focal species? Some discussion of potential adverse effects related to trawl bycatch would be appropriate. 12. Information transfer. More information on the "High Seas Salmon database" maintained at the Pacific Biological Station would have been useful. Are meta-data summarizing the database contents, formats, etc., and information on how to request the database available online? What are the plans for long-term storage of the "High Seas Salmon database", and how accessible is the database to non-Canadian government researchers?
ISRP FINAL REVIEW (Aug 31, 2006)
Recommendation: Fundable in part
NPCC comments: This is an excellent proposal and evaluation of our understanding of the problems of juvenile salmon migration, marine survival and growth and their interannual linkages to the ocean environment, with a focus on spring/summer Columbia River Chinook and coho off British Columbia. The benefits of improved knowledge of when and where critical periods of juvenile salmon growth and survival occur in the ocean are significant. This project could be funded in part depending upon available funding. At a minimum, funding for ship time (21 days) and sample processing should be continued (Work Element 1, p. 32). The ISRP recommends deletion of the insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) analysis and the metabolic rate study from this proposal (see explanations in items 3 and 7 below). The proposal would have been improved by a strategic plan that prioritized the various elements of the proposed field and laboratory research in the event that only partial funding is available for this project. Information on how project effectiveness is being monitored and evaluated would also have been useful. Further justification for requested BPA funding for 100% FTEs for three Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) personnel, travel, and a proposed workshop(s) might be necessary before final approval for funding (see item 10 below). Further explanation and justification for the proposed workshop, and the high annual travel costs ($10,000) for the proponents to attend conferences and workshops might be necessary. It is not clear if this proposal includes funds to support the proposed annual workshops. Additional ISRP comments and questions are provided to the proponent, but do not require a written response to the ISRP: 1. Review of Project History (section E, p. 26-28). The proponent’s reference list suggests that most of their peer-review publications have not specifically addressed Columbia River salmon (see Appendix J, p. 65-66). Although reporting of monitoring results in processed reports and non peer-reviewed publications has improved in recent years (since 2004), the ISRP encourages the proponents to develop a specific work plan for timely publication of the results in the scientific literature. The project history would have been improved if it had included an analysis of catch data of salmon and associated species, as well as abundance estimates of Columbia River stocks in the research vessel catches. 2. Work Element I (p. 32-33). Are the cruise dates in the spring, when Columbia River stocks are leaving the estuary, coordinated with the NOAA plume cruises (#199801400, “Ocean Survival of Salmonids”)? There is no mention of trawl gear selectivity. The proposal does not address the potential harmful effects of repetitive (lethal) research trawl sampling of juvenile salmon in their resident ocean feeding areas, or whether there are potential harmful effects on Ecologically Significant Units (ESUs) of salmon and steelhead listed under the US Endangered Species Act (ESA). What are the expected species, stocks or ESUs, and sample sizes of Columbia River fish expected in the catches? Why aren’t steelhead included in the study? Do surface trawl catches include older immature or maturing Columbia River salmon, and will DNA and other samples also be collected from these older fish? Will preferential sampling of only those salmon with preferred body area scales bias the results of growth and other analyses? 3. Work Element II (p. 33-34). What specific stocks and/or ESUs of Columbia River chinook and coho salmon will be identified by the DNA analysis? Will DNA analysis also be performed on chum salmon? The sample sizes in the genetic analysis (pooled over 7 years; Figs. 5 and 6, p. 9) suggest that catches of coho and Chinook salmon during the research vessel surveys are low. The ISRP is concerned that samples are not/will not be sufficient to carry out the stock-specific analyses proposed. What are the sample sizes for each part of this work element, and whether they will provide adequate statistical power? Because of the large mixture of salmon stocks in the region to be surveyed, it is not clear whether results will be directly applicable to Columbia River fish. Will the analysis of IGF-1 be stock specific, i.e., use the same samples of fish that are identified by DNA analysis? Have the proponents considered using scale growth increments to estimate growth rates rather than published values of size and date of ocean entry? The ISRP recommends deletion of the insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) analysis from this proposal. The proposed collaboration on IGF research with Brian Beckman is excellent, because IGF-I provides good data on growth that can be related to Beckman's work in the Columbia River plume. Beckman is funded by NOAA. Why is $40,000 needed by DFO for IGF-I work, when the proposal states that Beckman will analyze the DFO samples, p. 40? The Council and BPA should consider whether DFO should fund their part of this collaboration directly? What prey species would be used in the cesium (Cs) analyses to estimate food consumption (Work Element II, p. 34-35)? Juvenile chinook and coho salmon do not feed on copepods. The analyses need to be specific to the prey that the fish eat. Will the prey used in the analyses be caught in zooplankton (bongo net) samples? Will lipid analyses account for likely differences between stocks, ESUs, or hatchery vs. wild origin of fish? 4. Work Element III (p. 36-37). What specific data sets (locations, years, sample sizes) will be used in the nutrient limitation analyses? 5. Work Element IV (p. 37). Will sample sizes in the mixture be sufficient to identify 250 different populations? How will stock identification results be validated? 6. Work Element V (p. 37-38). Will IGF-1 analyses be carried out by DFO or NMFS? It is not clear how regression models developed by the proponents to predict marine survival would actually be used to manage harvest strategies. How will changes in horizontal and vertical distribution of immature salmon during winter affect analyses to determine overwinter mortality? 7. Work Element VI (p. 39). It is not clear what methods will be used for the proposed spatially-explicit bioenergetic models. From the results of their past work, the proponents hypothesize that poor feeding conditions for salmon off the west coast of Vancouver Island may act as a "bottleneck" to Columbia River salmon survival, and that further work (controlled laboratory experiments) is required to refine Chinook and coho salmon bioenergetic models. The proposal would have been improved if the proponents had provided examples from other programs of the successful use of bioenergetics models to forecast or predict survival of salmon or other marine fish species. Salmon in the natural ocean environment are likely to self-regulate physical forcing effects (temperature, salinity, current) on metabolic rates (oxygen consumption) by changing their vertical distribution. Will maps of growth potential have both a horizontal and vertical component? The ISRP recommends deletion of the metabolic rate laboratory study from this proposal. The proposed laboratory study on metabolic rates is peripheral to the primary objectives of this project. Perhaps this is good basic physiological research. However, could the results of metabolic research already published in the scientific literature (e.g., Brett) be used as a basis for computer modeling? If more data on metabolic rates are needed, the BPA and the Council should examine if DFO should fund this laboratory research directly. NOAA is a funded by BPA to do similar bioenergetic modeling work (#199801400, “Ocean Survival of Salmonids). If both NOAA and DFO are funded by BPA to do bioenergetic modeling, then how will the two studies be coordinated? 8. Work Element VIII (p. 39-40). The proposed survival estimates from BPA-funded acoustic tracking study (#200311400, “Acoustic Tracking for Survival”) would pertain to only two stocks of Columbia Basin hatchery spring chinook (Columbia River mainstem and Snake River). How would these results be applied to identify regions of poor survival for other species, stocks, or ESUs of Columbia Basin salmon? 9. Work Element IX: The ISRP encourages the proponents to collaborate in their research in Southeast Alaska with NMFS/Alaska Fisheries Science Center scientists who are also conducting ocean work on juvenile salmon in this region. 10. Personnel are highly qualified to accomplish the proposed work elements. However, it is not clear as to why 100% of the salaries of three DFO personnel (including the PI) are requested to be funded by the BPA. It seems highly unlikely that these personnel will not have other duties and responsibilities to perform for DFO over the 3-year period of this proposed BPA-funded project. It is not clear from the proposal what work some of the listed DFO personnel (Hinch, Mackas, and Whitney) will do on this project. BPA and the Council should consider whether DFO should provide support for these DFO personnel. 11. Non-focal species. What were the annual bycatches of all non-focal species during all past years of the BPA-funded trawl surveys? What precautions are taken to minimize bycatch of non-focal species? Some discussion of potential adverse effects related to trawl bycatch would be appropriate. 12. Information transfer. More information on the "High Seas Salmon database" maintained at the Pacific Biological Station would have been useful. Are meta-data summarizing the database contents, formats, etc., and information on how to request the database available online? What are the plans for long-term storage of the "High Seas Salmon database", and how accessible is the database to non-Canadian government researchers?