FY07-09 proposal 200731300

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Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleExpanded Acquisition and Display of Fish (Initially Anadromous Salmonids) Harvest Data in the StreamNet Database
Proposal ID200731300
OrganizationPacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC)
Short descriptionLocate data sources for marine and freshwater sport and commercial harvests, including hatchery contribution rates to fisheries and percentages of hatchery fish straying onto natural spawning grounds. Build a comprehensive database schema to store data.
Information transferData compiled by this project will be incorporated into the StreamNet database and made available via the StreamNet on-line query system at http://www.streamnet.org.
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
Form submitter
Mike Banach Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission mike_banach@psmfc.org
All assigned contacts
Bruce Schmidt Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission bruce_schmidt@psmfc.org
Bruce Schmidt Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission bruce_schmidt@psmfc.org

Section 2. Locations

Province / subbasin: Mainstem/Systemwide / Systemwide

Range of anadromous fishes in the Columbia River basin.
Marine waters of the state.
Marine waters of the state.

Section 3. Focal species

primary: All Anadromous Salmonids
secondary: All Anadromous Fish
secondary: Resident Fish

Section 4. Past accomplishments


Section 5. Relationships to other projects

Funding sourceRelated IDRelated titleRelationship
BPA 198810804 Streamnet (CIS/NED) This project will provide extra effort needed to expand the harvest data available from StreamNet.

Section 6. Biological objectives

Biological objectivesFull descriptionAssociated subbasin planStrategy
Monitor harvest & hatchery contributions Research historical harvest management data such as exploitation rates by stock and hatchery contribution rates to fisheries, build and maintain a database schema to store the information, and provide access to information via world wide web. Hood 1) ... estimate both the harvest and exploitation rate of coded wire and PIT tagged experimental hatchery groups;
Monitor Columbia R. harvest data Research historical harvest management data such as exploitation rates by stock and hatchery contribution rates to fisheries, build and maintain a database schema to store the information, and provide access to information via world wide web. Klickitat Strategy 6b. Update and maintain all Klickitat-related databases with historical and current harvest data.
Monitor hatchery fraction on spawning grounds Research historical harvest management data such as exploitation rates by stock and hatchery contribution rates to fisheries, build and maintain a database schema to store the information, and provide access to information via world wide web. Salmon Key performance measure for abundance: hatchery fraction (Percent of fish on spawning ground that originated from hatchery and strayed to natural spawning ground. Determined from carcass or weir sampling.)

Section 7. Work elements (coming back to this)

Work element nameWork element titleDescriptionStart dateEnd dateEst budget
Submit/Acquire Data Acquire, standardize and georeference (to degree possible) data on the contribution of hatchery fish to harvest A biologist/data compiler will work with the management agencies in the basin to locate and then obtain data on hatchery contribution to harvest of anadromous hatchery fish in the variety of marine and freshwater sport and commercial fisheries. These data will be compiled and submitted to the StreamNet database. 10/1/2006 9/30/2010 $284,270
Biological objectives
Submit/Acquire Data Acquire, standardize and georeference to the degree possible data on numbers of fish harvested Agency partners will work within their agencies to locate, acquire, standardize and georeference data on the sport and commercial harvest of salmonids in marine and fresh waters. Ths will add a significant amount of harvest data to the StreamNet database. Initial work will focus on determining location and availability of data, which are widely scattered, and then emphasis will shift to data acquisition. 10/1/2006 9/30/2010 $133,610
Biological objectives
Create/Manage/Maintain Database Develop computer tools and interfaces to enhance acquisition, standardization and submission of harvest data (sponsor) The sponsor will work closely with agency partners to assist in development of tools and applications to assist in capture and management of harvest data. 10/1/2006 9/30/2010 $31,577
Biological objectives
Create/Manage/Maintain Database Develop computer tools and interfaces to enhance acquisition, standardization and submission of harvest data (contractors) The agency partners will work to develop tools and applications that assist in acquisition and management of harvest data from within their respective agencies, working collaboratively with the other agencies and PSMFC. 10/1/2006 9/30/2010 $19,875
Biological objectives

Section 8. Budgets

Itemized estimated budget
Personnel [blank] $83,336 $87,503 $91,978
Fringe Benefits [blank] $33,831 $35,523 $37,299
Supplies [blank] $2,268 $2,381 $2,500
Travel [blank] $5,413 $5,684 $5,968
Overhead [blank] $23,996 $25,196 $26,456
Totals $148,844 $156,287 $164,201
Total estimated FY 2007-2009 budgets
Total itemized budget: $469,332
Total work element budget: $469,332
Cost sharing
Funding source/orgItem or service providedFY 07 est value ($)FY 08 est value ($)FY 09 est value ($)Cash or in-kind?Status
Totals $0 $0 $0

Section 9. Project future

FY 2010 estimated budget: $172,411
FY 2011 estimated budget: $172,411
Comments: Exact costs uncertain. Workload depends difficultyof obtaining data from the many indpendent and sometimes contradictory sources. Development of automated data capture routines would hopefully help to reduce workload, but we need to learn more first.

Future O&M costs: Maintainance of the data collected should occur in perpetuity. Because the data will be managed as part of the StreamNet database, future cost to maintain the data specifically collected under this project should be minimal. Costs for annual updates in the future, should they occur, would be less than annual costs given here because data sources would already be known and data capture tools would already exist. Potential measurable costs in the future may result from changes in database structure or standards that would require data conversions, but none are anticipated at this time.

Termination date: none

Final deliverables: A final report for this project will be provided. Data sets created under this project will be available from the StreamNet web site at www.streamnet.org.

Section 10. Narrative and other documents

Reviews and recommendations

FY07 budget FY08 budget FY09 budget Total budget Type Category Recommendation
NPCC FINAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Oct 23, 2006) [full Council recs]
$0 $0 $0 $0 Expense Basinwide Do Not Fund
NPCC DRAFT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (Sep 15, 2006) [full Council recs]
$0 $0 $0 $0 Basinwide


Recommendation: Not fundable

NPCC comments: This minimalist proposal does not clearly identify the incremental benefits to fish and wildlife that would derive from the expanded acquisition and display of data. The idea may be good but the proposal is confusing to read and leaves out essential information about the data and its application. The proposal lacks a logical progression in the presentation. This proposal doesn't tell a coherent story. The proposal is too cursory and general to justify the proposed actions. It is not clear that the content of existing databases has been considered. The CWT data system already collects much of these data. What is the relationship of this project to the CWT data system? PSMFC is the home of PACFIN and RACFIN data, but there is not evidence of strong coordination with this proposal. Not enough information is provided to evaluate the adequacy of facilities or to determine if the proportion of personnel time to be devoted to the project is appropriate.

ISRP FINAL REVIEW (Aug 31, 2006)

Recommendation: Not fundable

NPCC comments: This minimalist proposal does not clearly identify the incremental benefits to fish and wildlife that would derive from the expanded acquisition and display of data. The idea may be good but the proposal is confusing to read and leaves out essential information about the data and its application. The proposal lacks a logical progression in the presentation. This proposal doesn't tell a coherent story. The proposal is too cursory and general to justify the proposed actions. It is not clear that the content of existing databases has been considered. The CWT data system already collects much of these data. What is the relationship of this project to the CWT data system? PSMFC is the home of PACFIN and RACFIN data, but there is not evidence of strong coordination with this proposal. Not enough information is provided to evaluate the adequacy of facilities or to determine if the proportion of personnel time to be devoted to the project is appropriate.