FY 2003 Lower Columbia proposal 31023

Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleStream Gaging Installation and Operations in the Lewis, Salmon/Washougal, and Gray/Elochoman Subbasins
Proposal ID31023
OrganizationWashington Department of Ecology (WA Ecology)
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
NameKen Dzinbal
Mailing addressPO Box 47600 Olympia WA 98504
Phone / email3604076672 / kdzi461@ecy.wa.gov
Manager authorizing this projectBill Backous
Review cycleLower Columbia
Province / SubbasinLower Columbia / Cowlitz
Short descriptionPurchase and install eight continuos, real-time, telemetered stream flow gages, and six staff gages, at critical reaches and tributaries in each of the three subbasins.
Target speciesChinook,chum, steelhead and bull trout
Project location
46.01 -122.2 Lewis
45.67 -122.21 Salmon/Washougal
46.27 -123.28 Elochoman
46.37 -123.58 Grays
Reasonable and Prudent Alternatives (RPAs)


Action 155
Action 180
Action 149
Action 151
Action 152
Action 154
Action 183
Action 198

Relevant RPAs based on NMFS/BPA review:

Reviewing agencyAction #BiOp AgencyDescription
NMFS Multiple NMFS NMFS Category in review spreadsheet - needed to provide accurate query results

Section 2. Past accomplishments


Section 3. Relationships to other projects

Project IDTitleDescription

Section 4. Budget for Planning and Design phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2003 costSubcontractor
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Planning and Design phase

Section 5. Budget for Construction and Implementation phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2003 costSubcontractor
Objective 1. Provide stream flow data (with necessary resolution) required to meet the objectives embodied in water and salmon protection and restoration initiatives and projects. Purchase and install standardized stream gages in eight critical reaches or tributaries in two of the subbasins (Salmon/Washougal and Lewis subbasins) 2003 $227,000
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Objective 1.Purchase and install standardized stream gages in eight critical reaches or tributaries in the remaining subbasin (Gray/Elochoman) 2004 $114,000
Outyear budgets for Construction and Implementation phase
FY 2004

Section 6. Budget for Operations and Maintenance phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2003 costSubcontractor
Objective 1. Provide stream flow data (with necessary resolution) required to meet the objectives embodied in water and salmon protection and restoration initiatives and projects. Operate and maintain the stream gages in the Salmon/Washougal and Lewis subbasins 2003 $137,000
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Objective 1. Operate and maintain the stream gages in the Gray/Elochoman subbasin 2004 2004 $68,000
Outyear budgets for Operations and Maintenance phase
FY 2004

Section 7. Budget for Monitoring and Evaluation phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2003 costSubcontractor
Objective 1. Provide stream flow data (with necessary resolution) required to meet the objectives embodied in water and salmon protection and restoration initiatives and projects. Report stream flow and temperature data for the Salmon/Washougal and Lewis subbasins 2003 $31,000
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Objective 1. Report stream flow and temperature data for the Gray/Elochoman subbasin 2004 2004 $16,000
Outyear budgets for Monitoring and Evaluation phase
FY 2004

Section 8. Estimated budget summary

Itemized budget
ItemNoteFY 2003 cost
Personnel FTE: 1.25 $75,000
Fringe $19,000
Supplies $30,000
Travel $20,000
Indirect $34,000
Capital $217,000
Total estimated budget
Total FY 2003 cost$395,000
Amount anticipated from previously committed BPA funds$0
Total FY 2003 budget request$395,000
FY 2003 forecast from 2002$0
% change from forecast0.0%
Cost sharing
OrganizationItem or service providedAmountCash or in-kind

Reviews and recommendations

This information was not provided on the original proposals, but was generated during the review process.

Fundable only if response is adequate
Mar 1, 2002


A response is needed. This proposal is to purchase and install 14 stream gages in 3 subbasins critical to anadromous fish. The gages will put on 8 continuously measured sites and 6 instantaneously measured sites in each subbasin. They will fit into and expand the network of WA stream gages to provide data needed to support a variety of water and salmon initiatives. The single objective of the project is to provide stream flow data with a resolution appropriate to water and salmon protection and restoration initiatives and proposals.

The proposal appears to be a reasonable request to improve quantification of stream flow in these rivers. The strategy is described as providing gages at critical reaches and tributaries in each of the three subbasins.

However, more information should be provided as to how the critical reaches/tributaries will be chosen, the marginal addition in monitoring they will provide, and why the combination of 8 continuous/6 staff gages was chosen. How will the eight flow gages and six staff gages be distributed among the subbasins? How will the sites be chosen? Is there a priority plan already in place? Are the monitoring sites selected based on existing fish use or potential fish use? Do other gages in place also provide continuous data? What is the relevance of the 6 cross-channel measurements to be taken annually? What are the potential fish benefits?

Recommended Action
May 17, 2002


NMFS has identified that this project is a BiOp project.
Jun 7, 2002


Fundable, agree with CBFWA. The ISRP does not make a recommendation on priority, although stream gages are a very important tool for stream monitoring and management. This proposal is to purchase and install 14 stream gages in 3 subbasins critical to anadromous fish. The gages will be put on 8 continuously measured sites and 6 instantaneously measured sites in each subbasin. They will fit into and expand the network of WA stream gages to provide data needed to support a variety of water and salmon initiatives. The single objective of the project is to provide stream flow data with a resolution appropriate to water and salmon protection and restoration initiatives and proposals.

The proposal appears to be a reasonable request to improve quantification of stream flow in these rivers. The strategy is described as providing gages at critical reaches and tributaries in each of the three subbasins. The response provides adequate detail to answer review questions. Criteria for prioritizing potential sites appear reasonable.

Jul 19, 2002


Statement of Potential Biological Benefit to ESU
Indirect Benefit. Could be an important tool in chum habitat restoration planning if gages address relationship between Columbia River flows and hyporheic flow/seepage.

This is good quality proposal that characterizes the physical components that affect habitat availability. The proposal's proposed work on quantifying water inputs can be integrated into the overall assessment capability of modeling efforts that are now on going in the Lower Columbia River and estuary. Fulfills Biop requirements in part.

Already ESA Req? No

Biop? Yes

Jul 23, 2002


Recommend not funding, fish populations not affected by FCRPS.
Do Not Fund
Oct 30, 2002
