Year | Accomplishment |
1992 |
Collected and released Rapid River stock spring chinook salmon adults above the weir on Lookingglass Creek. |
1992 |
Enumerated redds above and below the weir on Lookingglass Creek. |
1993 |
Installation and operation of a rotary screw trap to quantify the natural production of spring chinook salmon above the weir. |
1993 |
Collected and released Rapid River stock spring chinook salmon adults above the weir on Lookingglass Creek. |
1993 |
Enumerated redds above and below the weir on Lookingglass Creek. |
1993 |
PIT-tagged juvenile spring chinook salmon in upper reaches of Lookingglass Creek and at the trap for survival and arrival timing at the dams. |
1993 |
Conducted fecundity counts on Rapid River stock spring chinook salmon adults. |
1993 |
Summarized Lookingglass Creek flow and temperature data from 1964 to 1971. |
1993 |
Summarized Lookingglass Creek spawning ground survey data from 1965 to 1970 |
1994 |
Operated rotary screw trap in Lookingglass Creek to enumerate natural production above the weir. |
1994 |
Conducted monthly length/weight sampling of juvenile spring chinook salmon in upper Lookingglass Creek. |
1994 |
Collected and released Rapid River stock spring chinook salmon adults above the weir on Lookingglass Creek. |
1994 |
Enumerated redds above and below the weir on Lookingglass Creek. |
1994 |
PIT-tagged juvenile spring chinook salmon in upper reaches of Lookingglass Creek and at the trap for survival and arrival timing at the dams. |
1994 |
Conducted fecundity counts on Rapid River stock spring chinook salmon adults. |
1995 |
Operated rotary screw trap in Lookingglass Creek to enumerate natural production above the weir. |
1995 |
Conducted monthly length/weight sampling of juvenile spring chinook salmon in upper Lookingglass Creek. |
1995 |
Enumerated and collected, for hatchery spawning and rearing, unmarked adult progeny of Rapid River stock spring chinook salmon adults that were released above the weir on Lookingglass Creek from 1992 to 1994. |
1995 |
Enumerated redds above and below the weir on Lookingglass Creek. |
1995 |
PIT-tagged juvenile spring chinook salmon in upper reaches of Lookingglass Creek and at the trap for survival and arrival timing at the dams. |
1995 |
Summarized juvenile spring chinook trapping data from 1964 to 1974. |
1996 |
Operated rotary screw trap in Lookingglass Creek to enumerate natural production above the weir. |
1996 |
Released presmolts from unmarked adults into upper Lookingglass Creek. |
1996 |
Conducted monthly length/weight sampling of juvenile spring chinook salmon in upper Lookingglass Creek. |
1996 |
Enumerated and collected, for hatchery spawning and rearing, unmarked adult progeny of Rapid River stock spring chinook salmon adults that were released above the weir on Lookingglass Creek from 1992 to 1994. |
1996 |
Constructed upper weir 4 miles above hatchery weir for release of fish above private land. |
1996 |
Released above the weir, unmarked adult progeny of Rapid River stock spring chinook salmon adults that were released above the weir on Lookingglass Creek from 1992 to 1994. |
1996 |
Enumerated redds above and below the weir on Lookingglass Creek. |
1996 |
PIT-tagged and released into Lookingglass Creek unmarked progeny for a size at tagging experiment. |
1996 |
PIT-tagged juvenile spring chinook salmon in at the trap for survival and arrival timing at the dams. |
1997 |
Operated rotary screw trap in Lookingglass Creek to enumerate natural production above the weir. |
1997 |
Released above the weir, unmarked adult progeny of Rapid River stock spring chinook salmon adults that were released above the weir on Lookingglass Creek from 1992 to 1994. |
1997 |
Constructed upper weir 4 miles above hatchery weir for release of fish above private land. |
1997 |
Enumerated redds above the weir on Lookingglass Creek. |
1997 |
PIT-tagged and released into Lookingglass Creek unmarked progeny for a size at tagging experiment. |
1997 |
PIT-tagged juvenile spring chinook salmon in upper reaches of Lookingglass Creek and at the trap for survival and arrival timing at the dams. |
1997 |
Assisted with trapping of adult summer steelhead on Lookingglass Creek. |
1998 |
Operated rotary screw trap in Lookingglass Creek to enumerate natural production above the weir. |
1998 |
Enumerated and collected, for hatchery spawning and rearing, unmarked adult progeny of Rapid River stock spring chinook salmon adults that were released above the weir on Lookingglass Creek from 1993 to 1995. |
1998 |
Enumerated redds above and below the weir on Lookingglass Creek. |
1998 |
PIT-tagged juvenile spring chinook salmon in upper reaches of Lookingglass Creek and at the trap for survival and arrival timing at the dams. |
1998 |
Conducted monthly length/weight sampling of juvenile spring chinook salmon in upper Lookingglass Creek. |
1998 |
Assisted with trapping of adult summer steelhead on Lookingglass Creek. |
1999 |
Operated rotary screw trap in Lookingglass Creek to enumerate natural production above the weir. |
1999 |
Enumerated and collected, for hatchery spawning and rearing, unmarked adult progeny of Rapid River stock spring chinook salmon adults that were released above the weir on Lookingglass Creek from 1994 to 1996. |
1999 |
Enumerated redds above and below the weir on Lookingglass Creek. |
1999 |
Released presmolts from unmarked adults into upper Lookingglass Creek. |
1999 |
PIT-tagged juvenile spring chinook salmon in upper reaches of Lookingglass Creek and at the trap for survival and arrival timing at the dams. |
1999 |
Conducted monthly length/weight sampling of juvenile spring chinook salmon in upper Lookingglass Creek. |
1999 |
Assisted with trapping of adult summer steelhead on Lookingglass Creek. |
2000 |
Operated rotary screw trap in Lookingglass Creek to enumerate natural production above the weir. |
2000 |
Enumerated and returned to the creek below the weir unmarked adult progeny of Rapid River stock spring chinook salmon adults that were released above the weir on Lookingglass Creek from 1995 to 1997. |
2000 |
Enumerated redds above and below the weir on Lookingglass Creek. |
2000 |
Released presmolts from unmarked adults into upper Lookingglass Creek. |
2000 |
PIT-tagged juvenile spring chinook salmon in upper reaches of Lookingglass Creek and at the trap for survival and arrival timing at the dams. |
2000 |
Conducted monthly length/weight sampling of juvenile spring chinook salmon in upper Lookingglass Creek. |
2000 |
Assisted with trapping of adult summer steelhead on Lookingglass Creek. |
Objective | Task | Duration in FYs | Estimated 2002 cost | Subcontractor |
3. Monitor the downstream migration and survival of the 2000 and 2001 cohorts of naturally-produced and captive broodstock juvenile spring chinook salmon from Lookingglass Creek. |
a. Operate a rotary screw trap near the mouth of Lookingglass Creek to trap and enumerate juvenile spring chinook salmon moving past the screw trap. |
Ongoing |
$112,500 |
3. |
b. Examine all trapped juveniles. Record all marks and scan all fish for PIT tags. |
Ongoing |
$0 |
3. |
c. Estimate trap efficiencies. |
Ongoing |
$1,460 |
3. |
d. PIT-tag 1,000 juveniles during one week in late July or early August in Lookingglass Creek. |
Ongoing |
$8,500 |
3. |
e. PIT-tag 3,000 juveniles throughout the 2002 migration season at the trap in lower Lookingglass Creek (trap-tagged fish). |
Ongoing |
$6,750 |
4. Characterize growth of 2001 broodyear juvenile spring chinook in Lookingglass Creek using monthly fork length data (July-December, 2002). |
a. Capture and measure juvenile salmon each month in the field and at the trap. |
Ongoing |
$4,500 |
5. Determine arrival distributions and survival rates to the screw trap for the 2000 cohort of naturally-produced juvenile spring chinook salmon below the weir on Lookingglass Creek |
a. Describe survival and migration timing for entire population moving past the screw trap. |
Ongoing |
$575 |
6. Characterize growth of 2000 cohort naturally-produced progeny in Lookingglass Creek using monthly fork length data (July, 2001-July, 2002). |
a. Calculate mean monthly fork length and weight. |
Ongoing |
$650 |
7. Characterize arrival timing to Lower Granite Dam of naturally-produced juvenile spring chinook salmon from Lookingglass Creek and other naturally-produced fish in the Grande Ronde River basin from the 2000 cohort. |
a. Describe arrival timing at Lower Granite Dam for groups of 2000 cohort juvenile spring chinook salmon PIT-tagged during different time intervals and locations from Lookingglass Creek as well as other Grande Ronde River natural populations. |
Ongoing |
$550 |
8. Make comparisons of minimum survival rates to Lower Granite Dam among naturally-produced juvenile spring chinook salmon from the 2000 cohort from Lookingglass Creek and other naturally-produced fish in the Grande Ronde River basin. |
a. Compare minimum survival rates to Lower Granite Dam of four groups of PIT-tagged fish from Lookingglass Creek and other natural populations in the Grande Ronde River basin. |
Ongoing |
$545 |
9. Determine the genetic diversity, origin, age, and juvenile to adult survival of all adult spring chinook salmon returning to Lookingglass Creek. |
a. Conduct spawning ground surveys in Lookingglass Creek bi-monthly above and weekly below the weir to count redds and collect dead and dying adult spring chinook salmon. |
Ongoing |
$36,000 |
9. |
b. Monitor any tribal fishery on Lookingglass Creek and collect scales, fin tissue, and associated tag/mark information from fish harvested. |
Ongoing |
$16,735 |
9. |
c. Collect scales, fin tissue, and associated tag/mark information from all fish returning to Lookingglass Creek. |
Ongoing |
$4,500 |
9. |
d. Determine age of unmarked adults returning to Lookingglass Creek. |
Ongoing |
$1,460 |
9. |
e. We will summarize adult data from brood years whose returns will be essentially complete through 5-year-old fish (i.e., 1997 brood). |
Ongoing |
$1,460 |
9. |
f. Estimate juvenile to adult survival rate for the 1997 broodyear. |
Ongoing |
$1,460 |
10. Assess aspects of ecological interactions between spring chinook salmon and their abiotic environment in Lookingglass Creek. |
a. Obtain and summarize flow and temperature data from U.S. Geologic Survey flow gauge on an annual basis. |
Ongoing |
$650 |
10. |
b. Install, monitor, and download data from electronic thermographs in the basin. |
Ongoing |
$650 |
11. Monitor and evaluate survival and migration characteristics of juvenile O. mykiss captured at the screw trap on Lookingglass Creek. |
a. Operate a rotary screw trap near the mouth of Lookingglass Creek to enumerate O. mykiss moving past the screw trap in 2002. |
Ongoing |
$1,460 |
11. |
b. PIT tag and scale sample 2,500 O. mykiss moving past the screw trap in 2002. |
Ongoing |
$5,625 |
11. |
c. Estimate trap efficiencies using PIT tag recaptures. |
Ongoing |
$1,460 |
11. |
d. Describe the arrival timing and survival to Lower Granite Dam from fish tagged in 1999 and 2000. |
Ongoing |
$1,460 |
12. Determine the arrival timing and minimum survival rate to Lower Granite Dam for the O. mykiss that were PIT-tagged at the screw trap on Lookingglass Creek. |
a. Describe the arrival timing and minimum survival rate at Lower Granite Dam. |
Ongoing |
$600 |
13. Determine resident/unsuccessful and anadromous forms of O. mykiss captured in the screw trap using PIT tag detections at Snake and Columbia River dams. |
a. Determine if relationships exist between the fork length, weight, and condition factor of detected and non-detected O. mykiss within a broodyear. |
Ongoing |
$1,460 |
13. |
b. Determine if relationships exist between the arrival timing at the trap of detected set and non-detected O. mykiss within a broodyear. |
Ongoing |
$1,460 |
14. Describe the adult summer steelhead population that returns to Lookingglass Creek. |
a. Assist with the checking of the adult trap at least once a week to enumerate, measure, and remove a scale and genetic (opercle punch) sample from all adult summer steelhead captured in the hatchery picket weir trap. |
Ongoing |
$4,500 |
15. Monitor the population genetics of summer steelhead in the Grande Ronde River basin. |
a. Collect fin tissue for genetic analysis from 100 juvenile O. mykiss captured in each of 7 sub-basins within the Grande Ronde River basin. |
Ongoing |
$9,000 |
15. |
b. Assist with the collection of fin tissue for genetic analysis from all adult summer steelhead captured at weirs on Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde River. |
Ongoing |
$3,000 |
16. Cooperate with ODFW and CTUIR to maintain ongoing LSRCP and BPA evaluation activities. |
a. cooperate with ODFW/CTUIR evaluation personnel conducting LSRCP/BPA objectives and tasks. |
Ongoing |
$1,311 |
Objective | Starting FY | Ending FY | Estimated cost |
2. Implement kelt rejuvenation experiment for Grande Ronde River basin. |
2003 |
2006 |
$161,354 |
3. Monitor the downstream migration and survival of the 2000 and 2001 cohorts of naturally-produced and captive broodstock juvenile spring chinook salmon from Lookingglass Creek. |
2003 |
2006 |
$76,354 |
4. Characterize growth of 2001 broodyear juvenile spring chinook in Lookingglass Creek using monthly fork length data (July-December, 2001). |
2003 |
2006 |
$76,354 |
5. Determine arrival distributions and survival rates to the screw trap for the 2000 cohort of naturally-produced juvenile spring chinook salmon below the weir on Lookingglass Creek |
2003 |
2006 |
$76,354 |
6. Characterize growth of 2000 cohort naturally-produced progeny in Lookingglass Creek using monthly fork length data (July, 2001-July, 2002). |
2003 |
2006 |
$76,354 |
7. Characterize arrival timing to Lower Granite Dam of naturally-produced juvenile spring chinook salmon from Lookingglass Creek and other naturally-produced fish in the Grande Ronde River basin from the 2000 cohort. |
2003 |
2006 |
$76,354 |
8. Make comparisons of minimum survival rates to Lower Granite Dam among naturally-produced juvenile spring chinook salmon from the 2000 cohort from Lookingglass Creek and other naturally-produced fish in the Grande Ronde River basin. |
2003 |
2006 |
$76,354 |
9. Determine the genetic diversity, origin, age, and juvenile to adult survival of all adult spring chinook salmon returning to Lookingglass Creek. |
2003 |
2006 |
$76,354 |
10. Assess aspects of ecological interactions between spring chinook salmon and their abiotic environment in Lookingglass Creek. |
2003 |
2006 |
$76,354 |
11. Monitor and evaluate survival and migration characteristics of juvenile O. mykiss captured at the screw trap on Lookingglass Creek. |
2003 |
2006 |
$76,354 |
12. Determine the arrival timing and minimum survival rate to Lower Granite Dam for the O. mykiss that were PIT-tagged at the screw trap on Lookingglass Creek. |
2003 |
2006 |
$76,354 |
13. Determine resident/unsuccessful and anadromous forms of O. mykiss captured in the screw trap using PIT tag detections at Snake and Columbia River dams. |
2003 |
2006 |
$76,354 |
14. Describe the adult summer steelhead population that returns to Lookingglass Creek. |
2003 |
2006 |
$76,354 |
15. Monitor the population genetics of summer steelhead in the Grande Ronde River basin. |
2003 |
2006 |
$76,354 |
16. Cooperate with ODFW and CTUIR to maintain ongoing LSRCP and BPA evaluation activities. |
2003 |
2006 |
$67,713 |
Cost previously provided through LSRCP.
This information was not provided on the original proposals, but was generated during the review process.
The project should be reduced to reasonable scope, focusing on a single, clear purpose, and then be written up in a much more concise proposal. A suggestion may be for the proponents to proceed with a substantially reduced program until the hatchery up-grade is complete, and until a careful consideration of alternative uses of the habitat is complete. We recognize that this may lead to a temporary deferment of production or fishery objectives but the benefits of using such a controlled environment for critical research issues (such as about the efficacy of re-introduction methods) may out-weigh these shorter-term production goals. These options should be discussed amongst co-managers before this proposal proceeds further.