Proposal title | Annual Stock Assessment- Coded Wire Tag Program (WDFW) |
Proposal ID | 198906600 |
Organization | Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) |
Proposal contact person or principal investigator |
Name | Howard J. Fuss |
Mailing address | 600 Capitol Way N Olympia, WA 98501-1091 |
Phone / email | 3609022664 / |
Manager authorizing this project | |
Review cycle | FY 2000 |
Province / Subbasin | Mainstem/Systemwide / Systemwide |
Short description | Apply coded-wire tags to production groups of chinook and coho salmon at WDFW Columbia River Hatcheries and monitor hatchery salmon survival trends, evaluate hatchery techniques and provide information to Basin wide stock assessment. |
Target species | Fall and spring chinook, and coho salmon |
Year | Accomplishment |
1990 |
Tagged 1,434,101 chinook and coho |
1991 |
Tagged 1,377,166 chinook and coho |
1992 |
Tagged 1,299,245 chinook and coho |
1993 |
Tagged 2,473,946 chinook and coho and collected 3,148 tags from returning adults |
1994 |
Tagged 2,473,946 chinook and coho and collected 3,794 tags from returning adults |
1995 |
Tagged 1,855,939 chinook and coho and collected 2,673 tags from returning adults |
1996 |
Tagged 1,798,528 chinook and coho and collected 1,266 tags from returning adults |
1997 |
Tagged 2,180,255 chinook and coho and collected 3,618 tags from returning adults |
1998 |
Number of tagged fish not yet available. |
Project ID | Title | Description |
9600800 |
PATH-Participation by State & Tribal Agencies |
Data from 8906600,8900690, and 8906500 used in analysis |
9000500 |
Umatilla Hatchery Monitoring and Evaluation |
Tag coho for release in Umatilla Basin. Identification of hatchery fish from all projects in Umatilla Basin |
9306000 |
Select Area Fisheries Evaluation |
Identification of project hatchery fish in Youngs Bay fishery |
9506300 |
Yakima/Klickitat Monitoring & Evaluation Program. |
Tag coho for release in Yakima Basin and identify hatchery fish in Yakima Basin |
9603301 |
Yakima River Fall chinook supple. |
Identification of hatchery fish in Yakima Basin |
9603302 |
Evaluate the feasibility and potential risks of restoring Yakima River coho |
Tag coho for release in Yakima Basin and identify hatchery fish in Yakima Basin |
9604000 |
Evaluate the feasibility and risks of coho reintroduction in Mid-Columbia |
Identification of hatchery fish in Wenatchee and Methow Basins |
8805304 |
Monitor actions implemented under the Hood River Production Program |
Identification of hatchery fish in Hood River Basin |
9144 |
Monitor natural escapement and productivity of John Day Basin spring chinoo |
Identification of project hatchery fish in John Day Basin |
20515 |
Mainstem Umbrella Proposal |
Tags from all projects can be evaluated |
8906600 |
Annual Stock Assessment -Coded Wire Tag Program (WDFW) |
8900690 |
Annual Stock Assessment_Coded Wire Tag Program (ODFW) |
8906500 |
Annual Stock Assessment- Coded Wire Tag Program (USFWS) |
8201300 |
Coded Wire Tag Recovery Program (PSMFC) |
8816300 |
Effects of Coded Wire Tag on the Survival of Spring Chinook (WDFW) |
20543 |
Coded Wire Tag Program (Programmatic Umbrella) |
Schedule Constraints: Production and release of hatchery salmonids in the Columbia Basin is regulated by NMFS under the Endangered Species Act. Specific groups to be tagged depend on funding for the production and tagging of hatchery salmon in Washington.
This information was not provided on the original proposals, but was generated during the review process.
This project has not met the objectives for recovery rates of CWT coho for many years. The requested increase in budget to address this problem by tagging more coho appears appropriate. The proposed large charge for overhead on purchase of CWTs should be examined. The actual overhead costs for bulk-purchases of CWTs is probably much less. It might be much more cost-effective for the BPA to purchase the tags and just provide them to the agencies. See comments on CWT umbrella.