Year | Accomplishment |
1991 |
Reared and stocked 20,687 lbs.of legal size rainbow trout (Mt. Whitney Stock). ). 20,687 lbs represents 177% of the legal rainbow trout production objective of 16,000 lbs. |
Reared and stocked 17,123 lbs of subcatchable size rainbow trout (Goldendale stock). 17,123 lbs represents 177% of the subcatchable rainbow trout production objective of 13,200 lbs. |
Reared and stocked 8,679 lbs of fingerling size rainbow trout (Goldendale stock). 8,679 lbs represents 462% of the fingerling rainbow trout production objective of 1,878 lbs. |
Reared and stocked 18,089 lbs of subcatchable size eastern brook trout (Owhi Lk. Stock). 18,089 lbs represents 137% of the sub-catchable brook trout production objective of 13,200 lbs. |
Reared and stocked 1,659 lbs of fingerling size eastern brook trout (Owhi Lk. Stock). 1,659 lbs represents 88% of the fingerling brook trout production objective of 1,878 lbs.) |
Reared and stocked 5,812 lbs of subcatchable size lahontan cutthroat trout (Omak Lk. stock). 5,812 lbs represents 145% of the lahontan cutthroat trout production objective of 4000 lbs. |
1992 |
Reared and stocked 14,052 lbs. of legal size rainbow trout (Eagle Lake stock). 14,052 lbs represents 88% of the legal rainbow trout production objective. The production objective of 16,000 lbs was not met because the fish were 5.6 fish/lb rather than 5 |
Reared and stocked 10,076 lbs. of subcatchable size rainbow trout (Eagle Lake stock). 10,076 lbs represents 76% of the sub-catchable rainbow trout production objective. |
Reared and stocked 2,413 lbs. of fingerling size rainbow trout (Goldendale stock). 2,413 lbs represents 128% of the fingerling rainbow trout production objective of 1,878 lbs. |
Reared and stocked 11,003 lbs of subcatchable size brook trout (Goldendale stock).11,003 lbs represents 83% of the sub-catchable brook trout production objective of 13,200 lbs. Error in the fingerling/subcatchable split prevented the full complement. |
Reared and stocked 2,292 lbs of fingerling size eastern brook trout (Owhi Lk. Stock). 2,292 lbs represents 122% of the fingerling brook trout production objective of 1,878 lbs. |
Reared and stocked 4,554 lbs of subcatchable size lahontan cutthroat trout (Omak Lk. stock). 4,554 lbs represents 114% of the lahontan cutthroat trout production objective of 4000 lbs. |
1993 |
Stocking data unavailable |
1994 |
Reared and stocked 14,482 lbs. of legal size rainbow trout (Mt. Whitney stock). 14,482 lbs represents 91% of the legal rainbow trout production objective. The production objective of 16,000 lbs was not met because the fish were 5.3 fish/lb rather than 5 |
Reared and stocked 12,223 lbs of subcatchable size rainbow trout (Goldendale stock). 12,223 lbs represents 93% of the sub-catchable rainbow trout production objective. |
Reared and stocked 14,695 lbs of subcatchable size eastern brook trout (Owhi Lk. Stock). 14,695 lbs represents 111% of the sub-catchable brook trout production objective of 13,200 lbs. |
Reared and stocked 832 lbs of fingerling size eastern brook trout (Owhi Lk. Stock). 832 lbs represents 71% of the fingerling brook trout production objective of 1,187 lbs. The objective was not achieved because fish were smaller at release. |
Conducted fishery investigation surveys on Buffalo Lake, North Twin and South Twin Lakes (relative abundance surveys) |
Reared and stocked 5,065 lbs of subcatchable size lahontan cutthroat trout (Omak Lk. stock). 5,065 lbs represents 121% of the lahontan cutthroat trout production objective of 4000 lbs. |
1995 |
Reared and stocked 11,789 lbs of subcatchable size rainbow trout (Goldendale stock). 11,789 lbs represents 89% of the sub-catchable rainbow trout production objective. |
Reared and stocked 14,500 lbs. of legal size (5 fish/lb) rainbow trout (Mt. Whitney stock). 14,500 lbs represents 91% of the legal rainbow trout production objective. |
Reared and stocked 1,758 lbs of fingerling size (155 fish/lb) rainbow trout (Goldendale stock). 1,758 lbs represents 95% of the fingerling rainbow trout production objective (1,875 lbs). |
Reared and stocked 8,878 lbs of subcatchable size (31 fish/lb) eastern brook trout (Owhi Lk. Stock). 8,878 lbs represents 67% of the subcatchable brook trout production objective (13,200 lbs). |
Reared and stocked 1,043 lbs of fingerling size eastern brook trout (Owhi Lk. Stock). 1,043 lbs represents 88% of the fingerling brook trout production objective (1,187 lbs). |
Reared and stocked 4,747 lbs of subcatchable size lahontan cutthroat trout (Omak Lk. stock). 4,747 lbs represents 119% of the lahontan cutthroat trout production objective of 4000 lbs. |
Obtained 841,138 eastern brook trout eggs from Owhi Lk. broodstock. 841,000 eggs represents 99% of the egg-take objective (850,000 eggs). |
Obtained 200,070 lahontan cutthroat trout eggs from Omak Lk. Broodstock. 200,070 eggs represents 100% of the egg-take objective (200,000 eggs). |
Provided a tribal subsistence fishery on the Colville Reservation of .86 fish/hr CPUE. The observed CPUE represents 86% of the CPUE objective (1.0 fish/hr). |
Brook trout observed in the creel averaged 352mm with a condition factor of 126 x10-7. The observed average length of brook trout during 1995 exceeded the fishery objective of 343 mm. |
35,000 sub-catchable brook trout and 100,000 lahontan cutthroat trout were stocked into Owhi lake and Omak Lake (broodstock lakes) respectively during 1995. Bacterial/viral sampling to access broodstock health continued, results were negative. |
Monitored and enumerated adult escapement of adfluvial rainbow trout in the SanPoil River Basin and stocked spring spawning Mt. Whitney Rainbow Trout into Round Lk., South Twin Lk. and North Twin Lk. as part of the RBT broodstock development. |
Conducted fishery investigation surveys on Buffalo Lake, North Twin and South Twin Lakes (relative abundance surveys) |
Participated in the CBFWA and Northwest Power Planning Council process for implementation of three projects funded through the NWPPC Fish and Wildlife Program. |
1996 |
Reared and stocked 16,404 lbs (7,441 kg) of catchable size rainbow trout (Mt. Whitney stock). 16,404 lbs represents 102% of the catchable rainbow trout production objective. |
Reared and stocked 15,719 lbs of subcatchable size rainbow trout (Goldendale stock). 15,719 lbs represents 119% of the sub-catchable rainbow trout production objective of 13,200 lbs. |
Reared and stocked 10,152 lbs of subcatchable size eastern brook trout (Owhi Lk. Stock). 10,152 lbs represents 77% of the sub-catchable brook trout production objective (13,200 lbs). |
Reared and stocked 5,668 lbs of subcatchable size lahontan cutthroat trout (Omak Lk. stock). 5,668 lbs represents 142% of the lahontan cutthroat trout production objective of 4,000 lbs. |
Obtained 783,363 eastern brook trout eggs from Owhi Lk. broodstock. 783,363 eggs represents 92% of the egg-take objective (850,000 eggs). |
Obtained 265,160 lahontan cutthroat trout eggs from Omak Lk. Broodstock. 265,160 eggs represents 133% of the egg-take objective of 200,000 eggs. |
Provided a tribal subsistence fishery on the Colville Reservation of 1.14 fish/hr CPUE. The observed CPUE exceeds the CPUE objective ofb1.0 fish/hr. |
Brook trout observed in the creel averaged 354mm with average condition factor of 123 x 10-7. The observed average length of brook trout during 1996 exceeded the fishery objective of 343 mm. |
Rainbow trout observed in the creel averaged 317mm with condition factor of 129 x 10-7. The observed average length and condition of rainbow trout in the fishery was less than the identified objective of 343 mm |
Stocked 29,938 subcatchable brook trout and 177,356 lahontan cutthroat trout into Owhi lake and Omak Lake respectively. Broodstock bacterial/viral sampling continued during spawning operations, results were negative. |
Conducted fishery investigation surveys on Buffalo Lake, North Twin and South Twin Lakes (relative abundance surveys) |
Participated in the CBFWA and Northwest Power Planning Council process for implementation of three projects funded through the NWPPC Fish and Wildlife Program (successful prioritization and funding). |
1997 |
Reared and stocked 12,637 lbs of catchable size rainbow trout (Mt. Whitney stock). 12,637 lbs represents 79% of the catchable rainbow trout production objective. The production objective was not achieved due to a gut fungus outbreak. |
Reared and stocked 13,038 lbs of subcatchable size rainbow trout (Goldendale stock). 13,038 lbs represents 99% of the sub-catchable rainbow trout production objective of 13,200 lbs. |
Reared and stocked 12,403 lbs of subcatchable size eastern brook trout (Owhi Lk. Stock). 12,403 lbs represents 94% of the 13,200 lb subcatchable brook trout production objective. |
Reared and stocked 802 lbs of fingerling size eastern brook trout (Owhi Lk. Stock). 802 lbs represents 68% of the 1,187 lb fingerling brook trout production objective. The objective was not achieved due to unexpected mortality at first feeding. |
Obtained 875,121 eastern brook trout eggs from Owhi Lk. broodstock. 875,212 eggs exceeded the egg-take objective (850,000 eggs). |
Obtained 265,000 lahontan cutthroat trout eggs from Omak Lk. Broodstock. 265,000 eggs exceeds the egg requirements of 200,000. |
Provided a tribal subsistence fishery on the Colville Reservation of .76 fish/hr CPUE. The observed CPUE represents 76% of the 1.0 fish/hr CPUE objective. |
Provided a recreational fishery on the Colville Reservation of .31 fish/hr. CPUE |
Brook trout observed in the creel averaged 358mm with a condition factor of 126 x 10-7. The observed average length of brook trout during 1996 exceeded the fishery objective of 343 mm. |
Experimented with auto/demand and hand feeding techniques in an attempt minimize domestication (behavioral responses). Overhead disturbance elicited a negative response (flight) from the auto-fed groups of subcatchable rainbow trout. |
Stocked 34,929 sub-catchable brook trout and 0 lahontan cutthroat trout into Owhi lake and Omak Lake respectively (broodstock maintenance). Bacterial/viral sampling continued and were negative. |
Successfully marked all broodyear 97 legal size rainbow trout to be stocked in the spring of 1998 (adipose clip). |
Conducted fishery investigation surveys on Buffalo Lake, North Twin and South Twin Lakes (relative abundance surveys) |
Participated in the CBFWA and Northwest Power Planning Council process for implementation of three projects funded through the NWPPC Fish and Wildlife Program (successful prioritization and funding). |
1998 |
Reared and stocked 25,330 lbs of catchable size rainbow trout (Mt. Whitney stock). 25,330 lbs represents 158% of the catchable rainbow trout production objective. |
Reared and stocked 18,566 lbs of subcatchable size rainbow trout (Goldendale stock). 18,566 lbs represents 140% of the sub-catchable rainbow trout production objective of 13,200 lbs. |
Reared and stocked 12,403 lbs of subcatchable size eastern brook trout (Owhi Lk. Stock). 12,403 lbs represents 94% of the 13,200 lb subcatchable brook trout production objective. |
Reared and stocked 1,562 lbs of fingerling size eastern brook trout (Owhi Lk. Stock). 1,562 lbs represents 132% of the 1,187 lb fingerling brook trout production objective. |
Reared and stocked 2,028 lbs of fingerling size rainbow trout (Goldendale Stock). 2,028 lbs represents 171% of the fingerling brook trout production objective (1,187 lbs). |
Obtained 962,202 eastern brook trout eggs from Owhi Lk. broodstock. 962,202 eggs exceeded the egg-take objective (850,000 eggs). |
Obtained 129,490 lahontan cutthroat trout eggs from Omak Lk. Broodstock. |
Provided a tribal subsistence fishery on the Colville Reservation of .76 fish/hr CPUE. The observed CPUE represents 76% of the 1.0 fish/hr CPUE objective. |
Provided a recreational fishery on the Colville Reservation of .45 fish/hr. CPUE |
Brook trout observed in the creel averaged 358mm with a condition factor of 126 x 10-7. The observed average length of brook trout during 1996 exceeded the fishery objective of 343 mm. |
Rainbow trout observed in the creel averaged 310mm. The observed average length and condition of rainbow trout in the fishery was slightly less than the identified objective of 343 mm. |
Monitored and enumerated adult escapement of adfluvial rainbow trout in the SanPoil River Basin and stocked spring spawning Mt. Whitney Rainbow Trout into Round Lk., South Twin Lk. and North Twin Lk. (brood stock development) |
Stocked 43,794 sub-catchable brook trout and 103,710 lahontan cutthroat trout into Owhi lake and Omak Lake respectively (broodstock maintenance). Bacterial/viral sampling continued, results were negative. |
Conducted fishery investigation surveys on Buffalo Lake, North Twin and South Twin Lakes (relative abundance surveys) |
Participated in the CBFWA and Northwest Power Planning Council process for implementation of three projects funded through the NWPPC Fish and Wildlife Program (successful prioritization and funding). |
1999 |
Summary information in progress |
Change in the scope-of-work to include hatchery/wild harvest evaluation, native salmonid presence/absence survey and evaluation for hatchery utilization potential and initiation of ecological interaction investigations in selected lacustrine habitats.
All the aforementioned items were critical elements identified in the ISRP review of this project. While the project satisfactorily addressed the utilization of non-native species/stocks, the ISRP identified hatchery/wild interatctions, ecological interations, potential use of native stock in the hatchery program and return to creel of hatchery vs naturally producing stocks as important elements to be addressed by this project. The very same elements were also central to hatchery reform identified in the Council's APR Report, therefore they have become important issues for this project to address.
This information was not provided on the original proposals, but was generated during the review process.