FY 2001 Ongoing proposal 198805303

Additional documents


Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleHood River Production Program - M&E
Proposal ID198805303
OrganizationConfederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon (CTWSRO)
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
NameAlexis Vaivoda
Mailing address3430 W 10th The Dalles, OR 97058
Phone / email5412966866 / avaivoda@netcnct.net
Manager authorizing this projectMick Jennings
Review cycleFY 2001 Ongoing
Province / SubbasinColumbia Gorge / Hood
Short descriptionImplement, monitor, and evaluate actions outlined in the Hood River and Pelton Ladder Master Plans pertaining to smolt production, acclimation, and habitat. Coordinate Pelton Ladder production.
Target species
Project location
Reasonable and Prudent Alternatives (RPAs)



Relevant RPAs based on NMFS/BPA review:

Reviewing agencyAction #BiOp AgencyDescription

Section 2. Past accomplishments

1995 Completed physical stream inventories of most anadromous salmonid bearing streams located on all private and selected USFS lands in the Hood River subbasin.
1995 Completed construction of rearing cells in Pelton Ladder.
1996 Completed development of the winter steelhead acclimation facility on the East Fork Hood River.
1996 Completed development of the West Fork Hood River spring chinook salmon acclimation sites (portable acclimation ponds with gravity fed pipe systems).
1996 Powerdale Trapping Facility completed.
1996 Determined what subspecies of O. mykiss and O. clarki exist in the subbasin and if there are any sensitive gene pools that may be impacted by HRPP actions.
1996 Completed a radio telemetry study to assess the upstream migration of adult salmonids in the lower Hood River (Rm 0.0-4.0).
1997 Hood River Production Program EIS completed.
1997 Determination of spatial distribution for anadromous adult holding and spawning was completed in 1997.
1997 The East Fork Irrigation District 130 cfs diversion on the East Fork Hood River was equipped with fish screens.
1998 Spring chinook salmon spawning ground surveys on the West Fork Hood River were completed from 1997-1999.
1998 Parkdale Fish Facility completed and operational. Spring chinook salmon and summer and winter steelhead broodstock have been held and spawned; and eggs incubated. Hatchery winter steelhead and spring chinook salmon smolts were acclimated and released.
1999 Rearing density estimates for indigenous fish populations in the Hood River subbasin were made for selected sites from 1994-1999.

Section 3. Relationships to other projects

Project IDTitleDescription

Section 4. Budget for Planning and Design phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2001 costSubcontractor
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Planning and Design phase

Section 5. Budget for Construction and Implementation phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2001 costSubcontractor
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Construction and Implementation phase

Section 6. Budget for Operations and Maintenance phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2001 costSubcontractor
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Operations and Maintenance phase

Section 7. Budget for Monitoring and Evaluation phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2001 costSubcontractor
1. Determine abundance, distribution, and life history patterns of anadromous and resident fishes in the Hood River subbasin. a. Estimate juvenile rearing distribution of anadromous and resident species. Ongoing $10,309
1 b. Estimate rearing densities or relative abundance of juvenile anadromous salmonids and resident trout in selected reaches. Ongoing $12,180
1 c. Estimate spatial distribution or rearing juvenile anadromous salmonids and resident trout. Ongoing $10,309
1 d. Estimate selected morphometric characteristics of resident trout (e.g. mean fork length, mean weight). Ongoing $11,382
1 e. Evaluate if acclimation facilities have significantly increased numbers of hatchery smolts leaving the Hood River subbasin. Ongoing $7,714
1 f. Estimate and compare median date of outmigration for naturally produced and acclimated hatchery produced smolts. Ongoing $9,035
1 g. Evaluate significance of "residualism" using electrofishing and snorkel surveys. Ongoing $9,369
1 h. Determine if acclimated hatchery spring chinook salmon adult returns distribute throughout the West Fork and mainstem and utilize primary spawning areas. Ongoing $19,675
1 i. Determine if acclimated smolts have a significantly higher smolt to adult survival rate in relation to direct released smolts. Ongoing $7,714
1 j. Coordination of all monitoring and evaluation activities. Provide informational reports to agencies and public on project activities. Prepare BPA annual report. Ongoing $36,125
2. Identify the population genetic structure, systematics, and distribution of genetically unique steelhead, cutthroat, and resident trout populations in the Hood River subbasin. a. Coordinate and provide support to conduct laboratory work on the electrophoretic and mtDNA analysis. Work will be completed by University of Montana, contracted by ODFW. Ongoing $27,501 Yes
3. Develop fish culture procedures for steelhead and spring chinook to minimize future genetic impacts to the wild gene pools in the Hood River subbasin. a. Periodically re-evaluate the HR/PLPP management plans and broodstock collection, spawning, and adult fish passage protocol for summer and winter steelhead and spring chinook salmon to minimize future genetic impacts. Ongoing $12,945
4. Achieve an interim run of 850 jack and adult spring chinook salmon to Hood River, with a spawner escapement of 400 jacks and adults. a. Volitionally release acclimated hatchery smolts into the Hood River subbasin. Ongoing $36,756
4 b. Coordinate clipping and coded-wire tagging operations for hatchery releases into the Hood. Ongoing $8,127
5. Achieve an interim run of 2,340 summer steelhead to Hood River, with a spawner escapement of 1,000 (500 wild and 500 hatchery) Hood River stock. a. Volitionally release acclimated hatchery smolts into the Hood River subbasin. Ongoing $36,735
5 b. Coordinate clipping and coded-wire tagging operations for hatchery releases into the Hood. Ongoing $8,127
6. Achieve an interim run of 2,785 winter steelhead to Hood River, with a spawner escapement of 1,000 (500 wild and 500 hatchery) Hood River stock. a. Volitionally release acclimated hatchery smolts into the Hood River subbasin. Ongoing $27,382
6 b. Coordinate clipping and coded-wire tagging operations for hatchery releases into the Hood. Ongoing $8,127
7. Determine the amount and condition of habitat available to anadromous salmonids in the Hood River subbasin. a. Monitor selected environmental factors that may effect carrying capacity. Ongoing $11,821
7 b. Estimate the quantity and quality of habitat available for spring chinook salmon and summer and winter steelhead. Ongoing $11,382
7 c. Re-evaluate and refine smolt carrying capacity. Ongoing $7,714
7 d. Complete physical habitat surveys. Ongoing $19,849
8. Restore and recover habitat lost as a consequence of man's activities in the Hood River subbasin. a. Plan, coordinate, and implement habitat projects from the Hood River Fish Habitat Protection, Restoration, and Monitoring Plan working document. Seek cost sharing funds for all projects. Ongoing $12,027
8 b. Continue to update and modify the Hood River Fish Habitat Protection, Restoration, and Monitoring Plan. Ongoing $8,137
9. Determine if the pesticides used and entering surface waters in the Hood River subbasin are adversely affecting steelhead. a. Determine if there is toxicity associated with surface waters in the Hood River subbasin. FY2002 $15,001 Yes
9 b. If there is toxicity, determine if the toxicity is caused by pesticides. FY2002 $15,001 Yes
10. Review measures of relative "smolt quality" between fish reared in Pelton Ladder (old and new sections) and fish reared at Round Butte Hatchery (RBH), as inference that ladder-reared smolts may have superior "fitness" for survival. a. Utilize past data from several broods of ladder reared and RBH reared smolts. Compile and analyze data to provide a comparison of relative "fitness" between the groups of fish. Ongoing $8,995
10 b. Determine and compare smolt survival and condition of fish in Pelton Ladder. Ongoing $14,943
10 c. Summarize and report jack and adult life history and morphological data on Deschutes River stock spring chinook salmon released from Pelton Ladder and RBH. Ongoing $8,995
10 d. Determine and compare smolt to adult survival rates of similar sized smolts released at the same time from RBH and Pelton Ladder (Pond H-1 vs. cells 1,2 and 6; pond H-2 vs. cell 3). Ongoing $9,209
11. Conduct controlled tests at Pelton Ladder to define effective smolt production criteria that maximizes adult returns. a. Determine and compare smolt to adult survival of fish transferred to Pelton Ladder in September and November. Ongoing $9,209
11 b. Determine and compare smolt to adult survival rates of small (12/lb at release; cell L-3) and medium (8/lb at release; cell L-6) size smolts reared at Pelton Ladder. Ongoing $9,209
11 c. Determine and compare smolt to adult survival rates of small (12/lb at release; pond H-2) and medium (8/lb at release; pond H-1) size smolts reared at RBH. Ongoing $9,209
11 d. Document fish culture activities that occur at RBH and Pelton Ladder. Ongoing $9,209
11 e. Coordinate (assist) with RBH staff in sampling fish at the hatchery and ladder for weight, length, size/lb., and clipping and coded-wire tag evaluations. Ongoing $12,819
11 f. Coordinate (assist) with RBH staff in retrieving coded-wire tags from jack and adult spring chinook salmon collected at the Pelton Trap. Ongoing $7,610
12. Measure survival of smolts produced in the (new) modified sections of Pelton Ladder and compare to (old) established pre-modification survival rates. a. Determine and compare smolt to adult survival of cells 1 and 2 (old section) with cell 6 (new section). Ongoing $7,772
12 b. Calculate and compare survival rates of historic smolt releases from the old ladder section and hatchery. Ongoing $5,298
13. Evaluate the effective production potential of the currently, unused area in Pelton Ladder. a. Measure adult returns provided by the new modifications to Pelton Ladder to gain inferences about the potential value of further extending production in the ladder. Ongoing $7,038
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Monitoring and Evaluation phase
FY 2004FY 2005FY 2002FY 2003

Section 8. Estimated budget summary

Itemized budget
ItemNoteFY 2001 cost
Personnel $182,765
Fringe @ 23% $42,036
Supplies $25,235
Travel $42,950
Indirect @ 41.4% $133,733
Subcontractor $63,200
Other office rent, utilities $30,040
Total estimated budget
Total FY 2001 cost$519,959
Amount anticipated from previously committed BPA funds$20,000
Total FY 2001 budget request$499,959
FY 2001 forecast from 2000$520,000
% change from forecast-3.9%
Cost sharing
OrganizationItem or service providedAmountCash or in-kind

Reviews and recommendations

This information was not provided on the original proposals, but was generated during the review process.

Ongoing Funding: yes; New Funding: no
Jul 14, 2000


No change in budget although some carry forward is anticipated from FY 2000. There is no change in scope of work. Proposed $20,000 in FY 2000 carry forward.
Sep 13, 2000


Sep 20, 2003


Accruals are a little low. Contracts being held up at Warm Springs. If contracts signed, will come close to spending cap for fiscal year. 04 and 05 work represents increase in rent for office, some equipment O&M. M&E for habitat project shifted to this project.
Sep 20, 2003


No comment submitted
NW Power and Conservation Council's FY 2006 Project Funding Review
Funding category:
May 2005
FY05 NPCC start of year:FY06 NPCC staff preliminary:FY06 NPCC July draft start of year:
$516,646 $516,646 $516,646

Sponsor comments: See comment at Council's website