Year | Accomplishment |
1995 |
Completed physical stream inventories of most anadromous salmonid bearing streams located on all private and selected USFS lands in the Hood River subbasin. |
1995 |
Completed construction of rearing cells in Pelton Ladder. |
1996 |
Completed development of the winter steelhead acclimation facility on the East Fork Hood River. |
1996 |
Completed development of the West Fork Hood River spring chinook salmon acclimation sites (portable acclimation ponds with gravity fed pipe systems). |
1996 |
Powerdale Trapping Facility completed. |
1996 |
Determined what subspecies of O. mykiss and O. clarki exist in the subbasin and if there are any sensitive gene pools that may be impacted by HRPP actions. |
1996 |
Completed a radio telemetry study to assess the upstream migration of adult salmonids in the lower Hood River (Rm 0.0-4.0). |
1997 |
Hood River Production Program EIS completed. |
1997 |
Determination of spatial distribution for anadromous adult holding and spawning was completed in 1997. |
1997 |
The East Fork Irrigation District 130 cfs diversion on the East Fork Hood River was equipped with fish screens. |
1998 |
Spring chinook salmon spawning ground surveys on the West Fork Hood River were completed from 1997-1999. |
1998 |
Parkdale Fish Facility completed and operational. Spring chinook salmon and summer and winter steelhead broodstock have been held and spawned; and eggs incubated. Hatchery winter steelhead and spring chinook salmon smolts were acclimated and released. |
1999 |
Rearing density estimates for indigenous fish populations in the Hood River subbasin were made for selected sites from 1994-1999. |
Objective | Task | Duration in FYs | Estimated 2001 cost | Subcontractor |
1. Determine abundance, distribution, and life history patterns of anadromous and resident fishes in the Hood River subbasin. |
a. Estimate juvenile rearing distribution of anadromous and resident species. |
Ongoing |
$10,309 |
1 |
b. Estimate rearing densities or relative abundance of juvenile anadromous salmonids and resident trout in selected reaches. |
Ongoing |
$12,180 |
1 |
c. Estimate spatial distribution or rearing juvenile anadromous salmonids and resident trout. |
Ongoing |
$10,309 |
1 |
d. Estimate selected morphometric characteristics of resident trout (e.g. mean fork length, mean weight). |
Ongoing |
$11,382 |
1 |
e. Evaluate if acclimation facilities have significantly increased numbers of hatchery smolts leaving the Hood River subbasin. |
Ongoing |
$7,714 |
1 |
f. Estimate and compare median date of outmigration for naturally produced and acclimated hatchery produced smolts. |
Ongoing |
$9,035 |
1 |
g. Evaluate significance of "residualism" using electrofishing and snorkel surveys. |
Ongoing |
$9,369 |
1 |
h. Determine if acclimated hatchery spring chinook salmon adult returns distribute throughout the West Fork and mainstem and utilize primary spawning areas. |
Ongoing |
$19,675 |
1 |
i. Determine if acclimated smolts have a significantly higher smolt to adult survival rate in relation to direct released smolts. |
Ongoing |
$7,714 |
1 |
j. Coordination of all monitoring and evaluation activities. Provide informational reports to agencies and public on project activities. Prepare BPA annual report. |
Ongoing |
$36,125 |
2. Identify the population genetic structure, systematics, and distribution of genetically unique steelhead, cutthroat, and resident trout populations in the Hood River subbasin. |
a. Coordinate and provide support to conduct laboratory work on the electrophoretic and mtDNA analysis. Work will be completed by University of Montana, contracted by ODFW. |
Ongoing |
$27,501 |
Yes |
3. Develop fish culture procedures for steelhead and spring chinook to minimize future genetic impacts to the wild gene pools in the Hood River subbasin. |
a. Periodically re-evaluate the HR/PLPP management plans and broodstock collection, spawning, and adult fish passage protocol for summer and winter steelhead and spring chinook salmon to minimize future genetic impacts. |
Ongoing |
$12,945 |
4. Achieve an interim run of 850 jack and adult spring chinook salmon to Hood River, with a spawner escapement of 400 jacks and adults. |
a. Volitionally release acclimated hatchery smolts into the Hood River subbasin. |
Ongoing |
$36,756 |
4 |
b. Coordinate clipping and coded-wire tagging operations for hatchery releases into the Hood. |
Ongoing |
$8,127 |
5. Achieve an interim run of 2,340 summer steelhead to Hood River, with a spawner escapement of 1,000 (500 wild and 500 hatchery) Hood River stock. |
a. Volitionally release acclimated hatchery smolts into the Hood River subbasin. |
Ongoing |
$36,735 |
5 |
b. Coordinate clipping and coded-wire tagging operations for hatchery releases into the Hood. |
Ongoing |
$8,127 |
6. Achieve an interim run of 2,785 winter steelhead to Hood River, with a spawner escapement of 1,000 (500 wild and 500 hatchery) Hood River stock. |
a. Volitionally release acclimated hatchery smolts into the Hood River subbasin. |
Ongoing |
$27,382 |
6 |
b. Coordinate clipping and coded-wire tagging operations for hatchery releases into the Hood. |
Ongoing |
$8,127 |
7. Determine the amount and condition of habitat available to anadromous salmonids in the Hood River subbasin. |
a. Monitor selected environmental factors that may effect carrying capacity. |
Ongoing |
$11,821 |
7 |
b. Estimate the quantity and quality of habitat available for spring chinook salmon and summer and winter steelhead. |
Ongoing |
$11,382 |
7 |
c. Re-evaluate and refine smolt carrying capacity. |
Ongoing |
$7,714 |
7 |
d. Complete physical habitat surveys. |
Ongoing |
$19,849 |
8. Restore and recover habitat lost as a consequence of man's activities in the Hood River subbasin. |
a. Plan, coordinate, and implement habitat projects from the Hood River Fish Habitat Protection, Restoration, and Monitoring Plan working document. Seek cost sharing funds for all projects. |
Ongoing |
$12,027 |
8 |
b. Continue to update and modify the Hood River Fish Habitat Protection, Restoration, and Monitoring Plan. |
Ongoing |
$8,137 |
9. Determine if the pesticides used and entering surface waters in the Hood River subbasin are adversely affecting steelhead. |
a. Determine if there is toxicity associated with surface waters in the Hood River subbasin. |
FY2002 |
$15,001 |
Yes |
9 |
b. If there is toxicity, determine if the toxicity is caused by pesticides. |
FY2002 |
$15,001 |
Yes |
10. Review measures of relative "smolt quality" between fish reared in Pelton Ladder (old and new sections) and fish reared at Round Butte Hatchery (RBH), as inference that ladder-reared smolts may have superior "fitness" for survival. |
a. Utilize past data from several broods of ladder reared and RBH reared smolts. Compile and analyze data to provide a comparison of relative "fitness" between the groups of fish. |
Ongoing |
$8,995 |
10 |
b. Determine and compare smolt survival and condition of fish in Pelton Ladder. |
Ongoing |
$14,943 |
10 |
c. Summarize and report jack and adult life history and morphological data on Deschutes River stock spring chinook salmon released from Pelton Ladder and RBH. |
Ongoing |
$8,995 |
10 |
d. Determine and compare smolt to adult survival rates of similar sized smolts released at the same time from RBH and Pelton Ladder (Pond H-1 vs. cells 1,2 and 6; pond H-2 vs. cell 3). |
Ongoing |
$9,209 |
11. Conduct controlled tests at Pelton Ladder to define effective smolt production criteria that maximizes adult returns. |
a. Determine and compare smolt to adult survival of fish transferred to Pelton Ladder in September and November. |
Ongoing |
$9,209 |
11 |
b. Determine and compare smolt to adult survival rates of small (12/lb at release; cell L-3) and medium (8/lb at release; cell L-6) size smolts reared at Pelton Ladder. |
Ongoing |
$9,209 |
11 |
c. Determine and compare smolt to adult survival rates of small (12/lb at release; pond H-2) and medium (8/lb at release; pond H-1) size smolts reared at RBH. |
Ongoing |
$9,209 |
11 |
d. Document fish culture activities that occur at RBH and Pelton Ladder. |
Ongoing |
$9,209 |
11 |
e. Coordinate (assist) with RBH staff in sampling fish at the hatchery and ladder for weight, length, size/lb., and clipping and coded-wire tag evaluations. |
Ongoing |
$12,819 |
11 |
f. Coordinate (assist) with RBH staff in retrieving coded-wire tags from jack and adult spring chinook salmon collected at the Pelton Trap. |
Ongoing |
$7,610 |
12. Measure survival of smolts produced in the (new) modified sections of Pelton Ladder and compare to (old) established pre-modification survival rates. |
a. Determine and compare smolt to adult survival of cells 1 and 2 (old section) with cell 6 (new section). |
Ongoing |
$7,772 |
12 |
b. Calculate and compare survival rates of historic smolt releases from the old ladder section and hatchery. |
Ongoing |
$5,298 |
13. Evaluate the effective production potential of the currently, unused area in Pelton Ladder. |
a. Measure adult returns provided by the new modifications to Pelton Ladder to gain inferences about the potential value of further extending production in the ladder. |
Ongoing |
$7,038 |
This information was not provided on the original proposals, but was generated during the review process.