Year | Accomplishment |
2000 |
1991-present. Kootenai Tribe of Idaho Annual Project Reports to Bonneville Power Administration (Contract No. 88 BI 97343) |
2000 |
Ireland, S.C. and P.J. Anders. 2000. Conservation aquaculture: An adaptive approach to prevent extinction of an endangered white sturgeon population. In prep. Manuscript to be presented at National AFS sturgeon symposium in St. Louis, MO |
1999 |
Lapatra, S.E., S.C. Ireland, J.M. Groff, K.M. Clemens, and J.T. Siple. 1999. Adaptive disease management strategies for the endangered population of Kootenai River white sturgeon. Fisheries 24 (5):6-13. |
1999 |
(1995-present) Contributions to: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1999. Recovery plan for the Kootenai River white sturgeon. Region 1. Portland, OR |
1999 |
Duke, S., P. Anders, G. Ennis, R. Hallock, J. Hammond, S. Ireland, J. Laufle, R. Lauzier, L. Lockard, B. Marotz, V. Paragamian, and R. Westerhof. 1999. Recovery plan for the Kootenai River white sturgeon. J. Appl. Ichthyo. 15:157-163. |
1997 |
Bonneville Power Administration. 1997. Kootenai River white sturgeon aquaculture project: environmental assessment. Bonneville Power Administration, DOE/EA-1169, Portland, OR. |
1996 |
Anders, P.J. and R.E. Westerhof. 1996. Conservation Aquaculture of endangered white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) from the Kootenai River, Idaho. Pages 51-62 in S. Doroshov, F. Binkowski, T. Thuemeler, and D. MacKinlay, eds. Culture and Manag |
2000 |
(1991, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000) Successfully captured wild white sturgeon broodstock for use in the conservation aquaculture program. |
1999 |
(1991, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999) Successfully spawned wild white sturgeon broodstock. |
1999 |
(1991, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1998, 1999) Successfully produced white sturgeon offspring from wild adults. |
1999 |
(1992, 1994, 1997, 1998, 1999) Released white sturgeon juveniles into the Kootenai River. |
1999 |
(1996-1999) Recaptured hatchery released white sturgeon juveniles from the Kootenai River. Recapture data has provided the first habitat use, movement, survival, and growth information for juveniles in the Kootenai system. |
1999 |
(1997-1999) Determined DNA haplotype frequency of 23 wild white sturgeon broodstock spawned in the Kootenai Hatchery. All five mtDNA haplotypes found in the wild population were represented at least once by spawned broodstock. |
1999 |
Identified maternal lineage of each wild white sturgeon spawned at Kootenai Hatchery. |
1999 |
Preliminary assessment of inheritance of mtDNA markers (D-loop length variants) completed (n=60). Results to date support the use of this marker as an informative and legitimate population marker. |
2000 |
(1996-present) Developed and implemented disease testing protocol for juvenile white sturgeon. |
1997 |
Developed and implemented non-lethal sampling method for detection of white sturgeon iridovirus (WSIV). |
1991 |
(1991-present) Contributed monitoring information to IDFG for wild white sturgeon adults and hatchery produced juveniles released into the Kootenai River. |
1993 |
(1993-present) Conducted kokanee spawning surveys in lower Kootenai River tributaries in Idaho. |
1997 |
(1997-present) Reintroduced Kootenay Lake kokanee into lower Kootenai River tributaries in Idaho. |
Objective | Task | Duration in FYs | Estimated 2001 cost | Subcontractor |
1. Refine elements of white sturgeon conservation aquaculture program using research with direct management implications. (Recovery measure 2.24) |
1a. Further refine disease testing protocol for detection of the presence and prevalence of white sturgeon iridovirus (WSIV) and other pathogens affecting white sturgeon. Further define relationship between salmonid diseases and effect on sturgeon. |
3 |
$10,000 |
Yes |
1b.. Investigate cryopreservation techniques, as well as assessment of viability of sperm collected in the field for Kootenai River white sturgeon. |
3 |
$25,000 |
Yes |
1c. Develop and evaluate permanent tagging or marking technologies or techniques to identify larval, fingerling, and YOY white sturgeon to allow for early release. (Recovery measure 2.24.243) |
3 |
$40,000 |
Yes |
2. Investigate factors limiting sturgeon recruitment using research with direct management implications. (Recovery Measure 2 and 3) |
2a. Determine mortality, growth, development, and deformity rates for sturgeon sac-fry reared under simulated river conditions and test for metals and organochlorine pesticides in substrates (USFWS recovery measure 3.34.342) |
1.5 |
$50,000 |
Yes |
2b. Conduct contaminant analysis of invertebrates in the lower Kootenai River to determine tissue bioaccumulation and potential bioavailability to white sturgeon. (USFWS recovery measure 3.34.341) |
1 |
$20,000 |
Yes |
USGS Project 20049 was incorporated into this project as a subcontract for FY2000 at the request of CBFWA, ISRP, and NWPPC. |
2c. Complete investigative report for evaluation of sediment transport in Kootenai River (data collected in FY2000) (Recovery measure 1.12.125) |
0.7 |
$19,000 |
Yes |
3. Evaluate the feasibility of developing burbot donor stock sources from Kootenay/Duncan Reservoir for recovery of declining native burbot stocks in the lower Kootenai. |
3a. Participate in developing burbot recovery measures. |
5 |
$0 |
3b. In cooperation with BC Ministry of Fisheries and IDFG, capture mature burbot for transplant to the Kootenai River or for use in developing culture techniques at the Kootenai Hatchery. |
5 |
$0 |
Objective | Task | Duration in FYs | Estimated 2001 cost | Subcontractor |
1. Prevent extinction, preserve genetic variability, and restore demographic viability of the Kootenai River white sturgeon population through the propagation and rearing of up to ten families per year from wild white sturgeon from the Kootenai River. |
1a. Collect and spawn wild broodstock following protocol outlined in breeding plan for white sturgeon (Kincaid 1993) (Recovery measure 2.23). |
Until sustainable natural recruitment of white sturgeon in the Kootenai River is restored. |
$80,000 |
(Recovery measure 2) |
1b. Incubate, hatch, and rear progeny at the Kootenai Tribal hatchery until ready for release. (Recovery measure 2). |
Until sustainable natural recruitment of white sturgeon in the Kootenai River is restored. |
$300,000 |
1c. Rear progeny in at least two separate facilities to prevent fish loss due to unforeseen circumstances. (Recovery measure 2.22.223). |
Until sustainable natural recruitment of white sturgeon in the Kootenai River is restored. |
$70,000 |
Yes |
1d. Develop and implement experimental larval release strategies. (Recovery measure 2.25). |
At discretion of recovery team
$20,000 |
1e. Retain family identities by keeping individual families separate during egg, larvae, YOY, and juvenile stages. Mark juvenile white sturgeon with PIT tag and scute removal before release. (Recovery measure 2.23) |
Until sustainable natural recruitment of white sturgeon in the Kootenai River is restored. |
$80,000 |
1f. Release up to 1,000 white sturgeon juveniles per family into the Kootenai River following release protocol outlined in the breeding plan. (Recovery measure 2.25) |
Until sustainable natural recruitment of white sturgeon in the Kootenai River is restored. |
$50,000 |
1g. Hatch and rear certified disease-free rainbow trout as bait and food for wild sturgeon broodstock held in the facility. |
Until sustainable natural recruitment of white sturgeon in the Kootenai River is restored. |
$5,000 |
1g. Implement information/education/outreach program. (Recovery measure 4.45) |
Until sustainable natural recruitment of white sturgeon in the Kootenai River is restored. |
$17,375 |
2. Provide administrative and technical oversight of Kootenai Tribal Fisheries Program. |
2a. Participate in the NWPPC and CBFWA process to secure funding for fish mitigation due to the operation of Libby Dam. (Recovery measure 4.42) |
Until sustainable recruitment of native fish in the Kootenai River is restored. |
$0 |
2b. Provide quarterly and annual reports to BPA. |
same |
$0 |
3. Provide facilities and expertise to allow for additional recovery, research and training programs. |
3a. Provide space in the hatchery for the development of research methods for IDFG burbot and rainbow trout projects. |
When necessary. |
$0 |
3b. Provide technical assistance and training to others involved in white sturgeon conservation in the Columbia Basin. |
When necessary. |
$0 |
Objective | Task | Duration in FYs | Estimated 2001 cost | Subcontractor |
1. Monitor, evaluate, and report genetic variability and diversity of hatchery white sturgeon juveniles produced and wild broodstock spawned in the Kootenai Hatchery. (Recovery measure 2.23) (Addresses ISRP concerns about genetics.) |
1a. Optimize and use nuclear and mitochondrial DNA marker analyses (sequencing, RFLP's, and microsatellites) to document existing variability and diversity of wild broodstock and hatchery progeny. |
Until sustainable natural recruitment of white sturgeon in the Kootenai River is restored. |
$53,000 |
Yes |
1b. Compare genetic variability and diversity of hatchery progeny and wild broodstock with that of the wild population to assess genetic representation in hatchery progeny. |
Until sustainable natural recruitment of white sturgeon in the Kootenai River is restored. |
$0 |
Yes |
1c. Refine breeding matrix if necessary based on findings from task a. and b. |
Until sustainable natural recruitment of white sturgeon in the Kootenai River is restored. |
$0 |
Yes |
1d. Provide annual report of results from genetic analyses, including hatchery management recommendations from annual completion of tasks 1a-c. |
Until sustainable natural recruitment of white sturgeon in the Kootenai River is restored. |
$0 |
Yes |
2. Monitor and evaluate survival, condition, growth, movement, and habitat use of hatchery reared juvenile white sturgeon released into the Kootenai River. (Recovery measure 3.31) |
2a. Sample juvenile white sturgeon to collect information pertaining to life history characteristics using gillnets, hoopnets, and angling. (Recovery measure 3.31) |
Until sustainable natural recruitment of white sturgeon in the Kootenai River is restored. |
$109,193 |
2b. Conduct sonic tracking studies to determine movement and habitat use of juvenile white sturgeon. (Recovery measure 3.31) |
Until sustainable natural recruitment of white sturgeon in the Kootenai River is restored. |
$10,000 |
2c. Evaluate habitat characteristics in areas used by white sturgeon and identify habitat improvements opportunities. (Recovery measure 3.32.324) |
Until sustainable natural recruitment of white sturgeon in the Kootenai River is restored. |
$50,000 |
2d. Contribute all data to cooperative IDFG database for use in numerous analyses. (Recovery measure 3.31.313) |
Until sustainable natural recruitment of white sturgeon in the Kootenai River is restored. |
$10,000 |
2e. Monitor and evaluate juvenile and adult sturgeon and burbot in Kootenay Lake, BC (Recovery measure 3.31.311 and 3.32.323). |
Until sustainable natural recruitment of white sturgeon in the Kootenai River is restored. |
$35,000 |
Yes |
3. Monitor and evaluate biological condition and related population dynamics of white sturgeon in the Kootenai River. (Recovery measure 2.26) (Addresses ISRP concerns about biological condition and population dynamics.) |
3a. Determine existing empirical range and variation of growth and condition values of white sturgeon in the Columbia and Kootenai Basin. |
1 |
$10,000 |
Yes |
3b. Identify, develop, and rank techniques to determine biological condition as it relates to carrying capacity and associated population dynamics. |
3 |
$15,000 |
Yes |
3c. Evaluate cumulative effects of incremental annual stocking of white sturgeon on growth, condition, and behavioral responses of the hatchery origin and wild population components in the Kootenai River. |
Until sustainable natural recruitment of white sturgeon in the Kootenai River is restored. |
$0 |
Yes |
Item | Note | FY 2001 cost |
$20,000 |
Subcontractor |
$30,000 |
Subcontractor |
CSI/ Hagerman WSIV research |
$10,000 |
Subcontractor |
U of I cryopreservation research |
$25,000 |
Subcontractor |
U of I Center for Species at Risk |
$40,000 |
Subcontractor |
Subcontractor for larval experiment and contaminant analysis |
$70,000 |
Subcontractor |
USGS -sediment transport research |
$19,000 |
Personnel |
FTE: 85% of 6 FTE |
$212,500 |
Fringe |
33% |
$70,125 |
Supplies |
aquaculture supplies, spawning hormone, sampling equip., educational mat., 10000 400 khz tags |
$70,000 |
Travel |
travel/training |
$10,000 |
Indirect |
54% of personnel and fringe |
$114,750 |
Subcontractor |
BC Ministry of Fisheries (fail-safe O&M) |
$70,000 |
Other |
Building and equipment maintenance/utilities |
$75,000 |
Personnel |
FTE: 20% of 6 FTE |
$37,500 |
Fringe |
33% |
$12,375 |
Supplies |
sampling gear, sonic tags |
$18,386 |
Travel |
travel/training |
$4,000 |
Indirect |
54% of personnel and fringe |
$26,932 |
Capital |
Truck/Boat |
$60,000 |
Subcontractor |
BC Ministry of Fisheries |
$35,000 |
Subcontractor |
U of I Center for Species at Risk |
$88,000 |
Other |
IDFG database mgmt |
$10,000 |
| $1,128,568 |
This information was not provided on the original proposals, but was generated during the review process.