Year | Accomplishment |
1994 |
Gathered and analyzed temperature data in the upper Clearwater River Subbasin, and lower sections of the Grande Ronde, Salmon, and Imnaha Rivers and determined what stock of summer and/or fall chinook would best fit the existing habitat. |
1994 |
Collected emigration timing, growth, and survival information on wild fall chinook in the lower Clearwater River through the use of PIT tags. |
1994 |
Conducted fall chinook aerial redd surveys on the Clearwater, Middle Fork Clearwater, and lower sections of the South Fork Clearwater, Selway, and Salmon Rivers and collected carcasses for biological data and hatchery fish contributions. |
1995 |
Physically measured chinook salmon spawning habitat quantity and determined spawning carrying capacity in the upper mainstem Clearwater, Middle Fork Clearwater and lower sections of the South Fork Clearwater, Lochsa and Selway Rivers. |
1995 |
Freeze-cored potential spawning substrate and described habitat quality for chinook in the upper mainstem Clearwater, Middle Fork Clearwater and lower sections of the South Fork Clearwater, and Selway Rivers. |
1995 |
Gathered and analyzed temperature data in the upper Clearwater River Subbasin, and lower sections of the Grande Ronde, Salmon, and Imnaha Rivers. |
1995 |
Collected emigration timing, growth, and survival information on wild fall chinook in the lower Clearwater River through the use of PIT tags. |
1995 |
Conducted fall chinook aerial redd surveys on the Clearwater, Middle Fork Clearwater, and lower sections of the South Fork Clearwater, Selway, and Salmon Rivers and collected carcasses for biological data and hatchery fish contributions. |
1996 |
Physically measured chinook salmon spawning habitat quantity and determined spawning carrying capacity in the lower sections of the Salmon, Grande Ronde, and Imnaha Rivers. |
1996 |
Freeze-cored potential spawning substrate and described habitat quality for chinook in the lower Salmon, Grande Ronde, and Imnaha Rivers. |
1996 |
Collected emigration timing, growth, and survival information on wild fall chinook in the lower Clearwater River through the use of PIT tags. |
1996 |
Conducted fall chinook aerial redd surveys on the Clearwater, Middle Fork Clearwater, and lower sections of the South Fork Clearwater, Selway, and Salmon Rivers and collected carcasses for biological data and hatchery fish contributions. |
1996 |
Assisted BPA fall chinook project 9801004 in PIT tagging yearling fall chinook salmon at the Pittsburg Landing Acclimation Facility. |
1996 |
Monitored temperature data in the upper Clearwater River Subbasin, and lower sections of the Grande Ronde, Salmon, and Imnaha Rivers. |
1997 |
Collected emigration timing, growth, and survival information on wild fall chinook in the lower Clearwater River through the use of PIT tags. |
1997 |
Collected emigration timing, growth, and survival information on Lyons Ferry Hatchery subyearling fall chinook in the lower Clearwater River through the use of PIT tags and investigated size at release and time of release differences. |
1997 |
Conducted fall chinook aerial redd surveys on the Clearwater, Middle Fork Clearwater, and lower sections of the South Fork Clearwater, Selway, and Salmon Rivers and collected carcasses for biological data and hatchery fish contributions. |
1997 |
Assisted BPA fall chinook project 9801004 in PIT tagging yearling fall chinook salmon at the Big Canyon Creek Acclimation Facility and in radio tagging activities after release. |
1997 |
Monitored temperature data in the upper Clearwater River Subbasin, and lower sections of the Grande Ronde, Salmon, and Imnaha Rivers. |
1998 |
Collected emigration timing, growth, and survival information on wild fall chinook in the lower Clearwater River through the use of PIT tags. |
1998 |
Subsampled juvenile fall chinook collected in the lower Clearwater and Grande Ronde Rivers and determined stock structure through genetic analysis. |
1998 |
Collected emigration timing, growth, and survival information on Lyons Ferry Hatchery subyearling fall chinook in the lower Clearwater River through the use of PIT tags and investigated size at release and time of release differences. |
1998 |
Conducted fall chinook aerial redd surveys on the Clearwater, Middle Fork Clearwater, and lower sections of the South Fork Clearwater, Selway, and Salmon Rivers and collected carcasses for biological data and hatchery fish contributions. |
1998 |
Assisted BPA fall chinook project 9801004 in PIT tagging yearling fall chinook salmon at the Big Canyon Creek and Captain John Rapids Acclimation Facility and in radio tagging activities after release. |
1998 |
Monitored temperature data in the upper Clearwater River Subbasin, and lower sections of the Grande Ronde, Salmon, and Imnaha Rivers. |
1999 |
Collected emigration timing, growth, and survival information on wild fall chinook in the lower Clearwater River through the use of PIT tags. |
1999 |
Subsampled juvenile fall chinook collected in the lower Clearwater River and determined stock structure through genetic analysis. |
1999 |
Collected emigration timing, growth, and survival information on Lyons Ferry Hatchery subyearling fall chinook in the lower Clearwater River through the use of PIT tags and investigated size at release and time of release differences. |
1999 |
Conducted fall chinook aerial redd surveys on the Clearwater, Middle Fork Clearwater, and lower sections of the South Fork Clearwater, Selway, and Salmon Rivers and collected carcasses for biological data and hatchery fish contributions. |
1999 |
Assisted BPA fall chinook project 9801004 in PIT tagging yearling fall chinook salmon at the Big Canyon Creek and Captain John Rapids Acclimation Facility and in radio tagging activities after release. |
1999 |
Monitored temperature data in the upper Clearwater River Subbasin, and lower sections of the Grande Ronde, Salmon, and Imnaha Rivers. |
Objective | Task | Duration in FYs | Estimated 2001 cost | Subcontractor |
Objective 1.Investigate the movement patterns, growth rates, and survival of wild and Lyons Ferry Hatchery fall chinook subyearlings in the lower Clearwater River to the mainstem dams. |
a. Capture using beach seines and PIT tag up to 4,000 wild fall chinook salmon in the lower Clearwater River |
2001 |
$14,600 |
b. Obtain a subsample of up to 120 wild subyearling chinook in the lower Clearwater River for genetic analyis. |
2001 |
$5,400 |
Yes |
c. Obtain 24,000 Lyons Ferry Hatchery subyearling fall chinook to PIT tag, acclimate and release in the lower Clearwater River. |
2001 |
$57,600 |
d. Use the Survival Under Proportional Hazards (SURPH) model to estimate survival of wild and hatchery fall chinook to the mainstem dams. |
2001 |
$6,865 |
Objective 2. Correlate juvenile wild and hatchery fall chinook survival in the Clearwater River to emigration conditions and environmental variables to adult return rates. |
a. Analyze temperature data, flow data, and operational conditions at dams to correlate juvenile survival rates to adult return information including numbers over Lower Granite and redds counts. |
2001 |
$6,864 |
Objective 3. Provide annual reports to BPA |
b. Provide project status reports on a quarterly basis and an annual report on 1999 results by June 30, 2001 |
2002 |
$13,729 |
Year 2001 will be the fifth and final year for Lyons Ferry Hatchery fall chinook subyearling survival research and this 2001 budget reflects those costs plus PIT tag costs for the wild fall chinook subyearlings captured in the lower Clearwater. The monitoring and evaluation part of this fall chinook salmon project in the Clearwater River Subbasin will continue beyond 2001 and has been incorporated into the Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery (NPTH) Monitoring and Evaluation Action Plan (Project 198335003) which has been submitted for 2001 funding. Funding for staff time, fall chinook aerial redd surveys and other monitoring tasks not associated with the Lyons Ferry Hatchery subyearling survival research have been incorporated within Project 198335003 and is reflected by the 67.5% decrease in the FY 2000 projected budget.
The rationale for inclusion of this project under the Nez Perce Hatchery Monitoring and Evaluation is because the supplementation of fall chinook salmon in the Clearwater River Subbasin will be directly from the hatchery or from new acclimation facilities. Also, emigration survival research in the lower Clearwater River using Lyons Ferry Hatchery fall chinook subyearlings will have five consecutive years of data and will be completed in 2001. The final report for this project will be compiled during the first part of 2002. The ISRP reviewed NPTH M&E Action Plan provides compresensive monitoring and evaluation for NPTH which includes most M & E tasks that are already being collected through this project, but on a smaller scale.
This information was not provided on the original proposals, but was generated during the review process.
The rationale for inclusion of this project under the Nez Perce Hatchery Monitoring and Evaluation is because the supplementation of fall Chinook salmon in the Clearwater River Subbasin will be directly from the hatchery or from new acclimation facilities. Also, emigration survival research in the lower Clearwater River using Lyons Ferry Hatchery fall Chinook subyearlings will have five consecutive years of data and will be completed in 2001. The final report for this project will be compiled during the first part of 2002. The ISRP reviewed NPTH M&E Action Plan which provides comprehensive monitoring and evaluation for NPTH most M&E tasks that are already being collected through this project, but on a smaller scale.