FY 2001 Ongoing proposal 199604000

Additional documents


Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleEvaluate The Feasibility And Risks Of Coho Reintroduction In Mid-Columbia
Proposal ID199604000
OrganizationYakama Nation (YN)
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
NameLynn Hatcher
Mailing addressFish. Res. Mgmt.; Yakama Nation Toppenish, WA 98948
Phone / email5098656262 / lynn@yakama.com
Manager authorizing this projectLynn Hatcher
Review cycleFY 2001 Ongoing
Province / SubbasinColumbia Cascade / Wenatchee
Short descriptionDetermine the feasibility of re-establishing a naturally spawning coho population within the mid-Columbia tributaries, while keeping adverse ecological impacts on other salmonid species of concern within acceptable limits.
Target species
Project location
Reasonable and Prudent Alternatives (RPAs)



Relevant RPAs based on NMFS/BPA review:

Reviewing agencyAction #BiOp AgencyDescription

Section 2. Past accomplishments

1996 Evaluated the vulnerability associated with hatchery coho smolts upon emergent summer chinook fry. Snorkel surveys indicate that the summer chinook are too large to be susceptible to predation by the hatchery coho (115-130mm).
1997 Defined the "window" of summer chinook fry vulnerability. Surveys determined summer chinook fry ranged in length from ~40 to 65 mm; April through early May (the river was out-of-shape by May 15).
1997 Observed the macrohabitat utilization between hatchery coho smolts and other juvenile salmonids (primarily summer chinook fry). found emergent summer chinook fry in association with quiet (near zero velocity water), shallow (<6 inches) off-channel (cont.)
1997 or near-shore macro habitat. Substrate was typically large cobble (near-shore) or grassy vegetation or brushy material . within the water column. Larger fish (spring chinook and steelhead smolts) were located off-shore, in deeper, higher velocity H2O
1997 Evaluated coho predation on fall chinook. based on the rigorous sampling conducted in 1997, it estimated that the impact by coho predation on the total number of fall chinook smolts consumed was no higher than 0.1% (based on upper 95% bound).
1998 Replicated 1997evaluation of coho predation on fall chinook. Sample sizes in 1998 provided precise estimates of the total number of fall chinook consumed in the river. Max. # of fall chinook smolts consumed in the entire Yakima River (cont.)
1998 was no higher than 349 smolts (3.5 adult equivalents). Negligible impact.
1998 Monitored hatchery coho residualism in the Methow basin. Found minimal indication of residualism after surveys for 8 weeks after release. A total of 13 coho smolts (200 K release) were seen within a two-mile reach downstream from the point of release.
1998 Evaluated spring chinook fry presence/absence. Using snorkel surveys, spring chinook fry were located only in habitats with specific biological parameters: 1). small, clear spring brook or spring-fed, 2). off-channel side channels (cont.)
1998 3). in the mainstem in association with instream large woody debris.
1998 Evaluated competition between age 0 hatchery coho and rainbow/steelhead and cutthroat trout in Little Naches River and its tribs. Found no evidence that coho salmon influenced the abundance of cutthroat or rainbow trout (p > 0.05) when (cont.)
1998 we compared the abundance of each species in allopatry and sympatry with coho salmon.
1999 Continued 1998 coho competition studies with steelhead (rainbow)and cutthroat. Found no evidence of negative impacts as indicated by fish displacement, fish density or condition factor.
1999 Replicated 1998 evaluation of hatchery coho smolt predation on recently emerged wild spring chinook fry. Predation again was found to be low using 2 different but comparable models of coho gastric evacuation.
1999 Observed low numbers of residual hatchery coho during snorkel surveys in the Wenatchee and Yakima sub-basins.
1999 Determined the minimum smolt-to-adult survival rate for hatchery coho smolts released in the Methow basin in 1998 to be at nearly replacement for the hatchery environment.
1999 Calculated the smolt survival rate to McNary Dam to be approximately 54% using PIT tags for 1999 spring releases in the Wenatchee basin. This is comparable and somewhat better than the 49% survival for the 1999 Yakima basin coho releases.

Section 3. Relationships to other projects

Project IDTitleDescription

Section 4. Budget for Planning and Design phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2001 costSubcontractor
Investigate potential coho central hatchery and acclimation. Collect ownership, land availability, water quantity/quality data at potential sites. 2 $30,000 Yes
NEPA compliance Supplemental analysis to EA 8 $10,000 Yes
ESA compliance Revisions to HGMP 5 $10,000 Yes
Agency/tribal participation in TWG Provide support to WDFW, NMFS, USFWS, USFS and Colville Tribe to participate in the Mid Col. Coho TWG that provides scientific and technical guidance through meetings and technical review of data and plans during the feasibility phase of the project. 5 $150,000 Yes
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Planning and Design phase
FY 2003FY 2005FY 2004FY 2002

Section 5. Budget for Construction and Implementation phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2001 costSubcontractor
Provide incubation and rearing space for broodstock development and evaluation fish Modify and/or construct additional incubation/rearing containers and water supplies at existing hatcheries in the mid-Columbia i.e. Winthrop and Entiat NFH 2 $100,000 Yes
Develop acclimation sites identified in the HGMP Construct acclimation sites at Beaver Creek and Chumstick Creeks 3 $175,000 Yes
NEPA Follow the policies and guidelines as defined in the National Environmental Policy Act. 1-2 $5,000
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Construction and Implementation phase
FY 2003FY 2005FY 2004FY 2002

Section 6. Budget for Operations and Maintenance phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2001 costSubcontractor
1. Develop facilities to meet the objectives of the experimental program. Modify/construct experimental production facilities which include those for adult capture, holding and spawning, egg incubation, juvenile rearing, acclimation and release, and monitoring. 9 $136,800
2. Operation and maintenance of experimental facilities. Operate/maintain experimental facilities associated with the task listed in Objective 1 directly above. Contract the USFWS to do egg banking and fish health. 15 $715,078 Yes
3. Determine whether it is feasible to establish a viable localized broodstock for hatchery supplementation in the mid-Columbia. Release coho smolts from locations identified in the HGMP and capture returning adults at various established traps with the intent of egg banking at an existing, yet to be determined mid-Columbia facility. 10-12 $87,100
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Operations and Maintenance phase
FY 2003FY 2005FY 2004FY 2002

Section 7. Budget for Monitoring and Evaluation phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2001 costSubcontractor
1. Measure smolt-to-smolt survival rates for hatchery coho released in the Wenatchee Basin. A portion of each release group (approximately 8K fish per treatment/release group) will be PIT tagged to evaluate absolute smolt-to-smolt survival to the lower Columbia River. 15 $48,555
2. Measure smolt-to-adult survival rates for hatchery coho released in the Wenatchee Basin. Smolt-to-adult survival will be monitored based on Rock Island minus Rocky Reach dam counts and/or Tumwater Dam adult fish passage counts. 15 $14,640
3. Determine the geographic spawning areas of returning and naturally produced coho spawners. Boat/foot surveys will be conducted initially in stream reaches close to the smolt release sites, and will branch out from these release sites if the appropriate numbers of redds are not located. 15 $82,800
4. Evaluate the potential for direct predation of hatchery coho smolts on salmonid fry. Identify the highest density of spring chinook redds in Nason Creek in 2000. Apply rates of coho predation on spring chinook observed in the upper Yakima (1998 and 1999) studies in order to determine the number of coho smolts to release in Nason Creek. 3 $86,720
Objective 4 (continued). Operate a rotary trap during the coho smolt outmigration period to collect stomach samples. $0
5. Determine the extent of hatchery coho residualism. Estimate total numbers of hatchery residual coho near acclimation/release locations using snorkel surveys. 3-5 $50,680
6. Assess the relative smolt-to-adult survival rates between release groups of hatchery coho and quantify natural production. Mark 100% of the coho production produced from coho returning to the Methow sub-basin for release in the Wenatchee sub-basin, and lower Columbia River hatchery smolts released in the Wenatchee sub-basin. 15 $239,278 Yes
7. Measure smolt-to-smolt survival rates for hatchery coho released in the Methow Basin. See Objective 1.The only differences in experimental design with respect to smolt-at-release to smolt-to-the-lower Columbia River survival are that a larger number of fish (9K) will be PIT-tagged to account for the lower passage (2 more dams). 15 $31,755
8. Measure smolt-to-adult survival rates for hatchery coho released at Winthrop NFH. Smolt-to-adult survival will be calculated based on the Wells Dam passage counts. 15 $14,640
9. Assess the potential for hatchery coho smolt predation on juvenile sockeye in Lake Wenatchee Determine the spatial distribution of spawning and rearing sockeye in and above Lake Wenatchee relative to proposed acclimation/release sites, and the habitat utilization of migrating coho in Lake Wenatchee. 3-4 $15,155
10. Evaluate the long-term changes in the genetic and life history profiles of a non-native stock of hatchery coho introduced to mid-Columbia River tributaries. Monitor divergence between lower Columbia River hatchery stocks (LCRHS) and broodstock used by the YN to obtain information on traits of adaptive value within the mid-Columbia basin. 15 $50,000 Yes
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Monitoring and Evaluation phase
FY 2003FY 2005FY 2004FY 2002

Section 8. Estimated budget summary

Itemized budget
ItemNoteFY 2001 cost
NEPA By BPA environmental consultant $10,000
Subcontractor Sea Springs Co. and Hatchery Mgmt Consultants - hatchery siting $30,000
Subcontractor ESA consultant technical writer $10,000
Subcontractor Agency/tribe - TWG participation $150,000
NEPA BPA cost for NEPA compliance for construction activities $5,000
Subcontractor Hatchery improvements $100,000
Subcontractor Acclimation construction $175,000
Personnel FTE: 1.5 Bios, 4 techs $152,000
Fringe 17.6% $27,000
Supplies Operation/maintenance $145,000
Travel $10,000
Indirect 24% $80,400
Capital Smolt Transfer 2600 Gallon Tanker Truck $160,000
NEPA Under "planning costs" $0
Subcontractor USFWS - Egg banking and fish health $349,578
Other Vehicle rental and insurance $15,000
Personnel FTE: 1.5 bios; 7techs $152,000
Fringe 17.6 $27,000
Travel $15,000
Indirect 24% $53,600
Capital Screw trap $25,000
NEPA Under "planning costs" $0
PIT tags # of tags: 25,000 $60,000
Subcontractor USFWS (CWT marking) 1,421,000@$163/1000 $231,623
Subcontractor Radio tags $5,000
Subcontractor CRITFC Genetics monitoring $50,000
Other Vehicle/Insurance $15,000
Total estimated budget
Total FY 2001 cost$2,053,201
Amount anticipated from previously committed BPA funds$5,000
Total FY 2001 budget request$2,048,201
FY 2001 forecast from 2000$1,650,000
% change from forecast24.1%
Reason for change in estimated budget

Higher than expected costs in subcontracting to USFWS to do egg banking and fish health. Marking costs in the M&E increased after completion of the HGMP redefined experimental and marking needs. USFWS cwt sub-contract marking has gone from $125/1000 to $163/1000. Increase in agency/tribal requests for Mid-Columbia Coho Technical Workgroup participation support. Purchase of a tanker truck that became vitally apparent as a need for the project with transportation reprogramming problems this past year.

Reason for change in scope

The policies of the Artificial Production Review endorsed by the NPPC call for changes in the use and application of hatchery programs. As a result of recommendations from this report, this project had to intensify its consideration on effects to other aquatic species, especially those recently listed under ESA as well as physical impacts of site development and improvements.

Cost sharing
OrganizationItem or service providedAmountCash or in-kind

Reviews and recommendations

This information was not provided on the original proposals, but was generated during the review process.

Ongoing Funding: yes; New Funding: yes
Jul 14, 2000


During the FY 2000 technical review, this project was recommended for full funding in the Wenatchee and the Methow basins, but not in the Entiat (budget was reduced to reflect the change in scope). Introduction of coho into those subbasins was agreed on. During the FY 2000 budget balancing exercise, the budget was additionally cut to $100,000 due to budget restrictions. This year's proposal reflects most of what the SRT technical review supported in FY 2000. New objectives appear to have been added under Section 4 ($280,000) and Section 5 ($938,978) of the FY 2001 proposal for a total of $1,188,978. The objectives under Section 4 are to provide incubation and rearing space for broodstock development and develop acclimation sites identified in the HGMP and associated NEPA work ($280,000).

The WA SRT prefers that the USFWS work be accomplished through reprogramming the existing hatchery objectives. This is a large subcontract to perform operations that may be supplied by the hatchery within a restructured operation. The WA SRT supports this project, but would prefer that the USFWS take on the costs of egg banking, coded wire tags, and acclimation construction for a total of $1,292,000 ($175,000, $349,578, and $231,623).

Proposed $5,000 in FY 2000 carry forward.

Full funding for this project
Sep 8, 2000


The recommendations that the USFWS take on the cost of egg banking, coded wire tags, and acclimation construction for a total of $1,292,000 is not feasible for the USFWS. The operations for this project do not meet the mission for mitigation of Grand Coulee dam which is the funding basis for the Leavenworth facilities. Tom Scribner, Yakama's Project Manager, stated that a verbal agreement with council members was made for fully funding this project for FY 2001. BPA agrees with this recommendation. Note: Current balance of unobligated funds for this project is approximately $89,000 not the $5,000 stated in July 14, 2000 draft AIWP.
Sep 13, 2000


NW Power and Conservation Council's FY 2006 Project Funding Review
Funding category:
May 2005
FY05 NPCC start of year:FY06 NPCC staff preliminary:FY06 NPCC July draft start of year:
$2,288,859 $2,288,859 $2,288,859

Sponsor comments: See comment at Council's website