BPA Fish and Wildlife FY 1997 Proposal
Section 1. Administrative
Section 2. Narrative
Section 3. Budget
see CBFWA and BPA funding recommendations
Section 1. Administrative
Title of project
BPA Structure Maintenance
BPA project number 5508200
Business name of agency, institution or organization requesting funding
Sponsor type OR-Federal Agency
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
Name | Kevin Martin / Duane Kloes | |
Mailing address | Wallowa Mountains Office
88401 Hwy. 82 Enterprise, OR 97828 | |
Phone | 503/426-4978 |
BPA technical contact , EWI
Biological opinion ID
NWPPC Program number
Short description
In 1984, the Wallowa Valley Ranger District, incooperation with the Bonneville PowerAdministration (1988) began a extensive program of riparian/fisheries restoration and enhancement. With these highly successful restoration projects began a comprehensive maintenance program to ensurethat improvement structures function to designspecifications and goals, benefiting the goals andobjectives of the entire riparian/fisheriesrestoration and enhancement program on the WallowaValley Ranger District which encompasses the JosephCreek Subbasin.
This project will consolidate all maintenance workneed for those exclosure fences and instreamhabitat structures which are components ofpreviously completed BPA/USFS stream rehabilitationprojects on the Grand Ronde Basin, Joseph CreekSubbasin, Wallowa Valley Ranger District.
Project start year 1997 End year 2001
Start of operation and/or maintenance 1988
Project development phase Maintenance
Section 2. Narrative
Related projects
Project history
As stated previously, in 1984 the Wallowa ValleyRanger District, in cooperation with the BonnevillePower Administration (1988) began a extensiveprogram of riparian/fisheries restoration andenhancement. With these highly successfulrestoration projects began a comprehensivemaintenance program to ensure that improvementstructures function to design specifications andgoals, benefiting the goals and objectives of theentire riparian/fisheries restoration andenhancement program on the Wallowa Valley RangerDistrict which encompasses the Joseph CreekSubbasin.
The Bonneville Power Administration has previouslyfunded this project under contract No.DE-A179-84BP17578, Project No. 84-9;
FY 93 - $16,590
FY 92 - $12,949
FY 91 - $13,074
FY 90 - $13,492
FY 89 - $10,732
Biological results achieved
To date The Wallowa Valley Ranger District hasaccomplished 26.8 miles of riparian/fisheriesrestoration within the Joseph Creek Subbasin. Fisheries habitat improvement accomplishmentsoccurred in four major work activities:
(1) Project monitoring, evaluation and reporting.
(2) Maintenance of previous projects.
(3) Streamside vegetation plantings.
(4) Implementation of habitat rehabilitationprojects.
For the purpose of this project, we will discussNo. (2) Maintenance of previous project. Directresults include the yearly inspection and maintenance of 45.6 miles of exclosure fencing andthe yearly inspection and maintenance 1193 instreamhabitat improvement structures.
Biological results achieved as a results of acomprehensive maintenance program include,re-establishment of riparian vegetation, includingtrees and shrubs, increased bank stability,increased stream shading resulting in decreasedwater temperatures, increased spawning and rearinghabitat, increased soil productivity, decreasedsediment production, and a rejuvenated riparianzone.
Annual reports and technical papers
Annual reports include those made to the BonnevillePower Administration under Contract no.DE-AI19-84-BP-17578, Project No. 84-9.
Management implications
An indirect and highly beneficial effect of the tenyear effort has been the building of a fisheriesprogram on the Wallowa Valley Ranger District whichhas resulted in an increased awareness of theimportance of streams and fish habitat by Districtpersonnel and the public. The Joseph Creekwatershed is managed exclusively for wild steelheadtrout production. Current steelhead production potential for the Grand Ronde Basin is estimated at16,566 adults and 432,844 smolts (ODFW 1986).
Knowledge gained from this program has increasedthe knowledge pool for habitat restoration. Measuring the results of completed projects hasallowed fisheries professionals to design currentand future restoration projects with predicableresults. Knowledge includes such factors as whatworks, what does not, and what restorationactivities cost. In addition, the Blue MountainsNatural Resource Institute has adopted Elk Creek asa Demonstration Project for the purpose of"demonstrating" the knowledge gained fromrestoration activities and how to transfer andapply that knowledge to other public and privatelands.
Specific measureable objectives
The overall objective is to maintain habitatimprovement structures to ensure accomplishment ofdesign and performance goals.
1) Physically inspect all riparian protectionfences and implement repairs as needed.
2) Physically inspect all instream habitatimprovement structures to ascertain need forrepairs or modifications to ensureaccomplishment of design and performancegoals.
Testable hypothesis
Underlying assumptions or critical constraints
The necessary structural maintenance of instreamstructures are identified during the physicalmonitoring phase of the maintenance activity. Maintenance typically consists of "fine tuning" thestructure to better achieve desired results, but itcould also include a partial reconstruction of astructure damaged by high flows. This mightinclude the addition of some additional rockrip-rap of other repair involving minor excavation.
Some minor structures, such as log deflectors, mayrequire re-establishment.
Areas where the riparian exclosure fencing has beendamaged will be located during the physicalmonitoring phase and all necessary maintenancecompleted. Fences will be checked at monthlyintervals throughout the grazing season to note andrepair any additional fencing failures.
Brief schedule of activities
Chesnimnus Cr: Fencing: 27.3 miles of 4-strand barbed wire, 27 of 266 hard instream structures
and 13 of 129 soft instream structures.
Devils Run Cr.: Fencing: 4.0 miles of 4-strand barbed wire, 13 of 125 soft instream structures
Elk Cr: Fencing: 5.8 miles of 4-strand barbed wire, 11 of 114 hard instream structures
Peavine Creek: Fencing: 5.5 miles of electric, 11 of 114 hard instream structures, 19 of 185 soft instream structures
Peavine Creek: Fencing: 1 mile of 5-strand barbed wire, 3 of 25 hard insstream structures
Davis Creek: Fencing: 2 miles of 4-strand barbed wire, 26 of 260 soft instream structures.
TOTAL - 45.6 miles of fencing, 50 of 494 hard instream structure, 70 of 699 soft instream structures.
NOTE The number of instream structures requiring maintenance is estimated (based on a 10% failure rate) due to the fact that accurate maintenance needs can not be determined until after peak stream runoff has occurred (usually in May of June.)
Task 3
Biological need
The underlying need for this project is thatwithout proper maintenance, years of accumulatedrestoration and "healing" time may be lost. Fisheries restoration takes time. Once a streamhas been given the building blocks and necessarytools to restore itself it needs protection andtime. With proper maintenance this protection andtime can be given.
Critical uncertainties
Summary of expected outcome
The continued success of riparian/fisheriesrestoration efforts on 22.8 miles of streamslocated on the Joseph Creek Subbasin, WallowaValley Ranger District.
Results achieved as a results of a comprehensivemaintenance program include, re-establishment ofriparian vegetation, including trees and shrubs,increased bank stability, increased stream shadingresulting in decreased water temperatures,increased spawning and rearing habitat, increasedsoil productivity, decreased sediment production,and a rejuvenated riparian zone.
Dependencies/opportunities for cooperation
The projects only restriction is funding.
The are NO risks associated with implementing thisproject. The only risks are associated with NOTimplementing this project. Loss of valuableriparian/fisheries habitat and 10 years ofrestoration efforts in cooperation with BPA.
Monitoring activity
Exclosure Monitoring - All streamside units areexamined for maintenance needs and repairsperformed prior to livestock grazing within thepasture or allotment. Fences are then checked atmonthly intervals throughout the grazing season tonote and repair any additional fencing failures.
Section 3. Budget
Data shown are the total of expense and capital obligations by fiscal year. Obligations for any given year may not equal actual expenditures or accruals within the year, due to carryover, pre-funding, capitalization and difference between operating year and BPA fiscal year.Historic costs | FY 1996 budget data* | Current and future funding needs |
(none) | New project - no FY96 data available | 1997: 17,491 1998: 17,928 1999: 18,376 2000: 18,835 2001: 19,305 |
* For most projects, Authorized is the amount recommended by CBFWA and the Council. Planned is amount currently allocated. Contracted is the amount obligated to date of printout.
Funding recommendations
CBFWA funding review group Snake River
Recommendation Tier 2 - fund when funds available
Recommended funding level $17,491