BPA Fish and Wildlife FY 1997 Proposal

Section 1. Administrative
Section 2. Narrative
Section 3. Budget

see CBFWA and BPA funding recommendations

Section 1. Administrative

Title of project
Prepare Draft Annual Implementation Work Plan

BPA project number   8906200

Business name of agency, institution or organization requesting funding

Sponsor type   CBFWF

Proposal contact person or principal investigator

 NameTom Giese
 Mailing address2501 SW First Ave. Suite 200
Portland, OR 97201

BPA technical contact   Tom Clune, EW 503/230-6965

Biological opinion ID   None

NWPPC Program number   10.2D, 3.3E.1

Short description
This project involves coordinating and facilitating the fish & wildlife managers' development of an annual plan for implementing the NPPC Fish and Wildlife Program and use of BPA's fish and wildlife budget..and for monitoring the implementation of the current year's budget.

Project start year   1989    End year   

Start of operation and/or maintenance   

Project development phase   Implementation

Section 2. Narrative

Related projects

Project history
From Fiscal Year 1989 through FY 1994, BPA received input to its annual fish and wildlife work plan through the Implementation Planning Process (IPP), agreed to by CBFWA and BPA. During FY 1994, the IPP ceased to operate and the fish and wildlife managers, through CBFWA, developed their own annual fish and wildlife plan for FY 1995 as a recommendation to BPA (CBFWA, FY 1995 Annual Fish & Wildlife Plan, Sept. 16, 1994).

In December 1994, the NPPC adopted a Fish and Wildlife Program that called for the development of an AIWP (Sections 3.1B and 10.2D) based on subregional and subbasin plans (Sections 7.0B and 7.0C). During March 1995, the NPPC and CBFWA endorsed an interim (so as not to pre-judge on-going rule making on the subject) process to develop the recommendations to BPA’s AIWP for FY 1996. CBFWA completed this interim process in September 1995.

The NPPC adopted amendments to its Fish and Wildlife Program (Sept. 13, 1995) under which the management agencies and tribes, through CBFWA, should develop recommendations to BPA’s AIWP for FY 1997 and subsequent years.

Biological results achieved

Annual reports and technical papers
Program Implementation Recommendations for FY 1993 and FY 1994

Recommended Annual Fish & Wildlife Work Plans for FY 1995 & !996

Management implications
This project develops the budget information and organizational structure necessary for the fish and wildlife managers to collectively review, evaluate and make recommendations regarding BPA's funding of fish & wildlife activities in the Columbia River Basin. It is the mechanism by which the fish & wildlife managers provide management guidance regarding fish & wildlife funding decisions. Recommendations for changes in program direction or funding priorities result from this project leading to adaptive management.

Specific measureable objectives
Develop a draft Annual Implementation Work Plan, that is:
- carries out the NPPC Fish & Wildlife Program and proposed Recovery Plan;
- within the DIRECT portion of the BPA fish & wildlife budget;
- integrated with the other portions of the BPA fish & wildlife budget;
- reviewed by the fish & wildlife managers; and,
- completed by July of each year.

Testable hypothesis

Underlying assumptions or critical constraints


Brief schedule of activities
1. Review/improve project review criteria; 2. Establish & coordinate technical review groups; 3. Coordinate/facilitate fish &wildlife managers' review of materials; 4. Conduct quarterly reviews of current year's plan implementation; 5. Compile budget information on regional fish & wildlife budgets; 6. Provide periodic reports to the NPPC and others; 7. Compile draft Annual Implementation Work Plan for upcoming fiscal year.

Biological need
The implementation of the Fish & Wildlife Program and its budget effects all fish & wildlife managers in the Columbia River Basin. This project is intended to provide the managers the opportunity to make the decisions necessary to guide this effort.

Critical uncertainties

Summary of expected outcome
1. Draft Annual Implementation Work Plan for the upcoming fiscal year;
2. Quarterly implementation reports on the current fiscal year,
3. Opportunity for fish & wildlife managers' understanding of the implementation issues.

Dependencies/opportunities for cooperation
1. NPPC review of criteria and recommendations;
2. BPA & COE providing project summary, budget information, and expenditure data;
3. Fish & wildlife managers' support and cooperation

None that I am aware of.

Monitoring activity
Monitoring will occur through: 1) periodic reports to the NPPC regarding progress in the development of the Annual Implementation Work Plan; 2) quarterly reviews of the implementation of the current year's AIWP

Section 3. Budget

Data shown are the total of expense and capital obligations by fiscal year. Obligations for any given year may not equal actual expenditures or accruals within the year, due to carryover, pre-funding, capitalization and difference between operating year and BPA fiscal year.

Historic costsFY 1996 budget data*Current and future funding needs
1989: 393,406
1990: 702,585
1991: 744,688
1992: 0
1993: 649,534
1994: 959,666
1995: 1,098,875
1996: 883,388
Obligation: 744,324
Authorized: 395,000
Planned: 899,324
1997: 800,000
1998: 837,000
1999: 863,000
2000: 888,000
2001: 915,000

* For most projects, Authorized is the amount recommended by CBFWA and the Council. Planned is amount currently allocated. Contracted is the amount obligated to date of printout.

Funding recommendations

CBFWA funding review group   System Policy

Recommendation    Tier 1 - fund

Recommended funding level   $800,000

BPA 1997 authorized budget (approved start-of-year budget)   $749,000