FY 2003 Columbia Cascade proposal 29037

Additional documents

29037 Narrative Narrative
29037 Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation
Response to ISRP Comments for project proposal 29037 Response

Section 1. Administrative

Proposal titleEcosystem Diagnosis and Treatment in the Columbia Cascade Province
Proposal ID29037
OrganizationWashington Department of Fish & Wildlife, Yakama Nation, Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation (WDFW/YN/CCT)
Proposal contact person or principal investigator
NameDennis Beich
Mailing address1550 Alder St. NW Ephrata, WA 98823-9699
Phone / email5097544624 / beichdvb@dfw.wa.gov
Manager authorizing this projectDennis Beich
Review cycleColumbia Cascade
Province / SubbasinColumbia Cascade / Okanogan
Short descriptionProvide an analytic foundation, including refinement of the coarse screen EDT, needed for the aquatic assessment and management components of subbasin plans in the Columbia Cascade Province.
Target speciesSpring Chinook (Upper Columbia River Spring Chinook ESU), Steelhead (Upper Columbia River Steelhead ESU), and Coho (Wenatchee system only).
Project location
47.456 -120.3156 Approximate position of the Mouth of the Wenatchee, lower end of the Columbia Cascade Province
49.5 -119.5 Upper end of evaluation area, near Penticton, British Columbia
48.08 -120.13 Columbia Cascade Province
Reasonable and Prudent Alternatives (RPAs)



Relevant RPAs based on NMFS/BPA review:

Reviewing agencyAction #BiOp AgencyDescription
NMFS Action 154 NMFS BPA shall work with the NWPPC to ensure development and updating of subbasin assessments and plans; match state and local funding for coordinated development of watershed assessments and plans; and help fund technical support for subbasin and watershed plan implementation from 2001 to 2006. Planning for priority subbasins should be completed by the 2003 check-in. The action agencies will work with other Federal agencies to ensure that subbasin and watershed assessments and plans are coordinated across non-Federal and Federal land ownerships and programs.

Section 2. Past accomplishments

2001 Preliminary progress report completed for "Entiat EDT Watershed Analysis" funded by the SRFB.
2001 Regional Technical Team report to Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board "A STRATEGY TO PROTECT AND RESTORE SALMONID HABITAT IN THE UPPER COLUMBIA REGION" May, 2001
2002 Continuation of EDT work (funded by BPA) in Yakama Nation Ceded lands and Reservation streams (YKFP).

Section 3. Relationships to other projects

Project IDTitleDescription
200020033 Rehabilitate Instream and Riparian Habitat on the Similkameen and Okanogan EDT assesment could be used to estimate benefits of this work to overall watershed productivity, carrying capacity and life history diversity.
200126033 Okanogan Watershed Land and Water Rights Acquisition EDT assesment could be used to estimate benefits of this work to overall watershed productivity, carrying capacity and life history diversity.
200126008 Omak Creek Relocation Implementation EDT assesment could be used to estimate benefits of this work to overall watershed productivity, carrying capacity and life history diversity.
199604200 Okanogan Focus Watershed EDT results will allow watershed assessments to be more focused and complete in evaluating habitat conditions and in establishing monitoring framework.
20001300 Evaluation Sockeye Re-introduction into Skaha Lake EDT assessment may be useful in describing potential limiting factors for sockeye production.
200000100 Fish Habitat Improvement; Omak Creek EDT assesment could be used to estimate benefits of this work to overall watershed productivity, carrying capacity and life history diversity.
200126017 Stream Gaging Installation and Operations Information collected by these devices will be important to continue to refine EDT data in the future.
200020042 Integrating Okanogan and Methow Watershed Data for Salmonid Restoration A continuation of data collection and sysntesis will continue to augment and refine EDT inputs and provide more reliable outputs.
199603401 Methow River Valley Irrigation District EDT assesment could be used to estimate benefits of this work to overall watershed productivity, carrying capacity and life history diversity.
199802500 Early Winters Creek Habitat Restoration EDT assesment could be used to estimate benefits of this work to overall watershed productivity, carrying capacity and life history diversity.
9604000 Mid-Columbia Coho Feasibility Reintroduction Study, Yakama Nation EDT assessment may be useful in helping define carrying capacities for individula species and providing a means for evaluating species interactions.
23024 Hancock Springs Passage and Habitat Restoration Improvements, Yakama Nation EDT assesment could be used to estimate benefits of this work to overall watershed productivity, carrying capacity and life history diversity.
199802900 Goat Creek Instream Habitat Restoration EDT assesment could be used to estimate benefits of this work to overall watershed productivity, carrying capacity and life history diversity.
200123012 Arrowleaf/Methow River Conservation Easement EDT assesment could be used to estimate benefits of this work to overall watershed productivity, carrying capacity and life history diversity.
200126015 Methow Basin Screening EDT outputs may be useful in describing increases in salmon productivity as a result of inprovements in irrigation systems.
Methow Watershed Project II EDT assesment could be used to estimate benefits of this work to overall watershed productivity, carrying capacity and life history diversity.
199803500 Measure Mine Drainage Effects of Alder Creek EDT assesment could be used to estimate benefits of this work to overall watershed productivity, carrying capacity and life history diversity.
91999155 Establish the Methow Watershed Council EDT results will allow watershed assessments to be more focused and complete in evaluating habitat conditions and in establishing monitoring framework.
19999046 Identify Res Fish & Macroinvertebrate Taxa & Function in Anad Fish Habitat EDT assesment could be used to estimate benefits of this work to overall watershed productivity, carrying capacity and life history diversity.
200123027 Methow Basin Floodplain and Riparian Land Acquisitions EDT assesment could be used to estimate benefits of this work to overall watershed productivity, carrying capacity and life history diversity.
26029 Stream Gaging Installation and Operations - Wenatchee Information collected by these devices will be important to continue to refine EDT data in the future.
199604000 Wenatchee and Methow River Coho Restoration EDT assesment could be used to estimate benefits of this work to overall watershed productivity, carrying capacity and life history diversity.
200126036 Chumstick Creek (North Road) Culvert Replacement EDT assesment could be used to estimate benefits of this work to overall watershed productivity, carrying capacity and life history diversity.
200020001 Remove 23 Migrational Barriers and Restore Instream and Riparian Habitat on Chumstick Creek EDT assesment could be used to estimate benefits of this work to overall watershed productivity, carrying capacity and life history diversity.
200123023 Stormy Creek High Priority Culvert Replacement EDT assesment could be used to estimate benefits of this work to overall watershed productivity, carrying capacity and life history diversity.
200123055 Acquire Prime Salmonid Spawning and Rearing Habitat on Entiat River EDT assesment could be used to estimate benefits of this work to overall watershed productivity, carrying capacity and life history diversity.
19999031 Implement Entiat Model Watershed Plan EDT assesment could be used to estimate benefits of this work to overall watershed productivity, carrying capacity and life history diversity.

Section 4. Budget for Planning and Design phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2003 costSubcontractor
Objective 1. (FY 2003) Characterize the physical environment for each subbasin under the historic (pre-European) and current reference conditions. 1.a Hire 3.2 FTE's. Technical and Citizen Team facilitators to organize, coordinate, facilitate all meetings, activities and reporting formats. Total staff support. 1 year $311,875
Objective 1. 1.b. Staff Training - Technical review and training of all aspects of the EDT process, data requirements and model inputs/outputs. Development of the staff infrastructure. Development of staff coordination at regional level. FY 2003: 1 week $7,000
Objective 1. 1.c. Review coarse screen characterization of aquatic habitat obtained from the Columbia River Basin Multi-Species Framework. FY 2003: 1 Week $18,000
Objective 1. 1.d. Identify base layer of all reach breaks, including significant passage barriers. FY 2003: 1 Week $6,750
Objective 1. 1.e. Meeting/workshop: Introduction to EDT process and work needs, timing. Two day meeting Day 1 general information, Day 2 technical information. FY 2003: 1 Week $1,000
Objective 1. 1.e. Mobrand Biometrics consulting. FY 2003: 1 Week $1,000 Yes
Objective 1. 1.f. Compile all relevant published and unpublished data, including Limiting Factor Analysis and the subbasin summaries, and provided at the workshops. FY 2003: 1 Month $15,000
Objective 1. 1.g. Set up electronic version of all documentation formats to be used throughout the EDT process. Mobrand Biometrics consulting. FY 2003: 1 Week $1,000 Yes
Objective 1. 1.h. Technical teams will be assembled to “rate” habitat attributes according to existing definitions. FY 2003: 5 Months $183,000
Objective 1. 1.h. Mobrand Biometrics consulting. FY 2003: 5 Months $7,000 Yes
Objective 1. 1.i. EDT/GIS analysis and support, 0.5 FTE: Public and technical presentation tools and analysis. FY 2003: 6 Months $45,313
Objective 1. 1.j. Backfilling habitat ratings. Technical work to be completed outside of the workshops for review and input by technical team. FY 2003: 3 Weeks $23,000
Objective 1. 1.j. Mobrand Biometrics consulting. FY 2003: 3 Weeks $500 Yes
Objective 1. 1.k. Technical and citizen review of current and historic habitat attributes (Level 2 data) that will be used in the modeled characterization (Diagnosis) of the four subbasins. FY 2003: 2 weeks $31,000
Objective 2. (FY 2003) Identify, by using the EDT model, key habitat factors hypothesized to limit the potential production of indicator species (chinook salmon and steelhead in all subbasins, including coho salmon in the Wenatchee) in each subbasin. 2.a. EDT Modeling Run 1. Preliminary Diagnosis model run to begin “calibrating” the model and to provide preliminary results indicating relative changes to habitat from historic to current conditions, as experienced by the diagnostic species. FY 2003: 2 Months $60,000 Yes
2.b. Technical Review of Diagnosis. First Diagnosis review by technical teams to verify consistency of model results with actual observations and understanding of the stream reaches. Preliminary reports is much abbreviated from expected final report. FY 2003: 1 Week $22,500
Objective 2. 2.b. Mobrand Biometrics consulting. FY 2003: 1 Week $1,500 Yes
Objective 2. 2.c. Collect additional field data required to verify and/or address critical uncertainties identified during technical workshops. FY 2003: 4 Months $59,375
Objective 2. 2.d. EDT Modeling Run 2. Final Diagnostic Report. Second EDT model run for refinement of Diagnosis. FY 2003: 2 Months $75,000 Yes
Objective 2. 2.e. Evaluate the sensitivity of model predictions to data limitations; identify a prioritized list of research and monitoring needs. FY 2003: 1 Week $11,250
Objective 2. 2.e. Mobrand Biometrics consulting. FY 2003: 1 Week $20,000 Yes
Objective 2. 2.f. Technical and Citizen Review of the Final Diagnosis Report. Final MBI Report review by technical and general public and approved as a working hypothesis of the changes in environmental conditions responsible for affecting productivity, etc. FY 2003: 1 Week $24,000
Objective 2. 2.f. Mobrand Biometrics consulting. FY 2003: 1 Week $500 Yes
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Objective 3. (FY 2004)Develop a working hypothesis regarding the condition and processes affecting the ecosystem within each subbasin and identify alternative management strategies to protect, or restore to, healthy aquatic and riparian characteristics. 2004 2004 $272,250
Objective 4. Develop Engineered Actions. Incorporate a subroutine or Physical Process Model to identify causal mechanisms for Level 2 attributes and associated actions to "treat" causal mechanisms of environmental degradation. 2004 2004 $0
Objective 5a and 5b. Identify potential Alternative Management Strategies and estimate changes in carrying capacity, species productivity, and habitat diversity. Evaluate and describe expected Costs, Benefits and Risks. 2004 2004 $400,000
Objective 6. Identify a preferred Management Strategy for each subbasin and highly refine the Cost, Benefit and Risk assessment for potential site-specific projects consistent with a prioritized strategy. 2005 2005 $119,125
Objective 7. Develop a preferred Subbasin Management Strategy, for each subbasin, that will best attain stated long-term goals and objectives towards protection and restoration of aquatic/riparian resources. 2005 2005 $100,000
Note: Objective 4: NPPC money is not requested for this objective within this proposal. The development of the Physical Process Model is being proposed by Golder and Associates (Keith Wolf) as a separate but integrated component of the EDT modeling $0
Note: 3.7 FTE expenses included in estimates for FY 2004. 1.0 FTE for 2005. $0
Outyear budgets for Planning and Design phase
FY 2004FY 2005

Section 5. Budget for Construction and Implementation phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2003 costSubcontractor
Not Applicable $0
No construction or implementation of projects expected. $0
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Construction and Implementation phase

Section 6. Budget for Operations and Maintenance phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2003 costSubcontractor
Not Applicable $0
No Operation and Maintenance funds are requested. $0
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Operations and Maintenance phase

Section 7. Budget for Monitoring and Evaluation phase

Task-based budget
ObjectiveTaskDuration in FYsEstimated 2003 costSubcontractor
Not Applicable $0
No Monitoring or Evaluation funds are requested. $0
Outyear objectives-based budget
ObjectiveStarting FYEnding FYEstimated cost
Outyear budgets for Monitoring and Evaluation phase

Section 8. Estimated budget summary

Itemized budget
ItemNoteFY 2003 cost
Personnel FTE: 3.7 FTE required (includes field crew, facilitators, and EDT/GIS support) $205,000
Fringe Assume 35% of base salary $61,500
Supplies Office materials and lap-top computer systems. $14,000
Travel Assume vehicle and fuel expenses and occasional lodging. Assume office space. $41,250
Indirect Assume 25 % $83,313
Capital Assume office space $11,500
PIT tags $0
Subcontractor Mobrand Biometrics Inc. $167,500
Other All agency personnel (Tot Reg Supt) and Add. Reg. Ex's associated with Objectives 1 and 2. $341,500
Total estimated budget
Total FY 2003 cost$925,563
Amount anticipated from previously committed BPA funds$0
Total FY 2003 budget request$925,563
FY 2003 forecast from 2002$0
% change from forecast0.0%
Cost sharing
OrganizationItem or service providedAmountCash or in-kind
NOTE: Impossible to predict how much agencies and private stakeholders will participate in future years. Assume at least 80 hours per agency for Subbasin Planning in 2005, and likely substantially more involvement throughout development of EDT final report. $0 in-kind
CCT Personnel support; Staff and Policy $20,000 in-kind
WDFW Personnel support; Staff and Policy $20,000 in-kind
YN Personnel support; Staff and Policy $20,000 in-kind
USFWS Personnel support; Staff and Policy $20,000 in-kind
USBLM Personnel support; Staff and Policy $20,000 in-kind
WDOE Personnel support; Staff and Policy $20,000 in-kind
USFS Personnel support; Staff and Policy $20,000 in-kind
Other budget explanation

NOTE: No agencies have been formally requested to provide in-kind services for this request at this time. These in-kind estimates are assuming their participation in the development of the EDT report for the benefit of the subbasin process and estimates are likey substantially low.

Reviews and recommendations

This information was not provided on the original proposals, but was generated during the review process.

Fundable only if response is adequate
Mar 1, 2002


A response is needed. To be fundable this proposal should have a letter of support from the Council that it is needed as part of the subbasin planning effort.

The proposal should be reviewed in the context of the subbasin planning effort rather than the provincial review. Would this proposal add significant value to the EDT analysis already envisioned and potentially funded through that effort. The proponents should indicate what scale of information is needed for the subbasin planning? A review of the scientific soundness of EDT and this further refinement needs to be done at a more in depth level than can provided as part of the Columbia Cascade Provincial Review. Perhaps this project and related EDT activities should be reviewed by the Council's and NMFS' Independent Scientific Advisory Board (ISAB) in the broader context of subbasin planning and recovery of anadromous fish in the entire Columbia Basin.

The response should report current results from the use of EDT in the Entiat subbasin, and other subbasins starting with the Grand Ronde subbasin in 1992 and illustrate the role of EDT in selection of specific management actions for these subbasins. The response should identify specific management actions that have or will be carried out as a direct result of the use of EDT. Please give names and contact information of individuals responsible for these management actions. Include letters of support from individuals who have used EDT to reach consensus on management actions.

Is the following quote from proposal #29021 correct? "Habitat models such as the Ecosystem Diagnosis and Treatment model provide an adequately clear picture for relative conditions across a well-defined set of environmental attributes but stop short of assisting planners and decision-makers with identifying specific actions (e.g., realign a segment of stream, mobilize and store sediments, normalize a hydrograph, stabilize a bank, remove a road, modify a dike structure) that will result in changes in the condition of habitat attributes, or the ability to assess the effects of specific actions." If correct, explain why this project should be funded. If incorrect, provide some counter examples. Proposal #29021 also has the critical question "Which alternative project strategy exhibits the 'best' expected performance or outcome?" Is this an output of an EDT analysis? Give real illustrations.

What exactly is the expected outcome of the proposed EDT analysis for a given subbasin? In the relationship to other projects the phrases "EDT could be used to....." or "EDT may be useful in ......" are given. Where are the demonstrated important uses and results?

The response should describe in detail a monitoring and evaluation component for this project. What real data will be collected and how will the project be evaluated (ground truthed)? How and when will one know that the project was a success or a failure? Apparently, the Regional Analytical Advisory Committee will provide some ground-truthing and review of EDT for use in subbasin planning, but these efforts are just underway and should be described in detail. What is the work plan and method developed by the RAAC for the EDT validation project? The copy of the proposal may have been cut off short. References and resumes should be given. The response should contain references to and perhaps copies of critical documents (technical appendices) that give the actual mathematical formulas and methods behind EDT.

High Priority
May 17, 2002


The budget for this project has been reduced to reflect ecosystem diagnosis but not treatment and salmon recovery funding is being pursued. Funding was not provided through the WA SRFB process. NMFS has identified this project as a BiOp project.
Do Not Fund
Jun 7, 2002


Not Fundable. No response was provided to address the ISRP's preliminary review concerns.
Jul 19, 2002


Statement of Potential Biological Benefit to ESU
Indirect benefit. Assemble analysis to support subbasin planning. No direct benefit to any ESU.

In that TRT has been formed for upper Columbia, regional technical team and TRT may wish to jointly determine the potential value of en extensive EDT analysis in this area.

Already ESA Req? No

Biop? Yes

Jul 26, 2002


Recommend deferral to Subbasin Planning
Do Not Fund
Oct 30, 2002
